The Day I Fell In Love With Kayak Fishing

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[Music] oh that's a nice dude you didn't tell me you had them like that yeah bro that's like a South Carolina talk they got them like they light them like that they got them like that all right folks this is a special special week for me I'm actually in Louisiana this is a great place to fish I'm fishing with a friend of mine that I haven't had a chance to fish with until this week I've been wanting to fish with Caitlyn for a very long time and just things haven't lined up when we finally got our schedules to aligned we're going down Lake Barrette it is going to have a special twist to it this time I won't be in my boat we'll be in a kayak so that's gonna be interesting [Music] [Music] all right so this video is uh this is literally the video that that changed my perspective on kayak fishing I've always to a certain degree uh like I like kayaking in places where you can't take a bass boat but I never kayak anywhere where you can't like I don't kayak places where you can take a basketball like you know I mean I don't I'll never take my attack to Lake horrible but this trip right here changed my whole perspective on it because as I've mentioned before I don't I don't kayak because I like kayaking I kayaking I kayak because it's hard and it makes me appreciate my bass boat so much when I get back into it that's why I go kayaking it is a form of training for me the physical the fact that you can't move around you have you don't have control the things that make it hard is what draws me to kayak fishing because I believe it makes me a better fisherman I'll explain that to you before it was this day that you're about to see right here that changed my entire perspective when I fished with Kaylin Johnson on why I shoot kayak fish now I do it at least two months a year I will spend doing nothing but kayak fishing um one more thing before you get into this video I just want to remind you guys obviously you know this is the Christmas season you probably have somebody in your family even if it's you that you're looking for a Christmas gift for at Carl's they're doing a lot of really cool holiday sales I'm going to leave a description a link in the description box here where if you're looking for rods you're looking for reels lines hooks sinkers Plastics crankbaits rain gear whatever you need eyewear Carl's has it and you can get it at some really low prices right now leave a link in the description box um let's get into this this is really cool this is this I this I don't take it for granted the opportunity that I got to fish with somebody that really knows what they're doing in the kayak World open my eyes to a lot of really good things about the sport about fishing and I got to go fishing in a really cool place with like alligators and stuff I wasn't too comfortable about that that didn't seem like that made a lot of sense to get in this little bitty boat when there's alligators we did it anyway oh yeah oh yeah let me come let me jump out more because you're falling out yourself already my shoes you didn't even catch the fish I don't even need shoes to catch fish dude what's going on yeah I finally got here man yeah fine I went through all the sugar cane Fields I guess the sugar cane I went through man we got sugar cane we got Sour King we got it all they got all kind of stuff out there it's a sweet place man even just driving up this morning it's got It's got that feel to it yeah like what so what do you think you end up catching them what mostly you said flipping yeah yeah I've been the last time I came out here um flipping I had a a white crawfish bait yeah and it just imitates a Shad because all the Shad are right now so okay [Music] all right dude you got me out here in the kayak I got you buddy I I typically don't fish out of a kayak unless I have to I don't ever take a kayak to a big body of water like this so we I'm sure we're gonna be fishing right here right right up close right yeah maybe I don't stutter yeah I doubt it because uh I'm gonna make you put those paddles to work where are we going we're going across the lake no across the lake no no across the lake you can do it bro I can't even see it on the side Harley you're going to see it when we get there I can't even see it bro I got plenty of boats if we're just gonna stay all you had to do is tell me I could have brought my big boat and we could have just went across no that's that's disrespect to the kayak world so we're not gonna We're Not Gonna uh so hopefully that's what we're doing today hopefully you can keep up I'm gonna show you something I got these thunder thighs I got you see you see my biceps you've seen how how hard I said though okay it's all good so this was totally unexpected Caitlin when I was talking to him about this trip and planning it and kind of just working out all the specifics or however you know what I was going to bring and what I was going to fish one thing that the brother didn't tell me is that I was gonna have to paddle a couple miles to get to where we're going I guess this you know I'm not from Louisiana I'm not I'm not Cajun I'm not from this area I don't know I don't we didn't communicate we didn't coordinate the fact that I was going to be paddling a little 12-foot kayak going all the way a couple miles across this Bayou down here in Louisiana so that caught me off