"The Devil's New Favorite Sin" - Don Blackwell

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morning wow this is good microphone that's great I'd love to come to a place that's got a good audio system it is good to be here with you today I've been looking forward to this meeting for some time course when we planned it after walk I've had some more unfortunate circumstances since then and I'm going to say some more about that during the worship hour before I begin in class I want to make mention to you that if you go through this door and you turn right and then make an immediate left there's a table sitting there and we have put out some material from the gospel Broadcasting Network it is necessary for us to support the network by freewill offerings of brethren and churches we never asked for money on the air we don't want people who watch the gospel Broadcasting Network to think that we are about money and you will notice a difference if you watch religious television that they are always asking for money we never do it is supported by Churches of Christ and members of the Church of Christ and so there's material there about how you can donate to the work that we are doing we are saving and baptizing Souls every single month at gpn and we try to post about that but there are some DVDs on that table many of which I did and some other people did all of that material is free please pick that up and make use of that if you would like to receive our newsletter you can sign that and there's a number of different materials to avail yourself of and I'll say some more about the work we're doing in gbn as the week goes on for the sake of time I've ever get going you may have heard that the United Methodist Church has been having big issues recently over the subject of homosexuality in February of this year the United Methodist Church leaders voted on this particular issue they were trying to decide what their stance was going to be now it seems like if you follow the Bible you'd already know what your stance is going to be but they were trying to decide are we going to continue opposing this are we going to accept it what about gay clergy are we going to oppose this or are we going to accept it Hugh research dot org ran an article in February of this year that discusses the fact that a lot of United Methodists are now accepting homosexuality and it has forced this to a vote well they have their vote I was actually surprised but they decided they were going to continue opposing it and as a result of that they are expecting the United Methodist Church to have a major split in the near future because according to a 2014 Pew Research poll over 60% of United Methodist now believe that homosexuality should be accepted now I want you to listen to this clip from this article from Hugh research it says it is believed that the legalization of homosexual marriage in our country has caused support to increase it says the United Methodist Church is one of the few mainline Protestant denominations in the United States that does not sanction same-sex marriage the Episcopal Church the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America the Presbyterian Church and others have moved to embrace gay marriage in recent years now what's the point of that the article is saying we can't believe they did the acceptance everybody's accepting this now they're one of the few holdouts who are not accepting this it's another article it was run just a few months ago it's from breitbart.com March 30th of this year about six months ago the title was Philadelphia Archbishop believes that predatory homosexuality is the cause of abuse now I'm not going to go into the article for the sake of time but basically what he's saying is the scandal that's been taking place in the / India Catholic Church in the last few years relating to child molestation he is saying the reason is because of homosexuality now he's upset with the pope and a lot of bishops in the Catholic Church are upset with the Pope because they say they won't admit the cause the cause is homosexuality another article religion news.com ran an article entitled notable Christians who have had change of heart on the LGBT issue it goes on to say these are all denominational people but it goes on to say that in the last few years a lot of big time creatures in the denominational world have changed their stance on homosexuality gay lesbian bi gender transsexual and it says that they have run across some quote new things that they have had to investigate I don't know what new things are talking about because the Bible's not providing any new things even more recently March of this year March 22nd 2019 an article says San Antonio City Council that San Antonio Texas the San Antonio City Council has removed chick-fil-a from their airport now why would you remove chick-fil-a everybody loves chicle a right why would they remove chick-fil-a you guess the reason it is because chick-fil-a opposes homosexuality and they oppose the LGBTQ movement now resident I could go on and on and on with articles like this but I just wanted to give you a smattering to make the point that we are being bombarded by homosexuality on a daily basis our young people are being brainwashed about this subject older people are being bullied they're being abused they're being boycotted if they will not accept homosexuality now is it working you think this bullying is working this is a diss Pew Research says that in 2001 support for homosexual marriage same-sex marriage in this country was 35% 2001 35 % 2017 it was 62% the things working what do you think