The Death of Larry Whittaker

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Mark I'm sorry I don't know anything about this if you could just help me this one time I don't know what to do anymore I just I'm just asking you can you send me $150 I promise after I get every arrangements for my dad I never thought today would be the day I would lose my dad I received the message you just heard from Larry's daughter BJ about a week ago BJ has been asking me for money to help pay for her father's funeral obituary and yesterday she texted me to ask for money for clothes for Betty Lorraine Ry and Timmy to wear to Larry's funeral so I thought I'd fly out to West Virginia to go to Larry's funeral which is today no one knows we're coming and I spoke to Betty about Larry's death and she confirmed what BJ had told me that Larry had passed away so something still seems off and I'm going to surprise everyone and see what I can find [Music] out what are you doing buy what are you doing I you you I know I move fast H baby I see that's a beautiful hello so I'm here to go to Larry's funeral Larry funeral Larry's funeral is today sry d That's What BJ told me hey what BJ tell you BJ told me he the funerals today 3 o' well that's your that's that that's BJ for you what what you wanted for what's that I said you don't what she want that I know what I know what she wants the money for but but when she was telling me this I'm across the country I don't know what's going on I feel bad that Larry passed away and here's a daughter crying hysterically over losing her dad so I felt bad so I send her some money for to help with the funeral I don't know I don't have time to fly across the country every every time somebody makes a claim so I trusted her and I was trying to call you but you never answered the phone and I finally told her look I'm not going to do anything until I talk to Betty I'm not going to even talk to you I'm not going to give you anything I'm not going to send anything until I talk to Betty so then she put you on the phone and uh and I asked you about Larry dying and you go yeah he's dead when she told me tell you that now yeah but come on you know you know well I didn't know you going to get no money well you mark lar yeah she told me Larry died what what you mark you know went right well a no cuz if that was me now I would tell more I didn't told Mar all St you tell me I was call Martin and tell me what is she holding a gun to your head huh is she holding a gun to your head no then why why did you just say I want well call me back later when BJ's not standing over your shoulder and tell me the truth look I've been nice to you guys I've sent you guys I know but I didn't know I I didn't know your number on number got your number I don't right hang out to my number sometimes or something we've known each other long enough I thought going change I got Mar l yeah Larry gave me use your head I thought you know I thought Larry going to call you back to you son Larry I don't know who team Larry's on I don't know who look Betty I'm on your side you understand I'm on your side don't be lying to me I won't let she to D J I believe she want I believe she won't put it on there internet me die I believe she put it on there everybody call oh yeah everybody thinks you guys are dead too everybody calling that lar said no they ain't that they ain't I think that's got me I thought I think that who put this is the problem with all this new technology I he put that on there BJ okay hey hey what are you showing me you want me to come inside BJ and Larry coming back all right where's Timmy huh where's Timmy Timmy was oh Timmy's with him yeah do they usually come back huh did they usually come back during the day yeah time okay I don't do you mind if I hang out and wait for him no I don't care you hang out [Music] okay I like your beard all right I'm how you been your knees hurting again cold the cold weather probably makes theira my knees hurt your knees are even hurting that cold weather yeah Cold's not [Music] fun who's this is is that a new one you yeah when BJ told me there's a funeral I just thought I'd hop out and come out so I took a took a flight last night and I got here well I didn't know she call you now more she calls me every day she she's called me six times today six times that she might what what she do did she use a regular phone or or what she uses her cell phone sometimes she sometimes she uses your phone though okay right yeah she text nobody she text World nobody say who she call yeah she like hijacks your phone she like steals your phone and takes it over to Larry's it's Larry's phone but a yeah but but when I call the house phone you guys never answer anymore no do BJ's got the phone cuz BJ keeps it over there nobody can't answer so so what's going on with BJ she got I what's going on with it's pretty clear she's got a drug problem right you that what going on with the killing them lives now I don't know about she don't tell me that yeah there's something crazy going on with DJ cuz like how much how much money did I give you I gave you over over $100,000 I don't see $100,000 I don't I don't even see $20,000 here in this house no does she does BJ get your money somehow this is how how does she get your money I that money is not for you you shouldn't be giving out I don't even I don't know if I trust