The DIAMOND Monkey in BTD 6!

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this is a dart monkey but he's not just any Dart monkey this Dart monkey has a special unique ability he actually turns into a bronze monkey then a silver monkey then a gold monkey then platinum and then eventually turns into a diamond monkey which is absolutely legendary by the way my friends if you haven't gotten the Mr Beast promo pack yet I highly encourage you to do so it's a great deal it allows you to get 10,000 monkey money in exclusive Mr Beast Avatar and Logo some T5 insta monkeys it's absolutely awesome and if you are interested in getting it make sure to use Creator code 2y te W TIY in the Creator code shop to help support the channel the modders the entire team behind the 2D Studios that helps bring you daily modded content all right let's do this so he starts off he's just like a normal he's just a normal Dart monkey you know which is okay to be a normal Dart monkey it's nothing wrong with being an average Joe but we're going to give him the bronze trophy you got to start somewhere throws bronze darts bronze darts are faster deal more damage and are lighter okay that's pretty cool so let's go ahead oh look he's turned bronze he's like mtis but he's just he's just bronze now which is actually pretty cool and he throw the bronze darts so he actually does two damage now with every attack so and it looks like he has more range like look how far the darts go so he might be in like a really good spot right now so you know I'm okay with that guys if you want to see some more Diamond based Towers what do you think would be the coolest Tower to see as like a diamond variation the diamond tack shooter would be pretty sweet the diamond Ray of Doom would be really cool wizard Lord Phoenix would be pretty sweet as well but we're moving on up because we're about to get some silver darts you know like ooh o okay those are definitely bullets but you know now we're getting somewhere coats darts and silver that can do damage to all types of balloons Ceramics even take four times as much damage that is crazy did you know that silver actually is a really cool metal back in like the times of the Civil War soldiers would actually carry around a silver coin because of the antibacterial qualities that silver has so if they ever got shot they'd actually put the silver coin on their wound so that way it wouldn't get infected which is actually really cool and that's also why apparently they use silverware and so if you eat food with silver it has like it makes it so the food might not you know poison you or something along those lines but let's go ahead and let's turn him into the silver monkey oh that looks cool he looks like a really old monkey if the monkey wasn't like completely silver I would say that's like an old monkey but no he's pure silver I love how the next upgrade is the Golden Banana so far he just seems like a pretty powerful monkey he's not like that crazy right like he's okay but definitely not not the strongest 4,000 for the next upgrade we might need to get him a little bit of help here he might need to get a little bit of a boost okay we can always get ourselves an alchemist cuz The Alchemist could boost him and be very useful for that which we might need to end up doing some balloons are starting to sneak on by a village could be pretty cool with like primary training and primary expertise we're like just barely managing to get through here let's just be safe and he doesn't have a ton of Pier so let's just get this and then we can get the acidic mixture dip which is going to help out tremendously give him some bonuses and he'll pop a couple of small balloons himself you know he's helping out we definitely need to save up and get that Golden Banana though man that Golden Banana is going to be really really nice so we need $3,000 which isn't too bad but it's still quite a bit of money always believe in Gold covers the dart in gold which then coats the balloons hit in Gold increasing their worth significantly wa we got some Midas touch up in here okay I don't know if any of you have ever heard the story of Midas and the Midas touch but it's a very very good story it's basically about a King I don't know if it's if he's a king it's just a guy well he doesn't have to be a king but he just this dude right and he loved gold more than anything else and so he wished for everything he touched to be gold and then he got his wish and so everything he touched turned into solid gold like if he grab food the food would just turn into gold if he touched the people he loved they would just turn into golden statues and then he was just he was plagued and I think the moral of the story is that money and gold isn't everything and if everything is all you have is money then it's just kind of like not that great we got the golden banana though and we are about to turn ourselves into Midas Touch and I know that I just talked about you know all of these things about money not being all that important but man am I excited to get a whole bunch of gold you know that'd be kind of cool we definitely need an upgrade because we're a little bit weak right now balloons are kind of sneaking on by but let's go ahead and get this Golden Banana upgrade oh my gosh we're so close Okay boom Oh look oh look at that we actually make like a bunch of money now $5 $5 but uh we're still kind of having a little bit of problems I need faster throwing and then maybe let's go ahead and try to get berserker Brew yeah look at that so it helps us get like a actually I think we're making a lot of money all right let's get berserker brew and that's going to help out tremendously the next upgrade is $66,000 so we might have a little bit of problems with that but we're like barely able to pop through these balloons so let's go ahead let's get this beautiful boy a village where should I put it I'd like to put it here I don't think we can hit camos so I think we might need to get radar scanner can I see camos I cannot so we have to get radar scanner let's get bigger radius I'm going to want to get jungle drums because a bonus attack speed and he's a primary Tower so being able to help him out and do that would be very cool primary training they get more range Pierce and projectile speed so that's going to