The Definitive Way To Play Sonic Adventure 2! - Sonic Adventure 2 Mod Guide!

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you want your Sonic Adventure 2 experience to go from this to this well you clicked on the Right video today I'll be listing some modes that I believe improve the already great experience of Sonic Adventure 2 into something spectacular that definitive experience I suppose you could call it now I'm sure some of you may be thinking why would I need mods to make essay to an even better experience surely I can just download the game and play straight away and have fun without the need of any mods right well yes it's true that the vanilla version of SC2 is still fun and quite enjoyable on its own it goes a little bit deeper than that let me explain you see by the time Sega really Sonic Adventure 2 are originally on the Dreamcast things weren't looking too good for that system the console was basically on its last breath meaning that compared to the first Adventure game sales weren't doing too hot for this one so by the time Sega started moving to making their games multi-platform they had the great idea to put Sonic Adventure 2 to the GameCube now I'm not being sarcastic this was genuinely a great idea the SC2 Battle Pool for GameCube sold more than double than what the original Dreamcast version could manage but with this more successful version of the game came a few sacrifices those sacrifices consist of visual downgrades gameplay bugs cut scene issues and a whole lot more but we were given hope back in 2012 as Sega were planning on porting Adventure 2 to PS3 Xbox 360 arcade and PC this should have been it we were finally gonna get the definitive SC2 experience right well no why because they decided to Port the already flawed GameCube Port all they really did was enable widescreen in 720p and they called it a day that's it so that's why I'm here as I said at the beginning of today's video I'll be listing some mods that I believe bring the play The Definitive Adventure 2 experience even surpassing the original Dreamcast version in some ways but before we get into that there are a couple things that you're going to need for this to work first thing being the steam version of sa2 considering this video is focused on downloading mods having this game for your PC is a no-brainer the second thing you'll need is the sa2 mod loader this is what's going to help our mods well work I'll leave a link to where you can download the mod loader for yourself now that we have the essentials I can finally list the mods I've decided to sum won't list these in a specific order the order will go from what I consider to be the most important must-have mods to what I consider to be the least important I'll also dive into some codes by the end we're all sorted alright let's get into it starting us off we have the Hedge panel mod this mod is insane and for the majority of you I'd consider this a must-have you see when it came to the ports of this game most notably the 2012 Port they had somehow broken the way the rails look in this game completely compared to the Dreamcast version the slightest lean to the side could lead to the rail stopping you almost dead in your tracks nearly every time it could also lead to many unintentional deaths so what this mod does while it not only improves the way your characters play If you hit the configure option for this mod you'll be allowed to enable or disable a feature called modern rail grinding this makes the rails in this game work like how they do in the Boost games you're no longer risk at stopping dead in your tracks or unintentionally falling off the stage you just hold the beer Circle button to go faster now I can definitely see some people not being a fan of this feature as you can make the argument that this will get rid of the challenge that comes with rail grinding in this game trust me I get it if I could I would download a mod that makes the rails work the same way they did in the Dreamcast version but as of me recording this that mod doesn't exist and it may never exist luckily though this is all optional so you're free to disable this feature if you'd prefer it that way another addition to this mod that I'm a huge fan of is being able to enable fast somersault some assaulting in this game tends to halt your momentum enabling this doesn't and I believe it helps improve the flow of these levels completely there are some other additions that you're able to configure in this mod but I believe that they're much less important than the two I just talked about so I'll leave them out of this video the cutscene revamp mod fix is basically all of the cutscene issues that were present in the ports of this game the lighting character models and various other bugs have been fixed you cannot watch these cutscenes just like they were on the Dreamcast version this mod is amazing and it truly brings these cutscenes back to life the Dreamcast character mod is pretty self-explanatory this mod brings back the character models from the Dreamcast version of the game which I much prefer here it even brings back some minor animations that will for some reason replaced in the ports of this game one of my favorite additions to this mod is the fact that you can enable Sonic's original shoes