The Day- Daytona Primetime

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This 500 was so crazy. I remember staying awake through the whole thing and falling asleep with like 4 to go -_-

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/wuffudgeum 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

In the thumbnail it looks like Dale Jr and Joey Logano are telling Brad to put his phone away lol

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Patrickracer43 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dave Blaney. Ugh. It still stings

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/chromehorn88 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wish they would do more of these. They were very well put together.

Also I can't remember the narrator's name, but he is excellent.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DBTornado 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I mean in nascar. They tried to hype her up like she was the next big driver. She wrecked 50 percent of the time and had 0 wins yet she still made ads and stuff like that over drivers who has actually done something.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
holy cow what happened there all the way i9 all the way over give me Jimmy we're watching the radar here and unfortunately looks like another band of light to moderate rain the Daytona 500 is now shifting from noon until 7:00 p.m. we're gonna run the Daytona 500 in primetime she's gonna be a while we're gonna see shoes their record in front of us take a pick up something mountains are broken holy that's a pretty big fire Pam laughs Pam laughs all the way back are we gonna finish it who's the winner could dave blaney go to Victory Lane for the first time probably in Daytona 500 history Brad tweeted a picture that was the tweet heard round the NASCAR world forget about the gauges and put the pedal to the metal to the trowel you don't know where everything just gonna come at you yet they call it the great American race I call it the great unpredictable race flag man dropped the white flag here they come off turn four for the final time it'll be settled among these three drivers side by side with Kenzie Juan Pablo has hit one of the jet dryers [Music] he wins his 200 victory teams have been working hard for the last several months preparing for this day as we start off a brand new season it's the opening kickoff in the Super Bowl all rolled into one day and believe it or not there's another race going on Thank You Bryan the Daytona 500 is the biggest race on the NASCAR schedule for more than 50 years the race has been the site of many of the sport's most iconic moments the Daytona 500 always has something that you remember something will happen at Daytona every year and there's a fight between Cale Yarborough and Donnie Allison crash here they come checkered flag the wreck and everywhere warriors on fire an already wild weekend of action for shadowed what would be the most bizarre Daytona 500 to date here we go here we go Oh hard in the law the whole weekend was crazy rad goes Johnny Sauter John King got in the back of up in solder goes into the wall as they come to the start/finish line leading the field of the green flag on Saturday at Daytona will be Danica Patrick fishes crash win the race there was probably 25% added talked around that race Danica Patrick is a superstar driver and a celebrity name she has been under a microscope every move that she makes and today is her first race in the Cup Series my suggestion was to start with Daytona there's gonna be a lot of buzz around my first Cup race what better place to start than Daytona and what better way to kick off the year especially when it's my first ever Sprint Cup race so um I had no problem and definitely thought you man if you can turn some laps out on the track then you just do it the other big story of the weekend was the weather rain set in early Sunday morning putting the start of the race in jeopardy Daytona is home to us so Daytona sometimes we can interpret it pretty quickly ourselves it was in the forecast I think that we believed that the race was gonna get in three-two-one rule silver music all roads lead to they did 802 500 it's the biggest race of the year and it's on Fox [Music] hi everybody Mike joy with Larry McReynolds two-time Daytona 500 winning crew chief high atop Daytona International Speedway where we will call the race with DW later this afternoon that's our goal and the seal I had a pretty good feeling Sunday morning when I got a no matter how much we wanted to see that race run on on the scheduled date that with the forecast the radar that more than likely we were never gonna see a lap turned they taunt as long as we all know when we're down there with media day we roll through the shootout qualifying duel more practice and then we had a delay which yeah which is a bummer because you know that time slot on Sunday is so key we had a large audience that tuned in and there was some rain and Daytona that delayed the start of the race we all get excited for the race and when it's supposed to go off and get ready to go go race and all that one's delayed it's not good for anybody rain delays are so funny because you really kind of have to be ready all the