The Complete Destiny Timeline! ...(So Far) | The Leaderboard

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eyes up guardian much like a giant cold aloof dyson sphere in the sky the outer shell of destiny's story can be hard to get through with much of the lore of the destiny universe scattered between online only grimoire cards physical collectorization books and individual pieces of gear and with complex history spanning millions of years and into parallel timelines virtual realities and alternate dimensions it's easy to understand why many players get lost but the destiny universe has a beautiful and immense world filled with interesting characters fantastic stories and satisfying payoffs for those who are willing to go the distance but don't be alarmed if you don't have time to sit through its more than 2 000 lore entries in order to get a grasp of destiny's story we've got you covered it's time for you to understand your destiny but before we kick things off a quick disclaimer we won't be covering rise of iron and curse of osiris they're self-contained stories that don't bear too heavily on the overall narrative of the rest of the timeline and we've got to give a big thanks to scooby dees who put together that incredibly comprehensive timeline and wrote this very script so he has power over every word i'm going to say going forward unknown eons past the traveler since the dawn of time there's been a war between form and formless order and disorder the gentle and life-giving way of the sky and the cold and unforgiving filter of the deep where the sky cherishes life and seeks to bring complexity and harmony the deep seeks to prune everything away until the universe takes a single final shape sometime in the distant past of our universe an entity known to us only as the traveler is created to contain the power of the sky wielding the power of its light aka space magic and journeying across the cosmos it blesses civilizations with gifts and uplifts every world it touches but the traveler would leave these worlds as quickly as it arrives drawing as little attention to itself as possible because its ancient enemy the deep is always close behind enter the hive sometime before the creation of our solar system the hive great worms imprisoned deep in the core of a gas giant called fundament use the power of the deep to call out across the void of space to call others towards the gaseous planet over time fundament becomes filled with a multitude of life the smallest and weakest of these species the krill discovers the dead corpse of a small larvae washed up on their shore but this worm is more powerful and death and whispers secrets to them about a coming apocalypse the king of the osmian court a nation tribe of the krill becomes obsessed with the dead worm not surprisingly when people see you talking to a dead animal and rambling about the end of the world things don't go too well after some minor drama involving a coup d'etat the three surviving daughters of the osmian king arusha sothona and zero flee for their lives wormy won in tow the sisters pledge an oath of vengeance against the traitor that overthrew their father and the worm eventually leads them into the core of the planet where they meet the imprisoned great worms the sisters make a pact with the worms take their larva as symbiotes and gain the power over life and death itself oh right and also minor detail you have to keep feeding the worms through slaughter and conquest or else they'll eat you from the inside out but yeah no biggie right we cool we're cool so the sisters take a bunch of the worms back up to the surface tell their friends that drugs are cool and will kill you if you don't take them by the way and thus the hive are born arusha would become oryx the taken king so thona would become savathun the witch queen embodiment of cunning and zero would become zevu arath the warrior they reign at the top of the high pantheon and learn how to hide their deaths in a parallel reality called the ascendant plane which basically means they can only really be killed on their own turf from there the hive go on to begin a reign of billions of years of destruction and terror throughout the universe in service of the worms and the deep nothing stands before the might of the hive dawn of life and soul the nine next on the list of ancient unknowable galactic beings are the nine awakening at the dawn of life in the solar system these primordial dark matter beings were created by the gravity of the sun and its major planets so not pluto sorry man as the systems spanning gravitational loops of dark matter form their thoughts the nine seek to understand our reality for if life in the solar system were ever to die the nine would once again sleep so thankfully they're humanity's allies for as long as that can remain true relatively recent history the fallen before arriving in the soul system the traveler like many worlds before blesses a race called the elixini and ushers them into a grand golden age but when a cataclysm known as the whirlwind brings a total collapse of elix sneeze society the traveler up and leaves thank you next the elixin houses that still remain fall to infighting war and famine rage thus the elizabeth become known as the fallen the fallen