guard I would have I probably would have did a couple arm curls a month I would have had a month worth of training and got a little warm up instead of just jumping into kayaks straight out of the bass boat oh God Libra you tried to kill me coming across there hey I told you you wasn't gonna be able to hang whoa I might take a break first y'all oh we got we got a newbie in the kayak world man oh my God bro that was one heck of a paddle but I can't say bro this this looks like this is God's country over here look at this oh yeah Turkish trees the Spanish moss I mean it's got a lot going on there's a lot to fish here like like I like the way this feels yeah you're saying we're gonna go all the way down this whole bank right yeah we're gonna go down this whole bank because it's it's basically it's gonna work out perfectly because the wind is blowing to our face right now so that back side is gonna be protected yeah so we're gonna be getting blown all over yeah so I'm just flipping a little uh a little goat and the black here the water's kind of staying this morning where where we are staying free from South Carolina to sustain this might be clear to you well actually this is thing this is a little bit stand yeah because our water it can get like that black right black tank yeah that's clear water and that's clear this is brown looking yeah this is now of course you already know you can still catch bass in this type of water but right oh yeah this is perfect this is perfect I got a little spinner Bay tied on and something to flip with and I feel like you know as soon as we get around the right little group of trees it's got the bait and everything we need around it we should be should be good to go yeah some fish man the lake is gorgeous though so I got on this little like a June bug red uh ripping tail worm and that that should do the trick for me yeah all right well we'll see once you start busting my head on that I might have to swap up on you but I'm gonna well you never have a choice because what I'm gonna do is come on yeah it's already once we start catching some fish come on I want a little challenge come on now the first person to catch five five look if I catch five before you you owe me lunch all right if you catch five before me I owe you lunch I was I was hoping you was gonna buy me lunch either way but since you put it that way since you must do that you gotta work for it since you must do that you gotta work for it you got to work for it you must do that yo I'm gonna go since he's gonna make it a challenge now I thought we out here just having good brotherly love since you want to make it a challenge let me go ahead and cut you off real fast we're both our competitors and you know it can't be that much a little break from competition here I'm just gonna go out with a friend of mine just have a good day yeah you're trying to bust my head right off the rip yeah come on guys hey got it gotta get it how you live [Music] three years come on cuz come on pass dang bro that's sucking dude you didn't tell me they were gonna be in here like that Coco coz whoa it's pulling the freaking kayak that's what I'm talking about oh my god dude Beth oh dude that's a nice fish that is a nice fish oh my God man oh that's a nice dude you didn't tell me you had them like that yeah bro that's like a South Carolina talk they got them like cats they light them like that they got them like that oh my God man dude I flipped up near that that tree right there right there where the knees are oh yeah you got a bunch of knees going across to connecting those two trees right as my boy Owen Cali says I was like oh that's that's definitely that's definitely a bite yeah that's a bite that's definitely that's how that last one was that uh that broke me off like I literally seen my line just swimming across I'm like oh yeah that's a bite the difference is you're not quite the man I am I think that's the difference I got a lot I see that oh man you just gotta you know I just I'm just a yeah you're the man I just got I got a lot more I've been working out yeah more recently and uh gotta show off the muscle don't worry you'll get there oh man that's it right there dude that's a nice chunk right there bro your first late for right bass where's Louisiana labor at Bass [Music] [Music] this is going to be a pretty interesting I have a lot of a lot of things in my mind playing a couple of surprises got a little five fish challenge to give Adam uh just to see if he can put five fish together in the kayak we know he could do it in a boat with ease he's pretty good at that but the kayak is a whole different world so we're gonna see if we can put them to the test and and also put his stamina to the test you can't just crank up that motor and go to point a and point B you gotta put those on see I'm using my legs but he has to use his arms so he claims he has big biceps we're gonna see about that that's a good one bro oh yeah I knew Kayla I knew Kalyn did fish this stuff right let's see what I did though Kayla is I stood up on you when I stood up I took it to another level that's what I did I did that's it it's another good one man do I catch anything that's not a good one you're over there hauling across the swamp is it a good one what you think it is summer isn't a good one huh what do I out here minnows I catch good ones well actually that's an insult to ask me is it a good one oh my God I