The difference between Jun and Kombucha

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welcome to you brew kombucha today we're gonna go over the differences between June and kombucha so I got a lot of questions from different home brewers out there asking if I ever brewed June or if I'm ever planning on doing videos on June I will say just as a disclaimer that I have never brewed June before but I do know a little bit about it just by virtue of doing a ton of research on kombucha June is actually a very similar culture to the kombucha culture it's brewed fairly similarly with the main difference just being that while kombucha can be brewed with any type of tea whether it's white tea green tea oolong tea black tea or puer tea Jun can only be brewed with green tea and while kombucha can be brewed with primarily cane sugar Jun scobie's prefer to be brewed with honey but other than that the process is fairly similar and the taste is actually pretty similar as well the main difference is that Jun tends to have a very light flavor and is more mellow ER and more refined than kombucha which can sometimes be a little more robust Jun is typically referred to as the champagne of kombucha because of its lighter flavor and so a lot of people wonder can you brew June with a kombucha scoby or can you brew kombucha with a June Scobee and in general based on my research the answer is no even though their cultures are fairly similar there are some differences in the unique makeup of what the yeast and bacteria are within those cultures so like I mentioned earlier Jun scobie's tend to process honey and green tea a lot better than it can process other types of tea or other types of sugar sources kombucha is actually a bit more adaptable than Jun because you can use any type of tea to brew kombucha whereas Jun just relies on green tea so while there are a lot of resources online that kind of walk you through the step-by-step of converting a kombucha scoby into a June Scobee or vice versa I'll admit I haven't gone through and tested any of those methods but if you're curious about trying it out definitely do your due diligence and research and then tell me how it works down in the comment section below if you're interested in brewing Jun find yourself a culture that's specifically intended for brewing Jun and if you're interested in brewing kombucha find yourself a culture that's specific for kombucha you can't really mix and match because the unique makeup of the bacteria and yeasts are specific to each type of culture if you end up feeding a culture something that it's not used to processing you could end up degrading it or weakening it over time you could put it at a risk for developing mold or you could end up with a drink that's not at all like the one that you were hoping to produce I actually prefer brewing kombucha over June for a couple of reasons firstly because honey is a lot more expensive than cane sugar so in general it's just a pricier brew per gallon to end up with something that is very similar to kombucha so since honey is more expensive than cane sugar it costs more per gallon to brew a gallon of June than it does to brew a gallon of kombucha so if you're after the lighter more subtle taste of June then you can actually pretty easily replicate that flavor with a kombucha scoby like I mentioned earlier kombucha scoby ZAR a lot more adaptable than June scobie's so you could actually use a kombucha scoby and brew it with white tea or green tea if you're not particularly a fan of the more robust flavor that black tea brings to the party and if you like the taste and flavor that honey brings to June you can actually use honey as a flavoring during the second fermentation process of kombucha making so between the two I personally just haven't found a need to go and seek out a June Scobee when I love the taste of the kombucha that my conscious gobies produce and if I want a more subtle lighter flavor I can just tweak a second fermentation and the tea types that I use in order to achieve that so if there are any Jun fans and experience June Brewers out there let me know if I've missed any nuances there I admit I don't have a ton of experience with Juke brewing June at all but if you're a big fan of it let me know what it is that you love about June tell me how it differs from the process of brewing kombucha because I'm sure at some point or another all end up brewing a batch anyhow just to see what the differences are but I'm curious what your perspective is so definitely comment down below and share with tips and tricks that you have there if you have any questions about brewing kombucha though it is my favorite beverage of choice be sure to check out you brew kombucha calm and if you don't already follow me on instagram you can follow me at you brew kombucha happy brewing [Music]
Channel: You Brew Kombucha
Views: 31,412
Rating: 4.8683543 out of 5
Keywords: kombucha, how to, brew, homebrew, homebrewer, homemade, fermentation, jun, difference
Id: mT0au4ye570
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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