creep machine servitors made in the likeness of the traveler to ration the ether they need for survival and to enforce a rigid hierarchy then they leave their dying home in pursuit of the traveler the great machine to find salvation and reclaim their lost position as the travelers blessed 21st century the traveler arrives finally sometime in the 21st century the traveler arrives in our solar system humanity is unsure of its intentions when it suddenly begins to terraform jupiter mercury and venus two years later the ares one mission is sent to intercept the mysterious traveling orb as it arrives on mars this begins a golden age of prosperity for humanity advances in technology scientific understanding and triple human lifespans are only a few of the many benefits that the traveler brings fast travel between worlds becomes a reality and new life begins to spring up on the world to the traveler visits one such example are the ahamkhara these shape-shifting wish dragons have the power to grant wishes to any who ask feeding on the reality that they replace oh that's hot that's hot they eat reality and poop wishes i'm not making this up i couldn't make this up if i tried but the golden age is not without its troubles on venus humanity discovers ancient ruins belonging to the vex a complex neural network of microorganisms riding around in the bellies of little jaegers that convert anything they can get their hands on into part of their fast processing network their goal to find a way to become part of the very fabric of the universe something they call the pattern to the vex there is no right and wrong there is only the pattern and the vex meet any perceived threat to the pattern with extreme prejudice the ishtar collective is a scientific project founded on venus to study the vex academics and scientists rush to venus and the collective becomes a hub of scientific discovery though not without risks one particular team of scientists finds themselves boxed into a simulation paradox resulting in 227 sentient clones by the time they finally are able to escape the bounds of the simulation in addition to the ishtar collective the other main hub of scientific research during the golden age is a martian facility founded by a man named clovis bray the clovis spray research conglomerate is responsible for many scientific breakthroughs across the system from engrams a new state of matter capable of storing incredibly complex objects and data in an encrypted state to exoscience transferring the human mind into a mechanical frame to the war mine project a defensive network of war satellites powered and overseen by the ai rest sputon clovis's daughter anna bray would teach the ai how to think and act as human enabling rasputin to have soul oversight over the war sets and defense of earth and her colonies great exodus ships are created to carry colonists to the new paradises that the traveler has created for them and beyond some carry advanced clove spray technologies aid in colonization some carry great weapon forges to be a defense against the unknown but all of them carry with them the hope of humanity's golden age about 500 years ago the collapse but like the fallen before them humanity's golden age is not to last something else is detected at the system's edge coming fast the traveler leaves io in the middle of terraforming and heads straight to earth an ancient enemy that humanity called the darkness perhaps the deep itself has pursued the traveler across the stars and things got really really bad humanity's other enemies take advantage of the chaos in days the vex transformed mercury into a planet-sized simulation engine undoing the paradise that the traveler had created there and the hive led by two of oryx's sun crota and nocres lay claim to seoul crota the athletic one had begun seeding an army deep within the moon and nocris the intellectual goes above his dad buddies up with the worm godzole and directly attacks rasputin on mars rasputin defeats nakras and zole by entombing them in ice but the battle for the system was far from over rasputin fights back against the darkness but even bringing his full arsenal to bear he is no match for the sheer might that he faces those who are able flee to the colony ships to escape the coming destruction and as his warsat network crumbles rasputin realizes that defeats even extinction is inevitable then something happens that had not happened since the beginning of the traveler's journey the traveler chooses to stay the reason for this choice is still debated but the traveler for the first time does not run away and with the last of its remaining energy the traveler uses its light to push back the darkness and so the collapse of humanity's golden age is finally over but the system lies in ruin and the darkness would be sure to return to finish what it started but with its dying breath the traveler creates the ghosts tiny fragments pieces of its whole to seek out and resurrect those capable of wielding its light the dark age humanity is thrown into a dark age where the only law is survival the first ones chosen to be resurrected by their ghosts don't know what to make of their own newfound immortality many of these risen become violent warlords who rule wilderness fifesomes with