would even set the hook if I didn't think it was a good one it ain't really that good it's pretty good it's not bad yeah but it's yeah but right here catching them in my kayak I'm out here kissing them in my kayak right off the rip fishing in a kayak that changes everything for me being a tournament fisherman I'm really particular about boat control and fishing out of a smaller vessel without an engine without the ability to go wherever you want to just at a moment's notice is it changes the whole game the whole the whole day you have to have a totally different approach to it your the boat's not always in perfect position you know you got to use your muscles you got to use some body strength to actually put the boat in position to catch a fish not to mention I actually setting the hook in the fishing and getting good hook penetration so your whole approach to the day of fishing is totally different than a kayak you get in the area and you just kind of got to make it work let me get back out here and go to work I'm just going to gently release this guy back because I know this is what Caleb fish a lot so I'm just going to release him so he'll have a chance just want the man to have a chance to wear if he comes fishing and I'm not out here of course okay he'll be able to catch a couple because because right now he trying to make all these fancy bets I don't know nothing about kayat Christian this ain't my world I don't know nothing about this I don't have no crabs I had to get my kayak out the woods today because they had a bunch of leaves in it do y'all do y'all hear him right now so you know I'm already kind of caught off guard by the fact that we're we're actually paddling you know he of course he had to rub it in my face did I have a pedal kayaking you're not going to be able to keep up with me he's rubbing all this in my face right and so I'm thinking we're just gonna have a nice friends trip out good Christian Fellowship on the water right I'm thinking that's what's gonna be the theme of the day we're just going to be high-fiving and we get to the first spot first thing he says yeah we're gonna go down this this row of cypress trees right down through here and uh first one to five first one to five if you don't catch them you got to buy him dinner awesome man I thought I I didn't finish my tournaments for the year I think he's gonna help me I'm here for help I'm trying to help him I'm thinking we're going to help each other and he's going to make this a competition a disappointing part of the day that was that was uh I was caught now I'm double cut off guard at this point double cut off guard anytime you're fishing cypress trees what you visually see with your eyes is like just the tip of the iceberg there's a lot going on under the water here right here we got a point the cypress trees make like a point and you got it creates three little Ambush points you got the point itself but because the point you have a little pocket in the back and so your job as an angler is to kind of figure out are the fish using the trees on the points are they using the the pocket that's made by the point and also what I'm noticing today is the fish are using the knees so any anywhere I get near a tree that is connected by knees so like if you look right up above me you got three or four little cluster of trees and you got knees everywhere the Cypress knees is just a small oh Kalyn come on baby what's your first catch come on yes I didn't mean to interrupt you oh you know I got it yeah but that was perfect because you just caught those off of the knees that I was just talking about absolutely right there off the knees you see how those that little close is connected by just a little group of knees there absolutely a little guy but a fish is a fish hey anything to keep your morale up today that's what I'm going for I'm in it for the community absolutely anything you catch that one on the crawl on a um creature bait creature you know they're changing baits don't even tell you man yeah I can't tell you everything I've been all giving tips this whole day hey Kalyn I'm using this color hey Kayla Cypress knees hey Caitlin on the points I'm giving all the juice out all the tips he's over here changing baits sliding back in the pockets you just can't trust people because you're just not just [Music] you've had your fair share of late direct fish your time is done and I'm getting some more now it's my turn to shine you had your time [Music] [Music] [Music] I studied Kobe Bryant and Tom Brady a lot so I know how they put their mental aspect to the game to come back after losing a big game so I just I put all those tactics together and uh but honestly just just being out there watching Brian you know he's a very good fisherman I actually picked up on a couple of tips I'm not going to tell him that but I picked up on a couple of tips from Brian while we was out there and um I put it to the test but just figuring those fish out figuring out a pattern which was the most important thing um the bike kind of started off slow but it picked up pretty quick because we figured out the pattern once you figure that out it's pretty pretty ball game so foreign we are tied bringing the craw Heat tell me about this bass that you caught let me come look at you what you did come look at this let me look at your work I'm proud of you you're coming right along great same pattern as as as as we've been