The difference between は and が particle part 1

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[Music] what does she got Rachel des Peterson what does she you are later this what does she want reg eldest America Judas shoe me God Yuri this shoe me wha DoD this Oh shoo me wha do read s your concern oh wow suki desu new course it is no God suki desu what a got on and accompany a course in Colorado Oh soon sumimasen - I'm going - ah welcome back to my channel I'm Nick from real Japanese if you are new here I am Miku and I am a teacher who wants to teach real Japanese in fun way so you're just gonna gush mass anyway I know that rachel is not along here I get this all the time from my students like why Japanese people why mix sensei why do you do that to me I confused with guy and why all the time why and I go like I'm sorry I'm terribly sorry but that's why I'm here with you mastering particle doesn't seem so important but here's the thing Japanese people can pick up on those mistakes pretty well and your Japanese might sound a little bit weird to them if you make mistakes with particles so this lesson is quite important in this video are we teaching the difference between MA and grab particle and their function you be useful to you whether you just started learning Japanese or your intermediate level but you want to take your Japanese to another level and I think this video will be a little bit longer than normal so get yourself coffee or tea and sit with me like you hanging out with your Japanese friends and that's what particles okay are you ready let's start so first of all what is what particle what particle is a topic marker so what I mean by this is that what I say before what particle is what I'm gonna talk about for example if I say what does she were kyo see this watashi wa curious which means i am a teacher the topic is what a she topic is what a she so I am letting the other person know that I'm gonna talk about myself if I want to say this is my phone I would say cool a wha what does she know ki this cool eh wha what does she know k Titus so I am saying I'm gonna talk about this this Corey wha is my phone what does she know k ty it is a lot of people thinks that this water particle is the verb to be in English like is our but in Japanese sentence the breath always comes at the end of the sentence so this this is actually the verb to be if you wanna be casual you can just omit this death at the end and say Korea what does not create I'd call a WA watashi no K type if I say what does she walk you is many people think that in this sentence the main focus is watashi but it's not watashi is just a topic and I'm the other person know that I'm gonna talk about myself but the main focus in this sentence is the fact that I am a teacher if I say watashi wa Nicholas the main focus is that I am Miku Miku is the main focus not what does she but if I say what does she got my keys it's different when I say what has she got Nicholas I am saying I am the one who is Mikkel let's say someone says to my friends are you Miku are you Miku and I wanna say I'm next to her I wanna say no no no no ha I am the one who is Miku in that case I will say what a sugah Nicholas what estiga Nicholas so if I use this gap article in this sentence what does she got Nicholas I am focusing on the fact that I am Mick know her so the focus changes into watashi no miko of course it goes same with the sentence with adjectives let's say this movie is interesting you'd say Cano Vega Wow almost Roy Kanagawa omoshiroi at the main focus is the fact that this movie is interesting right okay another example if I say estaba test to this estaba test to this tomorrow we'll have exam the main focus in this sentence is that factor we're gonna have a test you can have an exam tomorrow but if someone says kya test - this kya test of this today I will have exam and I wanna say no no no no not today tomorrow is the day we are gonna be having exam tomorrow I would say a stager test to this a stager tasteless instead of saying hasta wat test honest so if I use God particle like this the focus goes to the thing that I say before God so tomorrow Stiga tomorrow is the main focus in the sentence when you say this is an apple in English the main focus is on Apple right you're not saying this is an apple right you're just saying this is an apple so focus is on Apple in that case in Japanese you say Culebra being goddess Kali Wow bingo this but for example someone is holding let's say a pear and then he says cool a WA bingo this cool Ava lingo this and you wanna say no no no no this is an apple not that this is an apple you wanna focus on the fact that this is an apple in that case you say cougar bingo this colega lingo this not that okay another example so let's say your older sister ate your mom's cake and your mom is so angry and she's like who did it who did it you know and you wanna say my older sister is the one who ate the cake not me in that case you'd say Unni janga tabata onii-chan god Tabata to focus on that onii-chan is the one who ate it okay so to summarize when you use water particle what particle is the topic markers so what you say before is the topic and you are letting the other person know what you're gonna talk about and the main focus is the thing that you say after water particle and when you use god particle well you say before God is the main focus so you wanna say this is something this is someone okay did you understand okay let's go to next example Miko says they were angle why chose this name [Music] arigato what happened there she wanted to compliment me but she ended up offended me why so usually when we say someone is good at something we use god particle so someone wah something got Jose for example if I want to say John is good at soccer I would say don't walk saga Jose John Sakata Jose and formally John Sakata Jose do this John sock toga Jose this if you're talking about yourself and you're saying I am good at something you wouldn't use this word Joseph because it sounds a bit arrogant so you have to say I am ok at something to be humble like Japanese people so in that case you can use this word so quick quick it's not addictive and you can use like this I am okay at guitar I am good at guitar you'd say watashi wa guitar got to quit but a Shiva guitar got to quit and if you wanna say I am horrible at something you can use this phrase kita kita it's also not active and you can use it like this for example I am horrible at sports you can say what a schwa sports ooga hey today's atashi wa sports got hit others for money and if you wanna be informal you can say what a schwa sports ooh got hit up what does she watch sports you