The Definitive LOCKED WEAPONS AND TRAITS Tier list

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what is Good Guys cavage Lord here and today I am doing a double tier list we're going be doing the best weapons unlocked in the best traits unlocked in my cavage why didn't you make it two separate videos dude that's because I don't want to make two thumbnails I've been exposed you Cass but I hope you guys enjoyed the video If you guys disagree with me that cavage this should have been a tier this should have been B tier this was trash you're an idiot make sure you comment down below and let me know how stupid I am leave a like and if you somehow enjoyed this video please subscribe and let's get straight into the shenanigans so you see I all these little epic icons I'll explain which ones what when we get to it but obviously first Sho is going to be formless formless in ability to player can you've all seen it in the game you press already jump up in the air and do some crazy back flip shot I think it's almost as powerful as Emperor 1 second cool down I'm putting it as good I don't think it's overpowered I do think it takes some skill to aim it I think does have a pretty hard setup because def FR to a or whatever not hard but difficult enough to where I'll put that good and not overpowered now now we're taking a look at acrobat uh little dude here AC let you do a handstand blocks that Scorpion Kick when pressing R you can do a super Dive by diving a second time after getting up from diving the first time you can also get up from blocks faster not too much to say this seems good like it just seems good it doesn't seem overpower doesn't seem like it's okay this seems like a good solid skill now we got now we're going to be looking at our boy Ren with reptide pretty much just lets you curve the ball every 25 seconds and I think it makes your shots a little bit faster and the curve is just nice I think I'm putting it at the top of good I don't know if it's overpowered but every 20 only having a 25 second cool down pretty much every shot you're doing is going to be curved and that can really throw off goalies that can be a bunch of free shots I'm tempted I'll put that good for now maybe if there's none that overpowered I'll put it there we'll see what happens now we got our boy Rio copycat the copycat weapon allows the user to click on another player in order to use their weapon for one turn once they select a player player press R to use the weapon the cool down is 80 180 seconds um what this seems [ __ ] [ __ ] 18c cooldown is a copy of a person's ability for one time that seems [ __ ] trash what no that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] I've heard it can't copy ex uniques either that's that is a [ __ ] that is just [ __ ] trash buff that please no I'm going to go check the Discord and see if they buffed it at all yeah that seems [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know what to say this seems like [ __ ] dog [ __ ] uh now we have our boy noggy little nogy Funko Pop pretty much it's since you tra the ball in the air I'm not seeing a cool down on this I'm assuming it's going to be a 25 second cool down um being able to trap the ball whenever it's pretty [ __ ] goated that's really good you get some pretty good shots off of it I think I'm going to put that good I would say it's overpowered yet better than Riptide maybe better than reptide now we got our boy Shadow Shadow's a weapon let you dash and pressing R short move movement speed boost it's okay like I se's pretty okay I've seen it used before it seems like just a worst version of shig [ __ ] so it's okay now we got isagi with his direct shot direct shot is a weapon which players can pull off a super strong shot when in the Box the ball must be pass to them in order for the shot to work I'm tempted to put that trash it seems kind of trash but it's definitely the bottom of okay now we got neurotic neurotic is a weapon in which after being ankle broken the user goes into a neurotic frenzy which pound their hearts gives them a speed boost for 3 seconds um does it seem that good IMO I've never really seen someone use it in game that efficiently comment down below if you think otherwise it seems it seems okay now we got Iron Head your headers become very powerful now that they've buff the header hit box it might be good honestly I haven't seen it used enough to tell it could be op especially combined with a trait like bunny but hope put a it seems good I'll put that good know it seems good it seems better than this other [ __ ] in my opinion long legs okay quick little correction I'm probably going to cut this right into the middle of the video and just CL art I [ __ ] up long legs I canus to with long strides apparently long legs is a weapon which every 20 seconds whenever you M1 M2 steal you get an increased hit box um still seems [ __ ] I'm going to keep it at trash but I just want to make the correction repel blocking ball as a goalkeeper the ball will get sent fber it's okay like it's pretty useful I don't know if I would say it's good it's pretty good now we got leader I didn't want to be very controversial so I put himim jnun and a picker everyone love so leader pretty much you can yell and everyone gets their stamina back honestly i' say this is good this is a pretty good skill uh I could imagine how good it is in 8 V8 or 12v 12s once you get to that point but even in the base game I have some clutch moments where my friend uses leader I able to run the ball all the way in and score it in I'd say it's good I don't know if I'm stupid but snatch I put swiper for snatch snapch seems [ __ ] dog [ __ ] match is a weapon which gives a 50% chance for the goalkeeper to catch the ball when diving what's that dog [ __ ] like a 50% really maybe it was like 100% with a cool down just because he decided to do that [ __ ] I'm putting at trash you should have just did it like okay it's 100% chance but you have to activate it and I catch it up in 10 seconds like some other abilities in the game but it just seems [ __ ] Cher our boy Speedster a weapon is perfect for people short Heights allows them to run 30% running speed boost for 20 seconds good good really good I I I might be willing to put that overpower just because how AIDS it is let go it's going at the top of good it's going at the top of good so this one is voracious I couldn't really find a good image for it so