catching them on earlier this day is uh earlier today is just flipping a crawfish or a plastic whatever whatever plastic it is that you're working with throwing them on the cypress trees on the knees working it back and boom solid little chunk oh yeah buddy that's nice these fish they're not hitting it with full aggression yeah just a like a finesse pick it up and just swim away with it and you don't even notice it until you feel a slack in your line then you look and Yawn is like three yards to this side right you know you casted it right there right right exactly I had the same thing dude you pitch up there and like you know you click it over most of the time when I'm fishing trees like this uh-huh I like to let my bet bait set a lot I like where the setting the strike zone so you know like first thing I do is throw it throw a line back at it so it sets in the space longer and like you said you're going to click it back over and fill your worm and you're like bro I cast it right there exactly I did not cast right there good buddy and so and then I mean that's about that in that situation you need something with no stretch so when you set that hook bam so here's the thing about fishing a body of water like this Lake verret the entire lake is lined with cypress trees there's cover for days I mean there's visual targets for you to flip at you would never fish at all in in 30 years so when you have that much cover you have that many places that a fish can hide you know you're going to have periods of the day where you're not catching fish and you know not I wasn't surprised that we had a few loles and we'd catch one or two here and there and then we'd go you know several hundred yards and not catch a fish a couple miles sometimes and not even get a bite and then we'd catch one or two really quick but we really started to hone in on where the fish were hanging out towards the middle of the day it was the Cypress knees occasionally you would get a bite up on the base of the tree but the knees that's where it was going down at [Music] foreign [Music] I'm trying to support you here man huh don't don't start all that I'm just trying to like let you know you're doing a great job I want you to know you're going to go great places in your life it's just going to be behind me wow baby hey hey that's right there oh yeah she's flexing hey yeah that that's a thick one right there this place is so amazing these cypress trees no telling how old these cypress trees are they're probably talking six 700 800 years old who knows how old they are you never see a baby cypress tree around here they're all really big gargantuan size cypress trees and you see the Spanish moths hanging around you there's the Gators it just has a special feel when you come to Louisiana just this whole area it's just got a different vibe from anywhere I've ever been before you know it might look the same as South Carolina but it's got a totally different vibe and it just it's a place that makes you want to fish when you come to Louisiana there's two things you want to do you want to fish well actually there's three things you want to do you probably want to fish you want to hunt and then you'll probably want to fish too for me it's just fish and fish oh yeah wow that's what I like I catch why you got to bring you in it all the time because you'll notice like kind of like my shows so I figured I figured I'd probably throw that in there you just got like that might be one of the fish catches that we'll leave in there yeah we'll leave that fish catching the show the rest of them we take it out good buddy those are gonna be on our story to show stories man this fish was so heavy he broke the rod in half I think I'm gonna go ahead and probably call a day because I don't want to give you no more room to kind of give you no more bragging rights today because you're already talking way too much junk well okay I mean you know this is way too much look you're about to go into more junk right now this is the hometown this is my home it's your hometown I don't I don't have to brag but anyway you guys can't see who has the last laugh yeah okay last laugh and the last fish okay so uh I don't know what you got to say about that but I can say was a good day it was a good day man I was I was happy to come down here in my ice cube voice today it's a good day it was a good day it was a good day we put the final pieces together everything worked out just like it was supposed to absolutely I mean you took me out of my world a little bit I'm beat to death I can tell you that we we did we did some owls man we just covered some area we had some fun we caught some fish yeah so I could I can call it I can call it we can go put it on the trailer that's enough you put a kayak on the trailer we're gonna put it on the trailer and go get something good to eat give me some coffee oh yeah guys we got some good Louisiana food cooking up for us somewhere we go find it we're gonna find it we're gonna eat it we find it somewhere back let's head back to the trucker Let's Roll foreign [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Brian Latimer
Views: 86,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish tips, bass fishing, bestfishingvideos, brian latimer, flw fishing, pro angler, lake hartwell, blat
Id: yAvs24_X37M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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