"The Day of Restoration (Foundations of Faith #4) - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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[Music] [Music] you know i'd like to always begin with an amazing fact i don't know if you've ever heard of the limba tribe in zimbabwe south africa there's a group of between 50 and 80 000 people there that claim ancestry with the hebrews and there's a lot of things that would lend you to believe that they still practice animal sacrifice they wear yarmulkes they don't eat pork they circumcise the male children they use the jewish star on their graves and they still keep the seventh-day sabbath which they have been doing as far back as they can remember bbc was very intrigued by this and they working with another group did a number of dna tests back in 2000 on the zimbabwe tribe and they were astonished to find out that indeed they did have hebrew dna and not just were they related to the semitic dna they were particularly aligned with a group within the tribe of levi that were called the cohen tribe and the word cohen in hebrew it's the priestly tribe and as near as they can figure that sometime during the time after the babylonians attacked jerusalem that when jeremiah and some of the remnant fled into egypt god had foretold they'd be persecuted in egypt and another group went south picking up african wives along the way and made their way 2 800 miles all the way down to zimbabwe and they have done their best over the centuries to retain that faith and they worship a monotheistic god you know throughout the reformation there have been groups that have stood up for particular truths that seem to have been lost by god's people and one of those truths that i'm very passionate about we're going to talk about today is the truth regarding the bible sabbath now the reason that i feel very confident talking to you about that is because it's one of the ten commandments so you need to take that up with the lord furthermore it is the only one of the ten commandments that begins with the word remember why do you think god would start out one commandment with the word remember because he understood that there would be a possibility they would forget and so our message tonight is dealing with the day of restoration it is a day of rest and it's a day of restoring that has been neglected by much of the christian church well i've got a lot of fun things i'm going to be sharing with you and a lot of scripture so if you like to take notes you might want to get your pen out because i'm going to be moving through them pretty quickly first question from where do we get a seven day week you know all around the world everybody observes a seven day week now that's really an unusual question because we understand why all the civilizations in the world have a year with approximately 360 to 365 days even the ancient civilizations because that's how long it takes the earth to go around the sun there's something in astronomy that gives you that calendar we understand why all the ancient civilizations had a month with approximately 27 to 30 days because that's the lunar cycle that's where we get the word month from the moon and but where in the sun moon or stars and of course you get a 24-hour day because that's how long it takes the earth to rotate one time on its axis right but where in the sun moon and stars do you get a seven day week where can the world trace a seven day week the only place you can trace it to is genesis chapter 2 verses 1-3 and it says thus the heavens and the earth and the host of them were finished and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done then god blessed the seventh day and he sanctified it because in it he had rested from all of his work which god had created and made you know it's very interesting right there it says way back in the beginning god established this weekly cycle i remember i worked for about a year and a half for the native americans in new mexico and i talked with some of my navajo the hopi sioux friends and they said oh we had a seven day week before the bellaganas showed up that's navajo for white man and i thought that was fascinating because the only place that can be traced to is the word of god now it's interesting in the very first book of the bible in the very first chapter second chapter of the bible it says the seventh day the seventh day the seventh day i don't know if you counted it three times then you get to the last book of the bible there's another significant number mentioned three times what is it six six six seven is the number for god and perfect completion six is the number for man man was made on the sixth day of the week remember in revelation it tells us that the beast power says everybody's supposed to bow and worship and if you go to daniel chapter 3 nebuchadnezzar makes an image 60 cubits by six cubits and i heard one professor say it was probably six by six by sixty which means it's like six six six and everybody's gotta worship the final battle is going to be regarding who you worship one group will have the seal of god and worship god the other group will have the mark of the beast and worship the beast am i right the battle in the very beginning between two brothers they bro brought their sacrifices to god they both claim to worship the same god one did it god's way one did it his own way and the one who did it the wrong way he invented his own worship persecuted and ultimately killed the one who did it god's way that's going to happen again at the end of time history will repeat itself jesus said those who kill you will think that they're serving god and so we're heading in that direction