The Dirtiest Bug Jobs | Dirty Jobs | Discovery

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you really can't breathe no this has got a really strong order in here okay some of these might want to the tiny fruit flies in this room will have tiny maggots they're food for the tiny spiders Chuck this is disgusting man every time I breathe I could blind down my nose do not breathe deeply this one we can take outside let's go outside [Music] go where am I this is the Udan Insectarium in insect rearing facility say that again utban Insectarium insect rearing facility so you rear insects here right right right uh this is the first thing I saw when I came in uh these have not been reared unless reared has changed its meaning to be dead well those were reared they were reared but not on purpose um accidental rearing accidental rearing rear ended you might say exactly exactly these are considered a pest and so we're trying to control their numbers while we're breeding all these other cool stuff so cool things are being bred annoying things are being dead exactly right we're a part of the Ottoman nature Institute which has a zoo and an aquarium we also have an Insectarium which uh is going to be just like the aquarium is for fish it's going to be all about bugs why why why bugs insects are very important to the environment if we didn't have bugs we wouldn't be here this insect rearing facility will supply the autobond institute's Insectarium with most of its specimens it also provides bugs to zoos and licensed insect exhibit hiits all over the world the goal is wildlife conservation education and Outreach programs also play a big part over here we have some extatosoma B pardon ecosa spiny Australian stick insects ecoma mhm this is the head it's all jacked up and tled around it looks like a letter because they hang like this and they look like a dead leaf well we're going to take some of these sticks out we're going to also take the jar out and change the foliage when you say sticks you mean the actual the bugs the bugs and the sticks but you need to wear these goggles because these guys spit spitting well it's it's it's more of a spray that comes out from behind their heads this is the male this is the female the males actually find the females before the females even sexually mature and he Stakes her out and he rides on her back until she's ready to go I mean for what weeks months days hours years probably a couple of weeks they'll spray on your hand yeah I I smelled it earlier it's there it goes oh yeah oh oh well just so you know that's what the spray is you don't want that and wash your hands after you're through because if you accidentally rub it in your eyes you're going to be really sorry smell this man look at that Dave loves to smell stuff oh man right burn my nostril got a definite wiang to it God it's horrible the opposite of a brain freeze yeah see how the white stuff when she sprayed it my hand was CED over and it just went right back on her this particular species of walking stick is native to the United States the defense of chemical is called tpine alahh and it's more of an irritant than an actual poison in fact spiders and some other predacious insects appear to be unaffected by it and you can grab like three or four of them and just kind of grab them and catch them cuz they're going to start spreading out and running all over the place if you don't go and they cling like I mean they're very strong here I just ripped this one right off the back of a female he's going to be living don't worry about it he'll find another girlfriend yeah but he was right in the middle of you know oh is it getting in your nose yeah I got some in my nose come here budy sprayed on me anyway didn't you ooh man the spray was just going everywhere spray everywhere I don't like that smell I really don't I can't think of anybody who does but you don't understand I mean I've smelled a lot of things a lot of bad things that that was surprising and the way you didn't really warn me at all was really nice okay make sure everybody's not going to get caught in the zipper you need to see a stick caught in a zipper yeah these are the American grasshopper this is shista Cera Americano it's the genus and species name on that Shera sherka Americana uh-huh are those two up on the upper right there having sex yes they are how about that yes they are they are aming do they prefer to hang they like the heat so they're they're going to the lights because of the heat now it's time to suck up the Poo [Music] great should I get these little uh like dingleberries hanging down through here you can try to get those now don't forget that you have to suck Inside the Cage too right I'm in yeah just suck up all that stuff there yeah that's looking good virtually poof free are we ready to kill the V yeah kill the VAC before I suck up somebody here by accident we've uh sucked the poo and we've uh fed them and they look really happy look you except are those two still going at it yeah don't trip over the hose I will