time but it's a long day for everyone and especially production and TV who has to fill the content for those hours who filled after them and I want to know to what go on in the buses well you need to go you go but I'm gonna keep you as long as I can just for another couple more questions the one good thing about rain delays is it allows us inside the personalities to the drivers is it true that Dale Earnhardt jr. and the bus next door is going to babysit your kids I seriously doubt that I'm not sure that would want them to let's introduce the world to ila Logano this is ila well English will die by having that time to interview them it's a way from the frantic pace of zoom-zoom-zoom whenever we have a rain delay it's actually usually some of our highest-rated programming speaking of sponsors I know that judging out of the weather you're gonna be out here working for quite a while the access that we get to the drivers Oh finally usually makes for pretty good television just look mad at us I'll show you my scar if you show me yours okay so mine I'm gonna actually gonna show my pasty white legs too but see mine was theirs mine right there on my sprint phone tweeting texting ready to go telling the fans it's time to go let's go back to you Johnny Darrell's gonna say oh boy once he hears this Danica has been watching the coverage here on Fox and she now is a follower of Darrell on Twitter I got it we were in rain film mode for for quite a while we thought that one way or another there was gonna be some spots where you could get it in the skies to the west toward Orlando are the lightest and brightest that they have been since nine o'clock this morning we'll get this rain stopped soon hopefully you get on the race track that's what we want to be doing today give or take about three o'clock on Sunday we started to realize it's likely not gonna happen today I started communicating with NASCAR about what the plan would be it takes anywhere from two to three hours to dry the tract but you show really three hours from now starting the race at six starting the recent seven sore stern to realize we're gonna miss our window Fox is such a tremendous partner getting us going for the year the Daytona 500 is equally important to them as it is to us well I got pretty wet running back and forth between race control and it was directly face-to-face with with Brian France and and Mike Helton sometimes you have a scenario facing you like we did that day where there wasn't much hope for it getting better anytime soon they had won big what Ken Squier would call frog swallower of a rainstorm we do weather meetings and there was a group of us from the track it looked like it was gonna settle in and just set down on us for a day or two or and so we decided to make the call so we have postponed the event till noon tomorrow I believe that's the first time in our history that we have postponed the event to run on Monday the one thing you want to do if you're gonna call the race is give fans enough time to plan for the next day here's a fan who showed up on Sunday waited around for five six seven hours for race we postponed it to the next day at noon it always just breaks my heart for those fans that that's maybe their one big event of the year the one thing that people were concerned about that we talked a lot about is with the fan stay and resoundingly they said yes I'm gonna stay well history was supposed to be made today when Danica Patrick started her first Daytona 500 instead for the first time in the history of the Daytona 500 it has been canceled for today it will run at noon tomorrow Wow Wow what a shocker you just never know what's gonna happen in the Daytona 500 race I call it the great unpredictable race the effort to run the Daytona 500 is now shifting from noon until 7:00 p.m. this afternoon [Music] at daybreak Monday's forecast seemed just as bleak as Sunday's deluge we're watching the radar here and unfortunately looks like another band of light to moderate rain moving across the speedway here this moisture just continues to move towards Daytona we'll continue to watch the radar plans to start the race at noon we're soon washed down the drain early Monday morning it was obvious that that midday wasn't gonna be an option and everybody just sorta went we must be done weather was coming in it wasn't gonna stop raining so we actually decided before the noon time okay let's pick the time we think we can get the race in we were in coordination as to you know when we could get the race in when they could get the race in and you know when would be the the best time to put it on the air for television Fox actually came back to us with the said well as an option here's what we can do based on the weather forecast the effort to run the Daytona 500 is now shifting from noon until 7 p.m. this afternoon I thought it was a great decision for a lot of reasons all we were gonna do is sit there with more rain delay coverage more jet driers and what a shame it would have been to have had the biggest race of the year going on during late morning early afternoon when when people weren't worked we decide look it gives us plenty of time to prepare and let the weather pass is the best thing for the fans to be able to plan to come back in primetime