it is in 2019 Pew Research says if you break this down 2/3 of Catholics now support gay marriage it says by political party 73% of Democrats 70% of it into and 40% of Republicans do you think the Lord's Church has been affected you think we've been untouched in the Lord's Church listen to this when my daughter may see she graduated from Oregon University a few years ago but in 2015 when the Supreme Court passed this gay marriage law Macey was still a student there and I was talking to her on the phone and she told me she said dad there's a lot of support for gay marriage here at the campus and I said I don't believe that make sense if freed-hardeman is one of the most conservative schools in the Brotherhood and she said dad I'm the student here I'm telling you there is support for this on the campus later I was talking about the dam Winkler Dan was teaching at 3 Hartman and I asked him about what Maci said and he said oh yeah I broke down he said that that's right he said there is support among students I got to thinking about this what is the age of students at 3 Hartman University 18 to 22 what has been going on in our country for the last 25 years if you are 22 years old this has been shoved down your throat your entire life you have been taught that if you don't accept you've been taught that it's normal if you do not accept this that you are obedient last year cut this month last year October of 2018 Lipscomb University ran an article in their school newspaper entitled students celebrate National Coming Out Day now here's how the article begins in recognition of National Coming Out Day Lipscomb University's lgbtq+ they got to put a plus in case you have anything else it says their students painted the bison that's their school mascot they painted the Bison rainbow colors they stood around from early morning until evening on Thursday to support the LGBTQ community on the campus of lips term university throughout the day donuts were handed out faces were painted and conversations took place Dada Dada I could go on with it rather than where am I going with this my point is this Christians members of the Lord's Church we got to talk about this we've got to be teaching about this we've got to strongly and regularly be teaching our young people how to answer the arguments made in defense of homosexuality now I've got more cute material than I can cover in the next 30 minutes but this is what I want to do I have been collecting arguments that I have heard made in defense of homosexuality I got about 10 of them every one of these arguments were just about every one of them our arguments that I have heard made by members of the Church of Christ now better if we can't get this subject right we can't get anything right so what I want to do is to cover some of these as time allows and then I want to see what the Bible has to say about them let me jump in for the sake of time number one I have heard people make this arguments they say well Don homosexuals have the right to be married we might not like it but it is their right here's the problem they're not married you know when this law was passed in June of 2015 people say well they're married now they weren't married they weren't married on June the 27th and they weren't married on June the 28th after the Supreme Court made this law now why do I say that because the Supreme Court of the United States doesn't have the right to decide this listen what the Bible says Matthew chapter 19 verse 6 says what therefore God has joined together let not man put asunder now that verse tells us something very important and it is that God is the one who does the joining and so if God doesn't join then they are not married and the fact of the matter is God will not join people except in accordance with his law God doesn't go into men together God doesn't go into winter together and so what that means is they are not married number two you move on for the sake of time I've heard people make this argument very very commonly they will say well you know all sins are the same in the eyes of God no one sin is worse than another all sins are the same good night heard that a lot lately I don't know where that idea comes from because there is no verse in the Bible that says all sins I guess I know where it comes from it's the idea that any sin could cause a man be lost that's true isn't it whether a person lies commits rape commits murder whatever it is any sin can cause a man to be lost and so because of that we've gone on to say all sins are the same in the eyes of God that is not a true statement now I want to prove to you from the Bible this is not a true statement God does not do all sins the same first if I could show you Jesus saying just the opposite with that sibling that ought to settle it right John chapter 19 verse 11 Jesus is standing in the presence of Pilate and this is what Jesus says to Pilate he says you could have no power at all against me except it had been given you from above therefore the one who has delivered me to you now listen what he says he is guilty of the greater sin now Jesus said some sins are greater than other sins we could stop right there and I want to settle the matter right did God doesn't view all sin to the same because Jesus said some sins are greater than other sins but let me go on to make this point 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse 13 says but evil men and imposters grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived if all sins are the same how do you get worse it seems like you've got a level and that's the level there's nothing about it there's nothing