so we need to understand these themes and god's commandments regarding worship right there in the beginning god made everything in how many days he's made it on six days but how many days in a week because he made another day for what rest and worship because we're resting in him did god make the sabbath rest just for the israelites have you heard that before this is one of the areas where my dear friends and some other churches are making an assumption that is an listen what it says mark chapter 2 verse 27 jesus speaking he said the sabbath was made for jews is that what it says m-a-n is just another spelling for jew you spin it around upside down you can make that m look like a w right what does he say sabbath is made from man and that word there means mankind what else did god make for man in the beginning god said it's not good that man should be alone so he made woman do we need the things that god made for man in the beginning not only did he make the sabbath he made woman do we still need women hopefully everybody is together on that one right so these things that god made were not for jews they were does only jews need a day of worship and rest or is that something everybody needs some more verses isaiah 56 verse 6 and 7 also the sons of the stranger meaning non-jews that join themselves to the lord to serve him to love the name of the lord to be his servants everyone that keeps the sabbath from polluting it and takes hold of my covenant even them i will bring to my holy mountain and make them miserable in my house of prayer is that what it says make them joyful in my house of prayer for my house shall be called the house of prayer for all nations who quotes that my house shall be a house of prayer for all nations jesus when he drove the money changers out of the temple he obviously still believed that verse and so he said even the sons of the stranger it's for everybody now look at what's going on in our culture today and the stress it is phenomenal you know i think the five leading causes of death in north america i'll see if i can remember them you got heart disease and you've got diabetes and you get stroke and you've got cancer and one of them's accident accidental death they're all connected with stress and stress is exacerbated when we don't rest and there's never been a society that has worked as long and hard as we do now because for one thing we've got artificial light for the last 150 years 24 hours a day the other thing now is you can't leave your work at work you bring your work in your cell phone with you and you're constantly getting emails and messages and texts and all kinds of things and it's like people are not resting there is chronic problems in first world countries that people are having with their health because they don't rest you know i remember reading that when neil armstrong and his partner went to the moon and they were actually walking on the surface of the moon houston kept giving them commands and orders for every step they took now don't forget get this sample and then go over here make sure and check that take a picture of this and and finally they stopped they said is everything okay and they said uh yeah we're fine we just realized we're on the moon and we just want to stop for a moment and take it in i mean why don't you want to just stop and kind of look around wow i'm on the moon and i'm watching the earth rise and so we're probably not going to get to do this very often we got to just like stop and take it in and so they finally agreed at the control center right enjoy it but don't wait too long we get so busy with life and the worries of life that we don't ever take it in we don't rest we don't worship and the devil has us working so hard that we're destroying ourselves now how has god honored this day of restoration that we read about well you can read we already read genesis chapter two now go to exodus in the ten commandments and that's exodus 20 you can read verses 8-11 remember the sabbath day to keep it holy i want to pause right there why does he say keep it holy do you keep something that you don't already have if i ask you to keep something for me and i walk away you're going to say well doug what exactly do you want me to keep you got to give it to me first before i can keep it so whenever god asks you to keep something it's assumed you already have it if you come to my house and it's winter and i've got a fire going and i say can you keep the fire going uh you'd assume the fire's already going right but if i said you can you keep the fire going you said no problem and after i leave you go check the fire and it's cold ashes you'd say why did he say keep the fire going if there's no fire so in the commandment when he says keep the sabbath holy it's pretty well understood that it already was and i'm asking you to keep it that way and he goes on and says and he blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it got sanctified it he blessed it he commanded us to remember it remember they're not the ten suggestions but not the 10 recommendations these are commandments from god and i have people say well you know i would but it's yeah it's inconvenient or i had something else i needed to do i've never heard that excuse used when one spouse talks to another and says you know i didn't really plan on committing adultery but you know something came up and i you know no you say no you keep it it's a commandment it's commandment if we love god god rested that day he blessed that day and he sanctified the sabbath he did something to that day that he didn't do to any other day and jesus goes on he says in matthew 5 19 whosoever therefore shall break