THE CUTEST STAR IN VR! - Mindshow Gameplay Part 5 - VR HTC Vive Gameplay (VR Motion Capture)

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oh no I'm sad to weigh this this alone could be one of the coolest things I've ever seen Wow my name is Finn power we're back we're play mine shows we haven't played this game in a little while so I thought we'd jump into it check it out see if there's anything new that we could see because there's some new there's always new scenes and stuff that people keep uploading here so you can share stuff on to mine show and they pop up here as like little scenes that you can jump into you can check them out I'd be checking out a few so we're going to take a look at some of the ones that I've found that I want to see if I can kind of add myself into this is first one here which is actually by the mine show team called the skull toss challenge so we're going to jump to this one and I think this one's a little bit more of a game and unless like an actual movie that we're going to record okay so we're going to hit play we're gonna listen toward the big giant wolf in the okay so I have to basically have to jump into the ghost and then we'll probably hit play and then we need to throw the skulls up there while he counts to ten okay so that's doesn't work I'm trying to do there's gonna be cool all right where's the where's the top in look at this now where are the rest no no come back oh jeez we lost the thing I need to hop out of the ghost hang on we need to get the other skull wait we need to not throw the scholar way all right hang on no let's let's face this way and let's try not to oh wait it keeps flying all the way over there yeah I was gonna do angry yeah now I'm angry about this you see this how am I supposed to do this one want to keep flying or whatever they all right what's this face oh this is like a surprise too sad too I'm angry too happy it's the four stages of mine show all right hang on how we gonna do that how are we gonna hop into that guy I know what I'll do I'll put in two more props some more skulls that way if they fly away I'll have more all right just put some more down here there we go then I'll still have three just like the game suggests this would be a bit of fun there's be a bit of fun let's get another person and we can have them cheering me on as I do this yeah that's pretty cool maybe we'll get who else could we have hey who's the star guy who is that I don't recall there being a star person it's just on you you you how cool is this guy I like this one I'm gonna put him here he's gonna be here like this I'm gonna hop into him all right let's hop into him hey I mean he good oh look at these points change [Music] [Laughter] this this alone could be one of the coolest things I've ever seen Wow what happened to the earth I can't do this forever this is so good isn't that the cutest face you've ever seen isn't it hmm the super-nervous they were always annoying to me and then those astronauts they come flying by they don't even look at me they just think I'm some star in the sky twinkle and well no I tell you what I know just a stir I'm a I'm a master hang on we're getting seriously sidetracked by evening let's just try and sit I need this kind of squat okay I think I'm set my set yeah I'm pretty much set Oh God hang on what about if I do this yeah this still works and I'm gonna be looking at this guy and I'm gonna be happy if I could do it with that sort of bending my nasal in weird ways that'll be good okay here we go so we're just gonna be normal and then we'll smile all right let's do it see how far okay I just knocked some of the skulls around but the skulls here that's pretty good I'm gonna grab one of them let's get ready to record it wasn't too bad okay I didn't do that great but I mean one of them kind of got somewhere so that's that's something right I gave it my gave it my best I gave it my best but that gave me an idea we could actually do something like that ourselves so maybe we could create like some kind of mind show where you have to like throw something into a bucket or something like that and you've got like a certain amount of time to do it so I might actually do that I'm gonna rip off their idea because I think it's a good idea okay maybe we'll go like the western area okay so maybe we use one of the carts then okay so let's go here all right this is got to be the cart toss challenge so let's get a cart we don't actually have any carts here that we can use it was still one of these ones move okay here we go let's get this cart let's rotate it here's the cart toss challenge and what can we cut toss toss what can we toss into the cart wads of cash that's a good idea we've gotta toss wads of cash into the cart okay that's good so we've got some some bags of cash here now we just need our actors alright yep good idea I have an idea let's put this cowgirl here and let's get the sheriff here we go awesome now let's record this let's hop into him alright so you say you want the job of deputy well if you want the job I want to see you throw all these words a cashier into the cart you've got 15 seconds 1 2 3 4 15 not too bad not too bad give yourself a pat on the back alright hang on what I might actually do is instead of no instead doing that I might actually do the thing so let's give this a try here we go she's gonna have like a surprised look on her face and then like determined alright here we go okay this cash was a little bit too far away so I'm gonna move it a bit closer probably like here or something like that just get it a bit closer because it was I couldn't actually reach it maybe like one just behind her okay all right so let's just stand back and let's watch this mmm teleport just here next to old mates I did terribly throwing this mind you I did really bad grab something wasn't even there okay I think that one turned out pretty well if I could find out how to actually save that Oh safe there we go I don't know how I can share that with anyone maybe I need to contact the mind show people to be able to do that but it'd be cool if I could somehow get it added to the feed that would be cool so that other people could jump into it and they could try the the old cart toss as well give it a crack and see how they do so there's one more I want to take a look at use recruit okay this one look like a bit of fun okay so let's play this oh you tell me to do this whoo so nice mother new recruit yes should we hire you hmm maybe because I can do some pretty cool stuff really yes do you have like a plenty you just wait and see nice cool all right we could do something with this we could do something with this let's be the stuff look at this guy all right let's turn him around I like him so much oh man when he gets angry he's so scary isn't he yeah I'm angry I'm an angry star I don't know what I'm gonna do Oh what am i fingers oh this so nobly well this guy's so tall he's not even gonna be looking at me that's that's kind of an issue I wish I could stand on a box or something no I mean maybe you can hang on let's get a box let's get a box like a little prop box hey I might put a crate this is better I wish I was tall enough to not have to get on a crate you do this forever honestly this is so good ok alright let's try and do this I don't know what kind of special talent I'm gonna do but I'm gonna try it oh you tell me to do this because our station is losing to a new steam a sick so you're the new recruit Hey oh yeah all right I'm gonna film this okay from multiple camera angles and and you guys can sort of do you guys can see the final product this is gonna be cool oh you're tell wrong we meet the dudas because our station is losing to a news team led by cat for goodness sake so you're the new recruit tell me why should we hire you really and what fellas do you have he's so cute the star is clearly my favorite character at the moment possibly of all time but he definitely makes me want to play this game again that's for sure they need to add more super cute characters like this one man if you guys have any suggestions and things like that some animations we can do in future videos let me know in the comments below but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 446,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, VR Gameplay, vive gameplay, vive game, htc vive, vr htc, new vive game, cat sorter, steam vr, funny vr game, Mindshow, Mindshow gameplay, vr movie, mind show, let's play mindshow, mindshow film, mindshow animation, mindshow game, mindshow funny, vr motion capture, mindshow update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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