The Depressing Reality of Carson Wentz

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this is not where the eagles offense want to be second and long turns into third and long doug peterson is going to start really having to scratch his head to figure out how do they gain positive yards on first down here is [Applause] man you you just can't throw it i don't get it i heard doug peterson the other day at a press conference talking about carson wentz and he said hey every play you just don't you're not really sure what you're going to get is [Music] so carson wentz has been awful this year like really really awful and i've been getting this question every single week this season of why this has happened why has he regressed so much since his 2017 season where he was easily an mvp front-runner for most of the year until he tore his acl and i think december of that season against the rams and he's never really looked the same since and i know there's been some other stuff that's happened the back injury the uh the concussion from clowney but really 2017 was the peak and it's not really close and so really the question is what happened here why has there been such a regression what are all of the factors that have led to whence not just being a lesser quarterback than it used to be but one of the worst quarterbacks by almost every metric you can think of in the entire league i'll be honest i've watched every single eagles game this season over the last week and a half and there's a lot of issues at play both big and small but for the sake of brevity and keeping this episode remotely watchable i'm gonna narrow it down to the three biggest issues that i've identified that wences had so far this season number one mechanics he's always had some kind of little mechanical hiccups here and there throughout his career but they've all kind of joined forces in 2020 to make him a very very inaccurate quarterback in certain areas of the field and when trying to make certain throws particularly deep outs to his left it's been really really bad and so i i think those are probably making him inaccurate to start with number two he plays a lot of hero ball lately which he's always been a gunslinger but he knows his team around him is not very good and so he just tries to make a play but the thing is when you're not a very accurate quarterback down the field and your decision-making is suspect as it is when you then try to force plays that really shouldn't be forced it leads to even more turnovers which has been an issue every single week so the hero ball has been bad and then number three it's less about wence and honestly more about doug peterson who knows that he has these issues and some of the decisions that he's made in terms of play calling or kind of situational game management have really exacerbated wence's existing issues and made him even worse than he would be in my opinion under a different coach so those are the three things we're going to dive into today but kind of before we get into the whole nitty gritty of this because there's a lot to go over obviously since it's cyber monday i do want to say that i did just do my biggest merch drop of the year over in the film room store i'll have a link in the description as well as a pinned comment and i'll put it on screen too uh this steelers hoodie uh i mean it's not really a steelers hoodie it's more of just kind of a play design of an iconic steelers play some of you might recognize san antonio homes over the corner of the end zone over here it also comes in black and i've also done hoodies for a whole bunch of other iconic plays like the vikings seahawks couple for the packers the chiefs the ravens the cardinals the raiders the patriots whole bunch of teams so if you're interested in kind of this style of hoodie and you're looking for maybe a gift for somebody or just kind of something for yourself or if you just want a different way to support the channel again link over in the description or in the comment below uh hopefully you guys like them if you buy them great if you don't that's cool too either way i'm glad you're here and let's move on to carson wentz let's start with mechanics because there's still a few different kind of sub issues there first and foremost he still has that really long wind-up which he's had since he was at north dakota state so that's obviously not going anywhere and he also has a tendency to do what's called over striding at times meaning he steps too far into the throw with his front foot in his throwing motion and when you kind of step too far or over stride and your base is too wide that can lead to almost locking the front hip which then limits how fast and how far you can rotate your hips which if you've watched any other my quarterback videos over the last i don't know three years everything does kind of get governed by the hips accuracy velocity all of that kind of stuff so if you lock the front hip it can throw everything else off when you look at the pick that he threw against the rams for instance he way over strided which in my opinion kind of affected his release point and almost de-elevated the ball like if you're throwing over the middle to a big receiver like jj arthega whiteside especially if you're trying to fit it there before the safety can kind of get there from the back side and lay a hit you want to throw it high and almost towards the back of the end zone where the receiver can just kind of use his size and go get it he left it short and flat which then gave the db the best possible opportunity to undercut for the pick so over striding in my opinion contributed heavily not just the fact that it wasn't a great route and it wasn't really a great decision but the actual accuracy of the throw was hampered by over striding and then the third kind of main mechanical issue that's popped up a lot this year which has led to a lot of inaccurate throws and no fewer than four interceptions have been caused by this by the way is that he tends to pigeon toe with his front foot during his release now pigeon toeing at least for a right-handed quarterback means that his