The Curse Of The Pharaohs | Tutankhamun's Tomb (Ancient Egypt Documentary) | Timeline

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[Music] [Music] highclere castle in Berkshire for nearly 80 years the occupants have lived out their lives in the grip of the most famous curse in the world the owner is the seventh Earl of Carnarvon his family's ancestral story has become entwined with that of a dynasty that died and cursed his kind three and a half thousand years ago Lord Carnarvon has been to Egypt but like his father refused to go to the dark birthplace of the curse his second son Harry is equally wary of the curse this is my great-grandfather the fifth Earl I suppose the best way of describing him was as if he was the sort of Indiana Jones of his day in that he drove one of the first cars and he was an early photographer de havilland flew his first plane here at Highclere he was involved in I think all of these exciting things and he crashed his car apparently when he had his accident so that gives an idea of the accident because there as you see he was traveling over the speed limit first person to be head up speeding in New Hampshire on the bit of road which is now the old a34 and in those days if you had enough money you your doctor would dispatch you to Egypt to recuperate in the dry heat thereof and that's where he went that's where he met Howard Carter and so began the great quest to find the tomb of King Tut November 1922 Howard Carter Telegraph's his financial backer then in England three weeks later Caernarfon was back in Egypt exploring the tomb of Tutankhamun by entering he invoked the Pharaohs curse on all robbers of the tomb three months later Canal burn was shaving too close to a fresh mosquito bite and he cut himself shaving and got infected septicemia set in and he died of blood poisoning and when he died all the lights apparently went out in Cairo airing his little dog he was devoted to which was in the housekeeper's room here at IKEA is at a park and dropped down dead and it was there sort of things which produced the story of the curse of the fair this is where the fifth Earl started working here this area called rubble and lager and I'll hopefully we have to take you up and just walk around there and have a look at some of the some of the area's high cleared small Egyptian collection is maintained by professional archaeologist Nigel Strudwick renowned since 1907 to 1912 I think it was Jordy son and heir to Lord Carnarvon has hesitantly agreed to go to Egypt and be the first in his family to retrace his great-grandfather's doomed footsteps Adrien Wylie is the business manager at Highclere he wants geordie full title Nord Porchester back in Egypt confronting the potentially lethal curse it's a colorful image that could shift a lot of souvenir pencils and pots of jam with high clears name stuck on them so one trip of interest accountable and I think from my point of view from the castles point of view a sense of history yet again is repeating itself 75 76 years after the great discovery was made the family yet again and embarking on another adventure this time with Lord Porchester I think Jordy I think Johnny will enjoy it and he's been a late starter he's had a few refusals he's getting married in February and quite right his fiancee feels a little reluctant to lose her newer more so quickly and so hi clears archaeologist Nigel Strudwick and his wife Helen our guest of honor at The Reluctant Jordi's farewell dinner when Nigel joined us having been highly recommended from the top man at the British Museum we couldn't be more thrilled because the road of archaeologists egyptologist attack lee is a very important one something that is very important to Lord Marlyn wherever we just to drink the health of jory and fabric and this effect and I have an enjoyable time the value of the level thank you very much tonight [Music] jory and Adrienne utter visit Nigel at his dig among the tombs of the nobles he's looking for the burial place of son ephraim who was the equivalent of the chancellor of the exchequer the warrior pharaoh took Moses the third three and a half thousand years ago to find scenaries grave intact would be quite a prize uh I would like Mosul duck Nigel has excavated a shaft in the courtyard of the tomb complex he is hoping that it will reveal a secret door leading to some EFI's grave and elaborate burial chambers at 40 feet this is an exceptionally deep burial shaft sure we shall be striking something interesting soon I shall nigel has been on scenaries trail for five years and what we're looking at here this is almost the earliest part of the New Kingdom tombs of the nobles and we start about 1550 BC now the tombs here mostly belong to similar sorts of classes of officials our scenario and oversee of steel barriers that means he was a sort of person that dealt with financial matters that sort of thing and most of these other people are similar this is a man was a high priest of a moon down here generals we find all almost all sorts of other officials so we're talking about the top 1% of the country you know a maximum one but 1% of that at that time who were unable to get the resources either from the king or from their own from their own money to bail these remarkable tomes what we're looking for at the moment in that shot that we're digging there we're hoping that's the burial chamber of sin f3 we're down to about 12 meters at the moment and these big shafts belong to the first part of the 18th dynasty this vertical shaft afterwards they seem to move more towards sloping shafts and it's a mid right sort of position it's in the courtyard they're always in the front and they're often to the right hand side of the courtyard and that's where the staff is that we're doing at the moment so that's what makes us think is they if the shaft is officer Nefera is