even one of the least of these commandments and teach men so he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven now jesus is not saying they'll be in the kingdom he's saying if somebody is teaching others to break even the least of the commandments and by example and by their word they're not going to be in the kingdom the people in the kingdom will call them the least that's what he's saying they will be called the least among those who are in heaven they're not going to make it to heaven you see the difference some people think well they're just going to be on a lower scale in heaven he wants us to do it and he wants us to teach it isn't that what we just read whoever will do and teach them so you might be thinking oh pastor doug you're teaching the commandments that's a little legalistic the devil has intimidated a whole generation of christians with being labeled as pharisaical or legalistic if we talk about the law of god but i've got news for you god talks about his law jesus talks about the law not that we're saved by the law we're saved by grace amen but if you love him then you're not going to be afraid to find out what best pleases him so in what two ways is the sabbath a sign that says i'll give them my sabbaths as a sign well there's a couple things you can read about ezekiel 20 verse 12 it says i gave them my sabbaths to be a sign between me and them that they might know that i am the lord that does sanctify them now he didn't just give the sabbath to the israelites he certainly did remind them of it but he gave it to man right back in the beginning remember we learned god sanctified the day does god have the power to make something holy does god have the power to make you holy see it's a sign of that every sabbath day we're reminding ourselves that he can sanctify us another example you'll find you can read in exodus 31 17 and it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made so he takes us back again to creation how many people were in the world at creation two right what were the names how many here are related to them it's a trick question you're also all related to noah too did you know that and that means we're brothers and sisters right and did he make the sabbath for man he wanted israel to remind the nations of what they forgot it reminds them that in the beginning when he created the heavens and the earth he made one more day so every sabbath we remember that he can sanctify us and he can recreate us he can create within us a new heart isn't that what david prayed the sabbath reminds us he's a creator i don't think he'd have problems with the evolutionary teachings within christianity today if people would have remembered the sabbath day the way they were supposed to ultimately a christian is what follower of christ are we right are we together what was the example of jesus which day did he keep holy look in luke 4 verse 16 and we read there he came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was now what's a custom something you do once or is a custom a way of life in a practice and when you say someone does something customarily that means it's their ongoing practice as his custom was he went into the synagogue the word synagogue means the church the gathering and he stood up to read he scriptures jesus went to church and read the bible every sabbath and you can look at the apostles what was their example what did paul do what was his custom regarding the sabbath day this one is in acts 17 verse 2. and paul as his custom was he went in unto them three sabbath days and he reasoned with them out of the scriptures in fact it says you read in acts 18 4 some people say well he just reasoned with him out of the scriptures because he was trying to reach the jews but you read here it says he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath and persuaded jews and greeks indeed when paul wanted to arrest christians when he first went out he went into the synagogues looking for the christians why would he look for them there because they kept the same day as the jews now i got to pause here and issue just a little oasis in my rant i remember when i first learned these things it troubled me because i first accepted jesus i read the bible i went to church on sunday most of the churches they went to they'd meet sunday they'd meet other days but they never really kept a day like the sabbath let's face it most christian churches even within the protestant church even within the catholic church they might go to mass they might go to church i've preached in many different denominations and i remember preaching in a baptist church and before i even got started i met a deacon at the door and he said you better be done by noon there's a football game and so you know and they go home then they mow the lawn right so most of they go shopping they don't keep it like a holy day and i know there are some in our church that know the sabbath truth and they're not keeping it like a holy day either beginning to compromise with the culture around us but i remember when i first learned these things it kind of troubled me and i was upset but you know i i finally realized look i just want to know what does the bible really say because i want to be a bible christian what did jesus really teach what did the apostles teach now that's our next question did the apostles also meet with the gentiles on the sabbath day read in acts 13 verse 42 and when the jews were gone out of the synagogue the gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath and then it says on the next sabbath day almost the whole city came together to hear the word of god thank you you can read in acts chapter 