The Deadly Evolution Of Close Quarter Combat | Weapons That Changed The World | War Stories

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it's deadly At Close Quarters a weapon with specialized uses that no other gun can handle it's the combat shotgun a unique tool for the modern infantrymen a key weapon in the US military Arsenal the shotgun has left its mark on the battlefield for centuries we're tracking the evolution of this iconic firearm spotlighting new features as it becomes more intimidating and Incredibly lethal this is the big dog of Close Quarters combat this is the combat shotgun and this is a weapon that changed the world Firepower nothing shaped military capability more I'm will Willis former Army Ranger and Air Force par rescu M I've trained with modern weapons until firing them is second nature now I'm teaming up with leading experts to examine the greatest military Firearms of all time and discover how these weapons change the world t for the Marines of the first law enforcement Battalion here aboard Camp Pendleton the shotgun is a versatile tool just as effective for CQB as it is for large scale riot control the official joint service combat shotgun for the US military is the Benelli M101 4 commonly known as the M4 first adopted by the Marine Corps in 2001 the M4 is semi-automatic which means that it will fire just as fast as a shooter can pull the trigger the Benelli M4 is built for devastating Close Quarters combat a collapsible butt stock means it can be held in a firing position in tight spaces and with a range of 55 Ys there's nothing it can't touch in urban Warfare the Bell M4 it's a great weapon system feels good in my hands the pistol grip gives me a familiarity that I really dig it's got Trion sights on the back Red Dot up front easy to acquire a good sight picture with that kind of highlighted sight system it's smooth action's great recoil is manageable fantastic weapon system the Benelli semi-auto action boosts its Firepower after each shot explosive gases Drive the internal mechanics they eject the spent casing [ __ ] the hammer and load a new round all in the blink of an eye the Benelli has come a long way from America's first combat shotgun the Winchester Model 18 1997 first seeing action in World War I where on the battlefield the Winchester earns the nickname the trench gun in the fall of 1918 a determined Allied offensive pushes German troops out of France but DieHard German units attempt to stand strong Sergeant Fred Lloyd is one of the American troops out in front he carries a Winchester trench gun its 12 gauge stopping power makes him a oneman army Sergeant Lloyd pushes forward braving fire from German rifles by the time he's done 30 soldiers are dead or in full Retreat armed with just a combat shotgun Sergeant Fred Lloyd liberates an entire town the trench gun used in World War I was a powerful weapon for its time but from its longer range to its larger magazine capacity this Benelli M4 tops it by a long shot I've called in former Marine weapons instructor Brett Miller to break down the finer points of the weapon a the vanelli M4 fantastic weapon pistol grip collapsible stock lot of options lot of power only weighs 8 lb take it anywhere do anything with it that's it all right right so Brett the famous Benelli M4 tell me about it well Benelli M4 it's a great Weapon It's Italian made for the Marines the late 90s about 1999 fires about 25,000 rounds without replacing a single part just a reliable weapon and it's also 12 gauge which is the most common combat shotgun caliber you don't get more versatile than the 12 gauge shotgun you know you can use it for anything long distance short range room clearings door breaching that's what the shotgun is good for the key to the m4's versatility as ammo double out Buckshot sees most of the action these lead pellets are about a third of an inch in diameter a typical combat round contains a cluster of between seven and nine more than enough to do heavy damage the M4 can also fire rifled solid slugs the rifling allows them to travel more than twice as far as double op pellets this is the go-to round for longdistance shots or for punching through heavy brush to reach a Target bird shot rounds contain at least 40 small lead pellets they're typically used to hunt birds due to the widespread of the pellets we also have right here the breaching rounds which are compressed copper good for getting in doors getting through doors Hing bolts things like that the Benelli also fires less lethal rounds less lethal rounds would be like a bean bag around here which we have it's about an ounce and a quar of soft lead small lead pallets basically used to incapacitate perpetrator or somebody without killing them I've set up a demo to see the Benelli fire four different rounds in a combat Mission I've loaded all four in the magazine in the order they'll be used first I'll be firing what's called a door bust around it's used for breaching doors that's it now it's also officially designated as a frangible piece of ammunition which means that once it hits that rigid Target it starts to crumble and break apart now that's to prevent over penetration of the door Ricochet that could injure me or my teammates that's right after breaching the door I'll fire bean bag double lot and slug rounds at the three targets to compare the damage that's it let's let do it okay go some good shooting there will so right here with the bean bag round obviously I've got this Center Mass shot you can see the beam bag penetrated and it didn't uh actually go through the target that's why these are called less lethal it's not that they can't nullify and kill a Target it's just that there's less