everything looks right looks like fish Carla Adrienne's dreams of a gold sarcophagus to grace the Museum at Highclere are beginning to disappear as the shaft goes deeper Helen Strudwick has to climb down the rickety rope ladder to supervise the work Wow so well - Wow down on will do on upward way it works you see the complexes are very similar we just have to arbitrarily break up into layers that would go for about 45 or 90 meters down each layer and then press s the finds that come up from this is the name of the tomb owners and this is named scenario this rings Nefer and this reads e this is the end of the wall so this is a bit of granite and it's from a full store and we've been finding many many pieces of granite all around the tomb this would be as Ben's been excavating is if somebody took the full store out from the tomb that it was fixing the wall smashed it up and then it's just in the day bring a few bits of false door are no substitute for finding the real thing the excavation proceeds in a relaxed Egyptian manner that Jordi's great-grandfather would have recognized one man however won't be keeping up with the breakneck pace of Nigel's big head exhibitor and I've only spent about two hours perched on top of the whole scene very little work but I must compliment Nigel and I feel it because there must be many many tools here the great YouTube pretty well-appointed cafe restaurant bar on the doorstep I don't normally drink kind of kid at 9:00 in the morning with when I've been up here for several hours already he was taped appropriate Nigel takes Geordie into scenaries rock-hewn Chapel next to the courtyard where he has uncovered more burial charts I seem to be predestined in Egyptology to choose tombs with lots and lots of shot this tomb has got nine shots and this is worth taking this is a long time with the archaeology the shaft outside that may well belong to the net free but these ones here are nothing to do with scenario at all and what actual facts happened is this is a tomb that was reused in the later periods of Egyptian history the after the New Kingdom they didn't really build many more tombs and what they did they took other tombs and just cut new shaft in them and buried themselves in that and what they've done here there's no fewer than five shafts in the back of this tomb but this particular shot is a typical example it's about four meters deep what you can see is really interesting is that large moderate wall down there because this is our equivalent in here you know this sort of sealed doorway our attacker moon it's not sealed but what they did they built up a large brick doorway once the burial was made well it was after the scene with mud bricks and plastered it over and then filled the shaft with rubble to stop people from going down there Geordie has a healthy respect for tombs protected by curses but Nigel's enthusiasm is proving irresistible be any em give me your hand yes okay okay citizen sorry family of them representing any last determining happy end over the ex-mayor Oh quick little bit any last words Jody Fiona just in case you don't make it little something emotional or not untreated like as you extend I'm his mother just in case your message needs to get back I'll stay up here look what beautiful feeling on that anybody any comedies see them opening it now what we found this room I mean if the shaft was obviously full of debris and therefore the debris always slopes across it's higher here they take us off down towards down towards the back but it was it was probably about one third full of full of debris and the wall here though this is a beautiful example of a mud brick wall that was abused for the blocking to keep the innocent key that don't keep the dirt and debris in and robbed and robbers out sitting around knocking bits of bricks together I don't understand it but there was a reason why because I don't understand it it shouldn't be an excellent class time but I've never has been messing around out here in the desert for many years I obviously loved it for him but there isn't one in a million chance of finding anything it's our other still stay inspector only the 30 ferry port for his lordship a port for high kick and as a humble servant oh yeah I'm really happy to be here you can just see the hieroglyphs there and these were placed probably somewhere at the top of the team up there what we have is this wonderful book that was produced in England in 1950 it says what we call corpus and had all the funerary codes known in the 1950s and we can tell you this is this is the sooner Eric Harrison Eric Sam Mettenberger II that's the end of his name here good for two weeks each season volunteer experts come to work on the finds pottery bus saved three and a half tons of shattered shards spanning three and a half thousand years a funeral mark from a coffin in the complex is a unique find it has taken three years to restore to this condition [Music] there are also 40 mummies in various stages of decay they had a responsibility of the bone man paleontologists to dr. Tony Waldron the Uniting was exceedingly Trinity came for the box of bones like this unless you find a fuse kissing things you might not be for long dial things we like Kim hasn't doing our patients that you have lots and lots of people queuing up we can see outside all thin cotton very dreary ordinay diseases lately and then the next time I come so that all might have something really exquisitely interesting and that's why you're doing and it's just the thing we had a lots and lots of bones here or which are normal and then you find one or two started a very exciting and here is oh my goodness I think it's a big cat or some sort of snarling on Monday find Catherine Callahan have been interested in the traffic appear and mob not in the least session they I think they were the old school of sort of