THE DAIQUIRI - a must know rum drink!

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i just got this shirt i'm calling it my daiquiri shirt because today we are doing the daiquiri welcome back friends it's anders today we are making two daiquiris that's right we're covering the daiquiri because we are coming up on national daiquiri day if that matters to any of you i didn't know about it until some of you pointed it out for me thank you very much and said hey andres just so you know national daiquiri day is coming up so i thought all right let's make a daiquiri this is a great drink it's three ingredients rum lime sugar that's it now this is one that a lot of experts will say it's important to get just right a little too much lime and it's gonna be way too sour a little too much sugar and it's way too sweet i think that this approach is a little intimidating so i say you know what with these three ingredients this is a chance for you to mix them balance it to your taste and soon you will start to trust your palate so i think this is a good one to learn on i'm gonna make a pretty straightforward daiquiri how i would make it if somebody were to sit on the other side of the bar and order a daiquiri then i'm going to make it with some bigger flavors not saying one's better than the other i like them both it just depends what mood i'm in but i want to show you a different way to make a daiquiri but i'm still staying in that template of rum lime sugar if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button for more sip tips and recipes and let's go make the daiquiri to the bar the classic daiquiri is said to have been introduced invented created by jennings cox in 1898 now he named it after a small mining village called daiquiri in cuba he could not have been the first to mix rum lime and sugar these are three things that were very prevalent in cuba at the time and long before mr cox came along however he's the one who gave it the name daiquiri his original daiquiri is not the daiquiri that we're gonna be making today the one that we're making today is gonna be shaken served up in a chilled coop the one that mr cox was making was served in an ice-filled glass ten years later an admiral named lucius johnson who came to daiquiri cuba had one of cox's cocktails loved it and took the recipe back to the u.s now meanwhile back in cuba the drinks started to evolve and we can thank constantino riba laigua rival la he went by constante i'll call him constante constante came up with the original frozen daiquiri and that was a roaring success he also came up with a few other daiquiris one being the hemingway daiquiri which the original recipe was said to not be all that great because ernest hemingway had some say in it and was diabetic and they didn't have the sugar so later it became a great cocktail and i love a hemingway daiquiri have not done that on the channel but we will in the future we'll also probably do a frozen daiquiri in the future because there are a lot of really good cocktails in the daiquiri family that we can talk about but there are a lot of other cocktails in the daiquiri family that i don't know that we need to talk about there there are places they have drive up daiquiri stands rather concerning but that's where you go if you want a really sweet daiquiri i mean it's a business model that i'm sure does really well yeah so there are some daiquiris that i am not probably not going to explore i don't know who's to say who's to say what happens with this channel maybe i will go explore some crazy fruity daiquiris but not today today we are doing the classic shaken served up ice cold coop in fact if you don't have your glassware chilled right now get this one in the freezer this one is important to be ice cold now the booze okay what do we got here now before i pull out the bottles i just want to reiterate that i'm making this two ways i'm gonna do a traditional light daiquiri and the other one i'm just going to call it dark daiquiri because it's darker than the light decorate for our classic daiquiri we'll need a light rum fresh lime juice and simple syrup the lightroom i'm using is real mccoy 3 and there are some that say you have to use a cuban style rum this is not a cuban style rum this is from barbados but it's absolutely wonderful and it's not an overly strong rum flavor traditionally you would use bacardi back then it was made in cuba no longer made in cuba it's made in puerto rico now so i say it doesn't really matter light rum light rum light rum light rum lime juice fresh lime juice this is my semi-rich simple syrup one and a half parts sugar to one part water you could use a straight one-to-one simple syrup that's fine i do like the added texture in this drink because of the semi-rich for the dark daiquiri i'm gonna swap out the light rum with a dark jamaican rum and i'm gonna swap out my simple syrup with a rich demerara syrup so here i'm using the rich syrup it makes this rich flavor that's really good and it goes great with a dark jamaican rum there are people that will say this is not a daiquiri i call this a daiquiri because the essential components are the same now it's also good if you want to mix rums but i'm not doing that today let's build here we go i'm gonna build these at the same time we're gonna start with our classic daiquiri take two ounces of the light rum to that i will add half an ounce of our semi-rich simple syrup and three quarters of an ounce of fresh lime juice now we can move on to the dark decorate we'll start with the rum i'm going to do the same two ounces of a jamaican rum i'm going to add half an ounce of the rich demerara syrup now at this point i'm going to go with a full ounce of lime juice because of the richer syrup and the heavier rum to get the balance that i like now we can add ice and shake 15 seconds or so until it's good and cold it's nice and frosty on the side grab your chilled glassware and we can double strain right into the coop i'm going to start with the classic daiquiri and then the dark daiquiri now there is a quarter ounce more liquid in here make sure you don't overflow your coop i'm going to garnish with a lime wheel ladies and gentlemen two daiquiris cheers all right i'm gonna start with the lighter of the two the classic cheers [Music] try this and you will love it i don't know who doesn't love a daiquiri it's a perfect balance of sweet and tart i would say in this instance i like having a white sugar for the simple as opposed to the demerara because i can taste the creamy almost vanilla notes that are in the rum itself just enough sweetness so it's still a sour cocktail but it's not a bracingly tart drink tough to beat that one but we're gonna try with this one so now the dark daiquiri cheers it tastes completely different than the classic but you get the same level of tartness you get a heavier sweetness you can taste the molasses kind of caramely notes from the demerara and it's got that funk which i love so if you like jamaican rums if you like any rum put it in a daiquiri did one more sip here uh i say it's really tough to beat a classic daiquiri so there we are daiquiri two ways are these both daiquiris yes i say they are rome sugar lime let me know in the comments down below what rum you're using in your daiquiri like and subscribe make a daiquiri enjoy national daiquiri day and i will see you next time cheers hey siri when is national daiquiri day oh she's not talking october 4th oh that's national taco day national taco day is october 4th i've been waiting all year [Music]
Channel: Anders Erickson
Views: 203,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daiquiri, daiquiri cocktail recipe, how to make a daiquiri, rum drink must know, important rum drink, perfect cocktail template, daiquiri cocktail, daiquiri recipe, winning cocktail template, perfect anytime drink, winning cocktail formula, rum drink to start them all, refreshing cocktail recipe, rum drink to know, need to know rum drink, rum drink idea, need a daiquiri, king of rum drinks, cocktail template that works, cuba cocktail, best sour cocktail, rum sour, Rum drink
Id: 71jQRf5UrpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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