16 it says and on the sabbath day we went out of the city by river where prayer was customarily made all through the book of acts and the gospels with everything that is said about the sabbath day they were not teaching that it was to be done away with it was all understood it's one of the commandments and yet it's rarely spoken of among christians and our whole society suffers because it's being neglected people's health is suffering love relationships suffer families suffer from stress and if they keep the sabbath and they'd have that quality time with god and with each other and see that's what it boils down to friends right now assuming you're alive and breathing your heart is beating you are experiencing life enjoy it look around you're alive at least for the moment right you experience life in a dimension called time if you don't have time you don't have life god tells us that love is demonstrated in time i won't ask for a show of hands but i bet there's more than one husband here who has had the wife say we don't spend time together anymore i've had karen say that to me well we're just not spending time i said i was here all week she said but you were in your office she said it's different than like quality time and you all know what i'm talking about really communicating love is experienced in time and god wants to have a love relationship with us you can't be happy without loving god you can't get to heaven without loving god you can't obey him if you don't love god you can't love someone without time it's in the context of time you get to know them you get to express your love isn't that right so after god made everything good good very good and beautiful in six days he says i'm making one more day so we can experience it together you ever seen something wonderful and wish he had someone to show i thought no one will ever believe this what a beautiful view whatever it was god made us social creatures and we spend time together he wants to spend time with us the bible says he walked in the garden with adam and eve jesus said to the disciples can you come pray with me and they went to sleep number eight did jesus intend for his people to keep the sabbath after he died for their sins now i already showed you jesus kept it paul kept it the apostles kept it what about the church in the future jesus is talking about the signs of his return and the end of the world he says in matthew 24 verse 20 pray that your flight be not in the winter he's not talking about a flight on american airlines he's talking about fleeing for your life pray that your flight is not in the winter or on the sabbath day everything christ said was in the context of assuming his people understood this was a commandment to remember does the bible teach that god's people in the end time will need to keep the seventh-day sabbath holy now most people up until now they said yeah sabbath sounds good but i just mentioned seventh day because what day did god say he blessed the seventh day does it matter did god say keep a sabbath day holy or did he say keep the seventh day holy do you pick the day you're going to bless or do we pick the day he blessed and i remember struggling with this when i first learned these things let's read on here and i'll say more about it the dragon was wroth with the woman who's the dragon satan of the devil right who's the woman in this revelation 12. god's church you just know if the dragon's mad at her it's the good church right and the dragon was wroth with the woman and he goes to make war with the remnant of her seed that keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ the dragon is going to make war with those that keep the commandments think about this daniel chapter 3 those who do not worship the image of nebuchadnezzar will be killed they've got to make a decision shadrach meshach and abednego you know the story will we obey the commandments of god or the commandments of the government daniel chapter 6 there it's the first commandment thou shall not have other gods king darius makes the law that you're only to pray to him for 30 days daniel has to make a decision am i going to obey the law of the government or the law of god in the end of time it's also going to be a question of which god you serve or whose commandments you obey if we don't understand that these things do make a difference then we're just going to end up being a lot of milk toast christians that say lord lord and jesus says i don't know you if you want to be a real christian if you want to have a revival then start being one who says lord speak your servant listens i'm going to do what i know you want me to do the sabbath is part of that it's in the bible revelation chapter 14 just before jesus comes it says i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people saying with a loud voice a message going to the world jesus said go into all nations fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come this is just prior to the end talking about a judgment right and notice what it says and worship him who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of the fountains of water do you know that is an exact quote from the sabbath commandment it's calling people back to the worship of the creator and that's what was sabbath was all about there's a message that goes to the world before jesus returns and later in the same passage it says i looked and behold on a white cloud one coming like the son of man jesus comes we have a message that's to go to the world calling people back to not only be hears but doers of the word amen you can read there it also said revelation 14 verse 12 here is the patience of the saints here