The Danish Stød (Glottal Stop) - Video 1, Basic Information

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in these two sentences only the last word more and more were different one of them has still the other one doesn't and it changes totally the meaning of sins this video is about the still which is a crucial super important part of the danish language [Music] welcome to mixed languages i'm mick and so this still this topic is probably the most requested by the viewers of this channel for the last months now i've finally gotten my things together to be able to produce a video on it and i'm actually gonna make this video which is kind of an introduction and a few more where we go more in depth with the stool still is super important so in this first video i'm gonna first show you how the stool sounds right how do words sound when they have it and when they don't have it then i'm gonna give you some basic information about the stool and then i'm gonna give you information about when to use the stool when is it used when is it not used okay let's first hear how this still actually sounds in the introductory sentences you heard the word more and more more murder more mother and right you can hear more has to and we kind of abruptly stop the sound more whereas we don't do that in more more other examples men henna we can also look at the stool on the vowel in these two words the same word actually pronounced in two different ways i'll talk about this in one of the other videos understood where we're going to look at the different word classes we're going to look at a video only on adjectives regarding stool and only on prepositions po is a preposition right i'll explain when to use the stool and when to use the not stool form in the video on prepositions and still the next thing i want to talk about is the phonetic transcription of the stool we'll look at for example here hun right hoon in the dictionary than danskobo which i have made a video on which i recommend you to use hoon there is no stool but if we now look at hun there is still and we can see the stool in this symbol this kind of question mark symbol this shows that there's still another important thing about the stool is that it can be in different parts of the words let's compare these words here vil vil both of these words have stood but here in vil as you see in the dictionary here in the dense gobo will the stool is on the l sound whereas in v the stool is on the e sound right the question mark comes after the sound where we have still also here fool full right fool stood on the vowel full on the l sound fool it full class snaps full standing full full still on the half termed it full still on the l sound full glass snaps newton full standing full still on the full again but that's what but no still on the full standing right i don't say full standing i said full cindy that is a specific thing with composite words i'm going to talk about that in another video a video on still with composite words very important okay so now some basic information about vestal first of all in english is often called the dotted stop a glottal stop glottal is here stop you stop the airflow some people think this is not the right way of calling it but that's not really important i would say for understanding how this works and how it is how it sounds right so another important thing is that not all dialects of danish have it there is like something called sturgrants the stool border south of that sturgransa many people would not use the stool in their local dialects but the stool is a part of what we call risdense and that's what i speak greece dansk is like the proper normal most normal way of pronouncing danish and that has to always people from copenhagen would always use stool so when i talk about stool here in this video and in all my videos when i talk about pronunciation i'm talking about the normal or most most like accepted way of pronouncing danish and this doesn't mean that other forms of pronouncing danish are not correct it's just i use the most normal one another rule of stool is that normally there cannot be still if the syllable is not stressed if it's we're talking about an unstressed syllable we normally do not have stool and then there's a concept which is very important for this too uh in later videos for example when we talk about the verbs verbs and still we're going to talk about this concept a lot which is called stool basis stool basis the base for stool stool bases talks about that there are only specific sounds that can have still for example these uh the vowel sounds can all have stool all the vowel sounds can have stool and then only the following consonant sounds can have still on them this w sound which we for example have in the word tao tao is a kind of a different way of saying good day it's kind of a short form now then we have the j sound which we have in nai nai there's still as well right you see the the question mark here in this word the this next symbol is the m sound which we have in sync sync with student the next one is a soft d right in mel for example the next one is the m sound that's that's the as we write it right as we read it that's the same sound it's easy to decipher for example come the thing you use for your hair comb and the next one the n sound sen as in sand from the beach and the last one which is the l sound which we have for example in full the word full we've already talked about okay so those were some basic information about the stool and now let's look at when to use it let's look at some basic rules for the student we've already talked about the words for example men men more more so that's one basic room rule when we have words ending in nd ld and rd that is very often or probably always i wouldn't say okay i wouldn't say always in danish ever but i would say i haven't come across any words where it doesn't give us two so if they end if the word ends in one of these combinations we have stu another case where we almost always have stool is in the imperative form that's the order form of the verbs do that come here close the window the imperative in danish is always formed by the infinitive without an e for example if i say the infinitive here i would say the imperative form and this has still right i don't say i see so impressive almost always has still unless there is no stool bases we'll talk about that more in depth in the video on still in verbs then we have what i call the e rule the e rule tells us for example we had before hun and we could also have hune maybe you hear it that hun of course continues having still but does not i don't say so when a word ends in an e we almost never have still other example could be an adjective for example go and go right addresses have three different forms i'll talk about that in a separate video as well on adjectives and still but here we have go still and go no still right i don't say i say [Music] right [Music] this rule is not valid for one-syllable words that's important to note so we it wouldn't be valid for example for t t t sk teaspoon right this is a these are one syllable words so they do actually have two one more case where we very often have still is when a word ends in a stressed vowel if it's a long vowel if it's a long vowel sign so for example in the word politi this is still pulity or just the word t actually as in ten other words could be as in live somewhere be as in this is the insect be rho as in raw food for example ko as in cow so as in the past tense of right i saw something yesterday so and actually all letters in the alphabet have stool not all but the ones that end in a vowel for example a stool b c d e if does not have to do e all of these have still but we do not have s in the following words so saw now in this case as a conjunction not as a verb as a past tense form so persons of of to see but here's right no still in all in any of these because they actually have short vowel sounds right compare here for example bo that's the long sound boo to the word nu okay that was the introduction on the stool now you know how the stool sounds and you know you have heard some information about it some general information about it and you also know at least you have a few rules as to when it appears and when it does not appear now i really recommend you to watch the next videos in this series where as i already said we are going to go into depth with the different word classes we're going to have one video on adjectives one on nouns one on composite words one on prepositions and one on verbs in the different verb forms when do we use stool in the different verb forms in general okay thanks for watching this video thanks for your attention press the like button if you think this video deserves it and we say it's not again hello
Channel: Mic's Languages
Views: 13,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mic's Languages, language, lessons
Id: 6_ZPmiwN4T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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