The Difference Between UEi DL369, DL379, and DL389

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hey guys Jay here with word of advice TV and I'm making the first video of 2020 sounds pretty exciting and I want to wish you all as well a Happy New Year and may 20 2008 things in all areas of your life now moving on to the main topic on hand in many of my repair videos I use my favorite uei meter and in most of those videos I also have links in the description to this meter and then people click on them and then they do some shopping they find this meter a better price they buy it they receive the meter they start using it and then they realize wait a second this meter is not really the same as the one that he had so they come back and they comment and say hey what's going on and the thing is this meter right here there's four of them four different models that all look pretty much the same so to avoid any further confusion I decided to make this video and explain what the difference is between all four of those so whenever you buy one you look at that little model number and you know exactly what you're getting so the one I have is a DL 379 B I usually use this 389 but I lost that one so now I got this one temporarily until I can get the 389 again and there's four of them like I said there's DL 369 dl 379 DL 379 P and then there's the DL 389 true RMS or T RMS not only do four of these meters look alike but they also use the same instruction manual as well and for the technicians watching right now that may be talking to the screen and telling me that fluke meters are the best don't worry I do have some fluke meters and I do use them sometimes but for the most part it is more convenient for me to use this uei meter that I have simply because it has all the features that I need load it into one meter so I don't need to have two different meters so let's talk about what's different in all four of those models the biggest difference is between DL 3 69 and 79 and 89 so there's not much difference between 79 and 89 but there is a big difference with 69 so the 69 model is about 70 bucks on Amazon the 79 model is about 120 and the 89 model is about $200 on Amazon and the reason I go with Amazon is because all the prices are kind of standardized I guess per se and Amazon just has everything but that doesn't mean they have the cheapest prices of course you can probably get meters cheaper at Harbor Freight eBay and other places like those and since the DL 369 is the cheapest there is a big difference between that one and other ones and the difference between them is the biggest one it doesn't have the temperature jack decay style input which is right here on this meter 279 and it also doesn't have the temperature setting on the rotary switch either so you can't plug in pipe clamp into your meter or if you have a little thermocouple you can't plug that in either so the temperature function is the only function that it's missing but besides that it's also missing the magnet in the back which I think is really important I like to be able to stick my meter anywhere while I'm working so my hands are free it also doesn't have the light which comes in kind of handy once in a while the light right here the DL 369 does not have that also the screen does not have a backlight so it does not light up so having a backlit display is also very helpful in dark places so I really enjoy the backlit display the little work light and since I do use the temperature sighting quite a bit my meter does have to have that temperature setting otherwise I'll get a different meter I've had the DL 369 for a while when I melted one of my meters and I didn't I didn't like it at all I mean maybe for a homeowner that meter is good because they don't really need the temperature function it has all the other basic functions like voltage amps resistance micro farad's it has all of that so if you're a homeowner the DL 369 is just fine but if you're a technician then having that temperature setting is a thing to have and the last thing that the 369 can't do is it can't detach the head so the head comes off on the 79 and the 89 and you can put an arrow up hook on here to get into narrow spots to check amp drawers I believe that hook has been discontinued anyway so this feature is kind of useless at this point where the head can come off but it is there and only 79 and 89 can do that the 69 you can't pull the head off like that so that's what the DL 369 is missing now moving on to 379 you know how there's 379 and 379 be the difference between those two is very minor I think they made some internal change in them and other than that the only physical thing that they changed in the meter is that the 379 B has two of these lights right here and that's for the non-contact voltage detector which is up here you can stick that in an outlet for example or near some wires and it works like a voltage pen but the 379 B is the only model that has the detection for the high and the low all the other meters I mean the meters that look like this they don't have that only the 379 B is the one that has that otherwise besides the light there's really nothing else different between the 379 and the 379 B and that's about it and it also has the temperature functions as the magnet has the work light and the 389 has all of that as well and moving on to 389 the 389 stands apart from all of the other ones and the biggest difference between 379 and 389 physically they look pretty much the same there's nothing different but internally it has the true rms software installed in it so whatever measures voltage it uses the true RMS instead of the averaging RMS that the 69 and the 79 use and other averaging meters so why the true RMS is very important is because back in the day all the older equipment it used pretty much all the components to use steady voltage so those AC waves they were all steady but nowadays with the modulating ECM and variable speed stuff that voltage wave can have irregularities in it and the average meters they don't always pick that up and they give you a false reading I was going to try to explain that in this video in detail but it's kind of a big topic so instead I found a good article on this topic that explains what true rms is and why it's important and I'll link that in the description as well so if you want more info on the true rms just read up on that especially if you found what I explained kind of confusing just read that and I think you'll have a better understanding so to summarize the DL 369 does not have a backlit display it does not have a magnet in the back it does not have a work light it does not have the temperature function and the head does not detach which does that really matter and it's not true RMS the 379 has all the functions and all the magnets and lights and stuff but it is not true RMS the only one that has true RMS is the 389 and of course it also has all the features and functions on it as well so if you're a homeowner the DL 369 is still a great meter for that price all it's really missing is the temperature function which most homeowners and DIY people are not going to be using anyway if you're a technician you do want to have that temperature feature but for most homeowners DIY and handyman a DL 369 meter is good although it does lack some of the Handy features like the magnet the work light and the backlit display and the 379 is basically an upgrade of the 369 and the 389 is the one that has the true RMS and if you're a technician and you want to use one meter for everything then I would recommend getting the 389 spending the extra money it is a really nice meter or if you have couple meters if you ever need to use something with true rms you could just use your other meter that has the true rms feature in it well guys and that is all I had for you I hope this will help you have a better understanding of what you're buying so now when you look at these numbers DL 369 79 89 you'll actually know what the difference between them is and what you're getting for your money now if you have one of these meters and you've been using it for a while please let us know in the comments below how you've been liking it and if I've missed any features or any highlights about those meters that I did not cover in this video please let us know in the comments below as well or if you have other meter suggestions those are welcome as well anyway thank you so much for watching this video I hope you found it useful don't forget to mash that like button on the way out and we'll see you next time and if you're still here and not in the comment section below what do you call a flock of geese the right answer is a gaggle so I'm going to show you a picture of a gaggle and in that picture there's a fox that is trying to get to them and eat them so I'll leave the picture up for about 30 seconds and let's test your powers of observation let's see how fast you can find that box afterwards I will show you the answer good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Word of Advice TV
Views: 38,241
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Keywords: uei multimeter review, uei multimeter dl369, uei multimeter dl379b, uei multimeter manual, uei multimeter dl369 manual, uei multimeter dl379 manual, uei multimeter dl389 manual, uei multimeter dl389, uei multimeter 379b, uei dl369, uei dl379, uei dl379 vs dl379b, uei dl369 vs dl389, uei dl389, uei dl389 review, uei dl379 review, uei multimeters review, how to use uei multimeter, what is trms, what is true rms, uei meter comparisons, word of advice tv, best hvac meter
Id: 3nKN_RMQb7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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