terror and awe and then just to kick them all there down the fallen arrive desperate for survival and with some serious second child syndrome the fallen pirates begin pillaging and raiding among humanity's survivors and then there's the cabal a vast militaristic empire with enormous world-ending machines cabal warriors forcefully expand their empire and absorb or destroy the races they conquer an entire fleet arrives in the solar system claiming mars for themselves and then they pretty much leave humanity alone i mean don't look a gift space turtle in the mouth but why were they here were they running from the darkness were they following the darkness were they after the traveler or rasputin or just following ancient marching orders that just happened to bring them to our system at the exact same time everyone else and their grandma was here we may never know around 400 years ago the iron lords in the midst of the warlords and fallen creating chaos back on earth some of the risen choose to rise above the oppression instead using their immortality for peace and justice and the iron lords are founded under the guidance and protection of the iron lords people slowly begin to emerge from hiding and the scattered remnants of humanity search for the traveler to build a new life in its shadow literally and then rasputin is woken up a little grumpy and kills all the iron lords it happens but hey he is sorry eventually if amoral and pragmatic ballet loving ais can be sorry a few centuries after the start of the dark age the awoken when the traveler used the last of its light to push back the darkness at the end of the collapse a singularity formed at the edge between light and dark and one of the fleeing exodus ships was pushed into its crushing depths inside the singularity a pocket universe had formed and the destroyed colonists would slowly redefine themselves and reawaken as the immortal beings within their universe these awoken discovering that thousands of years of their history had gone by while only centuries had progressed outside decide to return to the world they had left seeing the fragile state of humanity some awoken chose to share their advanced technologies with earth to help humanity's survivors while others decide to hide themselves making a new home in the reef the ruins of ships that had fled earth in the collapse naming a queen by the name of marasov mara sends her brother aldrin out to find what the new universe has to offer and he returns with a baby ahamkara named riven because of course when you go out to see what the entire universe has to offer you bring back a puppy with the witch dragon's aid mara constructs a hidden city in the reefs and tangled shores of the asteroid belt to be a safe haven for the awoken the dreaming city and the ahamkara living there would become the reef awoken's most closely guarded secret several decades after the awoken emerge the city age on earth rumor of the settlement growing underneath the traveler spreads soon it was no longer a scattering of tents and shelters but a city in its own right the last safe city in its earliest days the city is divided by the faction wars ideology that turns into extremism in the middle of this chaos the fallen begin to attack driving back a common enemy helps to unite the risen who had been acting as the faction's muscles they decide they will no longer be instruments of oppression and they put an end to the faction wars and from this point on would be known as guardians afterwards a man called the speaker claiming to speak for the traveler establishes the city consensus as its governing authority the guardians begin to form into separate classes the quick and stealthy hunters the powerful and strong titans and the mystic intelligent warlocks and construction begins on the city walls to protect its people from the dangers of the pirating fallen and the wilderness but before the construction of the walls can be completed the fallen launch a major coordinated attack against the city this would come to be known as the battle of six fronts where four orders of titans are remembered for holding the fallen back from breaching the six gaps in the city walls ultimately the fallen are repelled and many guardian legends are born as the walls are completed the speaker calls for the formation of the vanguard acting as the guardian's central command in the city's first line of defense the first vanguard the hunter tallulah ferrowind the titan saint 14 and the warlock osiris are tasked with the defense of the city setting up command in a tower on the city's walls they send guardians out into the system to scout for threats against the city and fight against the enemies of humanity wherever they may be found sometime in the last 100 years the cabal emperor the emperor of the cabal kallus had reigned for centuries loved by all until he was betrayed by his most trusted advisor dominus gaul kallus's exile doomed to travel across the void of space in a huge world eating prison ship with kallus disposed gaul and his red legion returned the cabal from kallus's hedonism to a single-minded focus on military might but that isn't the end of kallus eventually his ship comes to the edge of the deep and callus has a nice chat done some soul searching and