The Dead Will Hear Christ (John 5:25–29)

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well let's open the Word of God to the fifth chapter of the Gospel of John John chapter 5 it seems that every paragraph we come to is monumental significant and profound at the same time the challenge for the preacher is to make this profound truth accessible so that you can grasp it and understand it and I'm certainly privileged and honored to be able to take you into this section that we'll be looking at this morning we come to chapter 5 verses 25 to 29 let me just read that for you and we'll set it in your mind John 5:25 truly truly I say to you an hour is coming and now is when the Dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live for just as the father has life in himself even so he gave to the son also to have life in himself and he gave him authority to execute judgment because he is the son of man do not marvel at this for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come forth those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment to begin with you want to notice the statement that all verse 28 who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come forth every human being who's ever lived in the history of the world will be raised from the dead in some physical bodily form every person who has ever lived or will ever live will experience resurrection the Word of God says that and it's talking about a bodily resurrection there are two kinds of resurrection there is spiritual resurrection and there is physical resurrection everyone does not experience spiritual resurrection everyone will experience physical resurrection everyone literally will be raised from the dead everyone who has ever lived resurrection then is the subject of this passage and both of those resurrections are discussed first our Lord talks about the spiritual resurrection of believers and then he talks about the physical resurrection of believers and unbelievers now the question is how did we get to this subject remember starting in verse 17 and running all the way to verse 47 Jesus is talking and in this long section of Scripture he is declaring his deity he has made it clear that he is equal to God verse 18 the Jews get that and they are infuriated at him for making himself equal with God he declared himself to be equal with God in every way in verses 17 to 24 as we saw last time he says he is equal to God in person or nature or essence he is secondly equal to God in works he does exactly what God does when God does it in the way God does it thirdly he is equal to God in power he possesses the very power that belongs only to God he is equal to God in authority he is equal to God in honor that's striking verse 23 that all who honor the son honor the father and whoever doesn't honor the son does not honor the father indicates equal honor for both the father and the son finally in verse 24 is equal to God in truth so in all of these aspects in nature works power authority honor and truth Jesus declares himself to be equal with God to be God of very God that is his claim equality with God to be of the same essence doing the same things with the same power the same authority worthy of the same honor and speaking with the same truthfulness these are stunning and staggering claims now in the middle of those claims we find verses 21 and 22 they really are kind of the pinnacle of what he says in that section in verse 21 he has the power of life and in verse 22 he has the authority of final judgment Jesus says that he is the one who gives life and determines eternal destinies he has the power to give life and the authority to determine where that eternal life will be spent this is power and authority that belongs only to God it is unmistakable that Jesus is declaring himself to be God they understood that they began persecuting him according to verse 16 because he was breaking their sabbath rules their persecution was elevated when he called god his father making himself equal with God their fury is unleashed on him for what they see is the ultimate blasphemy in defending his identity to them he doesn't lower the claims he elevates them he doesn't try to mitigate things he doesn't try to calm them down he escalates their fury he elevates their hostility by elevating the claims to deity the two that are perhaps the very high point he has the power to give life in fact nothing exists that exists that he didn't give life and he will determine where that everlasting life will be spent either in hell or in heaven he is the one who will bring to life and judgment everyone who has ever lived now what he claims in verses 21 and 22 he demonstrates in verses 25 to 29 he claims it 21 and 22 he demonstrates it in 25 to 29 this is about giving life and rendering authoritative final judgment and we can approach this in simply two ways first verses 25 and 26 talk about spiritual resurrection then verses 27 to 29 talk about physical resurrection spiritual resurrection and then physical resurrection let's look first of all at verses 25 and 26 truly truly there it is again you saw it in verse 24 truly truly it's pretty common all through the Gospel of John and particularly in the previous sections going back to Jesus discussion with Nicodemus in chapter 3 he said it repeatedly truly truly and the reason he says this is because he's introducing on all these occasions things that are brand-new to these people and this is the most emphatic way that he can declare them against all the error all the confusion all the lies all the deception that essentially contained their theology he's going to tell them the truth and so repeatedly he will say truly truly this is the most solemn assurance of something being true that that he can use in that language he uses this phrase then to