The Deep Ones Are Real - Secret PreHistory of the Ironborn - Song of Ice and Fire - Game of Thrones

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yes the Deep ones are real it would have been better YouTube practice to call this video are the Deep ones real question mark but that would have felt dishonest because it's not a bloody question there definitely absolutely are fish human hybrids in A Song of Ice and Fire we've personally met several in the story already the maesters have documented at least two civilizations of fish people elsewhere in the world and of course George RR Martin's planetos if you will or girth if you prefer is in general populated by all manner of human animal hybrids some of those hybrids are fish people call them deep ones Merlins selkies walrus men squishers they're out there they're still active and they have a plan in other words the question isn't do they exist it's what are they up to you could say that they've been influencing ironborn culture through the drowned priests for thousands of years but it's actually more accurate to say that ironborn culture has only ever been little more than a cult of the deep ones in ancient day The Cult of the deep ones actually spanned the length and bread of Westeros that's right wherever the first men lived on peninsulas or Islands they seem to have run a foul of squishers and of course the prime directive of deep ones cult is breeding with humans that's how you join the cult pretty much now I'm having a little bit of fun here by calling it a cult obviously but the real serious truth here is that the ancient first men and even sometimes Children of the forest and green men were in fact being farmed by the Deep ones in specific places that I will show you today this practice was not only widespread but also codified into Unholy ritual which is where we get the cult and ironborn culture which are pretty much the same thing that's that's the point of the video anyway today I'm going to show you that the Deep ones are real how they influence humans and most importantly how they already are and will continue to to be involved in the story this time there was no Village close at hand when darkness Came Upon them nor were there any trees to give them shelter they were forced to Camp amongst some rocks 50 yards above the tideline the rocks at least would keep the wind off best we keep a watch tonight my lady crab told her as she was struggling to get a Driftwood fire lit a place like this her might be squishers squishes Brienne gave him a suspicious look monsters mble dick said with relish they look like men till you get close but their heads is too big and they got scales where a proper man's got hair fish belly white they are with webs between their fingers they're always damp and fish is smelling but behind these blubbery lips they got rows of green teeth sharp as needles some say the first men killed them all but don't you believe it they come by night and steal bad little children patting Along on them webbed feet with a little squish squish sound the girls they keep to breed with but the boys they eat tearing at them with those sharp green teeth he grinned at Podrick they'd eat you boy they'd eat you raw if they try I'll kill them Podrick touched his sword you try that you just try squishers don't die easy he winked at Brienne you a bad little girl [Music] Mady there is no spoon there is no SP hey have you seen my magic spoon there is spoon anywhere oh there is no spoon Dave it's all in your mind no rhaegar The Matrix isn't real but that spoon is and I need it to eat some of the sweet tasty magic spoon cereal yes Dave of course I know that don't be silly this is actually a Valyrian steel spoon notice the layers of folded steel GRE art you're Blinded By Your Love of nostalgia be it for old valyria or The Matrix don't forget Mario Kart but magic spoon cereal is the childhood Nostalgia that you can enjoy any time of the day because it's delicious and fueling of course it is Dave that's because it has 13 to 14 grams of protein per serving and there's no energy crash afterwards such as you would have with a high sugar snack sweet so can I have my spoon back what I want to know is how they've rediscovered the secret of Valyrian steel they didn't they discovered the secret of making cereal with grownup ingredients and I'd really like to eat some now f click the link below to get some magic spoon cereal today you can build your very own custom box with all the flavors you love and use our code lightbringer for $5 off you can choose from the bestselling cocoa fruity frosted peanut butter and maple waffle flavors plus other awesome flavors including Honey Nut blueberry muffin birthday cake cinnamon roll and chocolate chip cookie you can also add their marshmallow and chocolatey peanut butter cereal treats to your order and Magic spoon is so confident in their product it's backed with a 100% % happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason I can't see why you wouldn't but they'll refund your money no questions asked so start the year off right by clicking the link below or scan the QR code on the screen and use the promo code lightbringer for $5 off or go to magic spoon SL lightbringer and for our Canadian and British fans magic spoon also ships to Canada and the UK I wonder if they ship to Old valyria I really was excited when they sent me the spoon I have to say I was unreasonably excited any case hi thanks for watching the whole ad I'm David lightbringer it means a lot and thank you so much for helping me get over 100,000k I'm sure the plaque is in the mail already so yes the Deep ones thanks for clicking on this video in which I will lay out for you the long-standing traditions of these squishers Merlins deep ones Etc which is of course to say their tradition of stealing enslaving impregnating and yes farming of humans that's right the ironborn may not like farming but they themselves may be a crop of half breeds from one of the deep one's many successful attempts to farm humans said another way I believe that many or even most of the first ironborn were the Half Breed slaves of the actual deep ones that's the deal folks in fact there's really only one way to become a fish human in A Song of Ice and Fire and that's for one of your parents to have been mated with against their will if you will we're not going to say the r word here and get the video demonetized but yeah euphemisms May fool the YouTube sensors but they don't make the truth of the deep ones any less horrific let's start with the basics because I still do get people commenting and making YouTube videos that all this squisher stuff seems kind of wacky and that they don't believe that they're real but as I mentioned at the beginning the maesters who are very sober and function as the scientists anthropologists and historians of their day have documented two different civiliz ations of fishy looking humanoids one on toad island in the basilis ises and one on the Thousand Islands in the eastern part of the Shivering Sea north of mosie I'm saving the passage about the Thousand Islands for a little bit later in the video but here is the masterly report on the aisle of toads and the fishy looking people that live there on the aisle of toads can be found an ancient Idol a greasy black stone crudely carved into a semblance of a gigantic toad of malignant aspect so some 40 ft High the people of this aisle are believed by some to be descended from those who carved the toad stone for there is an unpleasant fish-like aspect to their faces and many have webbed hands and feet if so they are the sole surviving remnant of this forgotten race like I said they are far from the sole surviving remnant