understands the meaning of life the universe and everything so in a way he kind of went to college so he converts his world-eating prison ship into a world eating luxury party ship so it's exactly like college and then goes around recruiting the most fearsome warriors across the galaxy to take back his empire from gaul the city age part two the city and the guardians start to make a few too many ahamkara wishes not everyone reads their full wish service agreement i mean who has time to go through all that text anyways right and venus starts to glitch out a bit with all the conflicting realities the ahamkara's power becomes too high a price to pay so the vanguard call for the extinction of the ahamkara this was probably all part of the ahamkar's plan they have that whole more powerful when dead thing going on but we try not to think about that too much not long after the great ahamkara hunt a guardian named kaber and his led zeppelin loving fire team descend into a vex construct known as the vault of glass on venus but the vex's power in the vault is absolute and only one pahanin returns pahanin lives for fear of being alone for the rest of his life until his light is taken by a man named dregen yore once a hero of the city named russel azir dregen yore has confronted the legends of the hive deep in the tunnels of the moon and the darkness he encountered there would become all-consuming he constructed a powerful weapon named thorne capable of draining a guardian's light dredging yore would go on to kill many more becoming a feared and hated name among guardians the vanguard warned of the high threat ordered an all-out assault against the hive's base of operations on the moon but the guardians are unprepared to face crota the swole son of oryx crota's son strikes down and drains the light from countless guardians the assault becomes known as the great disaster and the vanguard abandoned the moon and they hated dredging your continues on his path of darkness eventually a hunter named shin malphur known as the man with the golden gun finally defeats yore in a fateful duel but in their duel shin learns an unexpected truth dredjan yore always intended his darkness to be the catalyst that drove shin to find the true power of light so shin taking a new identity goes on a quest retracing dredjan your steps in order to better understand the monster that made him under the name of zire orsa shin would go on to co-found a group of yours disciples called the shadows of yore he or shin malfour could draw out guardians that would tempt the darkness and put down those who strayed too far not long after this the city and a new vanguard the titans savala the warlock aikora ray and the hunter and albrask face their greatest crisis yet unknown to them the fallen have regrouped and planned to attack the city with the full strength of the united fallen houses but the awoken queen marasov knew that if the largest of the fallen houses the house of wolves were to reach earth it would mean the end of the city without a way to warn the earth the awoken fleet intercepts the house of wolves in the asteroid belt destroying their base on ceres along with the entire dwarf planet sorry saris and a bunch of bad guys along with it thus begins the reforest years of fighting between the awoken of the reef and the fallen house of wolves at the end of the reef wars the wolves are defeated and queen marasams becomes their kell back outside the city without the support of the house of wolves the fallen houses of devils kings and winter are defeated and finally driven back at a battle known as twilight gap after this the fallen would never be able to unite under a single banner again after twilight gap a former warlord a titan named lord shax sees a need for future guardians to receive tactical training in live fire arenas so he founds the crucible where guardians could fight one another to hone their skills and better prepare against the city's enemies quick note here the crucible existed prior to this but as a completely different thing more of a facilitation to an old western style duel shaxx's crucible as we know today started here another titan saint 14 goes on a famed crusade against the fallen in the name of the hero guardian that he prophesized would one day come little did he know as he left the city in search of the exiled warlock osiris never to return that the hero guardian is about to awaken that's you destiny 1 the guardian awakens after centuries of searching ghosts finally finds his chosen lightbearer the guardian is resurrected in old russia deep in the heart of fallen territory and so begins the guardian's many deeds crippling the fallen's grip on old russia reactivating rasputin's warsat array and freeing a shard of the traveler from the hive all this activity is noticed by a parallel timeline jumping stranger who warns the guardian about the threat of the vex and the heart of darkness growing in a place called the black garden after doing some errand running for marassarav's jerk brother aldrin the awoken queen reluctantly reveals the location of the black garden smack dab in the middle of cabal territory on mars so whether they wanted it or not the guardian shoots their way through the cabal enters the black garden and learns