emphasize the veracity of what he's about to say and the first thing he's going to declare is this matter of spiritual resurrection I say to you an hour is coming and now is when the Dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live for just as the father has life in himself even so he gave to the son also to have life in himself now what is talking about some people might think that he is speaking about the future resurrection that he's speaking about resurrection at the end of human history the resurrection of the the just and the unjust as scripture identifies it well he's not and the reason we know he's not is because of the little phrase now is now is I say to you an hour is coming and now is when the Dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live what is the resurrection that is coming and yet now is is already and not yet what is that resurrection it has to be the spiritual resurrection of believers the work of the Lord Jesus Christ began when his ministry began he started his ministry by proclaiming who he was and again and again and again he declares that he has come to give life to give life he began giving that life as soon as his ministry began he already had demonstrated the power to give life he already declared he had the power to give life people had already received the life that he gives the spiritual life let me back you up a little bit and say this but the scripture says that all men are born dead in trespasses and sins seasons 2:1 the whole human race is dead dead spiritually unable to respond to God this is repeated throughout scripture Christ comes to give life to the dead spiritual life what do you mean being spiritually dead unable to respond to God like a corpse cannot respond to its environment so a sinner cannot respond to God you can take a needle and you can stab a corpse again and again and again and have no response and so is their response to God and the things of God the natural man understands them not they're spiritually discerned he's spiritually dead Jesus comes and he comes to give life to the spiritually dead that's what he does in fact the Gospel of John that makes much of this specific Ministry of Jesus to give life from the beginning of the Gospel of John to the very end of the Gospel of John as we'll see in a few moments all the way through Jesus claims to give spiritual life even before the cross even before the resurrection even before the Ascension even before the sending of the Holy Spirit he is giving life he has been giving life even in the Old Testament God is a life-giving God in the Old Testament who made sinners come alive in a sense God is giving life Christ is giving life even up to the cross that's his ministry he alone can do that at any point in redemptive history God is giving life and here Jesus is talking about that spiritual life the cross hasn't happened yet so they haven't believed in the cross the crucifixion the resurrection hasn't happened yet so they're not yet believing in the resurrection the coming of the Holy Spirit hasn't happened yet because Christ is not ascended yet Pentecost hasn't come they haven't been empowered for witness and evangelism but from the very beginning of the Ministry of Jesus he has been giving life before the fullness of the Holy Spirit before Pentecost before the resurrection before the cross the hour of life is coming and now is term our means period of time period of time not an actual hour not 60 minutes not necessarily a brief period of time fact this time has gone on for a couple thousand years he's already given life in Chapter one you gave lie to his first disciples who came and believed that they had found the Messiah put their trust in him and followed him and they were given life in Chapter four there were a group of Samaritans from a village of Sychar who came out to him and believed in him because of what the woman said when Jesus told her everything about her history and he'd never met her she told the village the story they believed that he might be the Messiah because of which she said they came to Jesus they listened to Jesus they believed then because of what he said and they affirmed in chapter 4 verse 42 that you are the Saviour of the world they believed in him as the Messiah as the Savior as the Son of God and so there are people who having believed have come to life the disciples and the Samaritans would be illustrations of that already the life-giving time of Christ the era in which he gives life has begun has begun more will come later on the day of Pentecost there will be 3,000 who will be given life a little later 5,000 more given life as the church begins to explode the life-giving Ministry of Jesus had already begun so it is an hour back to the verse that is coming meaning it will be extensive but it already is in place when the spiritually dead will come to life the spiritually dead will come to life even Jesus designated unbelievers is dead in Matthew 8:22 he said let the dead bury their dead but the spiritually dead bury the physically dead Jesus identified spiritual unbelievers as dead people unable to connect with God so he came to give life let me show you something and I want you to follow me on this go back to chapter 1 verse 4 this becomes thematic through the Gospel of John through the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 4 in him was life in him speaking of Christ was life and that life was the light of men in chapter 3 and verse 15 noticed the emphasis on his giving life chapter 3 verse 15 so whoever believes will in him have eternal life verse 16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life verse 36 he who believes in the son has eternal life chapter 4 verse 14 - the woman at the well whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life back to chapter 5 and down