of this forgotten race but maybe in that particular part of the world they are and in fact the maesters also attribute ruins found upon the the aisle of Tears the aisle of toads and axe Island to these fishy looking toad Idol worshippers as well and call their civilization a dawn age one which was ended by the arrival of the first corsairs to the basilis GES so wait a group of islands full of fishy people who worship an oily Black Stone which were later taken over by Pirates man that sounds a lot like the iron islands like exactly like the iron Islands history since I do believe that is the basic timeline the first men here seemed to have been hybridizing if you will with the Deep ones long before the gray King and his ancient Mariners from across the sea ever arrived now I do tend to think that George created this Paralis intentionally to help us piece together the secret prehistory of the ironborn series title call out and we'll actually find a similar history over on the three sisters Islands in Westeros which was similarly overrun by Pirates long ago but which retain a local population of very fishy people with fishy beliefs and practice practices setting aside pirates for the moment no one sets me aside the connection between fish people and oily black stone is definitely where this all starts the maesters are generally skeptical and not prone to exaggeration and they say this is a race of people with fishy looking faces and webbed hands and feet and their culture seems to revolve around this huge oily Blackstone toad Idol this thing really does seem like it could almost be a companion piece to the oily Blackstone cra Throne known as the sea Stone chair although really the Kraken should be bigger than the Toads since the toads are small I guess it doesn't really matter these are just likenesses of lovecraftian gods anyway so I mean I guess size is a material right they absolutely do seem like companion pieces and we shouldn't be surprised if they share a common deep one origin and like the toad island people the ironborn definitely seem to have both cultural practices based on contact with the Deep ones and people alive today who still bear the physical Hallmarks of deep one hybridization we dealt with a longer Deon Cod at Mo Kalin scene in the mo kalum disaster Hunters video but here are the highlights he's described as a big man but popey and wide of mouth with dead white flesh he looked as if his father had sired him on a fish but still he wore a long sword deeon of course threatens Theon with a very squisher likee torment saying I'll open your belly pull your entrails out and make you eat them but then dies by axe to the forehead which is a fatal condition and the line there is he jerked like a fish on a hook then crashed face first onto the table and of course the table in that scene is an oily Blackstone Feast table so very sacrificial Vibes going on deeon COD himself is named after a fish the codfish and a love crafy and God Deon which in turn took its name from a misunderstanding concerning a Sumerian fish-headed god ws and a rain and fertility God called deeon in other words George is telling us in no uncertain terms that some of the ironborn are fishy people and that this fishiness has its origins in the Deep ones who worship deeon and sometimes eat people as I mentioned in the mo kin video I'm pretty sure the George placed this Deon Cod scene at Mo kin because it was the squishers and their hybrid THS who originally built mod Kalin which is of course constructed entirely out of huge blocks of black Basalt that might be upgraded to probably are also oily Black Stone so before we go any further we can already say this for sure fish people do exist in A Song of Ice and Fire just as the children of the forest are theanthropic humanoids with the physical features of cats snakes and deer and just as the valyrians and targaryens show evidence of possessing hybridized reptilian DNA every time they give birth to a deformed lizard baby which are known to have physical features such as scales Wings tails and Claws those are animal features not human features by the way we hear tell of all manner of weird humanoids and Soros and the further east some of which is likely based in truth and then we have the very real giants that Jon Snow and the Night's Watch Meet north of the wall and also the KNE High dwarf that Danny meets in karth at the house of the undying don't forget the kni dwarf it's very weird in other words I think it's safe to say that A Song of Ice and Fire is wait for it a fantasy story with pretend Evolution and expanded crossbreeding possibilities some of those possibilities are realized by the Deep ones as these abandoned Island cultures of hybrid populations show it's also interesting to note the extreme distance between the basilis ises the iron Isles and the Thousand Islands we have no idea if these are the same sort of deep ones or Merlins or whatever in all of these locations or or if deep ones and selis and Merling Etc are even different things at all but what we can say is that humans were aquatically hybridized on the shores of both the Shivering Sea and the summer sea and as I mentioned all over the coasts islands and peninsulas of westos and I do mean all over Westeros and significantly on both the east and west coast Davos is visit to the three sisters islands is undeniable evidence so let's go ahead and quote that scene the Lord fingered the ribbon frowning at the seals he was an ugly man big and fleshy with an orman's thick shoulders and no neck coarse gray stubble going wide in patches covered his cheeks and Chin above a massive shelf of brow he was bald his nose was lumpy and red with broken veins his lips thick and he had a sort of webbing between the three middle fingers of his right hand Davos had heard that some of the Lords of the three sisters had webbed hands and feet but he' always put that down as just another sailor's story but the woman brought them a fresh loaf of bread still hot from the oven when Davos saw her hand he stared Lord godre did not fail to make note of it I she has the mark like all borell for 5,000 years my daughter's daughter not the one who makes the stew he tore the bread apart and offered half to Davos eat it's good it's pretty funny that Lord borell is frowning at the seals here since his ancestors very definitely did not frown at the seals if if you take my meaning both godrick and his granddaughter have webbing between their fingers very like the people of toad Island and please don't try to convince yourself that this is just some weird skin deformity and not evidence of deepo hybridization because you'd be wrong Lord borell like Deon Cod has what's known as the insouth look which is something that Martin would be borrowing from HP Lovecraft which is where he got the squishers in the book Shadow over insouth those whose ancestors bred with the squishers have this sort of look little hair thick and stocky sort of brish looking almost dead looking flesh wide mouth big blubbery lips and so on the manderes all have this look as well the huge almost comedically food stained Lord Wyman mandley looks to Davos like half a corpse whose skin is palad with an undertone of gray his sons both take after him and even have fishy looking walrus mustaches both had ostentatious walrus mustaches and heads as bare as a baby's bottom neither seemed to own a single garment that was not spotted with food stains squishers eat messy I hope I don't have to tell you that but I do want to tell you that the frey Pie scene definitely hits differently when you realize that Wyman mandal is a deep one spawn gluttonously devouring people in front of everyone and reving in every moment the best