bounty hunters when they move I think they were interested in finding gold and other other thing that we were going to make them famous another thing this sort of wave makes your famous but it does tell you a lot more about the people themselves than mine isolated singer either you leave [Music] now the honey that's really very finer than this how much was treasure finding a motive for him interest well I think it was a motive up to a point because anyone who's we've put a lot of money into a venture might think there might be some return on it but it's right towards the end I think my great-grandfather was getting a little fed up of cording money in year by year but not enough to show for it but Howard Carter in 1922 there was a famous meeting on a pike it my great-grandfather had been racing and that's the thing the Tartar was there and the had to do a very good selling job and to get him to fund one more year of exploration and Carter was very clever early because he said I just got to excavate this final part of my square on the grid of my match has not been turned over properly and really I'm so confident that I'll fund the whole thing myself I think my great-grandfather's gambler didn't sing thought well okay you're prepared to say that then I'll have a go and I'll fund the final year so let's have a great triumph came about over this meeting at Highclere when I'm in a funny sort of way my great-grandfather agreed that X probably did mark the spot finally X doesn't seem to mark the Doran scenaries tomb and neither does Wiles ed as they dig ever deeper well we've done a sort of trance across investigating where there's possibly going to be a doorway but didn't actually find anything which is annoying but the contacts seems to be changing slightly down there they still material slightly different in that this left paw story coming up a lot less clustering so I thought it was all you never know you may find something yeah she should be exciting now always effort has to be very much that we find the doll m'lord you have to depart lovely rod mink you had a successful time the last time I saw you disappearing down into the into the depth and I decided about come here and prayed for you thank you for giving pleasure to do this magic door we haven't locked on it yet oh good good good good and so you've decided to come back down is this a we finish for the day up very after today I move it over different pastures yeah the quest continues [Applause] Adrian and Jordan return to their hotel braving the street vendors of Luxor on the way - I got it delicious look here beside I want to yeah yeah yes can hunt German certainly not Cassandra whatever tender - loser - palace like his great-grandfather Geordi and his man Adrian have made the Winter Palace Hotel their home I discovered the the weather what they called it the Victorian sitting-room I'm down the ground floor again and it is very much is the you know decorate of the period of the end of last century beginning of this century I just got my my great-grandfather you probably sat there had tea and how Courtin have some friends around him or play bridge whatever so right now and then hat to you myself starting to think about it a moment and the type of a bit of the atmosphere this hotel most is one of so many memories of that period which would have been it sort of heyday of people milling around in fact there were sending people here after the discovery like either they put tents up in the ground to competative [Music] [Laughter] news from the dig soon interrupts the tranquility of the afternoon here message back that the palace was returned immediately door found which was exciting needs to have interim the one kiss goodbye to one lunch is a secondary it having just done all the em Sharon change but we've risked back into the old dusty rag never get back bouncy let's go home he walking across you telephoned rather than telegraphed this modern canal bond party should only take 30 minutes rather than three weeks to get back to the excavation and even speed up [Music] assuming the Mummy's curse doesn't get them first in an Egyptian multiple pileup all way through into the next part of the tool you want to go down I think I was have this have a look help me look no me down into the abyss and great sure another example they look like the basil but they do what not the Lugosi keep time that's it mmm yeah gamma here everywhere my speed okay yes slowly but surely Adrian's precious charge is lowered into the abyss now that make make a total nothing okay yeah you know neither can you see my feet we all love you got a good firm grip on that yeah don't worry about leather I can pull you right up before we go down he's about to run with the papadum I think another one and another one and you can go you move up your right corner to a brilliant what's going on here great sir okay I mean it again but sit on down there just yeah he brings married well damn hello we meet from the green very sorry if this guy absolutely terminally make sure and they won't found is very okay well he's anything which is pretty deep stuff well I mean now you're a hi-fi grandfather felt I mean so we didn't have to go down there sort of 13 meter shelf right so we're we're looking through there some modules you have muscle officer balance I promise you everywhere the glint of gold so I just do at the moment don't put anything down here sorry why'd you give us status in fiber what I'm looking through here into a great big cavity Woodlawn yeah yes guys happened up to rock the hole so I can see at the moment is quite a quite a way back maybe 20 30 feet and an awful lot of boulders and rocks down here and then it was very exciting to look for into this chamber so they hadn't been touched yeaaaaa room was more than a gloomy eerie flickering of shadows on the boulder both debri all over the