are those that keep the commandments of god and have the faith of jesus and the end of the book blessed are those who do his commandments that they might have a right to the tree of life and to enter in through the gates of the city blessed he wants you to have that blessing god did not bless the day so you could feel like it's a curse but you know one of the hardest things to give is time my father had a lot of money he's a millionaire and um i'd want to spend time with him and sometimes he was so busy he said well here's five dollars go to the movie and i was always thankful for the five dollars but in my heart i'm thinking i was hoping we'd do something together because sometimes it's easier to give a donation than give yourself when you give your time you give yourself try to teach my kids when you have an appointment don't be late because if someone's waiting on you you are stealing their time and you're stealing the piece of their life it's rude amen and so giving time is a precious thing and so if you say lord i love you i love you but i haven't got any time right now well do we really love him it's the supreme proof that you love god when you give him your time when he makes an appointment not you make your own and he's made an appointment with us amen he said i bless the day put aside all the cares of life now someone's going to say pastor doug well you worship god one day a week i worship god seven days a week that's nonsense first of all i worship god seven days a week too we're talking about keeping the sabbath the sabbath says thou shalt not do any labor and if a person says they're worshiping god by not working seven days a week they're not holy they're lazy so we're not talking about that god has specified a specific day matter of fact he says six days thou shalt work that's part of the command right one day you don't do any work so that we can have this quality time and yes it does say that coming together to worship god is part of the sabbath you read in leviticus 23 the sabbath is called a holy convocation that means as far as possible i know some people are they're infirmed or they're shut in or they're isolated but if you can we come together to worship god it's something you do corporately dwight moody said in his book wade and wanting i honestly believe that this commandment is just as binding today as ever it was i've talked with men who say it was abrogated it's talking about the sabbath commandment but they've never been able to point to any place in the bible where god repealed it when christ was on earth he did nothing to set it aside you know in fact looking at my clock here i'm talking about the reformation you know a lot of the early reformers knew the sabbath truth and kept it some of the early waldenses and the hussites and the reformers they were burnt to death because they kept the old sabbath historians say they kept the historic sabbath of the jews well i don't know where god commands us to keep the sabbath of the gentiles show me one verse in the bible that commands us to keep the first day holy i only do that i don't want to be arrogant i do it because i know it's not there but what day does most of the christian world keep first day and there's not a single scripture that tells us to do it now listen to what the honest theologians from all these different denominations say i'm just going to go through a few there's scores of these i could read but i'll run out of time baptist church this is written by dr edward t his cox author of the baptist manual there was and is a commandment to keep holy the sabbath day but that sabbath day was not sunday it'll be said however and with some show of triumph that the sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week where can the record of such a transaction be found not in the new testament absolutely not there is no scriptural evidence for the change of the sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week he says more congregational church dr r.w dale and this is his book the ten commandments it's quite clear however rigidly or devotedly we may spend sunday we are not keeping the sabbath the sabbath was founded on a specific divine command we can plead no such command for the observance of sunday there is not a single line in the new testament to suggest that we incur any penalty by violating sunday the lutheran church and this is in the ausburg confession which a lot of protestants were involved in the observance of the lord's day sunday is not founded on any command of god but on the authority of the church episcopal church the bible commandment says on the seventh day thou may rest that is saturday nowhere in the bible is it laid down that worship should be done on sunday that's philip carrington presbyterian church this is eaton uh ken and eaton in his book on the ten commandments there is no word no hint in the new testament about abstaining from work on sunday the observance of ash wendy or lent stands exactly on the same footing as the observance of sunday into which no sunday divine law enters he says it's just a tradition anglican church and where are we told in the scriptures that we should keep the first day at all we're commanded to keep the seventh we're not commanded to keep the first that's isaac williams methodist church amos briny his theological compendium it is true that there is no positive command for infant baptism nor is there any for keeping holy the first day of the week many believe that christ changed the sabbath but from his own words we see that he came for no such purpose those who believe that jesus changed the sabbath base it on only a supposition and i've got pages of quotes like