toes on his front foot are pointing to the right or inward i guess you could say rather than pointing directly at his target like they're supposed to a good general rule of quarterback mechanics is that the ball is gonna drift in whatever direction your front toe is pointing to unless you're really over compensating in other ways so when carson is trying to throw to his left but his toe is pointing to the right of that receiver because he's pigeon-toeing then the ball is going to carry to the right and be behind his target like i said four interceptions alone can be explained solely by that pigeon towing causing an accuracy on throws to wence's left and he almost threw a fifth one last week against the browns as well on a deep corner route as part of a flood concept but luckily the ball was also low and the db couldn't finish the catch when it was thrown right to him there are times where he's able to compensate for that pigeon towing by over rotating his hips to make sure he gets all the way around to a good release point again there's another good example of that over rotation and compensation from later in that same quarter against the browns honestly on the same throw to the same spot but as you can see that over rotation has overall been very unreliable for him this year and it's led to a lot more bad throws than good ones now if you're asking me why doug peterson or why the quarterbacks coach press taylor have not kind of intervened and fixed these mechanical hiccups already this season i don't really know but what i do know is that there's a lot of quarterbacks coaches out there that have deeply held beliefs that you do not mess with mechanics in the middle of a season because believe it or not that can sometimes make things worse so maybe there's a little bit of that going on and plus they didn't really have a true offseason where they could iron this stuff out in june or july or whenever the hell they would get together so it's kind of a confluence of factors here of why his mechanics have been bad and why they haven't been fixed i don't really know the full story but what i do know is that these mechanics are a problem and until they get fixed they're gonna keep being a problem now number two on the list here and this might be the most egregious problem of them all carson cannot stop playing hero ball now we've always known that wence is a gunslinger he's played that way his entire career but in the past he's also had some very talented rosters around him that have enabled that playstyle in the first place this year it's different his receiving core is very young and very unproven zac arts is older now and no longer in the middle of his prime like he was back in 2017 and dallas goddard for as good as he is has not been able to stay healthy this year plus his offensive line has also been completely wrecked by injuries too whereas back in 2017 with the lone exception of jason peters the line stayed mostly healthy all year long and it had three pro bowlers or first team all-pros on it to boot there was a lot of talent on that 2017 roster that arguably kind of elevated wentz and now most of that talent is either gone or retired or injured and so when you take a lot of backup players or just straight up very young players and put them around a quarterback who's both inaccurate and mechanically deficient and makes just really awful decisions every single week because he's trying way too hard to make a play it can just kind of make all of the problems that an offense is experiencing even worse let me show you an example of that this is from week 8 in that dallas game a lot of you may actually remember this pick really well because it was just so catastrophically dumb but i really need to set the scene here because throwing this bat of a pick in this situation is almost unconscionable for a fifth year starter that's making over 30 million a year it's first and ten from the dallas 34 yard line with just over two minutes to go in the second quarter the eagles are up seven to nothing already they still have three timeouts and they're going to receive the second half kickoff as well so they have a chance here for a double scoring opportunity if they execute this correctly all they have to do is just not make mistakes manage the clock work the middle of the field and i'll say it once more for emphasis do not make mistakes doug peterson called a concept here that the eagles refer to as detroit in their playbook which is a decent way to beat cover four that's the coverage that dallas is in on this play and you can tell they're in quarters all the way just because they want to keep everything in front of them and forced checkdowns but the thing is there's kind of only two ways to quote-unquote beat cover four with a detroit concept either you catch the strong safety sleeping and he takes the cheese on the number two receiver underneath which then leaves the deep post wide open without a bracket deep down the field or if either of the safeties don't take the bait and someone brackets the deep post you can progress to the rap route from the tight end to see if he finds an open void in the zone or worst case scenario if the tight end is also not open you just wait for the running back to release from his chip block and he'll have a one-on-one in space with a linebacker for a much safer but shorter gain it's pretty much a touchdown to check down type of progression here as the great jon gruden would always say however the way carson wentz read it here for some god-awful reason he wanted the deep touchdown no matter what regardless of whether that safety took the bait you can see him staring down cowboy safety donovan wilson here even after it's pretty clear that he's opening up to go bracket that post and then once wence finally got off that read to check goddart he panicked when jalen smith was sitting in the throwing lane so then he rolled out to his right and went back to looking for the post against double coverage rather than just checking it down like he was supposed to or you know just keeping the ball and running with it all by himself with nobody around him