The DARK History of Azkaban and the Dementors - Harry Potter Explained

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foreign welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be discussing Azkaban prison this will include discussions surrounding the island that it's on when the prison was introduced who created the prison itself and where the island actually is considered by many to be reminiscent of the depths of Hell Azkaban prison would be the last place at a witch or wizard in the Harry Potter Universe would want to end up in fact the name Azkaban even backs up this horrific reputation a Sinister name that was created through combining Alcatraz a famous muggle Island prison and Abaddon the Hebrew word for place of Destruction or depths of hell but where did this terrible place come from was the island that housed Azkaban prison always a magnet for dark magic before the Fortress was built what was the island like the truth is before the dark was it known as a Christus ever set foot on the island Azkaban was an island just like any other when we think of the significant dark Wizards in Wizarding history a Christmas isn't necessarily the most well known but after this video he might just be the first dark wizard that comes to mind you see a Christmas was a practitioner of the worst kinds of dark arts imaginable very little is known about to Christus other than the fact that he was alive during the 15th century and that he was evil pure evil no one even knows his nationality but what we do know is that Acres this was the first Arc Wizard or maybe even the first person to ever step foot on the island that would later support azkaban's dark Fortress while traveling in the 15th century akrisdis stumbled upon the island which at the time had no infrastructure to speak of however it wasn't long before Christus made the island his own little dark arts experiment placing all sort of charms in the unclaimed territory one of the first charms that Christus placed on the island was a concealment charm preventing anyone other than him from intentionally locating it for this reason Azkaban has never appeared on any map muggle or magical all we know is that it's located in the North Sea a marginal sea of the Atlantic ocean located between Great Britain Denmark Norway Germany the Netherlands Belgium and France this was the beginning of the Island's turn for the worse after placing the concealment charms on the island a Christus began his Twisted dark arts experiments by luring muggle Sailors to the island after capturing them acrisdis would torture and eventually murder them using whatever Twisted abilities he had in his magical Arsenal to ensure maximum suffering and what did A Christmas need to conduct these horrific experiments why a fortress of course not long after his experiments began a Christus erected a gigantic dark Fortress terrifying enough to strike fear into even the most courageous witches and wizards this continued for many many years claiming a vast number of victims eventually after enough torture and murder aquestus had completely lost touch with reality the dark wizard who was hopping mad before landing on the island had reached an entirely new level of insanity the product of constant experimentation with dark magic it was in his state of complete Madness that many suspect a Christus created the first ever Dementors the aftermath of all of those tortured Sailors Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this Earth they infest the darkest filthiest places the glory and Decay and despair they drain Peace Hope and happiness out of the air around them even Muggles filled their presence though they can't see them get to nearer dementor and every good feeling every happy memory will be sucked out of you if it can the dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself soulless and evil you'll be laughed with nothing but the worst experiences of your life it wasn't until many many years later when the Christus finally died that the concealment charms on the island faded away finally revealing the island to others the giant Island which acrystis had enlarged simply appeared out of nowhere which prompted the ministry of magic at the time to investigate those who entered to investigate refused afterwards to talk of what they had found inside but the least frightening part of it was that the plagues was infested with Dementors many in Authority thought Azkaban an evil place that was best destroyed others were afraid of what might happen to the Dementors infesting the building if they deprived them of their home the creatures were already strong and impossible to kill many feared a horrible Revenge if they took away a habitat where they appeared to thrive the very walls of the building seemed steeped in misery and pain and the Dementors were determined to cling to it expats who had studied buildings built with and around dark magic contended that Azkaban might wreak its own Revenge upon anybody attempting to destroy it the Fortress was therefore left abandoned for many years a home to continually breeding Dementors as mentioned above after the initial attempts to survey the island the decision was made leave the island alone entirely this decision was driven mainly out of the fear that anyone attempting to destroy it would be met with the Island's Revenge however shortly after the international statute of Wizarding secrecy was introduced in 1689 that all changed upon the signature of the international statute of secrecy in 1689 Wizards went into hiding for good it was natural perhaps that they formed their own small communities within a community many small villages and hamlets attracted several magical families who banded together for Mutual support and protection the minister for magic at the time and the second ever official Minister for magic I might add was Damocles Raul Rao took over from eulik gamp