this honest theologians know that if you're going to go by the bible all we can do is look around say well this is what everybody's doing so we're going to do what everyone's doing a reformation means you break out of that mold and say we're not going to follow traditions of men we're going to follow the word of god and when we decide to follow the word of god you're going to see something remarkable happen not only will god bless the devil's going to get very upset amen maybe that's what we need persecution often refines will all of the saved be keeping the sabbath in heaven so we've already shown the apostles and jesus what about in the future you can read isaiah 66 verse 22 and 23 for as the new heavens and the new earth which i will make shall remain before me saith the lord so shall your seed and your name remain and it will come to pass that from one sabbath to another shall all flesh come and worship before me says the lord all flesh so you look here in the bible we see we know adam kept it in the garden of eden we know the children of israel kept it we're going to say more about that we know the apostles kept it we know we'll keep it in heaven and who do you think the preacher is going to be there jesus nobody will sleep during the sermon when he preaches at what time of day let's get a little more specific does the sabbath actually begin some people think well it starts at midnight or something no you know we set our clocks back this week some of you came an hour early um they do that two in the morning that's not when the sabbath starts you read in the bible it says from even unto even leviticus chapter 23 32 you'll celebrate your sabbath that's sundown and again mark 1 32 and at even when the sun did set and someone's going to send in a question say well how did he keep the sabbath in the international space station send that in we'll do it for facebook after the program you want to know the answer don't you question 12. now this is where people say well you're right we're supposed to worship god every seventh day but since we you know the calendar has been changed we don't know what day the seventh day is have you heard that can we be certain that the present seventh day of the week saturday is the same sabbath day that jesus kept holy absolutely luke 23 54 you read in your bible and we know that when christ was crucified it says that day was the preparation that's what you call friday the day you prepare for the sabbath and the sabbath drew on so it's the day before the sabbath and then it says they returned and prepared spices and ointments and rested the sabbath they according to the commandment i've just got a pause here to me it always is mind-blowing that the disciples after following jesus for three and a half years hearing him preach lots of sabbath conflict with the legalist and religious leaders that when he finally died they wanted to take his body off the cross and prepare it they had not finished embalming him and they said you know we need to stop because the sabbath is coming we'll come back sunday morning after the sabbath it would not please jesus if we continue doing this even though it's a labor of love it was so thoroughly ingrained in their minds how jesus felt about the sabbath they would not even finish embalming his body most of us would say well that's you know the ox is in the ditch you got to do it right they would not do it matter of fact you know jesus spent seven hours on the cross do the math crucified 9 am died at three took an hour to get his body off the cross six hours alive one hour resting on the cross jesus died before the sabbath he rested from his work of redeeming man through the sabbath he rose sunday morning he did not rise to establish a new sabbath he rose to continue his work as our high priest in heaven and so he even kept the sabbath in his death so i want to go on here so we know good friday they went home kept it and by the way who wrote the gospel of luke dumb question right what i meant was he was a gentile right so this would have been a great place for him to say they went and kept the jewish sabbath luke doesn't call it that he says the commandment right and then sunday morning the women come to the tomb they see it's empty mary comes first he appears first to mary magdalene and when he rose early on the first day of the week he appeared first to mary magdalene and here you've got just an outline of what that looked like you've got the preparation day friday you've got sabbath saturday and people keep sunday they celebrate sunday they call it uh easter is what day sunday is it's a day of the resurrection nobody contends that and so as soon as you say well we really don't know which day is saturday anymore you're telling me you don't know which day sunday is either right so if you have problems with my saturday you got problems with your sunday there's no question you even look in the dictionary merriam-webster is one of the most popular dictionaries in the world saturday the seventh day of the week if that does not convince you in over a hundred and five languages of the world the word for the seventh day of the week what we call saturday is sabbath now it's not so in english we get it from the greek god but you speak spanish it's sabado yapani sabbath in russian right and uh if you're in micronesia pong shabbat and a 105 language isn't that interesting they all have the same word it was the sabbath rest even in the places where the religion was not christian the name they had for the seventh day of the work was the sabbath because it goes all the way back and you say but pastor doug the calendar was changed you're right the calendar was