place not easy hang one but a posse on one one side so that's a moment it's debris and boulders and nothing that was to my eye obvious but you know behold the other kind of scene in in yet did you see any girl that's the question that's indigo no I just I didn't see any girl I got to be honest about that but who knows what might be hidden beneath the rubble within an hour nigel has done a gap it's just big enough for him to squeeze through into the unknown could you buy that mind doing this sort of thing I think one of the highest ones I have a detector I have to confess Chris you know you have to keep me out Adam aesthetically restrain for going down whistles really oh yeah because I love it oh it's that lady /ig who is really great go somewhere where you know more other suppose Elizabeth see what I mean and their various bits and pieces lying around like I see much this is a piece of a coffin and it's part of the formula that says for the soul of and it's a prayer and of course underneath it would be the name of the person you know this is you know archaeology's always like this I mean this is this to me is the sort of thing when Tory said to you but has everything been found in Egypt I mean okay we haven't found to touch the moon but it doesn't have to be gold columns and [Applause] who's interesting wonder what that is something else there's a chamber rock here to the right which is about three or four meters long which like it's like one little rant Ito's it's interesting is a bit like a sort of the King's tomb where you have this antechamber then you go down that passage there towards to what I think is the abode chain that it's really not quite nervously I mean the reason I'm obviously concerned also about walking around too much has been we might be trading in damaging a price that's what I'm worried about that sort of thing that's what I'm putting my weight on the walls so I don't put too much too much on the ground you can see there's small pieces pieces of pottery pieces of pieces of wood on the surfaces piece of bandage down here as far as I can tell we are at the end of the tomb so it was using notices we might be looking at his burial chamber but what's happened to sieves in the old days when they know we're on eclampsia and they were impaled on stakes [Music] whatever the potential consequences of opening a three-and-a-half thousand year old burial chamber it's a great moment excavators and aristocrats have earned themselves a small celebration normally I think Alan has a suit served by nuclear winter but I'll have to do to make me well they've landed on the prowl tonight it may freeze color force of about five is exactly right I didn't fix is 2007 is a in the morning Jory will be facing a more dangerous challenge he has decided to go to the Valley of the Kings the son of the Lord Carnarvon reputedly killed by the Mummy's curse never put a foot in Egypt his son the present Lord Carnarvon had but avoided this cutted place Geordie is to be the first Carnarvon to re-enter the tomb of tutankhamen and this is a cut of first fan disc around here but we're digging underneath with this one because this version for yourself this is supposed to be a rock god yes if things that are the steps and after the door there was an angle down deeper which is the next part everybody was it said it was absolutely horrible in here [Music] [Music] [Music] back in just a mountain imagine a great grandfather being here sitting with wonderful dogs living a feast for the eyes you can just sit and stare at each other for some time there's a point that not like let's go face potatoes Oliver [Music] [Music] are you feeling what I'm feeling hahaha Maidan winding me up the positive suddenly feeling a bit weird [Music] although no sign yet of CERN every there it plenty for Tony wardroom the bone man to explore that won't tell this and that pair of legs will tips actually difficult see but it's it's solidified in a great sheet for the Egyptians as we have to be resurrected intact and so they catch in trouble and it's for them so the males are often given something to ensure they survived intact that's a special penis what would have happened to the original well I've worried it would rot off now stick to the hostess old-fashioned this is a young child and we found the various bit scattered throughout the tune but the interesting thing about this is a there's lumbar vertebra you can see how the the top surface which should be nice and flat has been eaten away there's a particularly deep hole there and one of them as you draw one of those frequent causes for that is tuberculosis I suppose one interesting feature is that it's clear the people who could afford without in this tomb were wealthy and this is a disease which in our time was a disease of the poor but clearly in those times could affect the rich as well and it may well have come from contaminated milk or milk products for example so who will be interesting today this is the to to those i informative TV all very human form and if we could show that it was the human form as long ago this that was very interesting indeed what the our college is trying to do is to recreate past populations and our societies and what we are able to is bone specialist and payload sponsors actually come face to face literally in some cases with members of that population so we're able to absolutely say something definite about the people from their remains and not from the artifacts which they left behind Nigel has found exciting new evidence which can put an individual's name to a mummified skeleton 700 years younger than the turn every this is part of one of the coffins of where jaha was the fourth priest of a moon in the reign of Shaka I was probably buried here instead management 5bc but what we can do with this is we can actually put the whole name together because we've