Larry even you do you trust Larry I'm just starting to wonder about the whole gang here everybody I ain't getting what's that I I ain't getting into you're not getting into it I think when money gets involved things get fishy around here huh I think when money gets involved things get crazy yeah 25,700 actual price 25,8 but like that was a lot of money that you guys got oh no did did any of that help you or did it all get go up and smoke no it didn't help me it didn't help you why didn't you tell me this all along and say hey DJ's taking my money we would have figured out we could have figured out a different solution sometimes you call use my name too I believe I'm sorry I believe you use my name sometimes everybody he are you [Music] no I think better communication would have helped the situation if you if you had told me something's something crazy is going on with the money cuz every time I every time I'd give you money no D I i' ask you like what are you doing with all this money I keep giving you thousands and thousands of dollars you could have said to me no you could have told me anything and I would have handled it you just told me you needed mad so Larry gets mad if you say anything all right so we need to wait for Larry and BJ to come back sort this out yeah you you never asking me for money once in a blue moon you asked me for like you know two hundred bucks here and there that's it but I I always trusted Larry but but I don't even know if I trust Larry now is Larry using drugs I don't know Mark we'll figure it out hopefully I know [Music] do she got burned oh you got burned what's that no I know you don't I know I know you don't but but I just wonder about the rest of these people not you guys here but but like Larry BJ a lot of [Music] money you got a nice beard nobody C you you don't want to cut your beard you look good Ray I live a mile down the road a mile down the road yeah how big is the property pretty good size bu I got two acres two acres that's great that's great you bu you have a trailer on it I got that buil on oh the one that you have here one I had here I got it that's nice okay got inside everything and you bought that land with money you made yourself she's okay now yeah not not from the money I gave not money you g just to be clear I know I know I know where your money comes from but I'm just telling people I know everyone suspicious of who's do who's doing what no you've always been straight with me kenth huh you've always been straight and honest with me oh yeah so this is where lar Larry and BJ Larry and BJ is staying there too yeah BJ there nail I think they already is that them yeah wo that's how you're going to dress for your funeral huh that's how you're going to dress for your funeral I don't know I don't know nothing about it hey BJ I got of last hey BJ we should talk BJ what's that Larry nothing about this you know nothing about this no I just heard of it last night on a video my grandson call told me he did we're going to try to get to the bottom of it yeah hey Timmy how are you good to see you lots of crazy lots of crazy stuff's going on around this house I Know video I'm glad you're alive no I am too I'm bet I said my grandson called show me last night R dead I said do what he said yeah no here let me let me let me show let me play a little long it we be here let me play a little video for you is that only phone Mark I'm if you could just help me this one time I never thought today would be the day I would lose my dad I don't know what to do anymore I just I'm just asking you can you send me $150 so I can get a tire to get home on God I don't know what Mark I had nothing to do with that why are you throwing him up my face I just lost my dad she just lost her dad a [ __ ] I don't know what Ray knows Ray knows what's going on I got he do the only one yeah so what's going on with BJ she going to come out of there no she spot you down the road yeah yeah she spotted me I'm sure she did baby sitting in the house I don't know hey BJ DJ PJ where do you live now what do you think of all this Timmy you got a rash CHX what's that I think it's chickenpox chickenpox you got chickenpox I got them all over good right is it contagious huh is it contagious I don't know I don't want to get chicken I think it might be yeah I think it is I think it is me chicken P I didn't find out what were Jesus Christ she going to come out of there huh is she going to come out of there I don't know Mark she ain't going to come out no she ain't coming out she scared to Jack Jack Larry it' be great if you were part of this conversation be going Che on the cop all go ah here all right so BJ I understand you got a drug problem you've told me that we all know that that's not a secret but for you for you to I'm not proud of what I'm done I'm not yeah you're you're telling me there's a funeral today at 3 o' I'm not proud of what I done not at all I shouldn't have done it yeah but I understand the drug addiction has such a power over you that you can't really I'm tring to get help you can't control what you do no I can't but it's not right just cuz Betty and this family came into some luck with me that doesn't mean you should take advantage of them that's that's Betty's money I understand Betty's in charge of that I understand and you can't just like let your addiction take take all that