got hit up anyway if you're gonna say John is good at soccer you would say John wat saket Jose Sokka got juice but if you say John wah wah Joseph it means completely different this water particles function is completely different and it shows contrast if I say jonghwa Sakawa Joseph John moussaka what Jose it sounds like John is good at soccer but no at anything else or no other things so when Rachel said Mickey and say what he go what just isn't it mix in say what and you go up Joe's Desna it sounded like she was saying Miku sensei you are a good at English but not at anything else and it sounds so offensive so when you are meant to use God but you use what this water particle acts completely differently and it shows contrast so if you want to say I like fish you'd say watashi wa Sacandaga ski watashi wa Sacandaga ski and this watashi wa you can omit it because we assume that people know we are talking about ourselves so you don't have to repeat what - wha-what a share watashi wa all the time you can just say ii anga Suki so this suki na ejective Suki always goes with God particle right but if you say Sakana wa suki sakana wa suki instead of second ah gasps Sookie it sounds like you saying I like fish but I don't like meat oh I don't like something else so if you wanna say I like soccer but I don't like basketball you can say Sokka wa suki de kado Basquiat skis and i'm sokka wa suki de kado Basquiat skis and I'm or for example I like beer but I don't like wine you can say B do wa suki de kado wine Watsky tonight B do wa suki de kado Wanhua skis a9 so how do you say I like dog simple sentence I like dogs how do you say in God ski in ski right but if you say you know what ski in WA ski it sounds like again you say I like dog but I don't like cat you it sounds like you're saying in one ski that kiddo Nichola ski tonight in aguas Kido Kido nikolsky tonight okay so how do you say I like ramen but I don't like sushi how do you say la mosquée de kado sushi watsky tonight la même Watsky de kado sushi wa suki tonight okay so I'll show you another example SATA she said she walk away walk away name okay now you might know why Satoshi was offended right what was wrong with the sentence so when we talk about someone's appearance we use this grammar someone wha something got adjectives someone something got adjectives for example if an assay Tom is tall I would say Tom wha si got a kite Tommy wha say got a kite or tom has got blue eyes I would say Tommy wha mega Oh Tommy wha mega away or for example Katherine's got long hair how do you say kattiline wha Kamiya nao guy casa de la comida now guy oh how do you say Katherine's got nice smile Kesselring wha a gaga sticky canceling wha ego Olga sticky so this grandma construct can be used to express someone's appearance but also you can use for sentence like Osaka has got good food or food is good in Osaka you can say osakawa Eureka oh I see osaka wa uragaeshi all for example cover is famous for Kobe beef you can say Kobe what Kobe beef who got you may go baby go baby who got you may or Japan has an interesting culture you can say Nihon wah boom Gaga almost annoyed me hyung wha boom kaga omoshiroi or japan has got lots of nature you can say new home what she's ain't got boy new home she's ain't got boy so they're coming back to the skit with Rachel and Satoshi Rachel said Satoshi Wa Wa Wa Kakui named Satoshi ba ka WA Kaku in it so again this war particle act-- really differently it shows contrast so it sounds like Satoshi your voice is cool but not anything else so here Rachel needed to say Satoshi you've got cool voice Satoshi walk away God Kakui named Satoshi waygu Cucuy name and in Satoshi will be really happy very good too if you tell me Mikko you've got cute moles oh go to Danny it's here Mika you've got a cheat mom if you say mokuba hakuro wha Kaaba in Makka pakka oh wow come on um you were saying Miku you your mole is cute just you're more that would make me so sad you tell me me Kohaku Oh God Hawaii net Makua Hokuto got kawaii net you got cute mom that's a compliment that's a completely because I'm proud of my mole okay so to summarize the difference between what a particle and god particle is that what particle can be used as a topic marker so what I mean by this is that what I say before what is the thing that I'm gonna talk about and god particle can be used to emphasize the world before God and also it can be used to describe someone's appearance and it can be used with adjectives like Suki here I Josue Fatah Tokui etc but when you men to use god particle but you use what particle what particle act-- really differently it shows contrast ok did you understand let's go test it ok challenge time so this is how it works I also sentence in English and give you 3 second and after that I will say in Japanese if you think 3 second is not enough you can pause this video and give yourself a little bit of time to think and start the video game ok there will be 10 sentences let's go number one I like Japanese culture I like Japanese culture Nihon Nobunaga ski mijo Nobunaga ski okay number two today is my day off today is my day off yeo-hwa yes me JA yes me okay number three Yuki has got a big eyes he has got big eyes [Music] you Kiawah mega all key yukia mega all key number for shota is good at dancing shota is good at dancing shota dance the goggles shota danciger jaws okay number five this is yours miku this is your sneaker not that one this one Olga mikono do Karenga miku no do number six Mickey has got short hair Mickey has got short hair Mickey uh cami gamma Z Kai Mickey uh Amiga musica okay number seven who is driving who is driving I am driving I am driving that it got intense true that a got intense ooh what does she got intensity what does she got intensity okay number eight I am horrible at painting pictures I am horrible at painting pictures eage hit up eager hit up okay number nine Italy is famous for pizza and pasta Italy is famous for pizza and pasta Italia Wow pizza pasta gah you may Italia wha pizza pasta gah you may okay number 10 I like dogs but I don't like cats I like dogs but I don't like cats in u.s. Kido Kido Neko Watsky tonight in Mesquite aikido nicola ski tonight okay let me know what score I've got in the comment section Matt on it quit okay gonna hit a wall one more thing if you can subscribe this channel now be amazing and a wii-u legend double York
Channel: Miku Real Japanese
Views: 225,377
Rating: 4.981317 out of 5
Keywords: は vs が, The difference between は and が, wa vs ga japanese, wa vs ga particle, japanese particle wa and ga
Id: qrjHT8FAuWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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