that there's no problem you can't fix or black amorphous goo you can't destroy with enough firepower with the heart of darkness gone light begins to return to the traveler the ecto stranger shows up one last time to give the guardian a crappy gun and then her plot thread is dropped faster than anthem's player base soon after this aaron moore the last survivor of a failed expedition to take vengeance on the hive god crota and desperately in need of a new brand of mascara escapes the hives tunnels on the moon and returns to the tower aerys warns the guardian that crota is about to wake up from a long nap so the guardians march into his bedroom in the ascendant plane and take him out before he can even get his pants on metaphorically speaking of course because none of us want to see that but it turns out crota had been wire transferring his paycheck to his deadbeat debt oryx and oryx was none too happy about losing a big chunk of his income the nine could sense that oryx was coming and they knew that if the system was to survive the city and the aloof awoken were going to have to work together so the nine released the fanatic fallen kel scholas from prison who was given to them by marisov in the first place she should really have a no take backs policy but here we are knowing that scola's fanaticism would be the catalyst needed to unite the guardians and the reef awoken in preparation for the coming threat with skullus defeated aerys moore who also sensed orcs coming together with the warlock osiris is granted an audience with queen mara to warn her of oryx's coming together they devise a plan to use oryx's strength against him with the aid of riven the last ahamkara mara creates her own dominion in the ascendant plane a place she names elusinia and sets her plane into action destiny 1 the taken war oryx the taken king arrives with his fleet of hive tombships in the rings of saturn the awoken fleet meets him head on and the battle of saturn is fought mara fires her harbingers weird living balls of light into oryx's flagship disabling it but oryx has a devastating weapon up asleep with a plunge of his sword he pushes his throne world and the ascendant plane out into our reality the shockwave consumes everything in its path marasav and the awoken fleet are destroyed oryx then begins raising an army of taken warriors beings taken from other races including riven the last ahamkara stripped of their will and given a new purpose these taken begin invading worlds across the system but mara had prepared for this as she died she stepped into the ascendant plane of oryx's throne where she could wait while heiress helped the guardian learn how to weaken and finally defeat oryx after oryx's death mara finds her way across the ascendant plane back to ellucinia where she is able to return to the dreaming city but finding that riven had been taken mara withdraws to her secret court to regain her strength and plan her next move with oryx defeated his taken army remains leaderless and the guardian continues to fight against them but the cabal had gotten the worst of the taken war between wars of attrition on multiple fronts with the innumerable vex the taken and the immortal guardians the cabal have no other choice but to launch a last-ditch campaign into oryx's flagship to try to learn from the hive how to kill a guardian permanently because they've kind of been a pain up to this point but this campaign is fatal and the last of the cabal sent out a distress signal to their leader dominus gaul who begins mobilizing his red legion to annihilate the guardians and take the traveler's light for himself destiny 2 the red war dominus gaul gathers his fleet at the edge of the soul system as he prepares to attack the city it is here that the exiled cabal emperor kallus with his elite squad of shadow assassins moves on goal in a suicide mission the shadows board gaul's flagship and nearly succeed but gaul survives their attack and continues his advance on earth the nine sense goals coming attack his plan to harness the traveler's light for himself is something the nine deeply wanted to learn how to do with the para casual force of the traveler's light the nines see a chance to free themselves from their fragile dependence on life so in order to learn from gaul one of the nine probably mercury a jerk blinds everyone to gaul's approach the dead orbit fleets in the deep system the awoken in the reef the early warning satellites in orbit around earth all are caught without warning when gaul's red legion fleet destroys the tower cages the traveler and occupies the last city i also like thinking even gall was surprised by this like guys have we not been caught yet you know what don't even question it just keep just keep going just keep going with the traveler caged guardians across the system suddenly find themselves without their lights and countless lives including the speaker himself are lost unable to rise again but the guardian weak as they are is guided by visions to a shard of the traveler in the european dead zone and with it is able to reconnect to the light the guardian helps reunite the scattered forces of the city across the system and together launches a counter-offensive against gaul but gaul succeeds at imbuing himself with