I'm not the only one who gets Betty's money and Betty needs to say that who else is getting the money tell them tell them who else is getting the money my besides me my grandson BR your grandson's yeah BR Brandon yeah and Louis Louis no just just Brandon he don't give nothing Louis is L is actually doing good he got away from Brandon he's working every day he's living with my other son he don't he's not doing nothing Louis actually got away from Brandon and he's living with my oldest son and he's doing great he's working every day at McDonald's he's doing good for himself so Brandon is is skimming off some of the money as well how does he get it away from you guys huh how do how how are BJ and Brandon getting money away from you I have to fight I have to argue with them to give me money but Brandon can come up here and it gets handed to him like it ain't nothing you I'm going tell the damn truth no cuz BR too now already already know I do no you don't I do L know I do now she got AR with me not much he get marri not much though start and everything I'm going to go come buring your house down and all that [ __ ] I don't threaten to do that I don't I don't threaten to do nothing I just I just aggravate yall till y'all give it to me I can vouch for that she nags me until I give give I I gave her $1,000 for your funeral this week oh did you I did well I didn't know nothing about yeah you're not nobody knew nothing about it no your funeral is going to be on Facebook live today at 3:00 already on now I heard I se last night I went up yeah your your death is uh it's all over the news don't heard about it and she when I had her out last night and she uh Grand called me told me said Grand you dead I said no you dead said if I was dead I would talk to you and he said well you on video you die said do what he go yeah Mar put it on there I I was telling her about it and and we went she went on Facebook and say and she was reading me everything what you were saying m i hell I don't know enough about he knows more about the family than I do I didn't know about Henry and aah woman the bottom line of this story is there's a there's some drug problems here and the drugs are getting in the way of Betty's money the the the bottom of this the real issue here is I'm leaving here the first of the month I'm going to North Carolina you're moving I'm M so I won't be here what are you going to do I'm going to North Carolina there's no drugs in North Carolina not I don't know where any are I could help you find them in about 15 minutes yeah they're everywhere every state in this country you go to Alaska there's more there than anywhere but if I'm not where it's at it's not in my face I'm not going to want it all the time here I know where I can get it there I don't that might help but it might not as well true they like you said it only take 15 minutes find out no problem this third time move to West Virginia yeah there a lot of drugs here a lot of drugs here yeah and cops not doing nothing doing nothing about I was 40 years old when I started doing drugs 40 years old now she's 45 boy so da is Brandon Brandon's doing it as well huh Brandon is is playing around with drugs as well I don't know tell the truth people tell me I ain't call him I ask him he why I'm down he ain't doing I don't know he tell me he said Papa I ain't doing not lying to you all that like I bet I don't know I've seen it BJ tell me you know I don't know about I'm talking about branding in the drugs when I tell them that they don't even believe me they believe what he says I seen the with my own eyes I told you he's snorting [ __ ] PS I told you that yeah but you got to understand Larry and Betty and and they don't know anything about these drugs they don't know how they'll make you do crazy things I don't when I tell my daddy I'm sick he's like how are you sick they don't know because they don't do the drugs they don't know how it feels to be dope sick there's times I wish I wasn't even here no more everybody wants you to live your life the way you should be living it but I know my mom was Al she be kicking my ass doing what you're doing to to your to your family is not Y and the drugs cuz that's one thing she has never get on drugs and I promised her that I wouldn't and I did anyways and he got grand kids I like I like I see get out a drob and grow up where she enjoy her grand kid see my grand kid I know my two of my grandkids already know she's on drug my grandson don't hide enough you know they ask her ask him said what what wrong with my mom my mom don't come around see he said what she's on drugs she that's all she worried about drug drugs and true I don't want to go run my grandkids doped up or something I don't want them to see me like that grow up stuer like kind to have day like I said I hurt every day too I I that's what got me to do with the drugs when they took my pain pills away from me I said doctor put you outside take it take it away from it from it and then you have to suffer and then go find something else y'all would hit drug drug don't good for you it's not it's just ru your body to take off your long it was your life too mess all that y don't understand y need to sit down and think about what it does it just te up your inside and your brain cell I know you're smart you are keep it up it's going to eat your brain cell up then you