So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?

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so what did the muslims do for the jews ? these  days there's a great deal of bad blood between muslims and jews particularly over the  occupation of Palestine and the Middle East . but historically what did the muslims  do for the jews if anything at all ? and to answer this question i want to turn  to a jewish historian , a professor of history   who specializes in the relationship between  jews and islam in the early centuries of islam . and he gave a fascinating lecture at SOAS  (the School of African Oriental Studies) here in london a couple of years ago . and i just  wanted to read you his lecture because this man is   an expert on this subject . one of the few people  in the world who writes as a jew about jewry   and had experienced the jews under islam in the  seventh eighth and ninth centuries . a lot of what he says would be very surprising and certainly  surprising to me when i first came across this   lecture . so his name is David J. Wasserstein  if i pronounce it right . he's a professor now in the united  states of history and judaism . so he asks in his lecture : so what did the  Muslims do for the Jews ? he says : Islam saved Jewry . this is an unpopular discomforting claim in the  modern world but it is a historical truth . the   argument for it is double . 1- in 570 CE when the prophet Muhammad was born , the Jews and   Judaism were on the way to oblivion . and 2-  the coming of Islam saved them , providing a new   context in which they not only survived but  flourished laying foundations for subsequent jewish cultural prosperity also in christendom  through the medieval period into the modern world . by the fourth century , Christianity had become the  dominant religion of the Roman Empire one aspect   of this success was opposition to rival  faiths including Judaism along with massive   conversions of members of such faiths sometimes by  force to Christianity . much of our testimony about jewish existence in the roman empire from this  time consists of accounts of these conversions . great and permanent reductions in numbers  through conversion between the fourth and   seventh century brought with them a gradual  but relentless whittling away of their status rights social and economic existence of jews all  over the roman empire . a long series of enactments deprived jewish people  of their rights as citizens , prevented them   from filling their religious obligations and  excluded them from the society of their fellows . this went along with a centuries-long military  and political struggle with Persia . as a tiny element in the christian world , the jews should not  have been affected by this broad political issue yet it affected them critically because  the persian empire at this time included Babylon . now Iraq at the time home to the  world's greatest concentration of jews and is also the greatest center of  jewish intellectual life . the most important single work of the jewish world  for over 3000 years apart from the bible   was the talmud coming into being in Babylon . the  struggle between persia and byzantium in our period led increasingly to a separation between  the jews under Byzantine Christian rule and Jews   under Persian rule . beyond all this , the Jews who  lived under christian rules seem to have lost the knowledge of their own culturally pacific  languages (Hebrew and Aramaic) and have taken   on the use of Latin or Greek or other non-jewish  local languages . this in turn meant that they also lost access to central literary works of jewish  culture : the torah , mishna , poetry , midrash even liturgy . the loss of the unifying force represented  by language was a major step towards assimilation and disappearance . in these circumstances with  contact with the one place where jewish cultural life prospered in Babylon , cut off by conflict  with persia , jewish life in the christian world was simply a pale shadow of what it had been three  or four centuries earlier , it was doomed . had Islam not come along , the conflict with persia would have  continued . the separation between western judaism , battle christendom and babylonian judaism that  of mesopotamia would have intensified . jewry in the west would have declined to disappearance . and  jewry in the east would have become just another oriental cult . but all this was prevented by the  rise of Islam . the Islamic conquests of the seventh   century changed the world and did so a dramatic  wide-ranging and permanent effect for the jews . within a century of the death  of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 , Muslim armies had conquered almost the whole of  the world where jews lived , from Spain Eastward across North Africa and the Middle East as far  as the Eastern frontier of Iran and beyond . almost all the jews in the world were now ruled by islam . this new situation transformed jewish experience , their fortunes changed in legal demographic , social , religious , political , geographic , economic , linguistic and cultural terms , all for the better . first , things improve politically . almost everywhere in christendom where jews had  lived now form part of the same political space as Babylon , Cordoba and Basra lay in the  same political world . the old frontier between the vital center in Babylonia and the jews of  the Mediterranean basin was swept away forever . political change was partnered by change in the  legal status of the jewish population . although it is not always clear what happened during the  muslim conquest one thing is certain , the result of the conquest was by and large to make the  jews second-class citizens . now this should not be misunderstood , to be a second-class