The Dirtiest Jobs with Animals | Dirty Jobs | Discovery

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well it's 98.6 this cat is a person okay clean it you ever get sick of cleaning stuff yeah yeah but got to do it all right cold isn't it yes it is cold now he uses a lot of rocks in his nest and what I usually do is just throw them back in the water and he'll he'll redo it that could probably go in the bucket you can't smell it you don't want to smell it this is a special penguin booah base mhm mud grass little regurgitation smelly rocks lots of poo you think you think you've smelled every kind of poo there is and yet you stumble across a a brand new Nuance here I mean I is it the urine I got it must be the ammonia ammonia yeah fantastic I'm starting to get it now yeah I I mean really [Music] yeah the rock is fake the penguin poo is real and cleaning it a dirty [Music] job penguin poop sticky [Applause] [Music] even they slip you know it's bad when a penguin slips in his own stuff but they never fall [Music] posture posture I hope you Penguins appreciate this you can see it in their faces yeah I'm not seeing it what do I smell P I haven't clean the cage yet this is very disgusting and but you know you cannot clean the cage that it's absolutely spotless in IE Zoo conditions because these animals must be able to learn to build up their own antibodies okay all of this will be cleaned it gets cleaned once a week at least mhm I can probably help you out with that I've cleaned up PE and poo on several continents you now have to take your stick yes and I'll move these for you excuse me sure okay I'm just standing here like a Christmas ham got nothing to do on my own showell so what I'm doing now is I'm raking straw and we're cleaning up all the rubbish that is left here uh-huh some of this is wet unfortunately Rodney just watch very carefully love okay that's [Music] it okay now that's got to be dumped in there naturally hope you appreciate this you monkeys wait I've got a bit more to do yeah I'm going to just have to clean the water out now just hang on I just want to get watch out look out AI watch him that's AI our driver you rip your throat out no rubbish I'm just saying tear your face off anyway chew through your ankle B your legs up at the [Music] knees monkey poo coming through just empty it just empty it out because they come and Scatter it around and they find things that have who does the other monkeys and and just dump it in the Heap the monkeys play in their own poo no they scratch looking for food that might have been left behind and they also it also composts the place so it all goes back into the Earth one way or the other well this is one way we might be slightly different from the monkey I mean I don't root through my own poo for food I hope so shearing is done in three sections the first section is the belly or the blanket this is the really good stuff or the number one fleece very soft all right then it's the number two fleece the upper legs and lower neck we're going soft fine a little bit less fine Hest right cheap stuff and the number three fleece is the lower legs and face we're going to approach the dangerous end here this would strike me as a hazardous you wait till you smell one it spits keep hearing about the alpaca spit have you ever butchered an animal before oh sure just this morning actually well it was a chicken I didn't like the way it was looking at me okay have you ever butchered a ruminant we've all seen ruminants before it could be a cow a llama maybe a camel all of them have four chambered stomachs and it simply comes down to regurgitation and alpaca has the ability to propel its digestive juices or spit if you prefer whenever it's scared or startled so the whole shearing for the one animal could be worth roughly could be worth 7 or $800 so a good animal living a full life is worth thousands yeah just in the fleece not an actual stomach I have I think some number some number one in my nose what's up with those teeth are they just bottom teeth yeah holy smokes they got no upper teeth that's why I say they really don't have any defense or any way of hurting you so they can't bite you just afraid I'm going to cut her neck open nope trying to even that up a little it's just not as easy as you made it look this is why you hire her this is why I don't do it what am I doing here damn that's hot if they start to get warm like they kind of listen to the sound of your motor too if they start that little tiny slight screeching that means they definitely need some lubrication so we give them a little dunk whenever you hear slight screeching it could be a lubrication [Music] problem I I made a mess of it didn't I you did actually did a horrible job it's better than I've done we got an alpaca that's still alive no one got hurt the fur came off just clean her up make her make her beautiful okay let her Fleet Go Let Her Fleet go oh my God there's nothing to her he's humiliated poor thing you turn your back for 1 minute and you got a flying cow that's a Holstein cow Holstein how much does this cow weigh 900 800 lb hey how you doing everything cool 533 looks okay yeah why are these blue this C is ready to Fresh pretty soon to have a baby okay so that's a treatment that treat the utter to not going to have infection cuz you almost never see blue utters and see how the ho start to get twisted that she's a little bit overgrow so the goal then is to clean the inside to trim the inside and to leave her to walk on the outside walls we start with the draw knife draw yeah so we clean the outside walls make sure nothing stuck between the claw that they're literally I mean cut all the way in half like that clothing from start to finish and we start to work from the inside she doesn't feel it andless you know you go too deep which we got to very be careful if they're never trimmed these things just would just grow like toenails the cow not going to be