The Cybersecurity Salary Myth

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so can you achieve a high salary in cyber security yes am I hating on those who have a six-figure income no there's a lot of hype regarding high paying salaries in cyber security if you look at cyber security training clickbait titles social media you'll find that one marketing tool that these training programs universities use is these six figure income salary or just High salaries in cyber security there isn't anything necessarily inherently false about this statement in fact I use it on my own course landing page but it is not sort of a misconception in security especially when you take a look at entry-level security jobs a topic that I often talk about on this channel you'll see that this isn't necessarily reality so yet again another video on the reality of cyber security careers and I'm probably stating a lot of the obvious in this video but I do want to take a look at high salaries in cyber security and why that's sort of a myth in this industry I will start with numbers are or more specifically the average cyber security salaries now because I am from the United States and I'm most familiar with you know American economics I'm going to be breaking everything down between the United States and dollars and looking at the actual individual states breaks down so the six figure income in cyber security yes that's awesome if you Google the median salary of a cyber security professional or job you're gonna probably find something in the six figures that's great but these numbers lack context in two ways in my opinion so if you go on a website such as ZipRecruiter what you'll find is a breakdown of states and the average cyber security salaries now a lot of the states will have an average above the six figure range but if you take a look at the states in total half of the United States have average cyber security salaries that are less than six figures so you have to take into account of course where you're living and the cost of living you're going to have a higher salary of course when you're in New York compared to South Dakota results will vary of course depending on the source of information and the website you're looking at but this really leads into my next point I'm assuming many of these websites that you take compensation numbers from are looking at the overall landscape of cyber security so that includes entry level mid and high level jobs so of course the averages are going to be extrapolated to probably above the six figure range if you're looking at the total now if I'm assuming this wrong then I'm completely wrong on that point but it still doesn't think about entry-level cyber security jobs looking at or Googling entry-level cyber security jobs what you're going to find is a media in that doesn't necessarily an average or mean but a median salary of seventy four thousand dollars which is pretty good for uh starting out so ultimately the likelihood of an entry-level job in cyber security being above six figures is going to depend on multiple factors the type of company qualifications certifications previous experience uh the way or where you are living um yeah and much more I'm staining pretty much the obvious here I'm saying this as a cautionary so have the right expectations when you are approaching an entry-level job in security do not underestimate your value so I'm not saying you should negotiate for us of course a lower salary but set a realistic expectation saying all this unlike many positions out there uh a cyber security career definitely will Fast Track or put you on a track to earning a high level of income if you play your cards right you work your way up you have qualifications of course a lot of the different factors but starting out with zero years experience you probably shouldn't expect a super high salary overall with numbers be realistic sometimes the higher the salary the more time and responsibility you have for the job choose whatever balance you want and this leads me into my next point which is just the level of general interest within it technology and security measuring your level of interest and overall commitment to the topic of I.T security or cyber security can help you be more successful and just more uh satisfied with your job anyone can be successful in this industry if you have the drive the commitments the ambition you can accomplish and learn in this industry it's great that you can learn basically everything online for free if you wanted to so having a certain level of interest and general curiosity towards security is going to help push you during the times where you perhaps may not feel like learning or doing something and like any career in technology the industry is of course ever evolving meaning you're always going to have to be learning something new and getting ahead because this industry never stops so having some level of interest and pride in the work you do can help push you during those tough times if you're chasing the high income insecurity but you're completely miserable while you're doing it I mean what quality of life is that I mean that's up to you to decide I don't think there's anything wrong with chasing the high salary potential or high income insecurity it can absolutely help achieve a certain level of lifestyle or quality of life this video is literally just a short reminder and perhaps maybe it serves as a caution for chasing cyber security for the money it's high income six-figure salary in entry-level cyber security is absolutely possible but it isn't always the norm it's going to depend on number of factors and that's important and I'm probably stating the obvious be mindful of training programs universities influencers perhaps like myself who are trying to Market something towards you and attracting you towards that six-figure income um you know just be mindful of that it's not always the case and uh well that's about all I have
Channel: Grant Collins
Views: 198,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DLDP4QIk5sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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