likely change and normally less and lethal shots are aimed at the limbs okay instead of chest and head all right so then over here with the double op Buck you get the nice spread pattern Center mask just like you would expect to see and then down here you can see that some of that watting and even the plastic uh portions of the of the shell have come through and uh you know injured this target that's it right and then with the slug I mean self-explanatory yeah straight to the center small hole in the front big hole in the back a good day for me but not a good day for that's guy the Benelli M4 is an advanced semi-auto shotgun but some combat units prefer pump action shotguns like the Mossberg 590 which is more reliable when firing less lethal rounds on pump action shotguns sliding the four stock back ejects the spent shell and [ __ ] the action sliding It Forward loads a new round into the chamber virtually all pump action shotguns have under Barrel tube magazines most hold between four and eight rounds so what do you think are the advantages of a semi-automatic shotgun over a pump action to be honest probably just speed I mean as fast as you can pull the trigger as fast as the round goes off with both of them you know a lot of Firepower down range well you know I've also heard people say that if you're working a pump action your eye and the sights have to come off the target you know highly trained professional Will Keep Their Eyes On Target all the time exactly you know what they do with their hands is what they do with their hands I want to test the functionality of your Mossberg against this Benelli so what I've done is I set up a little shooting course for us all right so we'll start from this position on the first shot you brought the timer right I did we have four targets each and as we might find on a battlefield they're at different ranges we'll both be loaded up with buck shot so let's see which combat shotgun the semi-automatic or the pump action will cut down its targets the fastest discover the past with exclusive military history documentaries an adree podcast presented by world-renowned historians all on History hit watch them on your smart Smart TV or on the- go with your mobile device download the app now to watch everything from the gripping story of the Band of Brothers to operation Barbarosa and D-Day immerse yourself in the dramatic stories of this remarkable era by signing up via the link in the description time starts with the first shot from this firing position you have to eliminate the target from each firing position until we get to that concrete wall the clock stops when you blast a hole through that it might take a few rounds so don't be afraid to reload never am okay let's do it all right start it up all right you ready ready go after nine rounds I have to reload again in combat time is a decisive factor a delay even of seconds can mean you take a bullet instead of firing 3431 not bad for a ranger 34 31 you know the double op Buck didn't punch through the center block like I thought it would it took me uh it took me quite a few rounds I reloaded for you appreciate it sir let me give you this all right give the bad boy a try 3431 is the time to be that's it those distances weren't much of a problem for the Benelli now let's see what a United States Marine can do with a pump action m bber ready go he's having a Reload to punch through the wall 3522 35 I missed you by one second as Brett demonstrated distance wasn't an issue a train shooter can get rounds on target with a pump action as quick is a semi-auto but when seconds count it looks like the semi-auto is slightly [Music] Superior the overwhelming fir power represented by today's shotguns didn't appear overnight in fact the history of the combat shotgun goes back hundreds of years the direct ancestor of every combat shotgun on the planet is the legendary blunderbus also known as the Thunder pipe I've asked early weapons expert Paul Masterson to brief me on this flint lock muscle weapon my favorite characteristic about the blunder bus is its versatility it's not is always the the most accurate weapon but what it lacks in accuracy it makes up for just sheer violence the famous blunder bus can you show me how to load it absolutely so you start by taking it to half coock you take your primer Prime the pan lock it down you're going take your pre-measured charge put it down the barrel take your shot put that in how many shot go down that barrel for this this is a 44 caliber ball so we're using six of these okay and then last you're going to put your wading in there take out your ram rod Tamp it down return the ram rod [ __ ] it all the way back and you're good to go this thing isn't going to blow my hands off is it you know you never know with black powder weapons but probably not I was confidence building all right going hot you always get that delayed sort of reaction like the flint lock flies forward it ignites what's in the pan it's really unusual compared to Modern weapons to have that delay between the powder igniting in the pan and the weapon actually sending around or in this case it's rounds down range little bit of recoil wasn't too bad I mean totally manageable and I can see why this might have evened the odds in certain situations absolutely more than 200 years ago the blunderbus evens the odds during a critical battle of the American Revolution after the legendary crossing of the Delaware George Washington's Army Braves a 9M overnight march to Trenton New Jersey arriving at Daybreak they attack a Garrison of Hessian mercenaries fighting for the British a few Americans carry blunder buses their massive Firepower helps overwhelm the Hessians