comfortable she not going to be able to eat and she not going to produce and most likely you're going to lose the cow you're talking they could grow out to here yeah definitely so we're going to round the top was first Amy and his crew work from sun up to sun down trimming Hooves it takes two trimmers for each cow that's good you didn't drink milk this morning huh no worries happens at home sometimes but never quite to that [Music] degree all the weight should be here yeah on the outside walls and on the Hills yeah it doesn't smell too bad I've done this with horses before there's really stink a hoof knife is used to remove any poo stones or bruises from these heer Hooves well this is nice it's a little French manicure there yeah do we a little polish on them what we're seeing here is Israeli Ingenuity yeah at its finest this is this is great you still got the belly yeah yeah now I'm losing it when she's on ground now she's totally on her own Feet Again with her fancy new Hooves the nice little little parting hey how are you okay we're going to pick up some eggs here at the gate Mike we'll have you get the uh the eggs and uh and I'll uh hold the gate this is the egg box it's got uh foam holes for the eggs and and make it a two-and drop so they because if the eggs hit each other they'll crack the male gets down and and early on in the season and he digs this nest out this is the nest we're looking at right yeah you can see where the indentation in here where he's he's dug it out with his sharp toenails and then the females lay in the nest oh shoot oh no look he just walked on an egg yeah we just we just opened one what the heck happened there yeah well she accidentally kicked it huh and now it's uh and now they really like their own eggs so now it's an omelet we got we we need to get in there and get those eggs out of there let's get the eggs let's let's go get the rest of them before before they break those yeah that's look back up you morons you smashed your own egg okay move it out they must have very tiny brains no uh about size of a walnut here we go their brains are smaller than their eyes ouch out get get in there they just crushed their own young and here I am stealing their eggs dangerous hell yeah okay Mike get after those eggs and get in there and get them well how does one get just dive in there push him aside honestly yeah honest better get in there Jes come on get in there and get those eggs throw the box down all right throwing the box down don't kick me don't kick me come on come on get your eggs don't kick me out they just smashed their own young with tiny you did good you did good all right we're going to get some more eggs here okay this gal is sitting on them sometimes they get three or four sitters at the same time to she sitting on there is she uh she's all right is she oh she's fine she's fine now go over there and ask her nice to get up off those eggs and hey cupcake I need your eggs she's hissing at me that's right talk nice hey sweetie me and Doug were thinking we could maybe uh you know run off with your ovs see if you can go over there and nudge her and uh and see if she'll get up for you he you're on the eggs we need come on get off those eggs you don't want those eggs there that's it there you go that's it don't don't crush your eggs one of these one of these all right well I wasn't so bad at all he says right before he gets attacked there we go we'll put it on the scale 6.4 6.6 you were pretty close uh-huh most cats have a temperature between 101 and 102.5 most cats also have rectums I just make sure it's got it properly in there I think we do maybe we need a new thermometer maybe we need a new cat 98.2 3 anesthesia can lower their body temperature just a little bit well it's 98.6 this cat is a person okay clean it you ever get sick of cleaning stuff yeah yeah but got to do it all cats are given eye cream to protect their eyes from drying out during surgery except for cats without eyes no cream for them now we tag it mhm okay you want to give your injections every cat gets a rabies vaccine what did we forget to do is it a boy or a girl we don't know how to prep it I felt like he hissed like a like a boy but let's have a look this is clearly a boy with nipples and no penis don't let the nipples be your deciding factor as a rule that's a good way to go through life the female cat's gestation period is just 2 months and she can get pregnant again just 8 weeks after giving birth this is why spaying and neutering is so important with litters of up to eight kittens the math is staggering which brings us back to spitty Kitty watch the nipples we have to be mindful of the nipples but it's not like she's ever going to use them you know when her waking up with less than she came in with um unless you counting ovaries in a uterus well yeah that's true a feral cat born in the wild has an average lifespan of 5 years a domestic cat might live anywhere from 10 to 20 years according to google there was a cat in Texas called cream puff who lived to be 38 we got a boy over here so so this is the first male we've seen this is basically what the curation process looks like is it technically is it a tom cat uh-huh it's a tom cat that's one side [Music] mhm and that's male cat that's that fast yeah it's that fast on male cats permission to touch the testicles that's she's all yours now technically that's a he I believe yeah but maybe not as much as he was a few minutes ago what I think we know what they are Nick don't I have to spell it out for you balls in the bin sounds like a carnival game all right I have one with a um little case of dirty bottom bottom when it um when they eat wet grass like when it rained the other day they can can make them have runny bottom so we've fed them so now it's time to potty them you're going to hold one hand here and this is the chakia under here this is where everything important happens from a kangaroo right this is where