there's really no back and forth as to what the what the economic impact is what the ratings impact is you're obviously moving programming out of prime time house clearly still on the air Alcatraz I don't know how much longer it ran after that and I don't know if they're if the show producers blamed the Daytona 500 there's so many things that we had to plan on guest services security traffic the buses that we would need if you're gonna have a hundred thousand plus fans come back for a rainout race you better have the resource to take care of them appropriately a lot of the volunteers and work groups would have to go back to their real job so we took all of the corporate departments and divvy them up said okay who gets consumer marketing who gets sales design and development you're going to work for guest services while officials plan the logistics attention turned to how fans would react to the unusual scheduling and actually as it turned out they were complimentary the faxes look thank you instead of making us come and sit there all day long and wait for the weather to get better you told us quickly every cloud has a silver lining what that big rain cloud did was give us all the energy to say hey we're gonna run the Daytona 500 on a weeknight in primetime we might have our largest audience ever this 54th running of the 500 is bound to be NASCAR's biggest night ever it was kind of a relief when they finally just scheduled it for for Monday night because you could kind of plan for it this could be one of the most awesome Daytona 500 ever because the sparks will fly under the lights everybody thought they were making history I mean this is this is the biggest race of the season and we're doing it in primetime on a Monday night under the lights the excitement was palpable the first ever running of the great American race on a Monday night many of the stars of this sport have warned us that this could be one of the most awesome Daytona 500s ever because the sparks will fly under the lights it was amazing to see that the amount of support that we had it made lemonade out of lemons to get the primetime and the weather cooperate and then to see the number of fans come back was impressive it's a unique and exciting night the first primetime Daytona 500 is about to start it just had a different feel to it it it kind of gave you that Monday Night Football feel a little bit like their load all the fans of thank you thank you for sticking around to watch this race with us tonight the crowd is awesome fantastic I hope everybody sit at home but Joey's a race night primetime Monday night it's time to watch the Daytona 500 it's very important for anybody you need any sport to get off to a strong start especially ours with our biggest race being the first one the Edessa being a Monday night race it almost felt like an experiment that sort of worked you kind of want to get the race going and see how it's gonna shake out we'd waited around for two days to get this race in so everybody was kind of bursting at the seams ladies and gentlemen start your engines when the command happened and we said we're actually gonna run the Daytona 500 in primetime under the lights everybody everybody knew that some special was happening all right guys have some fun tonight just remember anything can happen so no matter what happens early in this race the end of it could give us lots of opportunity to catch up thank you buddy yeah you have fun out there tonight already asleep oak is there a long night Annika you be patient Aaron knows try to finish this thing be patient I heard that all right let's get this 2012 season started here we go tighten your seat belt for 200 laps 500 miles strange one green one we hoped it would only be the rain out we dealt with of course history shows it was a lot more than that slams to the outside it's time champion hey guys ready I need water there's something wrong with the system over 30 hours past its original start time the Daytona 500 was finally underway here they come up to full song now on to the super-stretch for the very first time of the evening days of pent-up energy were set loose and mayhem was ready to strike Oh already wall slams to the outside its five-time champion Jojo that's it guys ready that was not the way I wanted to start the year I guess when the car came to arrest or a stop is fine I probably did the Daytona 2.6 keep an eye on Jimmie Johnson ooh he's got a little tap in the back in leave that might have been Elliott's Adam Kelly 33 Elliott Sadler gave me just a little tap one lap and 600 feet and it's calamity where the I 48 take out 48 kind of like getting ready to go on vacation you've waited all summer long and all of a sudden you got a flat tire when you get out of the driveway right then you knew it was gonna be a wild night that's what you get when you let drivers sit around for 36 hours we get all anxious you almost expect something like that everybody's so antsy and so ready to go and charged up you're wondering what what's the course of the race what kind of feels are gonna pick up is the rest of the race gonna be this way or did everyone just get their reality dose this is why qualifying is so important and running up front is so important I'm not a big fan of running around in the back