The Devastating Story Of The Abandoned Subdivision (14 Luxury Homes) Explore # 111

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the Sea Watch subdivision out in British Columbia was built by a private developer the property was purchased in 2004 as part of a larger site that was in foreclosure proceedings in June of 2012 a sinkhole appeared and then another in 2015 and then in 2018 another sinkhole appeared in one of the remaining undeveloped Lots while the sinkhole problem became so serious that all 14 dream homes had to be abandoned and the entire subdivision was condemned by the local authorities now to make matters even worse the homes that originally sold between 1 and 1.2 million dollars are today right now worth two dollars one dollar for the land one dollar for the house hey welcome back explorers I'm back at this location again I was here about three years ago when they first kind of shut this place down but this place has been abandoned for about three years it was a state of emergency and all these homes here beautiful homes overlooking the ocean they'll be evacuated because of sinkholes there's been a number of sinkholes forming in this area and I just filmed one just before my intro here um but the steps and everything's just coming right off the driveway's sinking in but all these homes they're all worth over a million dollars about three years ago and now they say these homes are only worth two dollars so we're gonna do a little tour here We're not gonna go into all of them there's 14 homes in total here everybody had to pack their stuff up up and leave there is some of these houses are boarded up locked up but a lot of them are all vandalized uh the kids came in here smashed up a lot of stuff there's cameras here I'm not too sure if they work or if um they just don't monitor it or they just don't really care because eventually these homes are going to be demolished maybe take a look at this one here this one's meter is missing but I just went into one and it had complete power so I'm not too sure if the squatters came in here and maybe rigged something up the power back on but there is power to the street street lights aren't aren't working but I could hear the power on in the green boxes I was in one place and the fan was going and the light was on so squatters have moved in here I haven't seen any yet and um this if I do I'm going to be friendly and uh move on but plus they go on each home letting them know I'm here just in case someone is here because I don't want to startle them and I'm just here to document these places so I'm not here to cause trouble I'm just here to document them and get out of here but yeah it's a shame that they're all vandalized summer in pristine condition but some are really bad like stuff's just thrown out on the front lawn even the police Fire EMS are not allowed in here unless there is life's threatening a life-threatening issue here so their order not even to come in here so they probably that's probably why it's vandalized here they don't Patrol it so they're not going to come in here deal with kids vandalizing but if somebody was seriously in trouble dying they would probably come in here but it's totally fenced off now but there's holes all cut out a whole bunch of them I counted probably six spots where it's all cut out so hope you guys enjoy the video I'm ready to go let's go yeah this one's got a bunch of stuff left behind some stuff foreign it is hasn't been cut in three years oh look at this face holy holy this one is totally trash down here so we gotta a sheet up here probably because they wanted privacy but yeah I could tell someone has been living in this one analyzing it it's terrible foreign yeah okay I understand these are probably going to be demolished at some point still to trash it like this is just what's the point they do have cameras up here security cameras foreign or nobody's nobody's monitoring them and they just don't care I don't know they put this fence up I think last year but there's holes all cut out someone's been cutting all the fence up it was a huge hole down there it's a huge hole over here oh yeah there's a hole there so this one's wide open had a board up there oh this one's a little better oh no yeah somebody smashed that someone's got power weird what the I thought all these didn't shut off foreign squeaky because of the moisture I think foreign keep going here in 2006 the trees were removed and the site was cleared out at this time construction began in 2012 a sinkhole emerged in the middle of the road in a district of seashelt repaired the damages immediately over the next few years more sinkholes appeared a report was received in 2015 and the estimated cost to fix the site would cost around 10 million dollars but there would be no guarantees that this work would resolve the sinkhole issues of erosion due to groundwater seepage on Christmas Day in 2018 a very large sinkhole appeared measuring 82 feet deep it took over 40 dump trucks to fill the sinkhole in February 2019 the District of seashelt announced a state of emergency and ordered all residents to leave immediately the district's state of emergency is valid for seven days the District of seashell renewed the state of emergency more than 150 times after that and several times after the BC Supreme Court Judge ruled that continued state of emergency renewals were unlawful hello jeez let's hear me this one seems better it is hello photographer just shooting a documentary here oh that floor is all buckled oh yeah four little buckle that's crazy foreign View in the backyard on this one foreign all right let's keep going here all the appliances are all Left Behind yeah it's crazy foreign looks all wide open too and there's trophy left behind here hello photographer just doing a documentary here if anybody's inside mm-hmm hello this one's got bed sheets all over the place please do not wrap and pack this picture I'm giving it away to anyone who wants it free thanks oh nobody took it all right let's keep going here looks like something blew that open holy jeez hello foreign this place wide open here hello this is a photographer here doing documentary oh this is a nice one look at the view here yeah most of these homes are empty I'm just going through a few not doing the usual like every single room Explorer just going through showing you a little tour of these of these places beautiful homes but yeah I could just we're grown three years of just not maintaining it look at this one oh yeah here's a sinkhole right here you can see the concrete going down they put this plastic over top I don't know maybe to stop the rain from soaking in but this is a sinkhole sinkhole here so yeah this is very dangerous I shouldn't even be here look at this so the stairs the concrete this whole area here is just sinking right down there used to be signs here saying sinkholes but they're gone but this look at this whole step to shift shifted right off the house The Partridge is just falling right off so yeah I probably won't go on this one you see all the concrete's cracked foreign foreign photographer still Pro still smells pretty new in here you can see somebody obviously threw a rock through the window beautiful kitchen they just left packed everything up and left in a hurry all these appliances just sit here too surprised I didn't take that just see that house right there it's got doors wide open foreign probably some of them are probably boarded up and locked but the ones that are wide open I might just poke around a little bit just to film what's happening to these places oh there's a boat just sitting here oh crazy they didn't even take the boat out of here I can't believe it I just left that here looks like the dash was ripped apart maybe somebody stole some stuff off it thank you this must be the master bedroom oh well the vandalism here I think the view imagine waking up every day and looking outside oh yeah wow terrible this is the walk-in closet there I'm gonna go in here what uh it's an elevator crazy foreign I'm assuming they had an elderly person living here I'm thinking they have like a an apartment down here or something because I don't see any stairs just the elevator that's it weird oh the size of this hot tub oh wow that's too bad yeah it's a total totally a basement down here hope it still works as long as it was winterized properly oh this house has uh smoke alarms chirping because it needs to get replaced the battery so I'm probably not going to come in here too long because it's annoying hearing that chirp all right nothing we had a sauna here all right well let's keep going here foreign the future of these homes are unknown contractors aren't willing to come in here with their heavy machinery and demolish these homes for the risk of injury and death sadly although homeowners had to leave a lot of them are renting living with family some have even bought new homes they were unable to sell these homes because now they are worth only two dollars this has been devastating and a nightmare for the homeowners they say it could take years for all this to be settled [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys hope you enjoyed the video it's a pretty sad story here but I thought I'd come here today document this place before it's all gone forever and uh yeah I feel for the families I'm not too sure what's going to happen I know a few of them quite a few of them almost all of them are going through the court system right now and uh yeah so I'll put all the information about this place in the in the description as well but look at this mailbox just overgrown nobody's delivering mail anymore
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 932,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, urban exploration, abandoned bc, abandoned mansion, sechelt subdivision, sinkholes, Seawatch, Abandoned
Id: 3QPfXXZKsx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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