citizen was  a far better thing than to be not a citizen at all . for the most part these jews (second-class  citizenship) represented a major advance . in Visigothic Spain for example : shortly before  the muslim conquest in 711 , the jews had seen their children removed from them and forcibly converted  to christianity and had themselves been enslaved . in the developing islamic societies  of the classical and medieval periods , being a jew meant belonging to a category defined  under law . enjoying certain rights and protections   alongside various obligations . these rights and  protections were not as extensive or as generous as those enjoyed by muslims and the obligations  were greater but for the first few centuries the muslims themselves were a minority and the  practical differences were not at all that great . along with legal near equality came social and  economic equality , jews were not confined to ghettos either literally or in terms of economic  activity . the societies of islam were in effect open societies . in religious terms too jews enjoyed  virtually full freedom . they might not build many new synagogues in theory and they might not  make too many public professions of their faith but there was no really significant  restriction on the practice of their religion . along with internal legal  autonomy , they also enjoyed formal representation through their leaders of  their own before the authorities of the state imperfect and often not quite as rosy as this  might sound , it was at least the broad norm . the political unity brought by the new islamic world empire did not last but it created a vast islamic world civilization similar to the  older christian civilization that it replaced . within this huge area , jews lived and enjoyed  broadly similar status and rights everywhere . they could move around , maintain contacts and develop their identity as jews . a great new expansion of trade from the 9th  century onwards brought the spanish jews like the muslims into touch with the jews and the  muslims even of India . now he continues here with some comments on the linguistic side of their  experience where the arabs moved over to arabic very rapidly he says and how that brought  the jews into more direct contact with the   islamic civilization and he says the jews of the  islamic world developed an entirely new culture which differ from their culture before  islam in terms of language and cultural forms . and instead of being concerned primarily with  religion , the new jewish culture of the islamic world mixed the religious and the secular to a  high degree and he talks about how like their neighbors the jews wrote in arabic as well as  their own kind of arabic jewish language as well a kind of judeo arabic came into being . and he talks  about some of the greatest poetry written   in hebrew since the bible comes from that period . he mentions Maimonides (the great Maimonides) and many more people . and then he goes on to   talk about the patronage of jews by the muslim rulers , and then how this period of great  cultural success for the jews and the arab muslims effectively came to a close by the year 1300  he says . and then i'll just read what he says in conclusion : jewish cultural identity in the middle  ages operated in large part as a function of Muslim , Arabic cultural prosperity . when Muslim  Arabic culture thrived so did that of the Jews . when muslim arabic culture declined (which it  did obviously) so did that of them (of the jews) . in the case of the jews however , the cultural  capital thus created also served as the seed bed of further growth elsewhere in Christian  Spain and in the Christian World more generally . he's alluding there of course to the  direct influence on the european renaissance of the jewish and islamic culture . something that's  not really being acknowledged in the west the   indebtedness of the western renaissance to  jewish and islamic learning particularly in Spain . and he concludes : the islamic world was not  the only source of inspiration for the jewish cultural revival that came later in the christian  Europe but it certainly was a major contributor to that development . its significance cannot be  overestimated . so we cannot overestimate the   significance of the islamic world for the jewish  cultural revival and what came later in christian europe . so that is 90 percent of the lecture . David J Wasserstein is a professor of jewish studies and history at vanderbilt university . and  that's from his lecture at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) a couple of years ago . so contrary to our current experience  of antagonism and even hatred and violence between zionist jews and many muslims which has now  affected us all globally . historically the jews found a home and not just to practice their faith  but to flourish economically and culturally and   reach great heights in poetry and other writing  particularly in Islamic Spain and this propelled northwards and ignited the European renaissance  and of course the rest is history . so what did the   muslims do for the jews ? well they saved jewry . without islam according to this professor , judaism was doomed . and this is a fact of history  that we need to remember particularly in the serious nastiness and conflict that has  only really come about in the last less than 100 years because of  political events in the middle east . so i hope you found that as interesting  as i did . and until next time
Channel: Blogging Theology
Views: 82,578
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: David J. Wasserstein, Blogging Theology, Jewry, Islam, Islamic Spain
Id: VFAgO3reLus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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