is that you get caught up in stuff I don't know what happened I know he's mad as hell at me [Music] [Music] that took two of our big stories right out of play Jimmy Johnson the most active winning champion and Danica Patrick who's a story worldwide no matter what kind of car she hops into and their wrecked on the first lap now we're all going oh that's interesting what's the rest of the day gonna be like seriously are we all kidding ourselves we just sat around for 36 hours and we wreck on lap 1 I mean we've got to be the smartest people ever wait around all day from Sunday to Monday and spend 60 or so laps in the garage after that in fact I think I sat in the car the entire time it was an unfortunate start we tried to work on the car tried to get it fixed and then back to the motorhome load up the family and get everybody kind of going in the right direction a long week for a lot of nothing the races momentum picked up with 24 lead changes by 13 different drivers Hamlin down to the bottom picks up Minard has his drafting partner leader 11 the Daytona 500 has a new leader a chef Burton everybody knows that 16 car Greg Biffle is bad fast leader the 20 Regan Smith by inches new leader M Dean Tony Stewart goes to the point Martin Truex to the front you're gonna get the halfway you're gonna get the halfway you got the halfway clear out laughs of the Daytona 500 the race developed a familiar rhythm drivers tried to put themselves in position to make the right moves at the right time we had a pretty fast car but it's all about staying in the race staying out of trouble that's the plan in the first part of any restrictor plate race for some teams trouble had nothing to do with collisions I feel like a blister or something I need water of out of water you need water there's something wrong with a system didn't matter what the temperature was it would just keep spitting water out we got a caution and could come in and fill it back up with water and then you have any problems with it the rest of the race we had really fast Speedway cars out here I kind of knew what I wanted to do in them kind of knew where I needed to go new leader 17 this race is scheduled for 200 laps there are 53 to go and they're racing like it's the last ten laps Juan Pablo Montoya has crashed and gone a flame I call it the tweet that was heard around the world [Music] as the race moved into its final laps Juan Pablo Montoya as mechanical issues were getting worse something is vibrating there's something to lose like on the back of the car I don't know jack up to it give four more tires ready make sure it's something stupid like that not tires when I get on the gas the rear squeeze voices like something's broken hey copy we're just coming to the pits Don's able to look at it Montoya knew that he was having a problem with his race car that's the reason he was making multiple pit stops what he was feeling in his racecar the mounting bracket on the crossmember that holds the left trailer arm in place it had started cracking yeah what accelerate up and see how bad it is oh yeah something faster that are broken right right those filleryd just starts vibrating out of control every year 43 laps to go in Daytona David Stremme II and the little team that could make the 500 something under the hood brakes he slides out his track where was he going yeah back straightaway I'll take him up to the high side of the racetrack Smith you go low spotters think I'm home on the back let me get to the intelligence wall [Music] when the leaders pitted dave blaney a journeyman driver for underfunded Tommy Baldwin racing found himself at the head of the field that was gonna be the last pit stop of the race we were struggling kind of all day tormak our Paulo bed it was our last chance to fix the car as good as we could for the last run and so we stayed out stay out here right let's wait for one to go do you have any come in at the same time no way that car behind us don't lead a lap for a point if we got damaged so we got more time to fix it overcome but he already hooked at writers on the serious yeah has every knows to be good I don't think our strategy was even to stay out and lead that lap it was just we didn't want to go in with everybody and take a chance to getting beat up more on pit road getting everybody's way when we were gonna sit there and fix it but before we can get back to pit road you know boom hey we just broke and hit the safety trust Oh what happened take six you all right you all right yeah rescue cometh can we move are we on the hook take - why not Nelson show me guys try to get out of the car he's might be on fire he's out of the car display the red display the red there's no red flag you hear Michael you just hit the one of the safety trucks uh had a little incident turn three here an accident what does Evan oh yeah that's a big deal over there given the fact that I came around turned to and saw flames down in turn three I kind of knew it wasn't a good one well the 40 fuel was going down the backstretch and like spun out and slid sideways into the back of the jet dryer he hit the back of it but that's a list of things you don't see every day holy moly oh yeah copy on the holy I saw what I thought happened and I had to ask myself did I really see that go