pie you have ever tasted my lords the fat Lord declared wash it down with Arbor gold and savor every bite I know I shall true to his word manderly devoured six portions two from each of the three pies smacking his lips and slapping his belly and stuffing himself until the front of his tunic was half brown with gravy stains and his beard was flecked with crumbs of crust absolutely disgusting it's going to get worse as we go I'm really just trying to break it off for you and bite siiz chunks so as you're starting to see there has been actual fish hybridization in westros and the genetic presence is still strong enough to manifest we don't know how often that squisher blood needs to be renewed to keep the traits alive for thousands of years but it seems to run quite strongly amongst the borell and perhaps a little less strongly amongst the mandes who after all did come to this area more recently that actually tells us something else though deep one hybridization has continued into more recent times recent enough to have ens snared the manderes after they came to White Harbor interesting to note George Martin actually drops a reminder about the sisterman having Webb toes and fingers in sansa's wind's early release chapter so don't think that Davos Lord borell scene is just written for effect that's World building right there now just as on the iron Islands there appear to be cultural norms that celebrate deep one hybridization at both white Harbor and the Three Sisters Islands among the bells it's considered an honor to have the mark and not a reason to make someone Outcast this belief that deep one hybrids are holy or special or qualified to be the Lords of an island must surely date back to the time when the Deep ones cult was alive and well here we know that the people of sisteron used to worship a pair of oceanic deities the lady of the waves and the lord of the Skies with a violent storms that occur around the three sisters Islands being seen as the product of their Divine coupling it would seem to be a gender swapped version of the stormlands mythology which talks about a sea god and a goddess of the Winds whose divine child child is fair elen and it also reminds us of the bastic boy only ironborn deity pairing of the Drowned God and the storm God perhaps most interestingly the ancient people of sisteron apparently had a custom of casting children born with dwarfism into the sea and I'd suspect that this ritual wasn't confined to children with dwarfism or other birth conditions but was simply a part of their sacrifices to the Sea Gods who of course would be the Deep one I mean it doesn't really make a lot of sense that these people would be totally freaked out by dwarfism to the point of throwing their children into the sea but on the other hand choose the most Webby handed insouth looking Bros to be the Lords of their Islands this is all probably part of the same set of cultural practices since we know that child sacrifice is a big part of deep one Behavior I mean it's on the bloody t-shirt I got this at Hot Topic guys even they know the truth now white Harbor definitely seems seems to be a place where fishy mythology centered around the Marling King has taken very ancient and strong route and that culture still dominates the city even though the mandes brought the worship of the faith of the seven there some thousand years ago or so and even though the north is generally the domain of the worshippers of the old gods of the weirwoods with white Harbor's older Castle even containing an enormous and ancient weirwood this Merling King merman symbolism and iconography has come to completely dominate white Harbor and house manderly with their merman's court that places everyone in a watery audience Hall beneath the waves as far as symbolism goes it's not very subtle it's the drowned Gods watery Halls everyone there it is in other words the Deep one inspired culture at White Harbor was so strong that it totally subsumed every other cultural idea the mandes brought with them and could never be erased by Northern old gods worship which has been going strong for 8,000 years or or so this is why I spoke of an ancient cult or culture we aren't simply dealing with some weird phenomenon where people wandering too close to the Shoreline occasionally get abducted or eaten by the squishers but rather a prolonged interaction between the Deep ones and humans around which culture and religion have Arisen in fact as it turns out there are fish humans in many or even most of the ancient legends of Westeros and nearby OS we've just been talking in our recent ironborn videos about how the gray King cultural hero of the ironborn married a mermaid and had a hundred Sons with her who became most of the ironborn nation we've also been comparing gray King to Duran God's grief the founding cultural hero of the stormlands because King Duran married the daughter of the Wind and Sea Gods elen and then had many descendants that populated that region a magical woman that comes from the sea could be or I'd say probably is some kind of fish human and much of the rest of Duran's story seems like a very close match to that of the great king who again also married a fish human hybrid person also founded a nation and who also wared Against The Gods and called down some unbelievable storm that stands in the historical record 8,000 years later then we have Owen Oakenshield son of G the green founding hero of the reach Who quote conquered the shield Islands driving the selkis and Merlins back into the sea Garth the green of course is described as a green man and is thought to either have led the first first men into West wos or perhaps to have been in Westeros before any humans and here we find his son taking over Islands which were already populated with fish humanoids here we see selis and Merlins lumped together as if they were the same thing and again I will say that nobody can really know how many different species of fish people there are and that it's not really anything to worry about I mean squishers are something to worry about if you're near the shoreline but doesn't really matter if the Deep one eating you alive calls thems a Merling or a skky now does it and of course in terms of real world folklore there are different Legends associated with some of these different types of fish humans and George is in fact drawing from many or most of them at different times in any case yes the Deep ones appear to be one of the old races that the children of the forest speak of having inhabited Westeros before humans along with the children themselves the Giants and probably the green men gray King Duran God's grief and gtha green are the oldest personages in their respective cultures and they are all interacting with fish people who appear to have already been in Westeros when they got there now over in the veil the oldest mythical figure that anyone talks about is the winged Knight sweet Robin's favorite and the winged Knight supposedly quote rode upon a huge Falcon with an army of eagles fighting at his command when he quote flew to the top of the Giant's Lance and slew the Griffin King to win the veil It also says that he counted Giants and Merling amongst his friends and W a woman of the children of the forest though she died giving birth to his son so pretty much everything about this story smacks of dawn age Westeros right the Griffin king and the wigged Knight are no doubt ancient skin changer Warlords such as once existed all over Westeros who wore the skins of eagles Falcons Ravens and other birds so think verir six skins but just a lot more competent and a lot more focused on birds the winged Knight must have been a champion or conqueror of these bird skin