got these other pieces that join on there's the jaw and the beginning of the whole of the Horus bird there and there's the rest of it doesn't fit together perfectly because the wood is sprung and we lost it a potentially being smashed up there you got the name if you just see one two three four of so priests full of a moon wait Joe Hawk where the stuff so comprehensively smashed the classic robbing of the mummies was to sort of you know hack your way into the coffin rip the bandages off and looking for scarabs and amulets and anything else that might have been devastated then shove inside you you gather there and go off and sell to the antiquities dealers on the phone this is the mummy of wedgie [ __ ] normally when you find teams like this which is Landsat you can barely ever tell who somebody is now we've got a bits and pieces of coffin of with the name of where johor on it in the same areas we found this mummy we found some linen with the Thierry of Kings a bar on it he counted stone about 716 715 be seen anybody second year he pulled the whole country together so you know he's a sort of very important King and then next to that we found a piece of linen which has got the titles of where's your [ __ ] fourth priest alone and so on and they say there's a year ten damn it so we thought a heart where's your [ __ ] various year tariffs a burka and that means year ten Shattuck is about 7:15 7:05 BC sorry and on once is the legs of the that we were able to join with this mummy Thomas League there was another bit of linen and the bit of linen on it gave us part of the teacher of Shabak er and so what we do what we've done is you know we've we've done the old sort of Sherlock Holmes Arthur logical deduction thing and for the probability of there being three bits of linen to get in the same sort of area that belonged to different people is pretty low so the very fact that we've got Shabbo colluding on here Sabitha leaning separate words you're hauling in separate but all in the same area means that this is the body of wedge hor and this is really unusual when you're talking about a ransacked tomb like this one because you never you find bodies if I hundreds of bodies and sometimes we're in before you can never say a point at one say this is somebody and it's really really great for us to have this body down here this man who about whom we knew so little before we found his tomb but now you know we can date him with the precision that's you know almost almost unheard off of that particular period the Mummy's curse that is when it was finally killed Lord Carnarvon in Cairo in 1923 Jordan has decided to leave the dig to find out for himself exactly where his great-grandfather died reading about them the bill of lading from robert jackson provisions my great-grandfather had sent a freedom wine biscuit sardine three terms of tongue oriental people attending the peaches pear they've got some courage Wow Wow we have ready carried cloud he travel would be is a Jordan age even after exemplary she comes on a number of the big ships that again the paddock with it was one maybe two other people fetching and carrying notification those there so these should travel it was just a mere man [Music] [Applause] - way in from theoretically other Lancers communicators oculus Syrian right back at the dig Helen and Nigel have only two weeks to find final proof that this is an Aries burial place they must up the pace and so have hired a crane to clear the rubble and widen the shaft they are working in the deep burial chambers stretching back underneath the courtyard and so are bought in the best communications equipment big money can buy oh you don't have to do it Nigel great very complicated you press the button and speak until explain - hello hello hello I can hear you can hear me no are you hear me now yes please mental I then all right you didn't say over over I mean on this thing Annapolis Helen terrified of heights is less happy with this mechanized form of transported no I want to see Oh it's a long way down especially when the sophisticated communication system malfunctions [Music] [Applause] the [Music] bitten by the mosquito I think in the last one on the south the gonfalon short-arc attending much of it for a while but there's no drugs to deal with that then it was a weak man really tastefully accenting honest and motorizing nicely today I haven't got a bite on me but really well yes I believe bender i mean ii thought me running with taken ill mr. Bingley retiree many became ill he was moved the Continental Hotel and the sweets of rumors that your father actually died it was still there that down if we can remember Stephanie means coming out on survivalism mining a Link to the Past we knew that summer [Music] all right what this stuff too though from the shaft your back filled in here oh oh oh no no no no it doesn't i don't think and it's also my skull here some teeth nesting flat oh these are bits of mummy bandage they've been peeled off when somebody's been stripping run around his he got he has another bit of scholar some ribs look here even though there's of tiny little things you just is so exciting to sort of learn about a culture from the past and i don't know i get some credible feeling of closeness to these people then you remember this was a person loved by his friends his family poor chap I've not seen a finale fine baby as well preserved as antique horn poignant doesn't sing one does feel more a bit more upset by the death of children a dose a well versed law could almost be sleeping after will come an empathy with with these people and so I I don't feel that we're sort of desecrating their burial places or anything like that which some people I've noted them find difficult and we had a student with us one year and the other tubes that we were working in and he's be quite interesting cuz the underground