in verse 39 you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life it is these that testify about me and you are unwilling to come to me so that you may have life again spiritual life that's why he came in chapter 6 you can see it in verse 27 do not work for the food which perishes but for the food which endures to eternal life which the Son of Man will give to you then in verse 33 for the bread of life is that which came down out of heaven and gives life to the world or verse 35 I am the bread of life he who comes to me will not hunger he who believes in Me will never thirst he is the bread of life same chapter verse 68 Simon Peter answered understood the message Lord to whom shall we go you have words of eternal life in chapter 10 again the emphasis is on Christ having come to give life verse 10 of chapter 10 the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy I came that they may have life and have it abundantly verse 28 I give eternal life to them and they will never perish chapter 11 at the grave of Lazarus verse 25 jesus says to Martha I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in Me will live even if he dies and we can jump all the way to that great verse in chapter 20 verse 31 which is the theme of the whole book these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you may have life in his name so Jesus comes not to be a spiritual teacher not to be some kind of a guru who passes on wisdom he comes to give life to dead people who are spiritually dead alienated from the life of God deep death in their sinfulness he comes to give them life every person born into the world is spiritually dead and only one person can give life only Christ Jesus only Christ Jesus how does that happen back to our verse verse in chapter 5 verse 25 those dead who come to life come to life because they will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live Christ appears here as the only source of life and he brings about that life by speaking it into existence you can imagine a world of corpses in your mind's ayah a million dead corpses strewn everywhere all over the landscape as far as the eye can see in one lone living man walking among the corpses calling them to life that's Christ in the world doing his spiritual work and here by the way he is called the son of God because God alone can give life God alone can give life that's his creative work you'll see a little later in verse 27 he s called son of man and I'll tell you why that changes but resurrection power is the expression of deity and alone the power did to create life belongs only to deity and so he has the name that connects to deity son of God now what does it mean they that hear will live well it doesn't mean some kind of general hearing it doesn't mean some superficial hearing it doesn't mean hearing words about Jesus believing something superficial we already saw that in chapter 2 verse 23 there were many who believed in him but he didn't commit himself to them because he knew that what they believed wasn't enough it wasn't sufficient it wasn't enough to believe that he was a teacher from God who could do miracles there had to be something more than listening to Jesus and drawing some superficial conclusions in fact in Matthew 7 it says that many will say to me Lord Lord we did this in your name and that in your name and cast out demons and did miracles and and proclaimed your name and he'll say depart from me I never knew you I never knew you you workers of iniquity there are lot of people who have heard with their ears there are a lot of people who process some things in their minds that have come from Jesus there are people who have in a sense heard his voice in Scripture by reading what he says in Scripture that's not what we're talking about we're talking about an effectual hearing the hearing of the heart that brings life this is this is right alongside John 3 you must be born from above this is when God gives life this is when God regenerates it's the same concept in chapter 3 it's being born from above being given life from above here it's hearing the voice of the Son of God it's a heart hearing it's a soul hearing this is when Christ speaks not to the ears and not only to the mind but to the heart this is not a physical hearing it's not even an informational processing it's an effectual hearing of a Blee in Seoul touched by God's gracious powerful sovereign purpose through the very voice of Christ changing the heart this is the voice that penetrates death this is illustrated when Jesus goes to the grave of Lazarus Lazarus is dead he's been dead three days his body stinks he's in decay and Jesus speaks into the death of Lazarus Lazarus come out and his voice penetrates death and brings him to life men don't come to life on their own on their own merits by their own good works by their own religious activities by some kind of ritual by some kind of spirituality by some self-improvement only Christ can give life seasons 5:14 awake you that sleep arise from the dead and Christ shall give you life and light Romans tells us we are bound in sin visions tells us we are dead in sin Colossians tells us we are void of any spiritual life until Christ comes and speaks life but it's never apart from faith it always encompasses and requires the faith of the individual that's why in verses 39 and 40 you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life you think you can earn your eternal life that's the way you handle Scripture that's the way you interpret it but these scriptures which you read testify about me and you are unwilling to come to me so that you may have life so what is it that the sinner must do come to Christ come to Christ it is Christ who gives the life but at the same time the sinner comes the sinner comes Christ alone has this power because he is