won't have nothing CH sit down and start think about your life there go I go to the method I'm clean but it ain't helping cuz I can't get 50 milligram cuz I can't go every day without missing a day I have to go a whole week before they'll even up my do I can't go a whole week cuz we don't have the gas for stay on the road I understand when you get desperate for the drug you'll do anything to get it so you'll even say that your dad died and tried to get money off somebody like me that [ __ ] up everything you guys have going it's like it I know I was wrong for doing it yeah I get it I forgive you I'm sorry for it no I forgive you I got the bank statements I can tell you how much you've gave him in 3 years I added it up you have gave him $150,000 yeah that's not counting what you sent to other people in the family right but I got the bank statements of there you gave him $153,000 since 2021 to now it's $150,000 I don't know why Betty said that you don't give her no money when you do like I told Betty yeah you might fuss about sending money but you always send it to her yeah I give her a hard time every time but every time you always send it I always send it yeah you call this power guy he won't even answer a damn phone well P I have con we got into it I have no connection with that guy is the one that sent him here and it was wrong with her she's supposed to be Betty's friend she shouldn't have done that and like I told Betty me and my daddy we were the one that signed that contract saying nobody else would video not her it was me and my dad M if we was here that wouldn't happen well I mean I think going to North Carolina could be a good change for you a new new group of friends new environment new everything yeah because from nobody that I know yeah but the only person I have in North Carolina is my brother and is he using no he doesn't not us that's good never ED drugs I think I'm the only one out of all the kids that does my two sisters don't do nothing my brother don't do nothing and I know two of my kids that don't do nothing at all my daughter my oldest son they don't do they don't do no type of drugs have three out of one well it's hard out here cuz everybody under 50 years old is using drugs seems like everybody I'm I'm exaggerating but it's like so many I'm not like all people I'm not like most people I I don't go out and break in people's houses or nothing like that to get my drugs I've never done that and I never would but you'll you'll tell the world that your dad died I'm sorry for that that was a good one that was good one I'll give you that took balls lot of stuff when they are drug they don't care you look pretty how they get the money and buy their drug yeah yeah no I understand they do anything they'll do anything I understand you look awfully good for a corpse I didn't know nothing about yeah I know that I know that I kind of figured that out from the start and even when I talked to Betty and Betty told me that you were dead we they told me k i call Betty and Betty so I heard that Larry passed away and she goes yep dead and I'm like so so that's going to be hard on you and she goes yep and I'm like I'm really sorry it's a terrible loss yep she got me I said I knew something was up cuz normally when somebody loses a brother that you're very close to you'd be like a little more worked up a bit more yeah nobody nobody gave a [ __ ] about you Larry when you're what I did I I God lord do anything long I get money by drop oh BJ here's the truth of it if you if you get yourself together one day we'll all laugh at this if you if you don't get yourself together we're going to be rolling our eyes just going do you believe that crazy [ __ ] it's up to you I'll tell you what if if we'll figure out some way if you sincerely are going to North Carolina I'll send you a couple thousand dollar and you can go there and try to rebuild your life hopefully get clean and start start over I have to get it away from here I don't have nothing here no more yeah I don't have a home I don't have nothing no more everybody's broke in my house took everything I owned they took my mama's asses and everything my good TR I had two nice homes and I went in and tore them up and took my copper and everything out of them don't blame anybody else supposed to be people it's supposed to be my friends don't don't blame your friends don't blame your friends if you don't take responsibility for everything it's all just going to keep repeating that's right Ray if if you don't take responsibility for it it'll keep repeating it yourself whether you're in West West Virginia or North Carolina or Florida it doesn't matter it's going to keep happening hey B go give me a paper towel bring me a cup of coffee and be on mine for ra drink at all I got give when he got me Kenneth you never cause any problems what you never cause any problems no I never don't you've always been cool yep I don't I love all you guys I love you too all of you guys it help me when Betty said you said you close the video now I what call that guy come here I God I got Man Mark being good [Music] to we we'll figure something out right right now I'm selling the books you guys signed remember this when you signed the books last time I was here I'm selling those and we'll he the money from those books will go to you guys too but I don't want to give it to you so