The Difference Between Your Trauma Gut Feelings and Your Intuitive Gut Feelings

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what people don't realize is they don't know that their gut feeling is what I like to call their trauma gut it's not their authentic gut feeling there's a massive difference between the two and I wrote about it in my book your journey to success everyone on this planet nearly everyone is almost always following their trauma gut not their true gut feeling and they don't know it they are caught in what I call the worst day cycle now I'm going to explain to you a little bit of how this works obviously it's a much bigger process than this short little video but basically what's happening is this our brain formed in three pieces all right over it evolved didn't we didn't come like this our brain as a species has Evolved first there was the the first part of the brain to form was the instinctual part the second was the emotional the third was cognition our ability to talk and think all right now I want you to think about childhood how does childhood start when we're born are we able to talk think and make sense in the world of course not we're basically just an instinctual animal we our mouth moves for food like we extricate ourselves like we're just pure instinct what comes how do we try and communicate with our emotion right we scream we cry we communicate we're hungry we're tired that's how we navigate the world what comes last after a couple of years and developing four years the ability to talk and think so what people don't realize is we become the first three years of our life really the first seven but our primary personality and who we will develop into as an adult and the gut feeling that we will use gets created in the first three years of life now have you ever met a parent who is a god meaning they're perfect I haven't met one what that means is every single one of us had caretakers that were perfectly imperfect and they made mistakes there were times they were tired and couldn't take care of us times they didn't have the money to feed us they divorced they fought there were all of these imperfections now because as an infant we Have No Boundaries we are just Instinct in Emotion all of their emotional energy comes right into us do you see how our gut feeling is being created it's being created by the emotional makeup of our parents well have we ever as a society taught how to handle our emotions up until recently like you even mentioned the word emotion oh my God no no no that makes you weak there's something wrong with you if you're into emotion at all we are the well how would I want to characterize this it's my belief that the next Frontier as a species has nothing to do with technology it's in emotional development because For the First time we're actually starting to talk about it investigate it and even research emotions so the next wave as I say the most emotionally Advanced person on this planet probably operates at a kindergarten first grade level of what we're capable of emotionally because we've never taught it we've never investigated or really know exactly you know we just learned about codependence last you know 50 years a lot of these Dynamics parenting Dynamics all these things didn't even really get started until the last hundred years is when we really started to look at you know human development at a deeper level at a real level 100 years that's it and mostly the last 50 and so most people aren't even aware of a lot of the terms I talk about well imagine a hundred years from now when they are the common language how much more developed we might get to third fourth fifth grade emotionally think of how much better the world would run politically socially if we were more emotionally mature because what's happening in the world today everyone's freaking out emotionally because we haven't developed this we are all caught in our trauma gut repeating the worst day cycle the pain of our childhood the pain that was dumped into us by our parents because they weren't taught how to navigate their emotions so because all as a child our makeup our personality and our gut instincts get placed into us really the emotions get placed into us as an infant the quality of our intuition completely depends on how well we have classified the emotions that accompany the experiences we have we'll look at the first seven years of life how can we qual you know in a quality way classify our emotions if we're an infant to seven years old we don't have the intellect to classify things so we make up interpretations around our parents around the world around our feelings around everything that are really distorted let me ask you would you let a you know an infant a seven-year-old make extreme life decisions for you of course not they don't have the intellectual or emotional development well that's where we form our gut instinct it's been placed into us and it's been classified by an infant remember the personality gets formed in the first seven years of life and so people think they're an adult they think they've grown out of that that studies show that's not what happens 95 percent of our adult life we are reliving our subconscious brain let me ask you this what thoughts have you been thinking the last week they're all the same aren't they what problem are you facing intellectually and emotionally it's been the same problem you still say the same things you've been saying them for years you've been running into the same problem for years you just repeat what you learned in those first seven years and studies show 70 percent of all information our parents place into US is negative hurtful self-sabotaging not because they're bad people and they're not to blame this isn't about blaming parents it's just about being real we're human we make mistakes we've never taught this stuff so we're not going to do it very well that doesn't make our parents bad it's like I don't know asking them to build a house and they've never held a hammer it's not going to be the best house and that's literally how we parent we've never taught how to build a house so that's why your gut feeling isn't working for you you're replaying it so the question becomes how do you turn it around well obviously this is a multi-layered process I've written a whole book on it I have master classes on it I teach my clients this I can't give you the whole process in this short video but I'm going to give you the basics because to to stop reliving the worst day cycle to stop living out of your trauma gut and access your authentic gut feeling before the trauma got placed into you you have to learn some basic skills and tools to start Shifting the way you feel all right now the first thing to recognize is what am I feeling I've talked about this in countless videos go to my website go to the free content button and you'll see right at the bottom there's a feelings wheel just download that keep that with you and for the next week ask yourself three to five times a day what am I feeling look at that list where in my body do I feel it because we store all emotional memories in our body not our brain this is the body mind connection our emotion is about our body so what am I