and integrated being tough on Muggles into his election campaign however in later years Raul did take things too far eventually being censored by the international Confederation of wizards in and being forced to step down before all of this though it occurred to Raul that the system for imprisoning witches and wizards at that time was no longer going to work primarily due to concerns surrounding security you see before Azkaban became the spot for imprisoning witches and wizards there were many many different locations that someone who broke Wizarding law could be locked up the ministry of magic felt that the small Wizarding prisons that existed up and down the country in various towns and Villages posed a security risk because attempts by incarcerated witches and wizards to break out often led to undesirable bangs smells and light shows a purpose-built prison located on some remote hebridian island was preferred and plans had been drawn up when Damocles Raul became Minister for Magic the international statute of secrecy was introduced in 1689 and Doral didn't take over until 1780 teen this meant that for nearly two decades prior to round taking over The Wizarding prison issue had been on their radar however Raul didn't agree with the existing plans to create a new purpose-built prison instead he pushed and pushed to utilize the existing infrastructure at Azkaban Raul was an authoritarian had risen to power on an anti-muggle agenda capitalizing on the anger felt by much of the Wizarding community at being forced to go underground sadistic by Nature Rouse grabbed the plans for the new prison at once and insisted on using Azkaban he claimed that the Dementors living there were an advantage they could be harnessed as guards saving the ministry time trouble and expense in spite of opposition from many Wizards among them experts on both Dementors and buildings with azkaban's kind of dark history role carried out his plan and soon a steady trickle of prisoners had been played face there none ever emerged if they were not mad and dangerous before being placed in Azkaban they swiftly became so Rel continued in his role for a number of years before being ousted and was eventually succeeded by the third ever Minister for magic Perseus Parkinson who shared similarly hateful views on Muggles even going as far as to try and ban witches and wizards from marrying Muggles Raul was succeeded by Percy's Parkinson who was likewise Pro Azkaban by the time that Eldritch diggery took over as Minister for Magic the prison had been operating for 15 years there had been no breakouts and no breaches of security the new prison seemed to be working well it was only when Diggory went to visit that he realized exactly what conditions inside were like prisoners were mostly insane and a graveyard had been established to accommodate those that died of despair by the time Eldritch diggery the only Minister who may have actually opposed the use of Azkaban took over it was too late as Azkaban had proven itself a competent holding facility however he did still question the use of Dementors as prison guards launching a committee to look into things further back in London diggery established a committee to explore alternatives to Azkaban or at least to remove the Dementors as guards experts explained to him that the only reason the Dementors were mostly confined to the island was that they were being provided with a constant supply of souls on which to feed if deprived of prisoners they were likely to abandon the prison and head for the mainland this advice notwithstanding diggery had been so horrified by what he had seen inside Azkaban that he pressed the committee to find Alternatives before they could reach any decision however diggery caught Dragon pox and died Dicker Theory tried his best during his years as minister to find a replacement for the Dementors that inhabited Azkaban but due to his untimely death the hands of dragonpox this plan never came to fruition after Diggory no Minister for magic questioned the activities of Azkaban for 265 years with Minister after Minister choosing to turn a blind eye to the inhumane conditions inside of the Fortress as awful as the Fortress was it was effective as a prison and its existence meant that the terrifying Dementors inhabiting the island were accounted for it wasn't until Kingsley shacklebold took over in 1998 that things were Revisited with shacklebolt purging the prison of dementas to this day Azkaban prison is still used by the ministry of magic but it's a lot different than it used to be gone are the days of horrifying Dementors patrolling The Fortress instead the ministry of magic utilizes auras as Gods who are regularly rotated from the mainland while it's certainly no island paradise the walls of Azkaban are a touchless dismal than they used to be where before a sentence in Azkaban could rob you of your Humanity the new Azkaban just might offer the right witch or wizard a chance at Rehabilitation and that's it for this video did you know about azkaban's rich history the creation of the Dementors ecristus if you have any questions leave them in the comment section below until next time remember it matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be foreign
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 417,075
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Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, lord voldemort, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, history of wands, ollivanders, diagon alley, grindelwald, dumbledore, hogwarts, deathly hallows, voldemort, snape, weasley, hidden details, easter egg, theory, folklore, ministry of magic, death eaters, spells, behind the scenes, dementors, history of azkaban, ekrizdis, dementors creator, azkaban
Id: aF1TBzR-8gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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