Changers one who took over the area and of course today in those same mountains we find descendants of the ancient first men wedding a child of the forest is certainly something the ancient first men seem to have done and of course we do know that Giants once did live in Southern westos and that you can indeed make friends with giants as tormund and mans and other wildlings have now friends with Merling that's another story no one really counts Merling as their friends unless they're part of deep one's cult so you have to wonder what this winged nightfell it was really up to a kid of course but the point is this is yet another firstman founding hero interacting with Merlins and squishers and such and that makes four so far plus the bell's claim of having had the mark for 5,000 years and however old the Merlin King culture is at White Harbor and other places on the Eastern Seaboard now you probably never thought much of the Merling or mermaid parts of these ancient legends because there's just so much going on in them and because it's so easy to dismiss talk of mermaids and squishers as snarks and grumpkins foolishness but that just highlights the joke Martin has played on us and by us I mean you cuz I believe in the squishers we laugh at the skeptical people in the story who don't believe in Tales of the whites and the others and the children of the forest dismissing them as talk of snarks and grumpkins but Martin has fooled most of us into dismissing Talk of the squishers as snarks some grumpkin when they're as real as the others let me tell you so once you realize that fish people do exist then all these old Legends of mermaids and Merlins and silkies have to be viewed as potentially having a foundation in truth it might be hard to say which elements of Any Given myth are rooted in reality and what is poetic or symbolic or just exaggerated over time but the simple fact that there are fish humans in so many of the oldest stories in Westeros does say in general that the first men did encounter or Merling and deep ones or whatever as they spread throughout Westeros there go when Nimble dick tells Brienne that some say the first men killed them all but don't you believe it he's right on three counts one the squishers were here first two the first men conflicted with them as they migrated up the continent and three they did not succeed in killing them all speaking of nimble dick I will tell you that the oldest and greatest legendary figure on crackclaw point is of course the great sir Clarence crab and according to old dick Clarence Krab fought the Merlin King there's no kind of dating for any of that story but again it does sound like a story set in very ancient Westeros Clarence crab is 8 ft tall rides an orx and his castle now a ruin at the end of the crackclaw peninsula was called The Whispers And we know that it has both a weirwood organism and a Cave System below Clarence was said to have had a habit of bringing the heads of his defeated foes back to that cave so his Woods witch WI could kiss them alive again to whisper Good Counsel to Clarence which by the way is a clear illusion to the Welsh myth of bran the Blessed so was Clarence Krab some kind of skin changer or green Seer first man or perhaps a towering Green Man figure like Duran God's grief it's hard to say of course but it's probably something like that and what we can say for sure is that we have yet another ancient founding cultural hero myth with deep ones in it and crackclaw in general does seem to be a place where everyone believes in the existence of the deep ones as nibble dick has told us now over on the other side of the narrow sea we find one more very old legend that involves fish people which would be the story of the destruction of the original inhabitants of lorath those inhabitants were very mysterious people called the Maz makers who carved elaborate mazes out of stone all over the Headland and the main lorathi island lorathi Legends suggests that they were destroyed by an enemy from the sea Merling in some versions of the tale selkies and walrus men in others once again we Face the question of what's the difference between a Marling and a selky and a walrus man but the point is the maze maker civilization is a very great Antiquity and although there seem to be multiple versions of the legend of its destruction all of them involve fish people and let me tell you the idea of Mings coming out of the sea to kill and destroy is a lot more accurate than any of those lovely Tales of be ping mermaids yeah and there are by the way said to be mermaids in the Shivering sea on Whose Shores lorath sits and supposedly they have black scaled tails and are more malign than the less chilly mermaids of the South but again I would advise steering clear alt together unless you want your descendants to be popey and wide of mouth what a sentence all right my back got it together now um let me also make the point that uh even if the Destroyers of lorath weren't deep ones and selis you know but rather just an enemy from the sea classic Pirates as some have suggested the fact that all the Legends say the squishers did it just indicates a general belief in the existence of Merlins and squishers in that area and thus I believe I've made my point the ancient legends of Westeros frequently mentioned mermaids Merlins selis and the like and the narrow sea in particular seems to to be teaming with Merlins of every sort the West Coast ain't taken no smack talk though with s uh about its lack of deep ones I already mentioned the shield islands and all the Merlins and selis G's son Owen Oaken Shield had to drive off or chose to drive off anyway I guess he could have just joined deep On's cult already mentioned the mermaid that the gray King married and then sired all of the ironborn nation with except for house good brother and of course the iron islands and all of their deep R LS the main topic of this video aside from that Tyrion Lannister also mentions that the Fisher folk of lannisport often report sightings of Merling and even though he's being sarcastic we can assume that there are probably local Legends of mermaids and Merlins there as there seem to be most everywhere along the coastline Old Town well Oldtown has a lot going on and we'll get its own video in this series very soon but there are both Legends of Merlins there as well as genuine questions posed by the maesters about who might have carved the winding tunnels in the fused Stone Fortress beneath the high tower with its Black Stone reminding Arch Meer Theon who was born on the iron islands of the sea Stone chair my guess on that by the way is that long before the great Empire of the Dawn ever came there to shape the black stone with dragon fire into the Fus Stone Fortress that we see now it must have been some other kind of hunk of oily Black Stone and it probably was the Deep ones who carved those tunnels down into the Rock first that's just a hunch I'll have to follow up on that in a future video again but uh same actually hears one of the captains of the high tower Fleet casually discussing some of the options that Lord Leighton High Tower might be considering deploying against iron in the coming battle and curiously he says this Lord Leighton longed to top his Tower with the madade Consulting books of spells might be he'll raise an army from the deeps or not yeah you know maybe maybe not who knows could go either way and again I will simply say that this reflects a local folkloric belief that sometimes armies can come from the deeps put a pin in that for later cuz euron and the damp hair and thus the drowned gods are all sort of lurking around Oldtown as of the Winds of Winter the ironborn of course have the