feeling where in my body do I feel it and what's my first memory of feeling this now what most people do will remember something within the last year then what's your next memory they'll remember some within five years and just keep chipping back and what you're going to see is your trauma gut replaying and your worst day cycle how you have repeated this feeling over and over and over and over and you'll finally arrive at the first time you experience this pain in childhood when your parents did this your brother did it whatever it was and that's the proof that you're stuck even though you're an adult you are living your life as a child you're just reliving that feeling over and over and over that's why you're stuck in your trauma gut so for the first time in your life you at least have an awareness of oh well no wonder I keep picking narcissists or I keep ending up I I have this pattern has been replaying since I was an infant I didn't know that ah well now I know it so there's the awareness piece all right the next step is this is that feeling is to find out what the opposite of it is all right so ask yourself this who and what would I be what would I think feel do and be if I never had this thought or feeling again so we started here you were tracking your feelings and you notice these negative feelings and you ask yourself after going through and realizing okay it all started back here in childhood now I ask myself who would I be if I never had this thought or feeling ever again what's left over well what would you feel excited empowered light strong safe that's the authentic you that's your intuition and authentic motion emotion with all the pain taken out all the pain that your parents and life itself has placed into you now you've just found the authentic fill in the blank for your name that's you without your pain and that's the proof that no matter how bad your life has been no matter how bad your trauma has been we can always re-access our authentic self that's all you have to do so right now you have just felt for the first time in your life what it feels like to be you sit this is this is Step number well really three step number three sit in that feeling 10 minutes a day three times a day what would it feel like to be me to be free of all this to be strong powerful safe secure wealthy whatever it is what would it feel like to be me remember our gut instinct our feelings our the what we repeat are all based on our interpretation we are stuck replaying the worst day cycle we are stuck repeating the trauma gut because we are stuck firing the exact same emotions that have been firing since we were a child because remember our brain seeks to repeat what it knows it doesn't like anything new and so whether it's good or bad doesn't matter it will repeat destructive emotions and destructive thoughts our brain and body actually gets addicted to them and that's why this Loop happens so for us to stop that addiction to our trauma gut get into our authentic gut feeling we have to feel something different three times a day sit in the feeling of what it would be like to be you final little tip is then to wake up each day and ask yourself because to be different to have a different life a different person in your life a different career and everything you have to change your life the person you are that got you here isn't going to get you to this new life right because this is all based on your past pain you're gonna have to change right so that means the the things you think about all day every day have to be different the choices you make have to be different the people you hang out have to be different the the interests that you have like you have to change well many people don't know that and don't know how to do that so this is the next question is every day like I do this I wake up every morning I go I can't wait to see what person place or thing brings me the solution that I need to become the person I want to be because do you see the trauma gut and everything my gut feeling says this is how it's going to work I'm going to fix it this way well my life keeps repeating it never changes so obviously my belief about the situation and what needs to change is wrong my thinking keeps getting me here so a new solution that I've never even thought of and I can't think of it until I change has to come out of somewhere else and so that's why I can't wait to see what new thought or person place or thing comes into my life and gives me the solution today I don't care what it is I don't care where it comes from it'll probably be something I never even thought of because it would have to be something I never thought of because I've been stuck on the worst day cycle replaying my trauma gut thinking and feeling the exact same thing so the only way I'm going to get a new solution and a new outcome is to have something completely new it can't be from me because the me that is here is created all this dysfunction it has to be a new me so that's why the question man something I'm going to learn something new I'm going to create the new me some person place or thing is going to come into my life and help me see this from A New Perspective and it'll probably be the answer is going to come in a way I never even thought possible because the only way I thought possible over here has repeated the cycle and the trauma gun and that's how we reclaim and find our intuition now if you don't know how to do that if you want the full process if you're like where I was years ago where I don't care what it is I need to know now then please go to my website and go to the tab that says master classes I there's a series of seven master classes that teaches you the process to heal all of this and turn your life around and become an expert in shifting your emotions so you can create the person you are meant to be it's really the journey back to yourself to who you were meant to be to your original intuition and emotion it shows you that process you can also book a personal appointment with me you can purchase my book you can join my private group all of those are tabs pick whatever works for you if you're not ready to commit to that that's fine just read the articles watch the videos the point is this it is a great resource it is the perfect resource for you to start learning how to get rid of your trauma gut how to stop the worst day cycle how to reclaim your life and live in the greatest version of yourself if you think this will help somebody please share please leave me your comments and as always enjoy the journey
Channel: Kenny Weiss
Views: 12,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenny Weiss, Emotional Mastery, your journey to success, life coach, Trauma recovery, worst day cycle, Arizona counselor, Narcissist Relationships, codependency, Best Life Coach in Arizona, mental health, the greatness university, Transform Toxic Relationships, Transformational Coaching, Self Love, Relationship Advice, The Difference Between Your Trauma Gut Feelings and Your Intuitive Gut Feelings, trauma gut feelings, intuitive gut feelings, gut feelings, intuition, feelings
Id: Uwu1xUknxMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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