You are slow on Spa? Watch this!

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hello today I'm uh going to do a track guide around Spa in the Mercedes AMG GT3 but this all works for every car actually um so yeah uh for those who wondering why they are at the T times of uh 2 19s or 18s uh I'm here today to help you to get into the 16s 15s 15s is quite H but uh you you definitely will improve so yeah uh let's get into it so approaching the last corner you should prepare for the for the hot lab uh stay to the right and then just go go left uh to get as much speed as possible on a straight first Corner break at the 100 m board um a bit be uh after it uh yeah full break break just try to uh to downshift as early as possible for yeah for engine brake power uh first Corner stay uh in the first gear uh stay as long as possible actually on the on the brakes to yeah to get the best exit because that's one of the most um yeah crucial things here you have all the straight from down toou R up to the the next corners a really long straight for uh arou you go into TC off so your TC doesn't kick in stay in the sixth gear by the way uh so you have as um yeah much power as possible for the next Corner uh break after the 100 met border when the curb starts um then you go a bit over that curb on the left stay in the third gear go over the astro turf stay completely to the right then transition to the left uh go over the curb on the astro turf but uh be careful for not bottoming out the car uh cars are pretty low so you don't want to go too much or too far over over the astro turf um so you just avoid you don't go straight then stay on the left side um also stay in the third gear try not to turn as much because you get a lot of harest here um always be a bit on the on a throttle not completely off because it unsettles the car uh also avoid the curb on the right because if you go on the throttle uh the car will just rotate in and you have wheel spin and stuff yeah be careful with the track limits here if you go wide it's so easy to get a DT uh so yeah just try not to get the right tiles on the astr turf then next Corner uh break at the curb um on the left side and then get into second gear uh try to rotate the C with uh with the brake because uh it goes down and you have a lot of unest if you don't do it so this this this corn is really hard uh double Apex especially after that go on the throttle try to rotate the car a bit um stay on the right side uh so you don't go left where the dark patch is you need to stay on the right uh so that does TC doesn't kick in too much go on that right curb try to avoid to go on the grass that's uh pretty pretty bad if that happens you can go fully over it also with every car um yeah just when you touch the CB go off the throttle then break a bit with the break uh try not to like Don't Drift over the four tires because that's that's pretty bad for that corner you should also um prepare the exit again don't go over that left curb so just probably touch it a bit but not on the astr turf just a little bit then run wide don't go over the astr turf with the left tire for the next two corners break after the red fence or what it is uh TC off again get into third gear don't turn into early so probably have a bit of a late Apex with dark the the dark patch starts on the curb uh don't uh go over the curb as you also get a wheel spin then be careful on throttle don't run too wide then here really hot Corner uh right in the left corner breake on the curb on the left uh go into third try to stay on the break as much as possible then you need to stay on the on the right side a bit TC off again go over the left CB but try to stay on the throttle so you don't lose your car uh so it doesn't unsettle go on the throttle don't go on the astr turf with the left tire otherwise you could get the TR limit then break stay in the third gear break at the curb here it's also crucial de exit again uh as you have blim more and it's quite a long straight next Corner flat out try to stay on the right side so you uh don't waste some meters especially also on the left this corner fled out again prepare for bus stop break a little bit before the dark patch just break as hard as possible second gear tc1 go over the curb use the banking then left corner try to break a bit uh so the car rotates and go as uh early as possible on the throttle try to rotate it with the throttle go wide and yeah this is the lab that's a 154 yeah I hope you enjoyed the video I hope it helped you to improve your lap time um leave a like uh a comment and probably a subscription this would really help me and I think we will yeah in the near future see more of the TR guides so yeah see you next time byebye
Channel: Tobias Pfeffer
Views: 60,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa competizione, hotlap, sim racing, acc
Id: 4YX-55DKnso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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