strongest and clearest belief in a deep one origin as the drowned priest saon salong says we did not come to these holy Islands from Godless lands across the seas We Came from Beneath those Seas from the watery Halls of the drowned go God who made us in his likeness and gave to us dominion over all the Waters of the earth as I've said many times in this ironborn video series it just keeps going on and on forever um all these things appear to be true I believe the actual timeline is first men interbreeding with the Deep ones creating a hybrid population and then later ancient Mariners from across the sunset sea arriving giving rise to the gray King Legends and eventually merging with these fishy locals to create the ironborn nation the mermaid that the gray King married well I'm pretty sure that would have been a fish human hybrid of this native population a fishy firstman hybrid princess for gray King to marry in order to bind his culture to the native one it says that gray King married her so that quote his sons and daughters might live above the waves or beneath them as they chose and that's basically a perfect description of the hybridization process and the results ton Cod and his ilk give Testament to this fishy deep On's ironborn ancestry and one assumes he's not the only one whose father sired him on a fish there's also a lord MD Merlin lord of House Merlin of pebbleton on great Wick and he seems to have the insouth look and what's great is that everyone calls him the Merlin as per the naming tradition of the Lords of the iron Islands leading to such delightful sentences as the Merlin was a bald round fleshy man who styled himself Lord in the manner of the green mainlands and dressed in Furs and velvets so in other words Merling hybrids are bald round fleshy men who wear clothes like the people of the greenlands and call themselves Lords hardy har har that's the story though and Aeron even does a mini drowning ritual and then sends Lord Merlin back up to his Tower as if he were the first Merlin to emerge from the drowned God's watery Halls to become an ironborn Lord in a tower now for the rest of the squishy story let's turn back to Nimble Dick's squisher monologues and analyze them for the detail of what he actually told us about the Deep ones and what they like to do so yes Nimble dick definitely gave us the most detailed information about the Deep ones uh by the way that comes from a Brienne passage of A Feast for Crows and that's the one we read at the beginning you can see the bullet points on the screen here and essentially what he told us is that the belief about the squishers is that they're child kidnappers and flesh eaters with an apparent agenda that involves creating Half Breed squisher humans they're monsters as dick said and if he's right about the Deep ones only being able to breed with human women then it may be that the original hybrid populations are created from a human female and a squisher male with the slightly more human descendants than free to spread their deep one genes throughout the rest of the population the main thing I want to point out about their physical description is that they're not quite as fishy as some of the Glorious deep ones artwork that we've been showing throughout this video they actually look like men until you get close which you don't want to do of course goes without saying now perhaps this description applies only to the hybrids and there are fishier deep ones down in the ocean but the main point is that these fishy hybrids can kind of sort of blend into the human population and wear titles like Lord manderly Lord Burell or the Merlin when you get close however expect to to find an inhuman monster with pointed teeth dead white flesh and a desire to eat you raw Brienne was warned about all this by Nimble dick but didn't do her a lot of good when she met a deep one hybrid spawn in real life later in that same book they're very hard to kill as nbbl dick said no was all she had time to say before he fell on top of her his weight driving her deeper into the mud one of his hands was in her hair pulling her head back the other groped for her throat oathkeeper was gone torn from her grasp she had only her hands to fight him off but when she slammed a fist into his face it was like punching a ball of wet white dough he hissed at her she hit him again again again smashing the heel of her hand into his eye but he did not seem to feel her blows she clawed at his wrists but his grip just grew tighter the blood ran from the gouges where she scratched him he was crushing her smothering her she pushed at his shoulder ERS to get him off her but he was heavy as a horse impossible to move when she tried to knee him in the groin all she did was drive her knee into his belly grunting biter tore out a handful of her hair so now just try to remember how big and strong Brienne of Tarth really is Jamie I if I recall correctly compares her to the hound and yet she has just no chance against berer whose squishy dolik Face seems impervious to her many blows a BRI of Tarth Palm Jam to the eye socket really should do some damage but not to this monster who wears the name biter Brienne also slashes his belly open with her dagger and that pretty much just makes him angry and then after another hiss biter begins breaking bones with single blows one to brienne's face and then one to Break brienne's arm then the true horror begins brienne's chest was burning and the storm was behind her eyes blinding her bones ground against each other inside of her bit's mouth gaped open impossibly wide she saw his teeth yellow and crooked filed into points when they closed on the soft meat of her cheek she hardly felt it she could feel herself spaling down into the dark I cannot die yes she told herself there is something I still need to do bit's mouth tore free full of blood and flesh he spat grinned and sank his pointed teeth into her flesh again this time he chewed and swallowed he is eating me she realized but she had no strength left to fight him any longer so yes this is horrible sorry for reading it and uh yes Brienne is being eaten alive by a Merling in this scene berer was supposedly found as an orphan by rarge and raised to fight in the illegal fighting pits in King's Landing and everyone thinks his teeth are filed as opposed to being the naturally pointed teeth of a squisher or a squisher hybrid but this may not be the case that's really just what people would assume notice that his mouth opens impossibly wide that's a damn squisher mouth likewise the wiki says that B's tongue has been cut and that he therefore does not speak but you need at least some tongue to hiss yes so biter probably could speak if not well if he wanted to but he doesn't and that maybe because he doesn't know how to speak and that would make him a close match to the fishy people of the Thousand Islands who have pointed teeth but no language so this is perhaps the Crown Jewel or one of them in the case for the Deep ones having had a long running breeding program with humans and it's found in a remote place in the Shivering sea just off the northern shore of Far Eastern OS they're called the Thousand Islands and well just just listen to this still farther east lie the so-called Thousand Islands iid's chart makers tell us that there are in truth fewer than 300 a seagar scatter of Bleak Windswept rocks believed by some to be the last remnants of a drowned kingdom whose towns and Towers were submerged beneath the rising Seas many thousands of years ago only the boldest or the most desperate Mariners ever make landfall here for the people of these islands though few in number are a queer folk a hairless people with green tinged skin who file