below it it's all the same but the Bible says they grow worse and worse hang out this Psalm chapter 19 discusses two different types of sin now the King Jeff and one of them is worse than the other the King James uses some interesting language because the King James refers to secret and presumptuous sins secret now I think when we think secret and presumptuous we think secret you know you know it's a secret nobody knows about it that's not what the word in seek the word secret means to the King James the word secret means unknown it's a sin of ignorance it means you commit a sin you didn't know you committed a sin a presumptuous sin is when you commit a sin and you knew good well it was a sin so sometimes we commit sense of ignorance sometimes we know good well it's a sin it would do it anyway and when you do that you're shifting your fist in the face of God and saying I'll do what I want to do but here's what's interesting after mentioning those two different types of sins in Psalm 19 13 he refers to the presumptuous sin as the great transgression now what's the point of that they're both sins whether it's ignorance or intentional but if you do it intentionally he said that is the great transgression why is that because you knew better it did it anyway and God looks at that more severely how about this proverbs 6 and verse 16 says these 6 things that the Lord he is seven are an abomination unto Him now you know what that is whether that is a list of the top 10 top 6 7 things actually that God hates what the Bible is saying is here is a list of sin that are particularly offensive to God not that all sins are not bad but this is a list of petition if all suits are the same that I don't even know what that that list means how about this Exodus 32 and verse 30 Moses is up on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments do you remember what was going on at the base of the mountain and some at the base of the mountain they were building an idol and they were calling it God it was the golden calf Moses comes down the mountain and he sees Aaron and he sees the people in Exodus 32 21 he says to Aaron how have you brought so great a sin upon the people that is you have looked at an idol and called it God he said Aaron this is a serious sin this is high up here you're going to look at a piece of gold and metal and call it God that is high level sin about this First Samuel chapter 2 verses 22 through 24 says that some sins are against man some sins are against God two different types of sin first John 5:16 says there is a sin unto death there's a sin not unto death it's not our point to talk about what that means right now except to observe there are different types of sin 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 20 talks about a person who obeys the gospel and then he goes back into the world and the Bible says the latter in is worse with him than than the then the beginning it would have been better for him not to have known the way of righteousness that after having known it to turn from the truth delivered unto him now what's the point before he obeyed the gospel he was lost he goes back into sin the latter end is worse why is it worse because he chose to walk away and I could go on and on it I have got this first Timothy 5 and verse 8 if a man will provide for his own he has denied the faith and he is the same as an infidel right Bible says he's worse than an infidel I could go on and on and on with verses that teach that not all sense of the same we have got to stop saying that the bible does not teach that here's number three that I've heard people that spent too much time on that point here's number three I've heard people say this it's similar but I heard a gospel preacher and a gospel preacher wrote an article and this is what he said he said I don't know why my brethren are so worked up about this gay marriage thing he said because homosexuality is just fornication and fornication is fornication he said whether it be heterosexual fornication or homosexual fornication God used it all the same is just 14 bread that's not true now fornication is wrong and heterosexual fornication is wrong and we've got to oppose it but when you say God views homosexual fornication and heterosexual fornication the same that is not a true statement I want you to listen to this this is Romans chapter 1 verses 26 and following this is what the Bible says about homosexuality listen to this discussion the Bible says this is a King James it says for this cause God gave them up to vile affections he's talking about homosexuals so if I notice the word vile vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men working with men that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves the just recompense of their error which was made now notice some key phrases here number one he describes homosexuality as a bio heterosexual fornication is not described as by a simple you lose your soul you're going to hell for let's not describe this vile vile means listen to this morally base or even wicked depraved sinful offensive to the senses our sensibilities repulsive disgusting cheap worthless of poor quality very inferior in fact the phrase vile affections comes from a greek phrase that means passions of dishonor if you have that kind of passion it is dishonorable here's the second thing I want you to notice if King James describes it as unseemly the second half of verse 27 what is unseen my name I looked up this Greek word and I looked it up to I wanted to see what the Greek definition means I looked it up in vines expository dictionary and it said