the son of God verse 26 says for just as the father has life in himself even so he gave to the son also to have life in himself they have the ability to give life listen they have the ability to give life here because they have life they have the ability to give life because they have life because they are life John one for Christ is the life verse 21 of this chapter he gives life here because he has life in himself he is life he has life he gives life so without Christ everything is death everything is dead God gives life and Christ gives life the father gives life the son gives life remember the father and the son do the same thing father's work is the son's work he does what the father does the way the father does it this is the mystery the amazing mystery of the Trinity that they are distinct persons and yet one there are some people who say well there's only one God sometimes he's the father sometimes the son sometimes the spirit that's called modalism that's an old sub alien heresy that there's only one God and he plays three roles that that's problematic that heresy was basically assaulted way back in the day of athenais shis and here's one of the verses they used to denounce that it says in verse 26 that the father gave to the son also to have life if the father and the son are the same person there's no one to give anything to so Athanasius first made the case against the bailey anism but by saying you have one person giving to another person the power to give life that that necessitates two persons would be a logical fallacy to assume that someone could give something to no one so the father has eternally given to the son to have life as the father has eternally begotten the son those are mysterious terms but I think there's even more than that here I think it's more than just the fact that the father eternally begot the son he Colonel II gave to the son to have life I think there's something here about his incarnation I would suppose that during the first 30 years of Jesus ministry when he went from birth to entering his public ministry he may not have exercised the power to give life God could still give life God could still redeem people sinners and did because there were people like Anna and Simeon right and people like Zacharias and Elizabeth and people like Mary and people like that who were true Saints who had been given spiritual life by God the only question is did Christ give life then the answer to that we can't be dogmatic about but but this we can be dogmatic about that in the Incarnation Jesus restricted the use of his attributes as God he didn't give up his attributes that would change his nature but he restricted their use as a child he certainly didn't do miracles as an adolescent he didn't new miracles we don't know that he did we're sure that he didn't because it says in the wedding at Cana that was the first miracle he did so he didn't do miracles for thirty years so a restricted miracle power this is the voluntary restriction of the attributes which he possessed in full so it's likely to say that he didn't give life but once he launched his ministry God gave him the power to give life gave him the right to give life and so he began to give life as soon as his ministry begins he gives life to the early disciples he gives life to the people in the village of Sychar in Chapter four he begins to give life God is the source of life Christ is the source of life God is the fountain of life Christ is the fountain of life the father and the son flow in one stream of life did Jesus have the power of life of course he created everything John 1:1 and too he created everything that existed but it is incarnation he pulled back the free exercise of those attributes but in his ministry when it began he began to give life it became a mark of his ministry to give life even before the cross even before the resurrection before the coming of the Holy Spirit before the filling of the Holy Spirit empowering the preaching of the gospel Jesus was giving life based upon people believing in his name they couldn't yet believe in the cross they couldn't believe in the resurrection yet because it hadn't happened but they believed what had been revealed like an Old Testament saying who had to believe all that God had revealed up to the point that person lived they believed all that God had revealed up to the point at which they exercised their faith and that began his life giving ministry that's the now is it began and the hour is still going on first John 5:11 this is the record that God has given unto us eternal life and this life is in his son in his son and how does he give that life he speaks it into the deadness of the human soul those who hear the voice of the Son of God will live those who hear the voice will live spiritually spiritually this is what he does he calls the dead to life if you read Ephesians 2 Paul talks about being dead and then he says but God who is rich in mercy made us alive together with Christ and then by grace through faith God makes alive that's a divine miracle but concomitant with that divine miracle is this the heart of the sinner opens in faith to embrace to embrace Christ so there is a spiritual resurrection Jesus says this is what I am now doing there he stands that Galilee and carpenter in front of those Jewish leaders dressed like any other person would be dressed in that place and time with no aura over his head and nothing supernatural apparently around him and he is claiming to be giving people spiritual life he is claiming to be regenerating souls fitting them for the kingdom of God this is stunning and from their perspective blasphemous but then when you come to verse 27 picture changes from the spiritual resurrection to the physical resurrection and he not only has eternally and particularly in his incarnation