around here come on we were in commercial break when it happened so you're not in kind of normal race coverage mode now under caution Juan Pablo Montoya has crashed and gone a flame we didn't know what happened we saw a flash of light something has just happened with a jet dryer over there it never dawned on us that a racecar had hit it we're under caution how in the world did a racecar hit the jet dryer it's intense for a few minutes until you know that everybody's okay that you have done all you could do to keep anybody else from getting into harm's way and what I focused on was the fuel running down the racetrack Oh be careful let's diesel run across the track back there that diesel fuel out of the jet Drive when the fuel started to leak out onto the track and it got really hot there's not a fire now but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a fire and then it lit all that spill jet fuel found something hot to ignite it and this is a bizarre twist to this Daytona 500 down in turn number three oh my gosh and our replay just didn't have a good shot of what went on the live camera shot showed us only Montoya's car and the huge fireball our best shot was a shot in turn three looking down the back stretch of that 42 car hitting that jet dryer safety workers quickly on the scene the trauma part of it is to get the fire under control and that took some challenges oh they better try to start putting that out because it's gonna burn a hole in the track got a finger fire truck showing up to the scene right now not pick it up we're flying out of there remember leaving taking off and I see this massive fire in turn three I saw the fireball I knew it wasn't good it wasn't the fireball from the first hit it's that second fireball when all the fuel went up a wall of fire left across the track safety crews attacked the blaze trying everything to protect the pavement it looked like we're missing the flame and missing the tag the reality is we're trying to keep the track surface cool because we knew at some point it would run out of fuel they've got to get that out because that fire could damage the racing surface that's what I was thinking so you got all these jet fuel just pouring down the racetrack and I'm thinking it's gonna eat the track up it has to I never thought we'd see another lap of the Daytona 500 the big question right now is what kind of shape is the racing surface in it was getting late we'd been sitting around forever and ever and ever for so many hours waiting on to get that race [Music] the effort to contain the jet dryer inferno lasted the better part of an hour the weight of the long weekend began to wear on the cruise but NASCAR was determined to finish the race our fire rescue went out there and put out the fire so the next thing I know I've got the NASCAR fish is Joey how long is it gonna take to fix it I don't know we've never set the track on fire we don't practice things like that red flag with 40 laps to go and the big question right now is what kind of shape is the racing surface in Mike Helton I decided that I would you know I got a police cruiser taking around of the back stretch I believe there's a decision makers covered so I could communicate to him one-on-one over cellphones keep him abreast of everything that we had going on okay now how do we get back to racing and is the racetrack race alone how do you get a heavy jet dryer off the banking and it was in the high side so you watched us lift it up off the high banking to the flat area then we could go inspect the surface it was a lot like Deal or No Deal if they lift that jet dryer up and that asphalt it's completely melted this race is over and it looks like a little scrape or two there from dragging that trailer down off the banking now they've got to get the jet fuel dried up and get us in in condition here to race and I think they in their mind we're thinking I don't think we can fix us III was thinking we weren't going to fix this the cleanup was under way but at the far end of the track drivers were getting restless good thing there's a deal car right now yeah this is obviously gonna take a while they should do something with this operation I mean it's gonna be a while there have to clean this stuff up do you think they could let us get out or like bring us back to pit road or something robbers get out of car well I hadn't got out of my car on the back straightaway and talked those drivers in Mill race since way back when I raced to Hickory Motor Speedway in the Late Models when we had to stop for funerals as they climbed from their cars drivers set about finding ways to amuse themselves all I was thinking about was man I hope I can get myself back into the car because I need someone help me like get my Hans device strapped in and get in there and buckle everything talking and whatever rubra has I think the 18 driver back hair baby at the portage on the fire thank your called there was a bathroom on the back straight thank you gotta go I would be back over that wind that fall down it was getting late we'd been sitting around forever and ever and ever for so many hours waiting only get that race started [Music] we're easily entertained I guess racecar drivers cleanup efforts dragged on it seemed unlikely the race would be