The day Jesus denied he was God - and the later cover-up!

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I want to tell you the story of the  day that Jesus denied that he was God   and the subsequent cover-up. Now this is not some  kind of Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown conspiracy theory.   Oh no! This is based on really solid scholarship. So what is this story? Well it's found in Mark   chapter 10, Mark being our earliest gospel. The  other gospel writers Matthew and Luke used Mark   in the writing of their gospel, they amended  it and added to it and so on as they saw fit.   And our guide to the passage will be a chap  called William Barclay. William Barclay wrote   this commentary on the gospel of Mark and he  was amongst other things an author, a radio and   television presenter, Church of Scotland minister,  and most importantly for our purposes Professor of   Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University  of Glasgow, and he wrote this popular   set of bible commentaries on the New Testament  which has sold over one and a half million copies.   Now his motto if you like was quote "making  the best biblical scholarship available to   the average reader" so that's why he wrote these  17 commentaries on the New Testament published by   Saint Andrews Press and they're still very popular  today. You can buy them in Christian bookshops and   other places he's very readable actually and very accessible for the layman. So there's   a story in Mark chapter 10 verse 17 I want to  tell you what he says about it and then we'll come   to the cover-up. So the story in the gospel  goes as Jesus was going along the road a man   came running to him threw himself at his feet and  asked him "good teacher what am I to do to inherit   eternal life?" Jesus said to him: "why do you call me  good? There is no one who is good except one, God." Dr Barclay says here is one of the most  vivid stories in the gospels we must note   how the the man came and how jesus met him he  came running he flung himself at jesus's feet   there was something amazing in the sight of  this rich young aristocrat falling at the feet   of the penniless prophet from Nazareth  who was on the way to being an outlaw   good teacher he began and straight away jesus  answered back no flattery don't call me good keep   that word for god it almost looks as if Jesus was  trying to pour cold water on that young enthusiasm   there is a lesson here it is clear that this man  came to Jesus in a moment of overflowing emotion   it is also clear that Jesus exercised a personal  fascination over him Jesus did two things that   every evangelist and every preacher and every  teacher ought to remember and to copy first he   said in effect stop and think don't get carried  away by your excitement i don't want you swept   to me by a moment of emotion think calmly what  you are doing jesus is not cold shouldering the   man he was telling him even at the very outset  to count the cost second he said in effect you   cannot become a christian by devotion to me  you must look at God i'll just read that again   second he said in effect you cannot become a  Christian by devotion to me you must look at God   preaching and teaching always mean the  conveying of truth through personality   and thereby lies the greatest danger of the  greatest teachers the danger is that the pupil,  the scholar, the young person may form a personal  attachment to the teacher or preacher and think   that it is an attachment to god teachers  and preachers must never point to themselves   they must always point to god there is in  all true teaching a certain self obliteration   true we cannot keep personality and warm  person personal loyalty out of it altogether   and we would not if we could but the  matter must not stop there teachers and   preachers are in their in the last analysis only  pointers to God, end of quote that's page 283.   So that's very interesting Jesus is clearly  denying that he is God in this passage and as   a good teacher as a good preacher he's pointing  away from himself to true goodness the absolute   source of goodness which is God himself so  what happens now? what happens now is   we find in the later gospels who you remember  use Mark, Matthew and Luke use Mark in the   writing of their gospels and they change  alter embellish edit add subtract as they   see fit with great freedom to do what they  wish and when we come to Matthew's gospel   we find according to Professor Jimmy Dunn who  is a very distinguished New Testament scholar at   the University of Durham in his book Unity and  Diversity in the New Testament, an Inquiry into   the Character of Earliest Christianity.  This is a heavyweight academic work   at least late undergraduate or  postgraduate level and he says on page 79 we must note also how some sayings  of jesus have been deliberately altered in the   course of transmission altered in such a way as to  give a clearly different sense from the original   for example the opening interchange  between the rich young man and jesus   Mark 10:17 "good teacher what must i do to inherit  eternal life why do you call me good no one is   good except God alone", we read that in Matthew's  version chapter 19 verse 16 reads as follows "What   good deed must i do to have eternal life? Why do  you ask me about what is good only one is good."   So the words have been changed: 'why do you call me  good' in Mark, becomes 'why do you ask me about what   is good' in Matthew. So what's going on here? Why has  Matthew changed the words of Mark? Jimmy Dunn says   elsewhere and other scholars have said the same:  to avoid the embarrassment of Jesus denial of his   divinity in Mark this is an embarrassing saying  in Mark it leads to the inevitable conclusion as   Barclay says that Jesus is pointing away from  himself to God, God being a separate being and   some early Christians didn't  want that to be the conclusion that we naturally   reach so they altered jesus's words to make them  more fitting for Christian belief towards the end   of the first century and in this passage and maybe  i'll do a separate video on this Jimmy Dunn   gives lots of other examples, of how the  teaching of Jesus has been changed and we can   actually witness this this is not speculation  this is not a liberal scholarship you can   by comparing the different passages you can see  how they've been altered and what the agenda   jesus teaching has been changed whether it be  on divorce if you look at mark's teaching   mark has jesus teaching one thing on divorce  and matthew adds and amends it in his gospel   luke does the same on other  questions to do with the resurrection   appearances and so on, I won't go  into all that at the moment my point here is   that we have a story where jesus denies he is  god later christians find that unacceptable   so they changed the words of jesus to make his  words more acceptable to a later christian faith   as it changed and developed and elevated jesus  higher and higher and higher until he became   at the Council of Nicaea, a god, God the Son alongside God the Father.    This is quite shocking and this  is totally mainstream scholarship   it's one of the things that rocks your faith  when you go to university and you study this   i was there as an undergraduate and i saw  it happening you can really oh my god as   a christian impact you quite negatively you  think well what's this this shouldn't be happening   anyway so i thought i'd share  that with you. Until next time
Channel: Blogging Theology
Views: 184,709
Rating: 4.879209 out of 5
Keywords: Professor William Barclay, Gospel of Mark, Cover-up, Church of Scotland minister, Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glasgow., New Daily Study Bible, Jesus, God, Blogging Theology, Gospels
Id: CxrerjcWHg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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