Trenton is a turning point in the revolutioner and the blunderbus can take some credit for the victory the blunderbus Was A Primitive muzzle loading weapon the invention of self-contained ammo Spurs the next major development in shotgun design the most famous and Long Live shotgun of all time the double barrel break action shotgun so what does breake action mean well breake action is this right here it's breaking at the back of the barrels so you weren't doing a muzzle loader anymore you had a brake action here at the back could insert shells close it back up pull back your hammers you're ready to go and to both Barrels have to ignite at the same time or can you let one go and then the other well as you can see here there's uh there's two triggers so you can fire them both at the same time if you want or one at a time left right right left depending on the number of targets and the intensity of violence that you need to get the job done and I noticed that this particular shotgun has Wells Fargo and Company's Express on the back of it yes this is actually an original Wells Fargo and Company express coach gun they became known as Coach Guns because Wells Fargo started issuing these to each of their drivers usually you'd have a driver and a guy sitting next to him riding shotgun providing Security on the trail so when you call shotgun back in the day you were calling literally you were calling literally shotgun so let me ask you this what kind of rate of fire do you think you can get out of this thing depending on how skilled you were you could probably get upwards of 25 30 rounds a minute with this have you ever fired this I have I have not so I'm really eager to get on it let's go to the range okay that was awesome the double barreled shotgun is no stranger to Frontline fighting during the Civil War Confederate soldiers like this one brought his personal double barreled shotgun to the battlefield its reputation for explosive destruction is well known armed with these weapons Confederate raiding parties can overwhelm a union Outpost without firing a shot why are they so terrified watch this to show just how devastating these double op Buck rounds are I brought in an old friend the bgt ballistics gel torso now this guy anatomically is correct to a human being he's got lungs he's got a heart liver internal organs and also cradle up here and his skull helmet is a brain what we're going to do is we're going to fire two double op Buck rounds out of that coach gun into this bgt and then we'll come back and see what kind of damage has done done let's do it all right man let me see that thing for Maximum Impact I'm firing both barrels at once anytime you pump you know two rounds a double op Bucket close range through somebody's chest like that you're going to totally take out the heart you're going to get into the lungs the liver these routs hit that tissue started to decelerate disperse all that energy all that kinetic energy inside the body ruptured the heart I mean this heart just exploded and that's what this thing is made for to stop a Target knock it down and do some major damage so is there any way he could survive this absolutely not that was a good question though as a combat firearm the double barreled shotguns only limitation is its two-shot load to amp up the shotguns firing capabilities you need to look no further than JN Moses Browning Browning designed some of the most respected firearms in history the M1911 handgun the m1918 Browning automatic rifle and the first 50 caliber machine gun Browning is also a brilliant shotgun innovator his first Advance is the lever action Winchester model 1887 George rinus a shotgun instructor and former Air Force sniper has agreed to show me this Landmark weapon the most important important thing about the Winchester 1887 was it was the first successful repeating shotgun Browning designed his shotgun with a five round under Barrel tube magazine its lever action could spit out 15 rounds per minute although the lever action shotgun is widely used by civilians I know that the US military never adopted it why is that John Brown was asked by Winchester to design this rifle Winchester was known for their lever action rifles and they wanted that same trademark on their shotguns John Browning knew that that technology was going to be outdated and that if a shotgun was going to be successful for the military had to be fast had to be really easily used he basically said do a pump action Winchester said no and he made this you'll find out if you shoot this it's going to be slow all right well let's check it out give it a shot man all right all right I'm ready to fire just like that right all righty ah it helps if I chamber around ah uh not my favorite slow awkward and cumbersome right yeah absolutely and that round I mean it was getting hung up on ejection which isn't ideal especially when you talk about engaging targets rapidly but once that round was chambered and that front sight was on target I mean it's accurate and anytime you're accurate you're deadly so I mean I can see that it uh it is a functional weapon it's just not the most functional correct the very first shotguns fire multiple projectiles from a big Single Barrel in the mid 1800s its Firepower doubles John Browning cranks it up another notch with his 1887 lever action shotgun but Browning's Winchester model 1897 is a whole new breed its pump action makes combat shotguns the Undisputed masters of closed quarters combat the design has been used for all modern shotguns with a pump action for the past 100 years so it's definitely one of the those pivotal Farms of our our time was this the original pump action shotgun this is what started