help out and then primary mentoring let's see increased range I don't know if I really care too much about that he's starting to really pop off actually he's starting to he's actually this monkeyy starting to go kind of crazy on him we're about to go up against a MOAB though and I don't know if we want to get do we need to get just multiple golden monkeys I'm kind of down or we could just get the Platinum the banana Express Platinum Card oh yeah we're going Platinum with this one throws buck shots at the balloons that's got to be heavy okay yeah we definitely need this then all right there we go oh my gosh wait this guy just turned into an absolute unit this we're just turned into an absolute fiend look at all the bonus money that we get that's actually really nice I love how it's Dart monkey but parentheses cooler you know he's like he's like a dart monkey you know he's just he's just a dart monkey but yeah he's just cooler you know he's just like way cooler he's just like you know that's just how he rolls we're actually pretty close to getting the diamond Splash but we don't even need the upgrade do we want to just get like an army of platinum monkeys I feel like that could kind of be amazing not that we really need it but let's go ahead let's get the platinum and now oh my gosh wait the moabs are getting messed up all right I'm kind of down at this all right let's put down this Village let's see please tell me it's in radius wait wa wait Monkey Business does it tell me is it has the monkey business on it I can't tell if this is in range do I need to put down all right let's see monkey town that has monkey town okay they do have Monkey Town on it okay that's good and then do we want to get primary mentoring yeah let's also get primary mentoring so now they have even more range okay see these monkeys are starting to get crazy all right stronger stimulant I don't know if we have any potential of losing anymore and we don't even have the diamond monkey on lock the diamond monkey is he's like on the horizons I wonder how powerful he's actually going to be I want to get perab Brew though I'd love to get perab brew and maybe some other buff for this Tower let's go ahead and ooh wait what am I doing I can just go monkey City and then I'll put a banana Farm down and then we'll just turn this into a monkeyopolis all right because that's going to help us make tons money you know what's really funny my friends something something to keep in mind all right is everyone wants to be normal right everyone wants to be quote unquote like a normal person right but what's really interesting about that is that there is no such thing as a normal person because Normal is just everybody the like the medium of every single person put together right so for example like if you have a whole bunch of people that like a person that's like over here that's extreme extreme here or just like here here people are all so different right that's what people are we're all so different and we're all over the place and a normal person is just like the average of every single person like right in the middle of it and that's just so boring nobody wants that you got to be yourself you don't have to be as weird as me though I'm like weird weird I'm pretty weird all right there we go we got Perma brw we already we have like a solid setup over here I don't think we ever are going to lose just because the Platinum monkeys are insane they're actually so crazy should we just go ahead and get the diamond upgrade I kind of think we should just go ahead and buy the diamond upgrade Diamond Splash no one deflect my diamond Splash replaces bullets with diamonds that shatter on contact dealing massive group damage fun fact diamonds aren't a metal that is true diamonds are not a metal but they're really cool diamonds are very very cool wait if the diamonds shatter isn't that mean they're like not diamonds cuz aren't diamonds like super powerful right like isn't diamonds like diamonds like the strongest thing in Minecraft so you know well not anymore it's netherite but all right let's go ahead and just get the diamond whoa waa that looks so good that's such a cool texture I love that actually and now look at the Diamonds oh my gosh that makes us tons of money I want to get a engineer I literally just skipped up to round 80 let's see this OMG is this guy going to is this guy going to bow down to this OMG that was actually kind of not as powerful as I thought that was going to be we need to get an army now that's the only option it makes us a ton of money those are all like $5 increments that we get which is really cool like $5 $5 $5 $5 yeah the Platinum monkeys are just not that good it's pretty much all the diamond monkeys all right we're doubling down I'm so I'm I'm selling everything except the diamond monkey now we have to see the ultimate power of the diamond monkey if we could even collect one of those diamonds we would be rich all right round 140 let's see how we do against against the Fortified bad oh my gosh the Fortified bad is almost broken and it's coming on out my computer can't take this my computer's trying its hardest my friends but it really can't do it it really can't it's trying its darnest come on it froze look my computer froze the diamond monkey finally but when it does explode it just looks so cool it looks so very cool okay let's we got to give it the ultimate test okay we got to try round 200 I don't think we can beat round 200 200 I don't think that's got I don't think it's possible yeah I don't think round 200 is going to work for us my friends it's not even it's not even getting scratched the it's not even getting scratched it's over and that's we're going to end off this video my friends I hope you enjoyed this fun little video if you did you know what to do
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 240,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Bloons, Mod, Hack, Diamond Monkey, Gold Monkey, Golden Monkey, Silver Monkey, Bronze Monkey, Tower, Custom Tower, Platinum Monkey, Tewtiy, monkey, tower, diamond tower, modded, diamond monkey tower, diamond monkey mod, diamond monkey hack, diamond BTD 6, Diamond Bloons TD 6, Golden, Gold
Id: 5ENK1KPHvu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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