The difference between ordinary and extraordinary | Captain Pranav Prasoon | TEDxDSC

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[Music] [Applause] exploring the eclectic is the ultimate purpose of human life ladies and gentlemen i am captain prana bassoon thacker and today i will share you my journey a journey of a small kid from a small place to a soldier to a corporate world here 1986 montessori one or lower kindergarten 100 meter race was all set and i was starting i was there at the starting point whistle blew and for the first time i discovered fear or competition or fear or competition together i was completely frozen could not run started crying could not have the courage to perform and face the world was searching for my mom and dad for a small hug just not to do to okay myself but everything in vain i could not find them the crowd booed loser loser i just stopped and stopped and was still could not run completely you know how they treat you in such situations i was a very simple average kid and nothing more the kid grew 10 years post that olympics advertisement in doordarshan and it said to be a giant this has forever been my passion this desire to be a giant not to stand on one's own shoulders but to have one for a dear friend for these may be fortunate things but to be one giant step over barrier that seem never ending they conquer mountain that appear unsurmountable giants rise over fear trying for pain push themselves they inspire others to be a giant to do giant things to take giant steps to move the world forward these lines went very deep inside me maybe somewhere in my army or frontal lobe lobe of the brain and then i aspired to be a giant the huge the magnanimous graduation was over and one song was echoing in all of us in those days that says the kid will do great things but that doesn't know what the kid wants to do life decisions were to be made but that giant thing was lingering wrong between an easy going and a cliche career i chose the great indian army indian army where we live by chance we love by choice and kill by profession an extraordinary life the life of a giant who moves the world forward so life decisions were made two roots diverse in the wood and i took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference year 2005 2006 i got selected in indian army they said do you have it in you and i had very much but later i understood that getting selected was not a deal 11 months training in offices training academy which was one of the toughest training academies in the world was the deal and survival of the fittest was the mantra it was the second day of the academy and there was a running competition every gentleman credit was giving their best i remember i was again at the starting point as this time i was not searching for my mom and that i ran and i was gasping for the for the breath i was not able to maybe not used to running i was fighting not to become the last i was the second last in the academy and somehow i carried that i i did not fail i was the second last guy in the cabin at the finishing point i saw a strong eye and combats maroon beret black aviators and a cynical green on his face maybe he was doing a he was having a jingle or a chocolate he came close to me and he said gentlemen cut it your running is real bad i had no face to defend myself just answer stop i will work on exa he laughed we will work on it together sunny boy tomorrow zero four hundred hours your training starts he was my later i came to know he was my company commander commander from the special forces the best and the lead from indian army those who operate behind the enemy lines i could just nod and say in confirmation that yes sir i will do it he was colonel sangram singh or sangrosa we used to call him and from then i ran and ran and ran my dad used to say that if you're not good at something do it for n number of times and i was living those lines we ran and ran and ran in the from the dawn to the dusk to the nights he just did not give up on me and i did the same he's no more now but i remember every bit of that training two major learnings he gave me in my life two dictums actually he said tiger always remember number one the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that extra once you have committed then never give up anyone on anyone or anything in life and number two it is very close to me he said it's all mental you win it here whenever you're down tell yourself you're a commander you're a warrior you're born to fight fight back no mercy these dictums transformed me to a warrior and i started feeling every bit of it i had a never said die attitude i can do resolve and i don't quit commitment i completed the training though it is very simple to say here but it took a lot of time with all the flying colors and then i was commissioned as a class one gang state of islam life in army is full of great valor and courage legitimate prana prasad no fear to die two stars on my shoulders were better than millions in the sky what a life it was we used to say if i die in battle zone box me up and send me home put my medals on my chest and tell my mom i did my best and for them all i have to say for your tomorrow we gave our today in my journey of an officer i salute and carry the honor of having served with many fallen soldiers army gave me many operational and crude stories some of the time though let's focus on exploring the eclectic i was a search office commission officer and there was a choice we had to make a choice to continue on to leave army after my tenure was over though it was a very tough decision i was doing good i was comfortable but i had to decide what next and i took a decision again two roads that was in a hood and i took the one less traveled by and maybe that has made all the difference leaving army was the toughest decision in my life army was my first love or maybe second or third to be honest but it was a love which fairly reciprocated i was a very committed and serious guy left army with a very heavy heart came to the civil or corporate world started from the scratch a degree from a premium college was a support though but i was completely confused which domain or which industry to to choose where to start what should be the salary and in my nothingness one thing came very specific to me that i'm a people's guy and i have been a people's guy thrower leading men whom i command and leading them the way it should be