see shame si JME don't shame you look up a word tell you look up another word I will know what the word means so I looked it up in verse talkers Greek lexicon and her stalker said that this word means indecency infamous lust or lewdness but particularly pertinent to our discussion is this third one he says men working with men that which is unnatural now brother I want you to think about that God made it I want to be tactful about this but God made a man and a woman in such a way that they go together naturally if a man has sexual relations with another man the Bible says that's not natural in fact he says it's shameful it is vile it is offensive to the senses and sensibilities it's not the same as heterosexual fornication for the sake of time let me go to the next one I've got a lot more I could say about that but number four I have heard people say this well the Bible doesn't actually condemn homosexuality I was sitting in a Bible class in the Lord's Church and a woman said this I almost fell out of my chair when I heard it she said the Bible doesn't actually condemn homosexuality and so what happens is this maybe you're talking to a friend and maybe you're talking about this gay marriage issue and you say you know I'm opposed to this and your princess why he said well you know the Bible says it's wrong and he says whatever I said what you know Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 18 and 19 and they were destroyed because of homosexuality and your friend says no they were and you said of course they were and they say another word and your friend says let me show you what the Bible actually says and your friend this is the verse the person brought up in Bible class your friend says Ezekiel 16 and verse 49 says this look this was the sin of Sodom she and her daughter had pride and fullness of food and abundance of idleness neither did she strengthen the hand of the coordinating and so your friend says we've always been told that God destroyed Sodom because of homosexuality but if you read what the Bible says it says look this was the Sam Sodom pride bonus of food that is she was wealthy she had abundance violinist she's lazy she's wealthy and she didn't strength the hand of strength in the hand of the poor need that is she was only concerned about herself she was just living large and life she didn't care about other people that's what the Bible says what do you say you know when that person first brought that up to me I didn't know the answer to it but I found out very quickly the answer incidentally as a side note several years ago brother Thomas eaves who used to work with the East Tennessee school of preaching in Knoxville brother eaves had a debate with the homosexual preacher and in this debate this homosexual preacher there is such a thing is out of homosexual preacher he went through every verse in the Bible that mentions homosexuality and he put a spin on it and you read his arguments and you thinking man I've never seen things like that in my life I don't know how to answer that then you read brother Eve's answers it's okay okay that's that this book is out of print they put it in a written form it's in a book but we have the digital form the PDF at the gospel Broadcasting Network and if you want it I will email it to you free of charge rather we need to know these arguments if you will write your name down and write homosexual debate book and put your name and email address and hand it to me I will have the secretary email you that when I get home you need to read anyway what's the answer to this is it true that Ezekiel 16:49 says they were destroyed because of pride and abundance of idleness and yes it is true but you know almost no not always most of the time the answer to a false doctrine is found right there in the context usually a few verses above or a few verses below and that is true in this case Ezekiel 16:49 does say that she had abundance of idleness and pride and fullness of food but listen to the next verse verse 50 says and what does that mean there's more of this story and it says they were hearty that is their prideful their arrogant and they committed abomination therefore I took them away as I saw good what does that mean when the Bible says they committed abomination there if you will read in the Old Testament do you know what homosexuality is frequently described as is frequently called an abomination in fact if you go back to the Old Testament law the law of Moses you read Leviticus chapter 20 and verse 13 it says if a man lies with a man as he would lie with the woman both of them have committed abomination and they shall surely be put to death so you know what that's that's telling us if you read Ezekiel 16 you don't have a a city or a nation a country that one day opposes homosexuality and the next day embraces it it's a process so you get to the point that a nation first they're full of themselves and they're wealthy and they get to the point that they're living it up and they don't care about the sin around them because as long as they're comfortable they don't worry about anything else and this sin comes up and eventually they embrace it it one day they fully embrace homosexuality that's what happened I would ask the question where are we as a nation are we wealthy over I'm not saying everybody is but overall have we gotten to the point that sin goes on but you know I'm comfortable I'm just going to look out for myself I don't want to mess with all this and we get to the point that we've embraced homosexual I'm not saying to church but as a nation have we embraced homosexuality I don't know how