the teeth of their females into sharp points and slice the foreskins from the members of their males they speak no known tongue and are said to sacrifice Sailors to their squamous fish-headed gods likenesses of whom rise from their Stony Shores visible only when the Tide recedes though surrounded by water on all sides these Islanders fear the sea so much that they will not set foot in the water even under threat of death even corus valaran Dar to sail no farther east than the Thousand Islands this was where the sea snake turned back on his Great Northern Voyage so it's pretty easy to see what happened here right now in general it does seem like sea levels have been rising since the long night aka the last ice age which is probably just Martin mimicking the recent climate timeline of Earth so it's well possible that there was an ancient Kingdom on these islands thousands of years ago which has been gradually submerged these squamous fish-headed Idols are submerged beneath the waves most of the time so perhaps a little further out Shore there are walls and cities and temples and streets and that sort of thing what we can say for a certainty is that there is a race of people here who have remained in isolation from the rest of the human population of the world for a very long time and these people have obviously been farmed by the Deep ones the maesters say that the females file their teeth into points but that could be an assumption these people don't have language that anyone can recognize so I'm guessing they haven't been interviewed by the fledgling cultural Anthropologist at the Citadel perhaps there's a sexual dimorphism that has manifested over time where only the women women have the big sharp pointy nasty teeth of the squishers yeah you know I had to get that in there or perhaps the teeth are filed intentionally and this might be done to make these women more attractive Brides for the squishers whether they realize that's what they're doing or not the fact that these people are terrified unto death of the water where their fish-headed gods live kind of seals the deal if you will clearly these fishy folk have seen some of their women and children abducted and they've some of them have probably been eaten by the squishers and perhaps their Traditions even dictate that they leave women and children on the shoreline as sacrifices for the Deep ones at certain times one way or the other they're keenly aware of the danger that comes from the sea so they have some sort of relationship with the Deep ones where they worship them but out of abject Terror and that's really how all of this works I mean the ironborn may have sort of turned things around and now celebrate their deep one Fathers as they say dressing up in Squid and fish armor and all the rest but we're starting to see how this relationship really functions when the rubber meets the road or when the when the shoreline meets the water the squishers steal women and children to breed with and they eat people so now when we think of the ancient iron islands where the first first men found that oily Black Stone squid idle on the shores of old Wick well it's probably much the same as what we see on the Thousand Islands perhaps there are more carved Stones offshore of place places like old Wick or Pike I mean the ironborn do very prominently believe in the existence of watery Halls Beneath the Sea where they go to meet their drowned Gods at the end of their lives and even the tulies who are an ancient first man house believe that they too send their dead to watery halls with their sort of Viking lank boat burning funerals one wonders what's with this belief in cities under the water I mean in the real world we'd simply assume that such sunken cities were built when sea levels were lower but in this fantasy world where the Deep ones are real video title call out and where we find these beliefs in submerged cities in places where people also believe in the Deep ones well we could be talking about the Deep ones literally building underwater cities just offshore of the places where they want to farm people so this was already an idea that I was developing while working on this draft that all these beliefs in submerged cities and watery Halls actually refer to real deep one cities when I consulted with my friend grey waist Tim of the grey waist Tim YouTube channel make sure you subscribe and he kindly informed me that yes in Shadow over insouth and Other lovecraftian Stories the Deep ones do in fact build underwater cities just offshore of the places where they want to farm humans and when the hybrids are reaching the end of their life cycles they become progressively more fishy and eventually swim down to these watery Halls to meet their deep one fathers stop me if any of this sounds familiar I'll lower my tone of voice but it's probably no coincidence that many or even most of these cultures that seem to have been contacted and hybridized by the Deep ones believe in or you might say know about the existence of watery Halls Beneath the Sea then no coincidence that several of them believe that they will go down to these watery Halls at the end of their lives therego it becomes very easy to picture the sea Stone chairs having been dragged ashore by the Deep ones for these ancient ironborn to use I would guess that the Deep one Abduction of children and women probably wasn't halfhazard but rather codified into Unholy ritual where again the women and children are given as sacrifices to the fish Gods now if the sea Stone chair already had its seat carved into it at this time when they founded on the shores of old Wick well then I'd guess that that seed is probably more like an altar where they place the sacrifices for the Deep ones to come and collect this feels right and also very wrong all of this would of course mimic crash 's relationship with the others and that's no accident either it's an intentional parallel that Martin has created and it helps to illustrate my point about farming humans the others leave crter and his family alive and in return He worships them and gives them his male children by leaving them out in the woods as opposed to out on the shoreline we know that those children play some role in either creating new others or I would say maintaining the existence of the current others so yes the others are farming craft and his children and he in turn worships them so who were the ancient ironborn well at some point I think many or most of them were the breeding slaves of the deep ones that could be why thraldom became so ingrained in ironborn culture when it died out almost everywhere else in Westeros because the ironborn began as THS of the deep ones what's great is that the ironborn are essentially recreating the entire thing by dressing up as squids and fish people coming ashore in the night surprise attacking the greenlanders and stealing their [ __ ] including people whom they either turn into thalls or salt wives hey wait they breed with the women and enslave the men is that what we're talking about just like the damn squishers even the practice of having a salt wife and a rock wife a different wife on land and at Sea AKA a human wife and a mermaid wife sounds like a cultural practice that could date back to the time when the Deep one hybrid program was alive and well on the iron Islands now perhaps the greatest Reaver in ironborn history is the red Kraken Dalton Greyjoy who once impressively if you will took a hundred women captive in a single raid and who once said the women of the West prefer men of iron to cowardly Lions it would seem for they jump into the sea and plead with us to take them women jump into the sea and plead with the Kraken to take them do you