follow the green curly hose to K we're going to we're going to clean out some millipedes we have a bit of a problem um we problem we've gotten roaches in our milliped oh no roaches and millipedes living together you know it's a really bad thing okay now they're about this long yeah and they're black they're about that big around do they really have a million legs no they have 2 to 500 make oh look there you found a miled the first scoop I can't believe it is this real this looks like a real That's a milliped Some buying a magic shop okay there's two more or maybe why is he all curled up cuz he was asleep and you woke him up I'll do that so I'm looking for millipedes finding roaches yeah and when I find the roach take the roach and the dirt just put it over here right what flavor are they uh they're cam roaches Surinam mhm isn't that a country in Africa mhm and they just got in here and we really don't want them in here because they eat all of the millipedes food where did the millipedes come from the Peds came from Africa too but we did not get them from Africa we actually got them from um someone at the zoo who raises them aha there you go you found the mediumsized one mediumsized millipede what's his role her role um their decomposers they take wood and vegetable matter and they break it down into [Music] soil get him off me would you please thank you what's his front what's his back well which way is he going well he's coming toward my foot and he's got two little that's the front is he blind cuz he just ran into my my boot no he'll probably climb up your boot he's going around it he seems surprised by it millipedes have compound eyes similar to those of flies and two pairs of legs for each of their body segments centipedes have only one pair per [Music] segment roach now see in any other situation I'd be smashing him but that would be bad here wouldn't it this is sort of a roach Sanctuary this milp poo yes um oh look you just again if an animal tries to eat them they put out a very nasty tasting uh chemical and it deters other animals from eating sure what exactly is this job called getting the soil wet get all the way to the bottom please yes ma'am is this a real job it is I don't believe it is is it really is Jamie do I do this it's hard to hear you when you talk that high it is it's mixing substrate no mixing substrate it's not it's not bad enough there give everybody a nice generous piece of real estate mhm space them out catch oh we're going to feed them I would explain the banana unless this was for me come and get it you [Music] millipedes okay this is a uh a Cricut box I know that because it's uh box shaped and it's full of crickets Clay did I get that right I think you did Clay is the uh proprietor of Gan crickets it is Gans Cricket Farm yep Gans Cricket farm and you are I'm Carl Carl I'm Mike how are you okay so um I've only made one claim so far and I did I get it right pretty close all right oh it's a Brer yeah this was the original Bruder that my dad built actually in 1955 when he first started the company put in the trunk of his car made a trip through uh up through Indiana Illinois Iowa as far as Michigan and back down going to small towns getting a phone book Finding bait shops going to the bait shop showing them what crickets were cuz they didn't fish with them up there how to keep them and they could build a box like this to keep them in their bait shop and thus the cricket industry was born how many crickets are here on the farm at this point at any one uh moment in time probably 20 to 25 million smokes and you ship the Crickets on this Farm all over the world I guess all over the world we have uh regular accounts in South Africa uh the UK right uh bise if we' have made our calls properly we'd be in B now with your bait shop instead of here no offense but that's just the way it goes who was in charge of that no one's in charge and these little cardboard things we call hangers and that's what the Crickets would climb up on for the bait shop owner to collect them right shake them into a funnel into a little tube and measure 100 crickets to sell them to you the fisherman are brers still used today they are used made out of different material we now have a a plastic Brer so the Crickets themselves this is a standard Cricket that's that's a female how can you tell them I see that long black thing sticking out of her R it's called a ovipositor That's What She lays the eggs with the pans that Carl's getting ready here we put into brers with adult crickets that are ready to lay their eggs the females will jump up in the pans fill them with eggs we take the pans out ink them inate them for about 10 days hatch babies and off we go on the back of the shirt you've given me that's that that's not a fish on there no it's not uh our Market has changed quite a bit over the years when my dad started the company it was purely fish bait now our biggest Market is reptile food live food for lizards uh frogs any type of inscore but lizards and frogs probably the big biggest