we could say we happen is the law of the land that's the answer to this when people say that the Bible doesn't oppose here's the next one number five I got 10 of these I'm in big trouble here's number 5 I've heard people say well the Bible says judge not have you heard that one raised hand if you're everybody's heard that right they say Matthew 7 and verse 1 says judge not that you be not just did you know I'm gonna say something shocking to you did you know that the Bible does not say that we're not the judge it does not say that you just quoted it Matthew seven her for judge not that you be not judged if you keep reading the next two verses he clarifies there's a specific type of judging that you're not supposed to do you're not supposed to be hypocritical in your judgment you're not supposed to be hypercritical in your judging I got a whole sermon on this one point but here's the short answer next to Matthew 7:1 in your Bible right John 7:24 because John 7:24 says this the judge not according to appearance but Judge II righteous judgments the Bible not only doesn't condemn us tell us not to judge the Bible commands us to judge he just says when you judge make sure that it is righteous judgment not hypocritical judgment and not hyper critical judgment so when people say that they are abusing that passage and the short answer is there in John 7:24 alright here's number 6 I'm gonna run out of time how long do I have incidentally order - 10 minutes all right here's the next I have heard people say well I don't know how we could say that they're wrong because God made them that way they were born that way have you heard that one they were born that way ribbon they were not born that way now I can give you biblical evidence I can give you scientific evidence a whole sermon could be this one point biblically let me point out this very quickly did you notice what we just read in Romans chapter 1 verses 26 and verse 27 where he says that men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another do you know what that means he doesn't say they were born that way he says men left the natural use of the woman and burned in their lust one toward another now that is a very key passage it says they made a choice to do that not that they were born that way scientifically if you're going to talk to someone today scientifically that's what you're going to have to do probably they don't believe the bite scientifically there have been at least eight major studies done around the country on this issue of homosexuality to see if we are born that way in these eight major studies what they have done is this they have taken sets of twins and the reason they're studying twins is because twins have the same DNA and so if one if you're born that way if it's in your DNA and one of them is born gay then the other should be gay and it should be a hundred percent of the time if it's DNA related because they have the same DNA and so this is what they found when they studied boys brothers if one brother is gay what are the chances his brother his other brothers twin brother would be gay if it's DNA it should be a hundred percent what they found is it's only eleven percent of the time when they studied sisters the chances if one's a lesbian the other would be a lesbian 14 percent of the time you know what that means scientific studies say that we are not born gay several years ago there was something done an international consortium called the human genome project and what they did was they went through the DNA and they labeled every bit of DNA what it's linked to what it causes do you get blue eyes are you tall you think they label all of these things one thing that the liberal media was telling us is that there was going to be what they were calling a gay gene you remember hearing if you're if you remember that and you got a few years on you but it was the gay gene when they finished the international consortium on the Human Genome Project you know what they did not find they did not find a gay gene there is no gay gene now my question then is why if there is no gay gene why is it the fact that most Americans believe that we are born that way science doesn't teach it the Bible doesn't teach it why do the majority of Americans now believe it and I tell you why it's because it's been shoved down our throats for the last thirty years we have been told this by the media is not science it is not Bible we have got to stop believing this in fact I got some stats these are from 2017 I suspect they're higher now in 2017 the Silent Generation this is people born from 1928 to 1945 they supported gay marriage 41% the baby boomers that's people born from 1946 to 64 they supported gay marriage 56 percent the Generation X this is my generation people born from 65 to 80 65 percent they support it then the Millennials people born from 1900 people born from 1981 and later supported homosexuality 74 percent good and you know where we're headed in this country here's the next point I have heard people say well homosexuality is a civil right done you know in the 50s and 60s 70s when I was growing up it was the case that we were fighting for racial equality that black people would have the same rights as white people this is the modern-day civil rights fight that homosexuals can have the same rights as heterosexuals better than I don't want to be ugly but I want to tell you something that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life the reason I say that is because a person's race or his skin color or his nationality is not a choice and it's not a matter of right and wrong Acts