you can [ __ ] it off if that money gets [ __ ] off I'm not going to I'm gone I'm going to I'm going to figure out a way to whether it's getting you a new bathroom or a new house or a new trailer a new whatever I don't know how we're going to do it but I'm not it's going to send some money that can get screwed off said that it's beautiful back here this is beautiful yeah the tree that fell huh the tree that fell yeah co co got well we'll figure something out here BJ needs some help I don't know if any anything good is going to happen if she stays here and just hope something going to get better see BTY get you trle that trle been here long time 19 1990 this Char got put here in 1990 that man my nephew before he passed away he came down me him had to forer tu6 between the Traer frame in the bathroom for the FL we had to put tu6 clean the frame cuz frame was rotten rotten now we had to had to tighten them up little bit and took a sweat hammer and T knock them in tighten them up where yeah her [Music] get yeah I know the FRS a lot you know all right well I just wanted to get to the bottom of it I'm glad there's no funeral today I am too I'll bet you are too yeah it shocked me when they called to when he about it D he did I I didn't know nothing about it your mama get the phone take over the camper or she taking in the bathroom call people and we don't know who she call all the time so what what drug is it that you were that you're using herin and crack heroin and crack have you ever tried to get clean before no just by going to the methodone Clinic yeah that's it is it is it scary trying to quit yeah yeah it's got to be feel like you're dying your inside's hurt and everything and I'm sure you have friends around you that are using yeah Sil call here let me have you call me out you don't he'll come out for maybe five or 10 minutes go back can all right well we all want the best for you and I do think probably getting away from this environment might be a good thing for you start over somewhere new try to try to get off of all the like got she get here get off of her Mark long she stay away the people sell it to her that's all they had to do justay keep pushing yourself stay away from people like can there like Jas and the methodone would probably work if I can get on a bigger do see see I just can't never not one day of not going and that one day it sets me back I'm going to see if I can talk to the doctor next week cuz I've been in there I've been on 50 milligrams for almost a month they should be able to move me up now sure that's hard to keep money every day for GU you know take her but you keep add for money go out yeah Dr drug drug addicts don't stop they will not stop asking for money and they tell you anything make you B yep get you get your m i could I could tell you [ __ ] you wouldn't believe this is a good one though I am going through it now this is a good one like I said I never have done it never did drug yeah I started wondering when when you guys are lying when you and Betty are lying to me I'm like I'm starting to wonder what's going on here maybe they're all on drugs I'll take that back I gu no I'm the only one I just smoke pot when I was in Chicago when I was up there and that D not me it just make me eat eat eat then I put smoke in there yeah cuz I didn't want to get real big and fat right and I was Heavy I tell people I was almost 300 lb and nobody huh and nobody believes me much weight I've lost when I Chicago oh when he was younger baby I thought he mean he do it now well I tell me about BJ's mom what do you want to know she was a real nice lady she she was and we got along good we did arguing we didn't fight or nothing and what we have disre you know you know if she I was never grow up around drugs me heard said never had drugs in the house or nothing like that no she was D to her until she got got sugar diabet and and she got L water you know and they put her on sugar pills and all that and they got water and then they had to put on some kind of mous they gave them appeal you know for for your diabetes and all that then they put him diabetes gave her some some kind of patch you know where put on that was her pain patches for her legs and then after that they put on methadone and she was on methadone until she died yeah yeah like I me her me and my wife we got along great you know we get like I said we get F great child nothing she was you know my mom was the best I think half the power half the problem here is just this part of the country makes it difficult for for younger people my wife she she was born in M there she was raised up came down here that's we got like I said I met her about month or two months we got married is our day we young you know I think I was they walked in the snow to get married I think I was my grandpa was with them she was 22 did you love her huh did you love her oh I love her yeah I love her death and I still love her I guess that's why I looking for nobody mhm you know cuz I'm still in love with my life you know I know we had a dep to do it Part you know I still feel out the C I still over you know it's beautiful now I've been not looking for women you know and my daughter's back every cuz she don't don't want me have nobody and I look at them you know it just turn me off on them right you know I guess it's not my opportunity get one pretty hard