too all right all right this is a a hatching Brer you see the babies have already hatched want to pick up these Flats hold them over the pan and just knock it slightly with your other hand to shake the babies into the pan there you go oh that's a lot of babies you don't care about every one no that's good enough after and once we start putting the babies in this pan we really need to get them out of here within just two or 3 minutes or they'll suffocate oh okay all right we're going to go out here and I've got your other pieces of equipment the funnel we're going to measure them M and put them into some production brers you want me to do the first one I think you better all right here's what we want to do we're going for 34 ml which is the dark line there uhhuh so we just simply shake these in here but we're at 34 milliters uhhuh off we got and that's pure food that's it now we go to the next one right here you're on got that with one hand shake it a little bit give them one or two seconds to settle when you go upright too much I think I hear some suffocating in there let them settle where's your mark crickets are settling okay you're good I'm there yep I'm there that's about 10 to 12,000 babies there after the newly hatched pin head crickets are fed the brooders are stacked up to be moved into the production room where the babies will grow until it's time for them to be sold at any given time this room holds at least 10 million crickets we going up in the air like this all right arms in arms in here you go so this stage of what this is called hanging it's not hanging now going to start loading you load over there yeah all right I'm going to follow Cornelius see what I'm doing right here I can absolutely do that make sure you get the job full I could have had a little better one see what I'm doing taking it over here and bouncing it in here just like that yeah how many did you put in how many towers that yeah like that you're right there you go like that like that take it out all right straight in here bill right in the pH that's good so how many are it doesn't really matter how much we put in because we're going to weigh them right yeah we're not counting them we're weighing thous the jar oh there a thousand in a jar yes so th oh man I'm learning 1100 we give over count yeah you always want to give them a little more than they think they're getting yeah okay coming at got come a little quicker next time little quicker got it all right I see Speed Need A Little Speed yeah need a little speed right here boom [Music] 4 to 5 hours a day crickets are loaded into boxes here at gans's Cricket Farm up to 1500 are shipped out each day come on everybody in why aren't they chirping over here I think they know something bad's coming that long trip to the end of a hook here we [Music] go all right Mike Yep this cart's got 50 right needs to go into shipping into shipping right once we get 50 on a cart 50 is a good number for us and that way we can keep count of how many we've loaded at a time and this goes to the guy right there yeah all right take it down to the end you'll see FG on the wall and just park it there FG on the wall perfect good deal what's FG stand for full grown the goal today is to collect some spiders right all right and and why well we Supply the Venom or spider spit for research to do what there's been discoveries like for diabetes atrial um fibrillation of the heart urinary incontinance epilepsy you're saying that the Venom in some of these spiders actually works in a life-saving way right mhm so we're going to take the spiders out that we collected okay and just sort of get those sorted out and I got some kissing bugs and I believe I got a couple of black widows for most people a few hundred spiders in their home would be reason to call an exterminator Anita and Chuck keep 50,000 spiders here just a few minutes work not bad huh try to hold that mhm okay then go behind it with either the tweezers or this and then I'm just going to tease it down into the cup just make him go slow go slow okay and if he start running you just move away from the they will got him well there is the other way what's the other [Music] way perfect first time and perfect this is that small than you know that's what we have to work with so [Music] mhm he very Cooperative he just fell right out have to use the tool she's not going to get out we use the tool on this one because she is being petulent get in there you bad black widow just like hovered in the air by Magic [Music] stay in there stay in there okay so these we got to get some maggots to feed them where are the maggots out there not just any maggots no if you want your spiders to be healthy happy and full of Venom you've got to feed them fresh homegrown maggots and by the smell I know these maggots are fresh indeed yep basically oh the stench is from the ammonia that maggots excrete when they feed this is how maggots protect their food from feating bacteria okay this is where we rais the uh flies Okay so we got the fruit flies at De