chapter 17 and verse 26 says God has made from one blood every nation that dwells upon the face of the earth you know what that means we all have the same parents we all came from Adam and Eve if you really want to get to an interesting passage first samuel chapter 17 and verse 6 says this God looketh not on the outward appearance as man does but God looketh on the heart you know what that means man gets caught up looking at your skin color and your height and your appearance he says God doesn't man looks at that he says but when it comes to the heart that's what God cares about what you see when you talk about homosexuality that's not something you're born with that's not something that government it's a choice it's an activity it's a sin that's why this is not an equal argument I'm gonna have to skip to the end I'm have to skip some of these arguments because the time here let me get into this last one the other what is our responsibility number one we could not compromise we could sit back and say what we oppose this we're going to be persecuted we're going to lose our taxes if I went to one church and I wanted to talk about some of these things and one of the elders said no Don we don't want you to talk about that here because we might lose our tax-exempt status rather who cares if we lose our tax-exempt status we've got to do what's right here you don't makes me think about Revelation chapter 2 revelation 2:10 says be thou faithful unto death and I'll give you the crown of life we oftentimes cite that in the plan of salvation hear believe repent confess to be faithful live faithfully in the dáil here the labor pit confessed be baptized with pay play into death we say well that's the steps to salvation did you know revelation 2:10 is not talking about that if you read Revelation chapter 2 in verse 10 listen what it says here none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison and you shall be tried for 10 days be thou faithful unto death not until death unto death and I will give thee a crown why what's he saying if you go to prison if you're beaten even if you get killed you be faithful unto death even if you lose your tax-exempt status be faithful what's our first point we can't compromise secondly we've got to reach out to homosexuals with the gospel brethren the Lord's Church is not a country club for Saints it's a hospital for sinners and homosexuals are sinners they need to be taught they need to be welcomed you know it could be that you and I find homosexuality repugnant to the point that we would not invite someone like that to the services well shame on you and shame on me if we so class this sin that we would not reach out to a person like that because we think they're not good enough for the gospel you know what you aren't good enough for the gospel I wasn't good enough for the gospel but thank God somebody took the time to teach me here's number three I don't have to wrap it up for the sake of time we need to teach and we need to understand that homosexuals can change just as homosexuality is a learned behavior they can learn better behavior listen to this first Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 9 listen to this particular version the way it reads and then I'll give you the King James this person says do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God do not be in other words here's a list of people that are not going to go to heaven do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexuality now in this version when it says men who practice homosexuality there's a footnote that says the two Greek terms translated by this place homosexuality refers to the passive and active partners in the consensual sexual life you know what that means it's kind of boring to read that statement but this is what it means the homosexual who's the man and the homosexual plays the role of the woman that's what the Greek phrase means neither one will go to heaven why did the Holy Spirit see fit to break it out that way I don't know but that's what the Holy Spirit says the King James breaks it out this way it says neither be effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind the effeminate refers to homosexual place the role of the woman abusers of themselves with mankind is the Greek term who the one who plays the role of the man and he says neither one are going to go to heaven but then listen what he says right after that he says and such were some of you but listen but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit do you know what that means some of the members of the current Church of Christ used to be homosexuals but he said they obeyed the gospel and they quit participating in homosexuality and he said they were washed they were justified by the blood of Jesus Christ and they're going to go to heaven here's let me give a summary and I'll wrap up this listen if I were going to summarize this lesson I would say three things number one we serve a judge who was infinitely greater than the Supreme Court of the United States number two our resolve as Christians must be infinitely greater than the world around us because there was all pretty strong and number three the blood of Jesus Christ is infinitely greater than any sin that mankind can commit and that includes homosexuality I'll stop there thank you for your good attention I appreciate so much
Channel: Fairview church of Christ
Views: 10,975
Rating: 4.9283156 out of 5
Keywords: homosexuality, gay, lesbian, Christian, church
Id: V3xS-9-0Q_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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