every single pump action shotgun that you know today this design right here and basically this was the answer for World one's trench war now in that particular theater of combat how effective was this it was probably the most devastating Small Arms weapon that you're going to find aside from machine guns this is the ticket this is the money maker the infamous trenches of World War I sliced across Europe for more than 400 miles opposing armies launch a harrowing War of Attrition from their fortified trench Works breaking the stalemate requires new weapons the Winchester pump action shotgun has the Firepower to take on German forces it's so devastating Germany claims it violates the rules of war and they try to have it banned their efforts fail by the end of the conflict the 1897 Winchester is known as the legendary trench gun so what the doughbys really like about this trench gun is when clearing a trench they use a technique called slam firing what that basically is is you take the pump action and every time you pull it back towards the breach with the trigger down it's gonna go and fire so let me get this straight you just hold the trigger work the pump rounds go down range exactly all right man let's see it let's do it that was cool man I don't know if I like that though the idea of not pulling that trigger every single time you got to put yourself in their position if you can get a heavy volume of fire in there the BBS will spread out and hit Mass targets and you'll be alive all right man that's cool the trench gun could also be used in a surprising defensive role another reason why the Dead Boys love this gun is for grenade defense basically enemy troops are going to throw grenade the trench before it can reach it they're going to shoot out of the air with the trench gun um it sounds crazy it sounds impossible but I sh you it can be done I challenge you to try it man should be like shooting ski right it's going to be same thing concept same okay well we have some grenade simulator set up you'll be throwing those I'm going to try to shoot them out of the sky if I hit them they're loaded up with explosive so we'll know whether or not I did a good job with it on most battlefields the opposing trenches were several hundred yards apart for our test George will toss three grenades from 100 ft and I only have five rounds to knock them out of the sky it's a good thing my life doesn't depend on my [Music] aim I finally got one fifth times the charm to be able to shoot a grenade out of the Sky requires a familiarity with this weapon system that I obviously do not have but I mean the Dough Boys who were using it in World War one it was a more rural time in America I mean they were probably proficient bird hunters or game Hunters at the time the guys who employed this were very proficient with it and uh I'd like to have a little bit more time with it see what I can do Paul there's one person who'd have no no problem shooting grenades out of the sky two-time Olympic gold medalist Sergeant Vincent Hancock I'm only 23 years old now and I won my first Olympics at 19 youngest M to do it and I just want to keep going back this is your second Olympic gold medal while being assigned to the Army Marksmanship unit what is the history behind the unit the unit was established in 1956 by President Dwight de Eisenhower we were to train soldiers how to shoot at a higher level and also to win more medals in the Olympics any tips always look at the front edge that's the biggest key to to shooting a shotgun is don't aim just point and shoot so you're focusing on the target rather than the sights is that correct absolutely see now this is different than typical Army Marksmanship because they always taught me front sight front sight front sight always you know looking at that front sight so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out all right man let's get started let's do it I've never shot on a ski range per se so uh what am I looking to do here uh first thing is you want to try to set your breake point okay on this High House Target you're going to try to break it about 5 ft before the steak okay and you're going to go up about 15 ft so draw yourself a little box right there okay you're going to get a single on this one and then we're going to turn around and you're going to shoot a single over there okay pull all right all right now a low house okay oh there it was oh there it is now that I've hit my first ski Sergeant hanock is challenging me to a shootout did I mention he's a two-time gold medalist all right so what we're going to do we're going to have a little competition we're going to shoot four pairs on station 4 I'm going to start it out to kind of show you what it's supposed to look like Co [Music] got them all right yep all right now it's you pull ah mother's ass pull damn it pull these SKS are faster than I expected damn it right now the low house first again low housee okay gotten worse if that's possible pull got to remember look at the Target not my front sight all right shot the wrong one first and in our game if you do that the first Target's a loss so you have to repeat it okay all right so un let you shoot it again pull I'm a little ashamed of myself right now that's a pretty bad showing but I mean I think that with the knowledge that you've given me I can be fairly successful so anyway man I just want to thank you for your time I truly appreciate it you know congratulations you know you repped you know the United States well you repped the United States Army you know perfectly and um thank you for your service man thank you very much to perform his impressive trick shots Sergeant Hancock uses a semi-automatic shotgun a direct