given to the son the power to give life but and he gave him authority to execute judgment because he is the son of man he is the one who can execute final judgment here he's called the Son of Man why because being a man plays in to judgment let me tell you why resurrection no there's no human element in that there's no human element in raising dead people but in judging man it's important to have a man be the judge of men because he knows not only by divine omniscience but he knows by human experience his judgment is therefore rendered perfect by virtue of his divine omniscience and his human experience because he was in all points tempted like as we are right yet without sin so he's the perfect judge because he knows everything that only God knows and he has himself been pushed through every human temptation and experience so as the Son of Man that's a title that comes from the Book of Daniel chapter 7 which identifies the Messiah he is given authority to execute judgment to execute judgment and here's how it will happen spiritual resurrection going on all the time all the time but what's the difference physical resurrection strictly future do not marvel at this don't be shocked about what I'm going to say as shocking as it is for an hour is coming but there it doesn't say and now is but this is all future an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come forth those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life and those who committed evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment market everybody will be raised raised in a resurrection of life or condemnation and judgment all who are in the tombs will hear his voice that's future that's future everyone who's ever lived and died will be raised that group of people who are raptured when the church is raptured will be the only exception they will not die they'll be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air that's 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 but everybody who's ever died in the history of this planet will be raised from the dead you say now wait a minute does he need some remaining material to reconstruct that eternal form no because we've been here way too long to find any remnants of anything in most cases but what it does mean is that there will be a form a physical form a body that will come together to capture that eternal spirit that is either now with God or without him that is now in heaven or in hell the final form for every one will be a body a body first Corinthians 15 describes the fact that there are many kinds of bodies and God will make a resurrection body that will be unique it will be a body for believers like the glorious body of Christ Philippians 3:20 and that will suit us for heaven and there will be a body for hell as well so when you think about Hell you're not thinking about some disembodied spirit floating around so that weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth are some kind of metaphoric things you're thinking about a real form a real body that is genuinely suffering in torment forever everyone who's ever died will be raised and here's the shocker Jesus says to them and I'm the one who will raise them all the power is beyond imagination it's beyond imagination any wild-eyed maniacal terrorists can blow people into bits but who could assemble everybody back together who has ever lived in a form that is somehow consistent with who they were when they were alive - then embody their spirit for eternal dwelling what kind of power is that power what kind of power is that and Jesus is saying I have that power that final resurrection has some elements to it there's a preview of it at the death of Christ Matthew 27 when he died you remember the graves were open and the saints came out there were some resurrections there kind of a preview of that Luke talks about a special resurrection for the just and another resurrection for the unjust kind of works like this the rapture at the rapture of the church 1st Thessalonians 4 the dead rise first so that's the first phase of the resurrection at the end of the tribulation the Old Testament Saints and tribulation Saints rise from the grave that's the second aspect of it and then there are resurrections during the Millennium when the believers who were in the millennium die so that the resurrection of the just what he calls the resurrection of life has phases it's literally stretched from the rapture of the church to the end of the millennium so it stretches the millennium being a thousand years tribulation being seven years we don't know how long between the start of the tribulation the rapture so this again is a is a time that is an elongated time it's an hour but not an hour it's an it's an era there will be the resurrection of the just at the rapture of the church the end of the tribulation Daniel 12 discusses that and then resurrections during Millennial Kingdom the resurrection of condemnation or the resurrection of judgment or the resurrection of the unjust all happens at one time at the end of the thousand-year reign of christ at the great white throne revelation 20 all the dead of all the ages who are ungodly are brought before god in physical form suited for eternal hell and their judge there Jesus is saying I do all of that I bring them to life again and I determine their eternal destiny how powerful is this and you thought it was remarkable that he could stand before the grave of Lazarus and say Lazarus come out how about billions upon billions upon billions of Lazarus's both believers and unbelievers and what distinguishes is this those who did good to a resurrection of life those who committed the evil to a resurrection of judgment the economy of words there the comparison is really really important somebody's going to say wait a minute