restarted as I'm seeing all this I'm going they're going through the motions we still we're never going to get another lap racing all I could think about was are we gonna finish it who's the winner I didn't even know who was in the lead at this point we said that's it the race is over and I think Dave Blaney was leading the race it to Tom I'm convinced that they play is he gonna win the Daytona 500 Dave Blaney just stole the win in this Daytona 500 it's advanced multi there are moments of great serendipity in this sport and dave blaney leading the Daytona 500 and a moment when it might be ended was certainly one of them he'd never had the star power that was suddenly shining upon him and on Tommy Baldwin a start-up team owner so it was a great moment to showcase thank Dave Blaney's ever had so many friends got it all gathered at his car everybody you know came by and said something I want up a doctor Blaney because he was actually one who was leading and I was like man if anybody could win this thing and we don't go back to racing and I don't get a chance to it'd be cool to see him win it cuz he's one of the one of the good guys of the sport the guy that spent the most time there was probably Dale jr. Dave Blaney was leading I've been a heck of a story I think he just wanted to see my reaction if they did call it off do you feel like the damage is gonna be too significant to be still competitive up at the front well no it's been like that since like I can still hang in the pack just fine it's if they give me this race what am I gonna say this is gonna be the biggest asterisk in the history of auto racing beside this race in a race filled with historic firsts there was yet another novelty poised to grab the headlines we have every driver that we're watching every team member every every journalist that's at the track and this this tweet came up like holy crap where did that come from it's actually a photo from the - of Kozlowski's car and we thought this is this is absolutely you know unbelievable turn up I had my phone on my car and I was stuck on the backstretch because the jet drive explosion nothing to do but just sit for what seemed like forever but I guess it was only about an hour and thankfully I had phone service to be able to have some fun I call it the tweet that was heard around the world the tweet heard round the NASCAR world the tweet launched NASCAR into the social media age Kozlowski gained over 140,000 new followers in a matter of minutes it was humorous at the moment for that to be a contributor to what all was going on and if something we just hadn't thought about and it pops up and there it is certainly that was unique I was the first and last time that will ever happen you know having his phone with him and doing all that stuff there's Brad Keselowski tweeting again there were some pit reporters that we were trying to get over the wall because we figured look he's tweeting they're out of the car they're talking let's go interview so for the first time probably in Daytona 500 history Brad who has his iPhone inside his race car he tweeted a picture master Twitter person back on the backstretch what was the latest thing were you able to get close enough to see before NASCAR made you guys come back to see what the racetrack looked like now not really but I've seen a lot of cool pictures on my phone but nobody else has a phone so they should get once they know what's going on but I'm having a good time and it's great to talk to the fans thanks for following me on that Keselowski it's been a blast [Music] now they're watering down that fuel spill my golly I couldn't believe the job that NASCAR did the safety workers did and cleaning up the track they used one of my favorite products and now a new use for laundry detergent tides not an uncommon product for use at the racetrack to clean up oil spills tide is a it's a great cleaner I'm not just endorsing it because you use on the racetrack it's part of our maintenance program it tracks on a regular basis so little water and a little detergent garden spreader we're in the rinse cycle now so we're out there with laundry detergent trying to clean the racetrack to get it clean enough to put down a material called a street bond in layman's terms it's Scotch car basically put it over that area to see if it'll hold together so I get on the phone with Bill Braniff our track engineer where are we with it don't know yet he's out there touching the asphalt kicking it seems like it might be okay what we do is we were told we can't work anymore that's what's expected of us after a two-hour delay the moment of truth was at hand on all levels I'm proud of the fact of how our team responded and we actually got the track ready to go racing again we are now back under the yellow flag as the cars roll on the back straightaway that was our biggest fear was could we restart the race and would the pavement hold up to the pounding of those cars rolling off into the corner how do I stay in the tracks of this the first time we rolled to that area it was like you were went through about a gravel road holy crap that's all gravels that time right through the middle the dry they better look and see if it's coming up of course Tommy's wanted me to say on the radio that it's horrible