descendant of this one the Auto 5 the first success ful semi-auto shotgun and another brilliant Innovation from John [Music] Browning to fire this Landmark shotgun I've come to the National Firearms Museum home to one of the greatest weapons collections of our time one of the most important features of the Auto 5 in combat is its ability to lay down a hail storm of fire when absolutely needed so I want to check that out going hot clear all right so has a little bit of kick to it um it's a great weapon rounds went exactly where they needed to go targets [Music] destroyed the capability of a weapon system like this especially when you start talking about inclose quarters you need to lay down a huge spread of fire get some heads down take out targets you know a shotgun like the Auto 5 is kind of the way to go the Auto 5 has a tubular four round under Barrel magazine when a shell is fired the barrel and bolt recoil together this action ejects the spent shell Reco the hammer and loads another shell into the firing chamber during World War II the Auto 5 served with the Marines in bitter fighting against Japanese forces when the Japanese continued to expand their empire into the Pacific make an island is one of their first conquests overrunning it in 2 days after attacking Pearl Harbor less than a year later Marines delivered by submarine land on Mon to strike back some of them are armed with the Browning Auto 5 the surprise salt catches the Japanese completely off [Music] guard backed in part by the Auto 5's tremendous Firepower the Marines Are Victorious on Mak it's a small but important advance in the long Pacific Campaign even as the Browning Auto 5 is still being used by US military our Cold War adversaries in Russia aren't standing still the shotgun that they used is based on the legendary AK-47 assault rifle it's called the Sega 12 and it packs a powerful punch weapons Authority Martin J dowy is an expert on the Sega 12 what I loved about the Sega 12 was it shot fast was controllable felt great okay Martin I've never actually fired this particular combat shotgun what can you tell me about it that might help me well you will find it familiar it's the Sega 12 it was developed from the AK series of assault rifles round about 1990 it's a 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun I do see the similarities I mean obviously they're like twins now whenever we talk about combat things like rates of fire and weight come into play what's the rate of fire of this thing it's very fast the the action Cycles about as fast as the Benelli like the AK-47 the Sega 12 is a rotating bolt gas operated gun that feeds from a box magazine the looser clearances between the internal parts of this AK style design means High reliability are there things that could be done to shave some weight and size off of this thing well it's available in different configurations you can get a folding stock you can make various modifications you've got different sizes of magazine too he so let's go give this thing a shot and see what happens it's really long I'm interested to see how it performs let's do that okay this is my first time with the Sega 12 I hear it packs a hell of a punch [Music] clear all right so there it is the Sega 12 um not my favorite weapon it fires well the shot patterns are on point it obviously does the damage like any double lot Buck round would out of a shotgun um but compared to the Benelli I don't don't like the fact that there's no pistol grip back here feel a little overextended with this particular weapon obviously does some serious damage but um i' take the Benelli over this any day shotguns have long provided a tactical Edge in close quarters combat now an Innovative new modular design combines their close-up Firepower with the long range lethality of the assault rifle this compact weapon is built by Seymour competition here in in Warrington Virginia it's the United States Army's newest combat shotgun the M26 modular accessory shotgun system also known as mass as a standalone weapon the M26 is much lighter than other combat shotguns clar that's pretty cool man it's a great weapon system even even though you're working the action with your hand it's very smooth it feels good in your hands it's light it's easy to keep into that shoulder and because it does very closely resemble the configuration of what's being issued in the form of an M4 or an M16 I mean I didn't have to change a thing I was able to put multiple targets down range no problems whatsoever this is a lot of fun great weapon system Ira K is the designer of this revolutionary new shotgun system the M26 is a very unique shotgun system it's the lightest shotgun in the world that can fire 12 gauge rounds the M26 comes in two configurations as an underbarrel accessory for the m M4 or M16 or as a standalone weapon including a pistol grip this weapon system fulfills a a capability that's required for a combat shotgun which is to be small compact and it is an accessory Weapon It's never the primary weapon unless a target of opportunity presents itself and you've managed to mount this underneath an M4 or M16 Barrel much the same way as like a M23 grenade launcher and I've Been Told that this thing is really easy to take off of the M4 this is the takeown PIN similar to the two pins on the M4 that you have here and here uh bullet knows to press the pin it's detented and pull it out the other side so one take down [Music] pin look at that it's off so it's just as easy to get back on as it is to to get off so once I've got it lined up push the pin there you are that's the easiest thing ever I have to try the M26 shotgun m4 assault rifle combination myself so we've set up a