wait a minute you mean we're going to be raised to life because we did good I thought salvation was by grace through faith not works you thought right by the mother works of the law nobody's going to be justified but that's not what it's saying we're clear on that we've already heard him say believe believe believe believe believe believe write whoever believes will have eternal life whoever believes whoever believes whoever believes you say well why does he compared works deeds answer because that's the only thing he could compare can't compare believers faith with unbelievers faith because unbelievers don't have any faith he can't compare believers life with unbelievers life because they don't have any life they're dead the only thing you can compare is their behavior because that's the only thing they have in common we have faith they don't we have life they don't but we both have behavior and in the end your behavior either validates your salvation or denies it right faith without works is dead okay so you know them by their works believers works or takata the excellent things unbelievers works Tov Salah worthless things so believers whose faith is indicated and proven by their good deeds by the excellent things which are wrought in them by the Holy Spirit in the renewed nature demonstrate that they have eternal life and will be raised to enjoy that life the unbelievers whose worthless works are all they have to offer evidence there are spiritual deadness and they will be raised to damnation to damnation so there are two physical resurrections one to life and one to damnation those who have a spiritual resurrection in Christ will be raised to life those who remain spiritually dead through unbelief will have a resurrection to damnation the simple question is which one are you headed for what do you do to change your destiny well there's only one thing you can do verse 24 truly truly I say to you he who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and doesn't into judgment but has passed out of death into life if you want to pass out of death to life out of judgment into blessing you have to hear the word concerning Christ and believe everything God has said about Christ everything God has disclosed on the pages of Scripture about Christ puts your faith in Christ you must do that you say wait a minute I thought you said it was a divine work I thought you said only God could awaken the dead soul I did and that's exactly what the Bible says it is a work of God it is a unilateral work of God and yet in a way that we can't understand what is apparently paradoxical to us it never happens apart from the willingness of a person to believe so all you can do is cry out to God to speak and give you life and give you faith to believe let's pray together Lord these things are so spectacular in terms of concept so transcendent that they go way beyond our ability to grasp that that this man Jesus could be the life giver not only in the past and the present but in the future to raise everyone who's ever lived to eternal life or eternal damnation is staggering to think about what power but beyond that our thoughts are not just to his power but to his mercy and grace to us we thank you O God that there was a day when the voice of the Son of God came forward and it came out of heaven and it went right to the to the center of our very souls and it spoke life to us and we believed and we were transformed from death to life Lord all we can say is we don't understand the full mystery of it but we do know what you've said it is your work and yet it is our responsibility to believe to believe to believe we would believe in all the claims of Jesus believing in the name of Jesus is believing in everything he said everything he claimed and then now it is necessary for us to believe of course that he died on the cross in our place taking our judgment and rose again for our justification and is ascended at the right hand from which he sent the Holy Spirit and from where he will one day return to set up his kingdom and to judge father I just ask that you would in your mighty power do your work in in hearts speak life to those who are spiritually dead and there are some here who have come to Grace Church for a long time and have become very comfortable with their unbelief very comfortable with walking out the same way they walked in with a mild interest in Jesus and the gospel and they've done it for so long that they are comfortable and unafraid of judgment but judgment will come may they see that your patience and forbearance is intended not to make them comfortable but to lead them to repentance would you be gracious and speak life into dead hearts today awaken faith trust in Christ may sinners cry out Oh God give me faith to believe in him to embrace him give me life from death save me from eternal condemnation from the resurrection unto damnation place me among those who are raised to eternal life this is our prayer now father we ask that you would do your work we've humbly offered you a simple explanation of a profound transcendent portion of Scripture we just ask Lord that you would go where we can never go where even the hearer can't go to the real transformation of the heart do your mighty work and we'll give you thanks and praise in your son's name
Channel: Grace to You
Views: 127,385
Rating: 4.8184953 out of 5
Keywords: Sin, Christ, Lord, Jesus, Bible, God, Truth, Grace to You, John MacArthur, Gospel, Salvation, Word, Study, Believe, Prophecy, Revival, Cross, Prophet, Messiah, Christian, Church, Scripture, Faith, Obedience, Dead, Eternal Life, Live, Life, Judgment, Good, Evil, Deeds, Resurrection, Tombs, Gospel Of John (Religious Text)
Id: 2L8zROwvh4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2013
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