see the picture that's being painted here I would guess that what happened on the iron islands is that long before the gray King ever arrived and taught everyone how to build boats and weave Nets and be somewhat civilized there were people on the iron Islands or the peninsula that became the iron islands that were existing in some sort of Fallen State like the people on the Thousand Islands are now these would have been first men perhaps cut off from westos when the land connecting the iron Islands collapsed if that's a thing and obviously they would have been farmed extensively by the Deep ones with their women offering themselves to the squishers to the Krakens and with babies probably being given to them on the altar of the sea Stone chair strange cultural beliefs arose to keep it all going and the rest is ironborn history and ironborn culture to ITT the wearing of squid and fish armor clothing and nicknames persisting with the tradition of thraldom the taking of salt wives from the greenlands and raids from the sea and the belief in a drowned G God and by the way despite the modern depiction of the Drowned God as a dead guy being nibbled by fish we of course at this point can have no doubt who the real drowned gods are but now consider the most famous of ironborn cultural practices the ritualistic drowning performed by damp and other drowned priests if the Deep ones really were inter breeding with the ancient people here well then this drowning ritual looks more like a test to see if you can breathe underwater that's right it's a way to see if a hybrid child has the gift of the deep ones and if so they can Simply Swim down to the watery Halls to meet their deep one fathers and then return or perhaps they just rise reborn from the sea and become the Masters and Lords of the people on the land they can never die if you will what is dead can never die because they can live on land or on sea and because they have the super strength and inhuman pain tolerance of the squishers those who fail the test die but if you're a deep one hybrid overseer you don't want to waste good labor right so these failed drowned men would then be resurrected to become THS not quickly drowned and resuscitated like we see the damp hair doing but an actual death and magical water Resurrection such as what happened to patch face that's right you knew patch face was going to come into this it's always seemed pretty obvious that whatever happened to patch face is the real magical drowning and resurrection that the ironborn drowning ritual must have originally been based on the what is dead can never die language implies that it's an actual resurrection and yeah I mean if on one side of the continent we have a guide that actually is water resurrected on the other side of the continent we have people with a long-standing tradition of pretending to resurrect each other so yeah it's kind of a cargo cult thing the ancient ironborn obviously used to drown and resurrect each other that's always been obvious but now I think it makes a lot more sense so this is how it would have went the survivors of the drowning test are A+ deep one hybrids capable of living on land or on sea I suspect that they became the Lords of the people living up in castles such as Castle Pike when on land and Pike whose Origins are a mystery of course would have been built by the Deep ones and their hybrid THS and we can assume that the same is true of Mo Kalin and therefore also Yen by the way recall also that there are ruins all over the Basilisk Islands which many believe were built by the ancestors of the fishy people on the aisle of toads so it seems like the Deep ones putting their thalls to work building stuff is a thing the THS they'd all be like patchface potentially and that's why the ironborn have no history and no memory of this time and no idea who built Castle Pike or what the origins of the sea Stone chair are the ability to build great works of engineering is apparently lost if the Deep ones abandon their colony of THS as seems to have happened in several places so yes not to skip by the the big news that means that patchface was resurrected by the Deep ones I mean what did you think he resurrected himself was it SpongeBob no it wasn't it was the Deep ones who are apparently active again just as all other magic powers in the world also seem to be stirring so Cotter Pike's creepy and disturbing note to Jon Snow about dead things in the water they're probably not dead they're probably just deep ones who have dead white flesh and bad intent the most important thing to understand about patchface having been drowned and resurrected by the Deep ones is that this ritual created a psychic link between the two parties patchface is very obviously constantly receiving psychic messages from someone or something under the sea and if it really was the Deep ones who resurrected him then one could assume that they are the origins of these psychic whisperings and this too would generally follow the lore from Lovecraft about the Deep ones and psychic communication the idea that a magical drowning and Resurrection creates a psychic link to the Deep ones makes a great deal of sense for the scenario that we've just proposed the psychic link would make for a handyandy way to control these drowned men who seem to lose their widths and eventually their language if enough Generations are drowned and Patch faced if you will I'd guess that only a few special chosen instruments of the deep ones would be privileged enough to receive visions of the future or other messages that they are supposed to preach to the rest of the people as The Damp pair is doing and as patch face is trying to do for everyone would just shut the hell up and listen to what he's trying to say bunch of nimmon man so for the majority of the drowned and Patch faced ironborn worker thalls their psychic link to the Deep ones probably functions primarily as a leash and a tether and also a way to activate a drowned manthal Army if the need arise and now hopefully you're thinking of Morgan banfor the last hooded king of house banfor a reputed necromancer who as we know went to battle with his Thal Army as well as Deon drum The Necromancer legendary ironborn Reaver of hrom I don't have time to go back into all the detail check out the uh origins of the ironborn and all the gray King videos all the but okay look just don't give me a these are fun right you're enjoying these right anyway I implied at the time that all this necromancy and thraldom was actually part of the same thing and now you can start to see how that would work the THS are people who were drowned and resurrected like patchface and who are now under some amount of psychic control from their deep one hybrid overlords like deeon drum and Morgan banfor who raised them from the dead or perhaps by the Deep ones Under the Sea who in turn command the hybrid overlords like deeon drum and Morgan banfor once again I'm pleased to say that all of this is apparently being echoed in the current story Aon damp had a patchface like drowning experience 6 years ago and now he is drowning other ironborn turning them into drowned men and calling them an army that is ready to go forth into the world with fire and sword and carry out the will of the Drowned God I covered this theory in extensive detail in the video called Aeron got patch faced which I'll definitely recommend as a companion piece to this one but yes 6 years ago Aeron drowned at Sea and emerged from the water as a completely different person gone was his old goofy unserious personality and in its place this powerful and austere prophet of the Drowned God now Aron doesn't come across at first as being quite as insane as patchface