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yo what's up my peoples is is everyone good excellent uh golden here I want to show you guys basically uh how to use Riptide so I guess you can call this the first of a video and uh if you know how to use Rip Tide uh you can still watch the video because I I think I found a way that I use it in which people don't and it might help you and if you don't know how to use rip TI then this is the most perfect video for you so stay tuned and uh here let's get started [Music] to teach you guys how to use Rip Tide like how to use it professionally not the way that it got it got you a receiving a call but not the way that it got you looking like this and the Go's here and you look like that that's not the rip TI I'm going to be teaching [Music] [Music] you so basically my mic is going to sound trash for the time being because this this is the first video I upload and I don't really know how to get everything going but if you do know please let me know in the comment section below and uh yeah all right anyway it's time to get uh get the video started let's go so like I was explaining before if you use Rip Tide as you can see it's got two directions well it's got this direction which is obviously if you shoot it goes left and yada yada yada Bor and the right obviously means right if I do that it's going to curve right side basically how you want to cheat rip tide is that so obviously you have the first Direction the second Direction and then after if you click it again it does nothing right it goes into nothing which is obviously no rip TI what you want to do and this is what I figured out I don't know if this is how people use it but this is how I use it so what you want to do to use rip tide is like how to use it like obviously like I shown like the proper way literally like so cool say for example you have your left your left rip TI which is like the curve that goes that way all you want to do to do like to do the I'm going to show you guys how to do the knuckle ball which is the straight one what you want to do to do the straight one turn obviously your rip tide on we're I'm going to show you this this Direction first turn off shift lock and then I need you to stand in the opposite direction of the arrow so if the Arrow's pointing left stand to the right like facing the right and then hold shoot down obviously shoot and it should go in a straight line like decently straight you can do it in the literally the other direction which I'll show you right now all right well okay I'll show you that right now and the opposite direction literally looks like this and and yeah again it's oh that wasn't it that wasn't it my fault my fault I don't I don't know what happened there but like it was not what I was trying to show you hold on let me show you properly you face obviously left and the I was facing right and you shoot it goes in a straight line basically all the power from the curve of the rip tide is going to go in a straight line that's basically how you do it I'm going to show you guys how you do my one which is the one I like to do to aim for top corners and just High shots in general so basically say you're dribbling or whatever you want to have your thing like in whatever Direction so say if the ball's on the right side of you like if you're about to take the shot like this have the thing on left and then I'm going to need you to instead of being directly on side you want to be running at like an angle like the angle would be this so w and D you want to be holding W and d and Sprint too I guess but W and d and you want to be going in that type of Direction this direction like what I wasn't even next to the ball what type of hit box this type of Direction so if you're in that direction so have your shot like this and you're in this let me bring the ball towards the center mod so say for example now everything set up you you're like in the like you're facing like diagonally like with w and d and you're facing this way if you now shoot it will curve a tiny bit I use it to aim in Corners so say for example if I was to aim in the top left corner like where my cursor is right now over there if I was to aim over there I would uh face the arrow left cuz I'm on this side uh W ASD and then shoot but like aim in the middle and it will curve a bit to the left a tiny bit and then that's basically how I do mine that's how I kind of do it like I aim a bit higher and I've got so used to it that I kind of like know where to aim and uh yeah that's basically how you control Rip Tide to like the most you can I would say and then obviously if you was to do my like if I do my shots um they look a bit something like this so I'll just play it and then shoot and then it should curve like if you know you you you get the hang of like how much it will curve depending on how much you turn and [ __ ] like that and then obviously if you do I don't really like doing it on the other side but you can do it on the other side and it does the same same thing that is how you use Rip Tide the advanced way um I don't want to make this video too long so because I've recorded it for so long and it's my first one so um yeah if you did enjoy the video and uh you enjoyed the and you actually learned something and you learn how to use it like like a boss like I'm going to show you rins I'm look even with this method you can score from a corner bro look at this foolproof I made it yeah that's basically how you do Riptide in the directions I was showing you uh feel free to send me your Rip Tide clips and cool goals that you guys get with it and [ __ ] like that but uh yeah anyway guys thank you for watching I don't want to make the video too long um so yeah it's been golden I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night or whatever like wherever time zone whatever you're doing I I just hope you I hope you enjoy like the main thing is to enjoy all right cool um I'm out thank you for watching oh like And subscribe too monkeys just lost in life feel I'm losing time I can't lose what's mine better choose what's right cuz you choose inside I just need some time
Channel: GoldenChild
Views: 25,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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