to replace that yeah like I said that's sweet you know you know and then man you know I ain't going to lie to [Music] you I don't know I still M every day you know bab like I said me and my wife we got along great you know what she need I gave her everything I I could give her you know I work my H in off in North Carolina you know live down there 12 years I worked daylight the dark and work sometime six days a week try to make a little extra money just give her what she she wanted you know she she she didn't want to die down there you know she wanted to come home cuz she fell in love with C Mountain you she said she love here you know I brother back in 2001 and when I had my heart attack and she like I say she had D me done her feet hurt all the time and she had opportunity you know when I had a heart attack I try to get her to go home you know and Char when they had me down there I stayed on there almost 8 days and she was right there sleeping in a chair and I tried my best to get her go home get some rest she said no she said I don't leave you and I couldn't get her go home what was your name huh what was your name Janet K Janet K Janet yeah and she stuck with me until I came home you know she she wait on me everything with her opportunity to wait on me you know like I wait on her sweet huh that's a sweet story yeah and till she died you know it hurt it shot me you know I didn't know what know what to say you know they come to me I I just stood there and look at him you know didn't know what to say you know until don't you know sometime move think about her Y how we love each other y'all it hurt I fil my one day up my four you know hope so all right you guys well thank you for allowing me to come here and straighten things out this might help everybody Mark I didn't know you was coming in yeah I know I snuck in I'm Mark be coming I'm sneaky like that I Y why I just want the best for you and if I told everybody I was coming then BJ would scram we wouldn't have gotten to the bottom of any of this and I know that just being quiet about what I'm going to do is the best way to do it I had a feeling You' be coming here I told everybody you be coming I just got in myone here nobody knows yeah I'm good like that they they all right so BJ will you guys let me know what BJ does here in the next when you going to North Carolina first part of April first part of April he won't go what like well we'll see what's going to happen but I'm going to be really I'm going to be really tight with money until she's clean or gone just letting you know that huh I'm going to be really tight with the money okay until BJ is either clean or gone and same thing with Brandon I don't want anybody playing around with your money I'll put it in a separate account and I'm just going to save it for you cuz I'm I'm ating money with these books that I'm that you guys signed I'm selling those off and that that's going to amount to you so long far I know well yeah I think I sold one but we'll see what happens eBay is a little tricky I might just I might just sell them uh without eBay because eBay is problematic too but we'll figure we'll figure it out but the money is going to go to you the money is going to all go to you so but I just don't want it to get lost in the shuffle here which is which is what's been happening so we'll sort it all out BJ I hope the best for you thank you for letting me get to the bottom of this lorine you look great no yes you look beautiful no she looks beautiful let me see my buddy back here yeah buddy there great see you Ray must how's your eye is your eye better let me see your eye yeah your eyes are clearer that's that's the phone you don't answer it I call and you don't answer what you eating Timmy roast beef great seeing you Timmy you look great what happened to your head you got another scar on your head you gota be careful with your with your melon yeah you need a big bye bye Timmy bye wa think Kimmy wa think Kimmy's got chicken pox oh yeah I'm I'm not going to get too close to him bye darling bye love seeing you I love see you we we had a birthday a couple month a month or so ago yeah you and me our birthdays are next to each other yeah when's your birthday February 1st she's January 31st yeah Kenneth thank you for everything oh you welcome you're always helpful I will you're my you're the only one I get a straight answer out of really around here all right we come back out I'll be back I'll be back this summer I'm sure I'll be back spring summer all right you guys I'm glad things are okay broke I only got about $4 you guys okay come back by by bye see you I'm getting a hug from lorine yeah she's my new girlfriend here
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 2,274,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu, Whittaker Family, drug addiction story, death of Larry Whittaker, Larry Whittaker SWU, Inbred Family, Joe Rogan, Mark Laita, Odd West Virginia, West Virginia, Appalachia, Appalachia story, stories of inbreeding, inbred family, swu inbred, soft white Whittaker, living in poverty, living in West Virginia, life in Appalachia, West Virginia story, poor community, poverty in America, no jobs in WV, drug addict, meth, Larry Whittaker arrested, arrested
Id: enlJ8qRy7X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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