traveller's light but just when all seems lost the traveler itself awakens it casts off its cage and destroys dominus gaul who at the end just had some seriously overblown daddy issues and the light sending a shock wave across the system returns to the remaining guardians the guardian's defeat of gaul impresses emperor kallus so he invites the guardians to a test of might on his party ship the leviathan no it doesn't involve shots like i hoped well i mean it does but not the shots you're maybe thinking of when you hear party ship now parked at the vex converted world of nessus and kind of eating it the guardians are okay with that it seems to see if they are worthy of becoming one of his shadow assassins kallus bestows gifts upon any guardian worthy enough to pass his tests but the light's returned to the system has an unintended consequence as it washes over mars the frozen tomb of oryx's nerd son nocris and the great worm zoll begin to thaw freed from rasputin's prison nokris and zol resumed their assault on the war mind anabray now resurrected as a guardian calls the guardian to mars to help stop the worm and his priest with ana's aid rasputin intervenes finally doing something with his life for once giving the guardian a golden age weapon powerful enough to finally defeat nakris and zol destiny 2 forsaken oryx and his sons were defeated but the battle against the high was far from over zavathun witch queen deceiver and sister of borax secretly infiltrates the dreaming city and re-takes control of the taken ahamkara riven queen mara's brother prince aldrin still grieving his sister's death and unaware of her return as was the rest of the fandom comes across a dying fallen archon named fickrell aldrin takes pity on the archon and unknowingly makes a wish a bargain with riven to save fichtel's life the wish corrupts both the arkhan's ether and soon riven begins to speak to aldrin pretending to be a vision of his sister leading him down a very dark path after causing chaos in the reef aldrin and fickerel are eventually captured and imprisoned their warden a fellow named varrix who was once an ally of the guardian does some mad scientist experiments on fickrill's corrupted ether eventually turning into a dark concoction that is capable of reanimating dead fallen with a new undead army known as the scorn aldrin and fickrell convinced their warden to set them free the hunter vanguard cade six and the guardian are called to the prison to contain the ensuing riots but cage six is killed by aldrin in a moment that shocked the destiny fanbase who with the scorn at his side made their escape and began plodding away to open the sealed doors of the dreaming city driven by the death of cade 6 the guardian tracks aldrin into the dreaming city and kills him in a not so cathartic act of revenge that the game tries to make you feel conflicted about there the guardian is able to make contact with marisov who orders the ahamkara riven to be killed but this had been riven's plan all along the united wish of six god-slaying guardians who want nothing more than to kill her gives riven enough power to breach the dreaming city's defenses for savathim's forces congrats guardians you played yourself all for the loots and so begins the curse of the dreaming city a vex simulation made real by ahamkara's magic the city and its inhabitants are doomed to repeat these same actions over and over and over again the guardians work tirelessly week after week to try to find a way to break the curse off of the dreaming city the mystery of the curse's true purpose is still unknown but one thing is certain the plans of the cunning savathun are never plain in the midst of this the nine send their emissary and with the aid of a rogue light bearer named the drifter extend a personal invitation to the guardian to be tested to see if the guardian is worthy enough to face the trials to come the emissary the drifter and marisov have all warned that something else is coming the darkness maybe even a second collapse is on the horizon only three beings have ever transcended their design says the emissary will the guardian be the fourth will the curse of the dreaming city be broken find out next time on destiny ball z as of destiny 2 season of the drifter the destiny franchise is just about halfway through its promised life cycle and there's still a lot more destiny lore to come once again i am alpha lance with the leaderboard and if you liked this video subscribe and thanks for watching and once again thank you to scooby dz and the ghost stories podcast community for this comprehensive timeline
Channel: The Leaderboard
Views: 1,558,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, destiny, destiny story, destiny lore, destiny timeline, The Complete Destiny Timeline, timeline, destiny 2 lore, forsaken lore, the taken king, bungie, forsaken, timeline of destiny, destiny story explained, destiny 2 forsaken story, dredgen yor, lore, mara sov, season of opulence, destiny 2 season of the drifter, eris morn, uldren sov, destiny 2 season of opulence, The leaderboard, destiny complete story, destiny2, destiny 2 story, destiny 2 timeline, cayde 6
Id: P7Qs8zvznrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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