changed let's look at the change most prominent change in the last 2000 years was when we went from the julian calendar to the gregorian calendar in the julian calendar they needed to adjust for the seasons there was nothing no conspiracy here so they took october 4 thursday they added 10 days and it went from the 4th to the 15th there's a picture you can see to kind of relate to you notice it went from thursday to friday so did they change the calendar yes does a change in the calendar ever affect the weekly cycle no it makes no difference so whenever because people see the week on the calendar and they see the month on the calendar they think they're interwoven they're not they're two completely separate cycles of time that's why your birthday is on a different day of the week every year someone wrote a letter to the u.s naval observatory james robertson answered there has been no change in our calendar in past centuries that has affected in any way the continuity of the cycle of the week and so none of it ever affects the week and if that doesn't convince you because some people are skeptical it doesn't matter how much evidence you give them you might convince me that there was a jewish family that got washed up on a deserted island and as devoted as they were about sabbath keeping they lost track of time or they were in a dungeon or it was cloudy so long they couldn't tell what the days were but you're not going to convince me 16 million jews around the world have forgotten their holy day am i right they're still keeping the same day and you might be wondering what happened we'll try and get to that tonight a little bit have the ten commandments been changed no the bible says i am the lord i change not my covenant i will not alter the thing that has gone out of my lips every word of god is pure and you shall not add unto his words lest he will prove you and you be found a liar let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man this is ecclesiastes 12. for god will bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or evil the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandments amen god has not changed the beast power described in daniel 7 25 will think to change times and laws now look at the 10 commandments you see if you can find one that is both a time and a law 10 seconds it's only the sabbath that's the only commandment that is a time of the law has there been an attempt to change it can man change god's law or just attempt and yeah god foretold this would happen does breaking just one of god's commandments matter it does you read in james chapter 2 verse 10 whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point he's guilty of all i mean if you go to the judge and say look your honor uh i realized i killed that person but it's only one person i am a good citizen other than that and i'm faithful to my wife and i pay my taxes um he's going to say i'm sorry you're guilty so does one commandment matter to god i believe it does so what happened where does sunday come from doesn't come from the bible here's encyclopedia britannica i'm trying just uh have time for some of the most convincing evidence the earliest recognition of the observance of sunday is a constitution of constantine in 321.80 that's be like 300 years after christ they thought well you know we'll reach a lot more the romans they kind of worship on the first day of the week we don't want to be like the jews because they had become very unpopular and so they began to distance themselves from the jews and they started to keep the commandments of men to be more popular and that's what it says in matthew 15 9 jesus said and in vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men now i got to pause here and just make this clear pastor doug are you saying that people who have been going to church on sunday are all lost no god winks at our ignorance acts chapter 17 verse 30. he's a merciful god there's going to there's a lot of beautiful spirit-filled people that don't know this truth will there be people in heaven that had too many wives talking about all at one time will david be in heaven jacob even solomon will i be in heaven if i take extra wives no he's not going to wink at my ignorance because i know better and so sin is knowing to do good and not doing it if we continue to sin willfully after we receive a knowledge of the truth hebrews chapter 10 there remains no more sacrifice for sin and so god is calling us back to his word to bless us not to be a burden amen some say well god just created the sabbath for the jews at mount sinai it's not correct did the sabbath exist before mount sinai it says moses and aaron after god called moses at the burning bush he met his brother they went to the elders of israel and they gathered together the elders and they told them god is going to do something wonderful for you you need to consecrate yourselves to him you need to remember to keep the sabbath day how do you know that pastor doug look at what happens when moses goes to the pharaoh and says let my people go. and pharaoh says i don't want to let him go he goes on to say behold the people of the land are many and you make them what rest you know what that word is in hebrew shabbat you're making them keep the sabbath because moses said you guys need to turn back to god this is before they even got out of egypt they knew what the sabbath was you're making them rest from their burdens and pharaoh said i'm going to teach you a lesson i'm not going to let you rest i'm going to have you making bricks with no straw i'm going to increase the quota now if moses represents jesus and he says rest who would the pharaoh