they mate that's where they go to the bathroom that's where the babies come out of and you just have to stimulate it we use a wet wipe because they're used to their bus very busy Junction yeah here you want to show them with Dilly wait so the goal is to they comp Peete yeah that way they won't go in their pouch you trained them to to go to the bathroom right after they eat and then they learned to get out of their pouch to go the bathroom these things going to be spoiled forever why don't you go through a childhood like this I don't even know I didn't even know I had to pee then a nice lady came rub me till I did I'm never leaving this place you didn't see this on planet Earth hey she biting me she's grooming you oh is she she's accepted you as a kangaroo well she's going to accept me probably as a fiance in a minute if I do all this right well okay all right now pull your hand back so we can see if she's seeing or not not yet okay go ahead and do it we call this well you were like you were like all up in there that's why you got that well come on you got to be in it to win it there Sarah all right okay oh and no look you in there with the whole forearm thing flexing and everything I was trying to Gentle it up a little bit all right so you can uh let's turn around I think she's got some poo there um the little arms are really delicate so you never want to pick them up from there right under here and then the base of the tail and then you flip them and tuck them like a football oh yeah look at that flip them and tuck them like a football hey I'm going to flip you and tuck you like a football I did this to a goose once look get you crapped all over yourself now Tully is our special little girl her mom for some reason stopped taking care of her and so we pulled her and she had stress fractures in her leg oh so she's got her little camo so we start standing the same way we did mhm okay that's good there we go sorry sometimes I swear they pee more than they've drank still peeing amazing I feel like I want to pick her up and ring her out oh I don't think we've ever captured a kangaroo fart on the show before as you can feel right now if you want to pull on it it's pretty heavy that's a full nappy yeah oh yeah so there is a little screw cap right here yeah you need to unscrew we have to weigh this so we don't want to lose anything if we can help it man tea is terrible smelling stuff oh dear you're also going to have to massage the bladder to kind of squeeze it out of there ah D it Gillan no matter how much you shake it these last couple of [Music] drops ah oh there we go dear me so you can go ahead and screw the cat back on the bladder cap back on the bladder and then we're going to remove the nappy from the horse oh gosh I wish you could smell my hand I do I wish you could just I just wish I could reach into your living room with my hand and just rub it right under your nose wish I could pants are too long for this job too you sometimes we roll our pant legs up to do this super super great tip just about an hour too late just yep you're going to have to slide it out between his legs all right pull it out of there that one disappoin we're take it out here uh-huh I'm going to turn Marvin loose for a little bit turning loose yeah in the stall yeah you're free Marvin enjoy those 15 ft so you ready to empty the Poo yes I am I'm ready to do that easiest way to do this is to grab onto these straps here M and you're going to tilt it over top of the bucket and try to shake it out of that tail hole area I think it already came out of the tail hole so keep this kind of over top of the bucket oh I see that tail you want to tip it up and you're going to kind of shake it in there I got it I got it yes Marvin it's yours can watch it come out again and then we wipe them out we clean these once a day mhm so you basically just have to wipe everything up make sure you get everything out of there and then wipe all where it's messy where it's messy this is the bladder area we don't want poop to get into his urine so you're going to have to stick your finger in there oh come on don't don't make stuff up no I'm serious if it's clogging the urine will overflow and go onto the floor look I'm a good sport I'll do whatever you tell me but I mean gloves I I see them all over the place well we usually wear gloves when when we mix the when we mix up the Poo but this we're usually in you know in the middle of doing okay no that's fine I just I'm just asking cuz I'm I'm curious okay let's go ahead and have a poke around there nope nothing blocking up the ear hole thank you thanks for the thorough check I believe you there was I don't believe that was necessary actually now you want me to just swipe all this stuff yep swipe it all up what are the odds of getting some more towels can you spare a square one at a time really well you probably won't need any more than that I mean I don't want to get personal but one square at a time is that basically how you roll gave you three I had to ask for all of them we're trying to be like environmentally conscious here too yeah yeah there''s been a real run on paper towels cleaning the nappy thoroughly ensures that the next load of poo won't be contaminated and once we got Marvin's nappy back into place he was good to go for
Channel: Discovery
Views: 6,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery plus, discovery us, dirty jobs, dirty jobs full episodes, dirty jobs uploads, mike rowe, extreme jobs, adventure, exploration, dangerous jobs, disgusting jobs, messy occupational duties, occupational duties, mike rowe dirty jobs, animal jobs, mike rowe animal jobs, dirty animal jobs, dirty jobs compilation, shearing alpacas, cleaning animals, animal cleaning jobs, mike rowe compilation, Penguin Keeper, Monkey Caretaker, Hoof Cleaner, Horse Tester
Id: cmbXQ91qqMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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