from the front by my example is what i all know and i bet i could not do anything better than that so i chose human resources the people domain so civil life followed like a like a smooth thing though sometimes it was quite tough i used to be a loyal guy just change one job after army worked hard grew in levels and today i'm leading the human resource for a quite a big company leading by example and leading from the front walk the walk talk the talk don't run just for your targets prepare others to run for theirs and many times even run with them what sangrosa used to do for me but one thing i realized the people here maybe of course they are different from army they used to quit halfway i used to kept on running with them motivating them inspiring them no reports rather many times they used to just leave me and go in 2016 i learned the word which disrupted my thinking transcendence it is going beyond and the execution mechanism was to make someone better than you i love living that world i made people i made a team and the teams made the organization push them hard to take them to a different level make them corporate commandos but sooner or later i saw them succumb they used to surrender and i used to carry the understanding which sir taught me to inspire them to be a leader from the front used to run with them it's all mental you're a commando a warrior you cannot leave you cannot quit fight fight back but only silence used to prevail many times i just used to be running alone talking to them alone or talking to myself sometimes like a lunatic like a like a mad guy then i learn something is wrong this is not army things are different here minimum integrity commitment is laughed at relationships are being used and also people here they know everything they know everything but they firmly decide to leave and quit even if you don't give up on them they give up on themselves and therefore i see being in this profession of human resources many half baked career people out of the career very soon the dreams and desires burn to ashes when i was a kid my dad used to tell me a story of shambhu shikai now there was this farmer who used to have some parrots and he used to love the parrot so he used to tell them the tactics of survival you should make them recite these parrots and they're good at that the hunter will come put the trap keep the bait don't get trapped inside it and all the parents knew good enough they learned and they learned it quite well and every day they used to sing and the farmer used to feel very good one fine day the actual hunter came he put the trap he put the bait and all the parrots one by one started entering the trap when the farmer came in the evening he saw all the parrots are not there and he saw at the distance there was a hunter who was taking all the parrots the trap was on his shoulders and all the birds were singing in unison so this is what it happens we know everything but still we get trapped and still i feel what sandra used to teach me and i want to do really want to do so many things for them transcendence must be upheld in full pride and honor and i really really wanted my level best to give that support to everyone whom i met in my life being in this journey beautiful journey of exploring the eclectic let me share with you three secrets i learned and i had coined it as 3r the first star is romance be in ultimate love with your life and your purpose complete passion romance the eclectic and even if it doesn't come in the same manner in the same quantum keep it one-sided one-sided love is better than the dual-sided one you don't have any fear of heartbreaks the second r is resilience many a times you will be praying to god no no this should not happen to me please god please i should not be in this situation for heavens now have some mercy but bad days will come in your life you will be pinned down fall on your face stabbed by the people who love you the most right take it take it with complete composure breathe don't die like others do learn to live alone in the darkness remember it is not what height you fall from but what height you bounce back that matters and the third r which is very close to me is rest in peace even when you are living not when you know you you are not no more be in peace and harmony with yourself your surrounding the sky the earth go on vacations with yourself be on nothingness observe life happening to the left of you to the right of you stop struggling in x y axis see the life from z axis it's beautiful you know every day when i go to office it's a long drive almost three to four hours it takes me every day to go and come from office the driver is very busy driving and i on the back seat of my car see the entire world happening next to me i observe them all i love the world being so busy with a lot of faith and trust it's not hope we create it with our perseverance only faith and trust just like between falling in love and coming out of love there is something called continuing staying in love it is that a continuum of persistency like the continuum of continuum of exploring the eclectic but let me caution you circumstances will be tough you'll have pains and tears which will haunt you the people who who love you so much or you whom you love so much will come and stab right in the soul the so-called soul connection will not exist take the pain love them all good bad ugly whatever it may always remember it's mental and you are a commander whatever said and done even if you are cut into pieces thrown in a corner collect your pieces join them one by one and make yourself again you are a commander you must not die your soul must not be crushed foreign live with it that is the truth of life so here i am ladies and gentlemen captain prana prasun thakur failed stabbed cut into pieces got up again made myself bit by bit took one stride at a time my strides gave me the pace the pace gave me a flow the flow gave me a complete run always and every time this was my story a story of passion perseverance exploring the eclectic and i pray for all of you that in your stories may god bless you with lots of strides long strides deep breaths thank you thanks
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 1,072
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Career, English, Life, Life Development, Motivation, TEDxTalks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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