and that would have gotten him most likely a free first down and kept the clock moving i have to this day no clue why he threw this ball into double coverage after already moving off of that post in his progression it's first down and ten well into dallas territory just outside the two minute warning with three timeouts still in his back pocket and a seven point lead and yet he still wanted to be the hero for no reason i don't get it it's like he's trying to do all the same things that patrick mahomes does except the difference is that patrick mahomes would just keep the ball and run that's what makes mahomes so great is that even though he always makes crazy throws every single week for the most part he only does it when he really needs to when he's not in a desperate situation he doesn't pull this kind of stuff on first down from the 34 yard line i mean it's insane to me that a fifth year starter making this much money again it's over 30 million a year it's crazy to me that he's still making these same mistakes week after week after all this time and all this investment into his development again it's it's absolutely flabbergasting but that brings me to my last point which is doug peterson he knows all of these issues exist he knows that his mechanical problems lead to accuracy problems which lead to turnovers he knows that his decision making problems come from the fact that he keeps trying to play hero ball when he's physically not capable of doing it he knows all of this and he's known about it for months and yet week after week he's still calling plays and managing situations in ways that kind of open the door for wentz to do this to himself and to do it to the rest of the team and i'll give you an example let's go back to that cowboys game from about a month ago this was from early in the first quarter about five minutes into the game it's second and 19 because of course they took a sack on first down and what does peterson do he calls a max protect shot play off play action from under center on second and 19. what kind of professional defense is going to be playing the run extra aggressively on second and 19. is he insane i mean of course they're not gonna be playing the run here and so when you only release two receivers down the field on second and 19 no duh they're all gonna be doubled up and nobody's gonna be open so what did wence do well he did the predictable thing he does what wence does he extended the play he held the ball for an eternity waiting for receivers to open up that we're never going to get open and then he got sack fumbled and gave the ball right back to dallas in his own territory that's what carson wentz does and peterson put him in position to do it again carson wentz is always going to try to turn nothing into something that is his play style and so if you give him nothing to begin with with a bad play call guess what he's gonna turn the ball over that's literally what he is as a quarterback and the fact that the eagles coaching staff hasn't figured that out yet just blows my mind philly is a bad football team for the worst reasons they can't pass protect up front because they can't stay healthy up front they make ridiculous play calls at the weirdest times their quarterback is constantly trying to rescue a below average roster and he's not good enough to do it i just i i don't i don't know what the fix is here i don't see how this gets better at least when i did a breakdown a couple weeks ago how the seahawks defense is terrible there were actual appreciable things that i saw that they could do to improve and to their credit they've done that in the last two games they played better against la they played better against arizona i don't know how the eagles offense improves here they actually play the seahawks defense tonight on monday night football and when you're kind of looking at this stoppable force versus movable object i honestly would bet on the seahawks defense more than i would bet on the eagles offense right now because i don't know how they're gonna get better if your two biggest problems are really questionable coaching and really bad quarterback play those are the two hardest things to fix in this entire sport how are you gonna fix that in a week like even against a bad seahawks defense that is improving how are you gonna fix these issues in a week i don't know the only thing that i do actually know for sure is that the eagles have a young quarterback on the bench named jalen hurts that has a ton of talent who's an incredibly hard worker and who's already shown throughout his college career that he could overcome all of his own issues to be a better player each and every year and at least right now those milestones of improvement are more than i can say for carson wentz eventually a very tough decision is gonna have to be made between these two guys and if things keep trending the way they're trending if carson keeps playing the way he's playing and if he keeps playing that way against a very very below average seahawks defense believe it or not as much as it might pain me to say it that change may be coming sooner rather than later cheers thank you for watching this week's episode and also thank you to our sponsor for the week magic spoon unfortunately one of the hard parts of pushing 30 for me has been slowly but surely giving up eating things that i used to love as a kid and one of those things was sugary cereal i used to start every morning with a bowl of cereal because it was quick and easy and obviously tasted good but as i got older i had to stop that habit because most cereals that you buy at the store are really bad for you there's tons of sugar and carbs and 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Channel: Brett Kollmann
Views: 556,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carson wentz, eagles, jalen hurts, seahawks, nfl, brett kollmann, kollman, the film room, nfc east, philadelphia, national football league, football, sports, american football, quarterback
Id: OD2qmLoMh4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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