The Death of Batman and Superman

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[Music] follow me the round is somewhere right behind you you better know what you're doing clown oh don't worry Lexi this is only step one in Joker's electric mad house let's give them a little appetizer shall we let's start easy with some robots that's how to get the blood ping wow well what's going on I can't see do you want the good news or the bad news good well the good news is they're dead what they're they're dead yeah from from the robots it appears so wow I mean that's I mean that's great but then what's the bad news well they're dead I'm not follow well I guess I'm just a little disappointed that they didn't get past the first part I I mean all these other stages that go into their personal lives or trauma but but but no the the basic robots they were meant to just warm them up that that that did it speaking candly I'm not very surprised about Batman dying to that army that could have seen that coming but Superman no Kryptonite no right son just just got hit hard enough with a slab of metal that is brain turned off that's uh that's antic climatic what do we do now well I suppose we live very successful criminal lives now that we're not going to be challenged by little demigods and cap Crusaders oh great you want to do kissing stuff kiding kidding I'm the Joker I got to be honest this sucks I mean of all the interesting ways I've tried to kill the Batman over the years and it's robots Rob boring basic robots I wish you going to press a button I didn't even see it happen what do we do now I don't know well I mean be back they they always come back from the dead eventually yes but that won't be for another year or or 6 months if sales are really suffering [ __ ] wait a tick Lexie boy I believe I have an idea come on they're around here somewhere right behind you what the hell am I looking at well we're just going to try again but this time they're more equally matched soone is putting the robots against each other now like some kind of sick role play no no no you see that's one Superman that's one Batman you could tell because because of the logos and the little suits trust me this time it'll be a lot more fun let's see how they do against these and dead again I didn't really consider the math here the math the math is what went wrong well I don't see you trying anything I've been hiding this chair for so long my arms are D well clown do you have any more bright ideas this time it's bound to work I can't believe I agree to do this don't worry Lexi this one's bound to work what do work if you mean in this context anymore how come you get to be Superman the blue brings out my eye what are you really going to go do you want to do kissing St game this video was brought to you by gamer subs and the flavor of the week is mango and it's mango and it's mango and it's mango the kissing stuff got really weird very fast he tried to bring God into it and then just made it kind of turn off for me I I think I don't this bit [ __ ] sucks
Channel: Solid jj
Views: 767,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Superman, Death of Superman, Death of Batman, Superman the animated series, Superman and Batman team up, Lex Luthor, Joker, DC, Comics, Bruce Timm, parody, justice league, solidjj, solidjj dc, batman dies, superman dies cartoon
Id: WSvVsRBms1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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