if you want after spending some time with them I've actually grown to much prefer these over the soap shoes but that's just me you can always keep the soap shoes if you so please the disable upgrades mod is once again pretty self-explanatory this mod disables the gear that the characters wear my favorite part of this mod is the fact that it's completely configurable for example with a character like Sonic I have all of its upgrades disabled except for the firing resulting in personally my favorite look for Sonic in this game don't worry you can still use these abilities this is just a visual mod that I enjoy using the no model tinting mod fixes the lighting issues that were present within the levels of this game restoring the brightness and contrast of these once dull colored objects now the highest quality texture mod doesn't necessarily upscale the textures but what it does do is give us the most uncompressed versions of every texture that this game has to offer it's not the most noticeable difference upon first glance but it does still make the game look better overall the Eggman lighting fix mod is an interesting one because in the GameCube version of this game eggman's headlights would actually light up in Darker rooms of some of his levels one of the only and genuine improvements of the GameCube Port if you are ask me for some reason the 2012 Port just got rid of this feature so this mod brings it back in its full Glory the volume with an sa2 is pretty bad what I mean by this is the fact that within cutscenes the music can often feel way too loud for the Player's liking even to the point where you can barely hear the characters talking so the SC2 volume controls mod helps fix that issue you are now free to configure the volume music sound effects and voices to your liking the level Oddity patch fixes various issues that lingered with Sonic Adventure 2's levels whether that be out of bounds objects minor typos and Etc it's not necessarily the most noticeable mod but it without a doubt helps these levels play the best that they can be the physics Improvement mod well improves the physics for some characters most notably Eggman entails this mod makes turning and the overall movement would then mix much more manageable than they originally were and was never the biggest fan of the majority of the mech stages so this doesn't prove them for me to an extent the action remap mod doesn't necessarily change much but it's still very effective in my opinion this mod switch is the light Dash from The X of square button to the wild triangle button this completely eliminates the annoyances of accidentally some assaulting are using the bounce bracelet when trying to light Dash across a line of rings the smoother wool collisions mod lets you keep most of your momentum when running close to a wall instead of halting your momentum completely the character select plus mod allows you to play as any character you want when picking a stage to play want to play a Sonic and radical Highway this mod has you covered when it plays mechless Eggman and City Escape for some odd reason well now you can the new Challenger assets mod upskills the icons to look much more presentable for higher definition screens in the no battle mod restores the Dreamcast version of both the intro and title screen now before we move on to the codes there is a bonus mod that I don't tend to use but I'd recommend to some of you regardless and that's the re-translated mod Sonic games are known to have some pretty awkward script translations so this mod rewrites the script and dialogue to be more faithful to the Japanese dialogue I'd also recommend switching the game to Japanese now that I'm done listing the mods there are three codes that I personally recommend enabling in the mod loader Shadow has bounce bracelet reduce spin dash delay and all emeralds trackable and emerald hunting stages there are many more codes in this mod loader but these are the three that I'd personally recommend if you'd like to enable more codes to your liking then go nuts and I believe that's everything I'll link all of the mods listed in the video's description despite this game not being my favorite that the series has to offer Sonic Adventure 2 is still and always will be a great game loved by many fans and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon the amount of time and effort put into these mods is seriously inspiring fans will go out of their way to make sure that SC2 is still loved by this community I'm not making this video because I believe the game isn't fun without mods but because I believe that these mods greatly improve the experience of Sonic Adventure 2 even more I think that's all I have to say today I hope you found this video helpful if there are any mods that you enjoyed that I may have missed today feel free to let me know in the comments I'd love to hear your feedback if you enjoyed me and my content then please feel free to like comment and subscribe that's all from me have a wonderful rest of your day to everyone who's watching this take care [Music] thank you
Channel: JayXP
Views: 25,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ceN5Ca6Ukbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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