represent the devil he wants to increase our burdens so that we are restless jesus said come to me i want to give you rest and the lord is trying to call us back to the blessings that we're missing he says go and tell them they're going to have to make bricks without straw notice what happens next we're just tracing this history here after moses then leads them out of the land of egypt they cross the red sea before they get to mount sinai they get hungry god says i'll give you bread from heaven this is in exodus 16. he said i'm going to give you bread six days a week there'll be no manna from heaven on the seventh day some of the people didn't trust god they went looking for manna on the seventh day and god said to moses how long will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws the sabbath was a commandment and they have not even gotten to mount sinai yet isn't that right exodus 16 is the mana story exodus 20 is the ten commandments it goes all the way back to genesis 2. and so please don't fall for that popular argument well that was just for the jews man who believes that only jews are supposed to rest only jesus is supposed to worship and why wouldn't god what was wrong with the seventh day why would he change it did he make the seventh day before or after sin before it was perfect god's law doesn't need changing we need changing amen what blessings is god promising to those that are contained in the sabbath commandment that those who remember it jesus said come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and what does the lord want to give us i'll give you rest he wants us to have peace he doesn't want us to live in fear he doesn't want us to have stressful lives he goes on and says in exodus 33 my presence will go with you and i will give you rest pastor doug we're not supposed to keep that commandment because we only keep the commandments that are repeated in the new testament i was doing a seminar like this and a lot of people were coming from this community a pastor came who disagreed with me and right during the talk he said brother doug you're putting these people under a burden of works and it kind of stopped everything so i had to address it i said why do you say that he says you're talking about keeping the sabbath you're putting them under a burden of works i said no brother i respectfully disagree i'm telling them to rest you're telling them not to rest you're putting them under works and i said do you believe god wants us to keep the ten commandments he said no and then people in his congregation were actually in the audience and he said well yes and then he knew that would include all ten he said nine of them and i said so you're telling me the only one we're supposed to forget is the only one that begins with the word remember they say well it doesn't appear in the new testament that is a myth you know you repeat something people think it's true there is a commandment that does not reappear in the new testament it's the third commandment thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain the lord will not hold him guiltless to take his name in vain where is that in the new testament closest you get is the lord's prayer hallowed be thy name right but do we find the sabbath commandment in the new testament many many times and you can read in hebrews he says they will enter into my rest he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise there's a number of scriptures and jesus never said that it was done away with and here's just a few of those you read therein it says i'll enter my rest he says there remains a rest for the people of god and that word rest there means a keeping of the sabbath sabbatismos you know we're looking at the last days right now two groups will worship one will have the seal of god and one will have the mark of the beast and it really boils down to who you obey i want you to notice something about those who worship the beast in his image it says in revelation chapter 14 verse 11 the smoke of their torment ascends up forever and ever and they have no rest who has no rest those who worship the beast they have no rest who worship the beast and his image who does have rest those who come to jesus and jesus said if you love me keep my commandments he goes on and says if you know these things john 13 verse 17 if you know these things blessed are you happy are you if you do them so we've been talking about a very clear bible principle a teaching it may not be popular in the christian world i've heard pastors say pastor doug i know this is in the bible but what will happen to my congregation i'll lose my job if i take a stand for this friends what profit is it if you gain the whole world and you lose your soul we need to seek first his kingdom as righteousness jesus wants us to come to him and experience that rest that's a great invitation come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest now i know some of you are hearing new things and i'd like to recommend there's a lot more i have to say there's a website you can go to and it's simply sabbathtruth.com i think they're going to pop that up on the screen there for you wonderful website a lot of information has the history of it just about anything you can think of but mostly i want to ask you right now are you willing to say lord if this is true i'm willing to walk in the light of truth is that your prayer give me grace to do it
Channel: Aaron
Views: 7,193
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Id: q1w0OduPnrU
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Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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