in uhhuh and we have H flies and maggots at the other end wow so this is rabbit we're going to make that into yeah rabbit pellets okay but they eat it and they lay their eggs right it yeah mhm weird two cups of that the first thing I need to do is make the FES some food we are making the media right the egg this is the egg laying media egg laying media mhm it's sort of like a artificial cow dropping I kind of miss the actual cow droppings right now okay okay oh no oh come on yeah these guys haven't been fed yet they just hatched last night no they must be famished all good don't like it in there at all Chuck at all pretty good these maggots are now adolesence soon they'll be ready for spider food spans out a good meatloaf got to put your hips into it a little bit you really want to give the maggots a ride come on there you go that should do it isn't it yeah think we're starting to enjoy it that's got to be the smelliest room in in the in the joint right uh almost we got we got one of a little different flavor at this that's a house fly fruit flies this is just an open room there's no cage in here you really can't breathe no this has got a really strong odor in here okay some of these it might want the tiny fruit flies in this room will have tiny maggots they're food for the tiny spiders Chuck this is disgusting man every time I breathe I go flying down my nose do not breathe deeply this one we can take outside let's go outside [Music] go not V grab a few in here just lift that up a little bit how many maggots would you say per cup oh five give or take [Music] 10 very specific sort of job you have feeding maggots to Black Widows I mean that can't H that can't be happening anywhere else in the country right now except for right here the fangs are dripping with Venom dripping and those are crickets it's food so we might have 50,000 spiders that need to be fed at least every week 50,000 yeah how do you do that that's too many for you guys to do isn't it no well look at him go see how good they are they're quick after dinner time it's milking time getting Venom from spiders is called milking them think of it like going to the dentist the spiders are anesthesized so they can be handled the spider doesn't get hurt and the milker doesn't get bitten so you can put her down and then kind of hold her legs make sure your fingers are over top of her legs put her fangs over the tube mhm I will stimulate her the electricity going through here and then I have foot pedal on the floor oh a tiny jolt of electricity starts the flow of Venom so you don't do that too many times and you get nice the Venom from each type of spider is collected in a separate vial okay you ready to try I'm ready breathe deep breathe just let it happen let it happen we get the two tubes right in her face that's how to do it might be messing with the wrong spider so wait good grief look at those bags are you [Music] kidding all right you man in your Venom so you won't go from the to and stimulate the Venom glands are more on a back here get venom a little bit Yeah pull her gently and put her in know not the big container okay done not bad at all good milking the black widow spider is extremely difficult jeez even picking one up with tweezers is tricky too much pressure and the spider is squashed so Anita trains people to do it using dead spiders today she took a chance let me use a live one I want to get right in there I have to twist a little bit I'll try oh oh oh we go a microscope is normally needed to see the Widow's tiny fangs and extract the Venom but Doug has set up a camera so that we can all see it with a monitor well I'm moving the whole microscope now wait a [Music] minute so now you're lifting the petty PS no those are Petty PPS the fs are just lifting them right now right see yes that's where I want to be stop it don't fight it don't fight it wow this is mading must you don't want to do 800 a day no I don't I I couldn't drink coffee and do this job look at me God I'm falling apart [Music] crap shut up Dave about that no that's probably the gr thing okay after my lackluster attempt andita stepped in to show me how she milks 800 of these a day Black Widow right okay there it is yeah a little Fang in there mhm this is very Doug I have to say this is this you see the Venom I've been just excited about a shot of yours in there's a liquid in a container yeah right there there's the Venom for
Channel: Discovery
Views: 57,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery plus, discovery us, dirty jobs, dirty jobs full episodes, dirty jobs uploads, mike rowe, extreme jobs, adventure, exploration, dangerous jobs, disgusting jobs, messy occupational duties, occupational duties, mike rowe dirty jobs, animal jobs, dirty jobs compilation, mike rowe compilation, mike rowe bug jobs, bug expert, bug expert jobs, bug jobs, the dirtiest bug jobs, milking spiders, feeding maggots, bug research jobs, collecting venom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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