no butts no goodness keep that car up front and who knows what might happen we're gonna stay out till they dare throw the green flag prayed it that track would slide on Indian field okay and it'd be over up it's one to go here we got a bid 1041 to go we're gonna pin that was here to go this is one to go and the dreams of the front form may be dashed right here they can't go the distance without fuel blaney castle rains and Gilliland well I remember feeling like oh and I'd pull down pit road it was like the lottery ticket that almost had that last number on it to win the Daytona 500 top three cars nose to tail Kenseth Biffle Earnhardt jr. what a wild 500 miles of excitement [Music] midnight arrived stretching the Daytona 500 into its third day word of the bizarre events spread and no one watching had any thoughts of calling it a night because of the delay it with wands crash you know bought a lot of time landed Concord Airport in North Carolina and then drove 30 minutes to my house grabbed a shower bite to eat climbed in bed and watched watch the finish of the race this is terrible man I'm laying in my bed watching the finish of you know the biggest race of the year so badly wanted to be out there and be a part of it I think they wanted to get back to green and and give the fans a finish under green if they could here comes Ted ready tan take ten who will win the Daytona 500 Kenseth pulls out down on the low side of the racetrack and he's being helped out by Dale Earnhardt jr. Kenseth brings the field up the super stretch as they close in on the scene over here in turn number three take i night ticket putter 90 miles an hour off turn three through the speedy dry clearly never even bobbled there's a little gravel down there but it wasn't bad it was same for everybody but it was okay just kind of had to watch where you're going to the travel six or seven more machines are involved caution flag number ten with four laps to go hi bud green white checker NASCAR goes into their green checkered mode I do think it's only appropriate based on everything that's happened to us this weekend that we would go in Overtown here we go here they come coming up to speed that is a teammate right there buddy those green white checkers it's just hard to predict those speed ways somebody could you know lay back and really get a run on you so I was kind of surprised Greg didn't get a bigger run than he did when him and Dale jr. work together they're looking for the white flag this time black man swapped the white flag the weight is in the air top three cars nose to tail Kenseth Biffle Earnhardt jr. the timing of where you do it is so here we go it's gonna happen it's gonna happen pretty quick Ford Ford Chevrolet on the final corner Matt Kenseth trying to win it for the second time it's gonna be you we're gonna win the Daytona 500 [Music] come on red this is a kid for roush-fenway racing their 25th Daytona 500 and their second win to come here and run the whole 500 miles do a green white checker and all them restarts and have to get through that without getting beat that definitely feels good was a it was a crazy race a lot of exciting things happen the biggest job of every broadcaster in sports he has to convince the viewer to tune in next week the next week's show is going to be every bit as good as this one and the race might even be better but in order to do that you need to have closure on today or tonight's or tomorrow morning's race you need to get the viewer to the finish line what a wild wild 500 miles of excitement I've never seen anything like every end of the event and a racetrack has a certain amount of relief to it this one probably had an elevated amount of relief to it and then when you look at the the entire day or two days and you say oh my gosh look what we were able to do when people jumped out of the truck we all said we were a part of something special and then immediately you started thinking let's do this again next year I'll never forget this experience to know that I was in the middle of it the team was in the middle of it we got it done that's the key we waved the checkered flag and Matt Kenseth got to walk away with the trophy it was one hot night 25 years from now 50 years from now we're not gonna be talking about Matt Kenseth winning the 2012 Daytona 500 we're probably going to be talking about one Pablo Montoya hitting the jet dryer in a jet dryer explode holy cow what happened I can't remember who won but we remember a jet dryer being hit and catching on fire and we remember Brad's tweet on the backstretch you know it was funny what did the media to her after that it was a jet dryer blowing up Danica's first Daytona 500 Kozlowski's tweet and it asked of all those questions it almost be done with interview they like oh yeah and you want graduations I think that will always be the race that juan Montoya hit the jet drive an awful lot happened that day and the next night but that singular moment will never happen again that's what folks are gonna remember [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Nascar Network
Views: 360,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nascar
Id: 5otJKVG__TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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