lineup of targets where I can use both weapons once the M4 takes out the small targets at 50 yards it's time to switch to the M26 shotgun breach the door and eliminate the threats behind it in an urban Battle Zone this combination allows a soldier to be effective at distance or in close quarters combat even with a compact shotgun will are you ready for the test yes sir go it's time to switch to the M26 overall having this M26 mounted to the bottom of this M4 is a great force multiplier it is a weapon that is definitely viable in today's day and age you can really tailor your load for your specific Mission and that's a that's a great thing to have at the present time the M26 is starting to be issued to the army in Afghanistan where it is hoped it will make a difference in house-to-house operations our exploration of the combat shotgun has profiled some extremely lethal weapons starting with the blunderbus a one blast body Shredder the double barreled coach gun packs even more of a punch we saw how John Browning raised the bar first with the Winchester lever action then with the pump action trench gun and finally with the first practical self-loading shotgun the Auto 5 we tested the Mossberg 590 a pump action favorite of the US military for decades and the Army's new M26 a tiny gun that packs a huge punch now it's time to test the shotguns role in a combat simulation each of the guns we've seen has proven effective on the battlefield but in a lot of ways the bottom line on the combat shotgun is this Sleek Beauty right here the Benelli M4 and here to help me with my final challenge I brought back George rinus all right man break it down for me here's your down dirty mission brief we got a small village just being terrorized by an hvt high value Target who's a bomb maker your mission is to get in and out within 2 minutes capture him alive he's protected by an unknown amount of enemy sentries which you can fire at whe and terminate those and I see for this exercise we've got drop targets and sentries on robotic platforms standing in for an opposing Force that's correct and your secondary Mission once we capture the hvt is to find his cash shave explosives and terminate them I'll be providing sniper support as overwat so this will be a good drill to test the effectiveness of the different rounds available to a shotgun I can already tell we're going to need a breaching round for the door and maybe some Buckshot rounds for whatever else might be in the way your mission is to get in and get out in 2 minutes let's do this all man army Let's Roll what I like about the Benelli is that if I have to load a different type of round I can do that without wearing about cycling the action in position Roger I got eyes on ready to breach standing by Roger two Targets out front engaging Target neutralized clear to go clear to go all right I'm moving up to the door I had a variety of rounds everything from bean bag rounds double op Buck rounds and breaching rounds I'm breaching the first door you got me Roger Target's down room's clear as soon as I got through the door there were two Targets on the inside now I had two rounds of double op Buck loaded up after that breaching round ready to breach hold position I got two Targets two Targets engag standing by George told me to stand by because he had eyes on Targets target neutralizer clear hbt is all loone hbt is all alone I loaded a less lethal round and went [Music] in room's clear okay he's still alive the VT was hiding in the corner so I hit this guy with a less lethal bean bag round and that dropped him now I Must Destroy his explosives cache all right I see a building to the north possible cache location you have eyes on Roger that searching for explosives snake eyes I can't see them Roger I'm going to go ahead and take it out Roger I'll provide OverWatch on your movement all right looks like we've got our cache I'm going to blow this in place how copy roger that eyes on all right stand by Bo baby you know it's a good test when the fire trucks arrive weapons clear woo I you like that hell a shot with a shotg on brother I didn't know it was going to go up like that what happened on the inside what I want to know you know you took out the two Targets as I was approaching I breached the door there were two Targets on the inside followed up with double op Buck on that of course you gave me the standby yeah had eyes on two individuals took them down once I came into the room I hit the hbt with a less lethal round so he was still alive spotted this uh weapons Munitions Depot jumped out the window and I'm going to blow this in place what was your overall impression well I mean Mission success mission complete all right well thanks a lot for your help I appreciate itge thank you we've seen the combat shotgun evolved from a crude body Blaster to a sophisticated weapon system that can kill or not kill depending on the needs of the mission it's been a hell of a journey but one thing's clear this ancient weapon has earned itself a vital place on the modern Battlefield I'm will Willis locked and cleared I'll see you next time on the Range
Channel: War Stories
Views: 62,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield equipment, close range warfare, close-range warfare, combat experiences, combat simulation, combat specialists, combat strategies, combat versatility, deadly arsenal, historical battles, historical conflicts, historical weaponry, lethal guns, military gear, military weapons, tactical firearms, war equipment, war tactics evolution, warfare evolution, weapon advancements
Id: icEiHKLWn2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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