which I think is for two reasons one Aon was drowned when he was like 16 or you know much older than patchface and so he seems to have retained a little more of his senses and also too because aon's utterings unlike patch faces are given in a context where the people around him believe in drowned Gods who Express their will through drowned prophets however when you go back and look at the things the damp hair says they are one manifestly insane sounding especially as kind of nonse responses to the more normal things that people say to him and around him and two the things he says are always about the will of the drowned Gods beneath the waves and about the ironborn cultural practices which honor them when we consider the damp hair and Patch face together we can see the mechanism by which the Deep ones cult operates on land and shapes the culture these literally drowned priests would have the strongest mind link to the drowned gods and it seems like almost everything they say every thought they have is shaped by the will of the beings Under the Sea whom they worship and desire to serve nobody really listens to patchface and certainly no one starts a religion based on the things that he says that would be cool oh wait no that would be ironborn culture exactly which has been essentially dictated by the drowned priests since the beginning of recorded history in Wester so yeah as I said ironborn culture is really little more than a prolonged Cult of the deep ones with a brief Interruption by the gray King and his ancient Mariners but the Deep ones got the gray King too gosh those mermaids are pretty and his children were popy wide mouth blubbery lips hybrid spawn and the Deep ones win perhaps this is why we catch patch face accidentally uttering some of the deep truths of ironborn culture that's right on the top of the screen you can see a quote from Asha greyjoy's chapter where she's passing out unconscious in the woods and she thinks to herself that below the waves the Merlins hail their Lords by blowing into sea seash shells and in that same book A Dance with Dragons patchface says that yes the mermaids will blow seash shells to announce are coming so not only are the mermaids blowing seashells in both quotes but specifically to announce the coming of their Lords of whom patchface is one so yeah ironborn culture accidentally coming out of the mouth of patchface oops now we know why so where's this all headed as far as the rest of the story and the Winds of win well minor spoilers for The Damp hair Winds of Winter early release chapter called The Forsaken which you can find our read through live stream for in the description below and the chapter mostly consists of euron force feeding shade of the evening to his brother Aeron and then implanting horrific nightmares into his mind possibly aided by the use of a Valyrian glass candle if uron is also urethan night walker from karth as he appears to be now in those nightmare Visions there are two things that may portend a future squisher event so one euron flagrantly mocks the Drowned God continuing the blasphemy that he started by declaring I am the storm when of course the ironborn think of the storm God as the devil in the first nightmare Vision Aon sees yuron on the iron throne with the bodies of all the gods of westos impaled on its spikes and it says there swollen and green half devoured by crabs the Drowned God festered with the rest sea water still dripping from his hair later in the chapter euron looks damp hair dead in the eye and says I think if I drowned you you'll stay drowned all gods are lies but yours is laughable a pale white thing in the likeness of a man his limbs broken and swollen and his hair flipping in the water while fish nibble at his face what fool would worship that so yeah it's a whole lot of blasphemy Antichrist euron there you go but of course we know that that isn't really the Drowned God that's euron's idea of the Drowned God the real Drowned God checks notes oh yes Sprouts out of euron's face in the second nightmare Vision the dreams were even worse the second time he saw the long ships of the ironborn a drift and burning on a boiling Blood Red Sea he saw his brother on the Iron Throne again but euron was no longer human he seemed more squid than man a monster fed by a kraken of the deep his face a mass of r ding tentacles so this has always just seemed you know kind of cool and Lovecraft in and all that and certainly this Vision does suggest euron as a tool of the Drowned God in some sense but to me the real question here is whether euron is aware of and intends to be a tool of the Drowned God whom he's just been blaspheming so perhaps euron can summon Krakens and command them and maybe deep ones as well or maybe it's more like The Damp haare says and euron's many blasphemies will bring the Wrath of the drowned Gods down upon him or up upon him from under you understand how it works Under the Sea you fall up actually so yeah the point is that euron's hubristic attempts to wield as much magical power as possible seemingly climaxing with something horrific at Oldtown definitely seems like something that could backfire so perhaps Aeron who in my opinion has been drowned and does have a psychic link to the Deep ones will be the Deep one's real instrument and will somehow turn the tables on euron so most of the speculation about euron at Oldtown of course involves the dragons and the dragon binder horn and certainly I've made a couple videos about that but once you catch on to the idea of Aeron having been drowned and Patch faced in his own way one of the most obvious conclusions is that the Deep ones are probably waiting to use him in some fashion the same goes for patchface who is up at the wall and close enough to hard home and East watch by the sea to potentially have his plot interact with the Deep ones cited there by Cotter Pik and in fact the mermaid seashells quote we quoted earlier is patchface offering to lead the ranging to hard home he says I will lead it we will March into the sea and out again under the waves we will ride seahorses and mermaids will blow sea shells to announce our coming oh oh oh so I'm not sure where all patch Face's story is heading but you know keep an eye on him he may not be in total control of his person at some point especially if he's near the water the other big ramification of the Aeron God patch phased theory is pretty much everything we've been talking about today ironborn culture is nearly 100% dictated from under the sea therefore we should assume that it was probably the same or similar in many or most of the locations that we've talked about today who've been contacted by the Deep ones and who have various cultural practices that reflect that contact and thus the ancient Cult of the deep ones is revealed as promised thank you very much hit like And subscribe this is what we do here and please do consider checking out the cereal it's really quite good much better than eating people alive all [Music] right
Channel: David Lightbringer
Views: 144,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ironborn, iron islands, theon, aeron, damphair, drowned god, deep ones, squishers, nimble dick, seastone chair, greyjoy, pyke, nagga, sea dragon, victarion, euron, hammer of the waters, moat cailin, Lightbringer, the Long Night, great empire of the dawn, lucifer means lightbringer, lml, david, moon meteors, alt shift x, in deep geek, theory, secrets, mythology, symbolism, ASOIAF, GoT, Game of Thrones, house of the dragon, explained, song of ice and fire, lovecraft, merlings, selkies, mermaid, asha
Id: 67NrU0uZo2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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