I just a little hungry Emoji it's a weapon which allows the user to get up way faster from sliding and being ankle broken and exchange for 5% stamina um I'm that trash this sounds trash I don't give to [ __ ] last but not least IU wall is an ability which allows players to use goalkeeper like ability while in their side boxes this weapon uses the same key binds as goalkeeper like I guess if you want to be a Defender that's kind of cool it's okay I guess if you're like a Defender and like you just like come at the thought of like blocking someone shot like oh my God I'm going to be just like the Defenders and block who wants to be a [ __ ] Defender but if that's you I'll put that good just cuz if you want to be if that's what you want to do it's good so we'll put it that good okay I knew I was forgetting some [ __ ] hold up okay so for some reason these didn't go I put him in originally so I had to add him later on but this this [ __ ] kunami is [ __ ] overpowered it's literally like a Emperor level shot that you get every 25 seconds I swear it's the same power as Emperor [ __ ] you overpowered go [ __ ] yourself borrows Cho we've all seen it um I think it's good but 150c cool down if it had a short as for cool down would be overpowered but cool down is long enough for to keep it balanced honestly Emperor I want to be that guy it's okay 100 you pretty much get like two free shots like it's 180c cool down you can pretty much only use it like twice a game at best I'm putting it out okay I don't give a [ __ ] I'm 99% sure I got all the [ __ ] we need to review let's get on to reviewing the tra if you disagreed leave some comments if you agreed leave some comments let's get into the [ __ ] trades and now we are on to the trades part now you know might be looking at these image I had to search a lot for these image so please give me a break I'm making this at 6:20 a.m. that's good it first one is we got clamps rare gives you bigger M2 range which honestly um if depending on I'm I haven't seen it I've never used it you couldn't really tell if someone's using it but I feel like that could be good I feel like it could be good like long bigger M two range is steal the ball from 10 ft away if it the range is good then it's good it's range is [ __ ] and it's [ __ ] that's all I can say uh ego this is eist four times eag game I'm willing to put overpowered if you have like a 15% speed flow and you're that [ __ ] it's [ __ ] overpowered you should end your life now we got our boy Boogie 298 88 as heavy makes you slow gives you more shot power depending on how much shot power you get it could go from trash to okay but becoming so in this game is [ __ ] because if you're an eagle if you're a real good player you're trying to dribble the ball and get past Defenders you know if you're just like a striker and you're waiting for someone to pass the ball to you then it could be good but if you're not [ __ ] then you don't need this now this Emoji is for athlete overall boost on your jump speed and power this sounds like it could be okay depending on how good the power and speed buff is you know having overall better stats is pretty nice I can imagine you dribbling pretty F actually it's going to good if the speed is good and the jump boost is good I can imagine the crazy air dribbles you could do it's going to good tieless is okay tireless TIR train to makes you lose stamina slower it's honestly not that bad bunny really good to almost overpowered if you know how to play the game if you start doing that crazy jump [ __ ] like jump headbutt jump headbutt jump head butt you could be a [ __ ] demon Fortune make 50% more cash from Auto games um you know it's good if you want to make money it's trash if you actually want to play the game we'll put that over powered [ __ ] it unbreakable I think it's [ __ ] but is a trade that stops the user from being ankle broken once after that the user like 30 seconds to use it again even though this is even a [ __ ] passive it's a move that you have to activate SO waiting 30 seconds again doesn't make any [ __ ] sense cuz it's a [ __ ] cool down you dumbass game developers so trash it's trash now we're on the metav vision I don't just buffed metavision honestly I just don't know I don't know I'm going to put it that good I have no clue Ripper when ankle breaking players it'll get rag all 3 seconds longer than normal if you're like a crazy dribbler this could be really [ __ ] good cuz if you just pass two Defenders and angle broke them them being on the floor for that long gives you so much time just get way ahead of them I'm putting this on good Hank use our a bigger hit box in all areas I just don't know how big the hit boxes I'm going to assume it's trash honestly I'm just going to assume it's trash now Powerhouse slightly increases these your shot power we're going to assume it's trash Surf's Up surf that's use slide tackle fever honestly I've seen it use I think I think it's good I think it's good long strides to run slightly faster putting that [ __ ] now let me figure out where what this is supposed to be oh golden Zone golden zone is really [ __ ] good if you're a striker and you use it on spawn other than that I think it's kind of [ __ ] trash because getting into a hyp specific spot just to get a little bit more shot power is never going to be worth it you're better off you're more likely to get a shot in if you're running around and just do a crazy kick into the goal instead of trying to get to your specific shot and relying on that shot power you're going to get from the golden Zone I think it's either trash or overpowered depending on if you're the striker or not and you spam it on spawn which if you don't know exactly I'm talking about you can just watch my video here the one I just uploaded and you'll see how I use it to be overpowered so put it I overpowered I guess and that is the end of the video If you guys agree with me like the video If you disagree like the video leave a comment being cage already [ __ ] suck cage
Channel: CabbageLord
Views: 54,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locked, blue lock roblox, roblox, roblox blue lock game, roblox locked, blue lock roblox locked, best trait in locked, best weapon in locked, locked best weapon, locked best trait, roblox locked best skills
Id: a4kNLVwBpXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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