work with all rather lattice mounds of stuff like this with legs sticking out and you know a skull here and an arm here in quite a grotesque position and anyway we the first day that she was there we was gay for a talk around about what we were doing I took her into all the underground rooms and we were scrambling around and crawling past bits of body and never occurred to me that she might find it difficult at all and we got back to the surface and she said I'm sorry I can't go back down low ever again so upset because you there's a train meant to be helping us with football which so we know it's limited what she could do for us but also I just felt so terrible that I never thought that it might upset anybody the balcony you see there just above the Continental with a couple of tired plants that was the entire balcony area that had the central room in the room where the main suite of reception area was a colossal area although decayed not indicated the rest the hotel but nevertheless without same sort of magical time capsule and to the right of it is is the room that law cadaver diving isn't in here even just as just a show just to show them something or a myrational separate facility understand where I ducked up on someone I even aware I read the spec which you have know that you have entities of your thoughts and that's all the excitement about the fact my great-grandfather died so soon after the discovery but I think he would have certainly been remember to this day and he live for some year after the problem I'm sure the names of Carter and connivin are indelibly written in archaeological history I don't think there's a bit any getting away from that [Music] I think initially it was there was a very much a sort of the approach like let's go and do a bit of archaeology because we're here for our health or something like that but then kind of and did that and he got interested in it and he got Carter in to help him and Howard Carter did on the temperature afternoon the best doctor does a good job but couldn't that was done at that time and would still oh I think we've been pretty good today you know things are gonna stay and people in 100 years are going to be looking at what we didn't sang my god they were terrible in those days that we're doing the best that we can with what's available to us at the moment I mean I think we've always felt that if you feel something needs doing you shouldn't just talk about it so to people all you know something ought to be done you ought to get on and do it yourself I mean we've always felt that and we decided years ago with very limited means to start working out here the problem with our theology you know no one is going to be finished you can't say to somebody I'll finish that in five years because if you know if you then find like we did nine shafts we thought this was gonna be finished in three years this project I mean it's where in our what six and seven season now and we still you know it's still got going to be an eighth season maybe a bit of digging and certain we've got to study all this stuff because this year we're just digging like mad and we haven't got time to study anything [Music] it took Howard cancer 10 years to catalogue the wondrous treasures of Tutankhamen now in the Cairo Museum Egypt has not cursed Jordan as it did his famous ancestor instead just captivated [Music] he's absolutely bowled over did you think of a few fights over Plateau well does it say [Music] yet another Carnarvon has fallen for the mysteries of Egypt Adrienne Wiley has succeeded in continuing the link between the connivance and their Egyptian heritage so what are the man who originally bought them all here son every nearing the end of his digging season Nigel finds a small treasure in his tomb it's an inlaid eye from the coffee Ori from a wooden cocking and they leave with a wooden little recess little hole in the wood they insert this eye and this came from the big shaft here that wade through digging here and I see no reason why it is an 18 spoons like this on the coffee the cinetic [Music] [Applause] just a few days before the dig finished at the end of December we got into the burial chamber went through all the stuff enormous amount of stuff there it's all turned out to be eighteenth dynasty all contemporary with scenario lots of bits of papyrus really tantalizing stuff as of coughing man rather most interesting things of all was a head we found beautifully mummified with sort of the lips modelled in in the bandages and we know we're pretty sure that some fe we found him no gold and no treasure in this tomb but the bones and mummy linen of sanity and those around him have helped fill another gap in our knowledge of life and death in ancient Egypt three and a half thousand years ago I'm sure I'm great-grandfather as he was lying there in Cairo something about the middle of March - when you die in early April 1923 he must have realized he's getting sicker and sicker with blood poisoning and septicemia that he wasn't going back to his beloved high care I split them seeing that the Continental Hotel in Cairo he won't sure he was thinking of its wonderful Park and cars and everything all at the same time all sorts of conflicting emotions about this great discovery in Egypt and the yet wanting to be back home [Music] the body of the fifth Earl of Carnarvon Jordans famous great-grandfather was brought home from Egypt and was buried on Beacon Hill overlooking his beloved Highclere Castle [Music] you
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 632,293
Rating: 4.4722109 out of 5
Keywords: Egypt, History, Documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, Archaeology, 2017 documentary, real, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, stories, TV Shows - Topic, documentary history, Full Documentary, tutankhamun, history documentary, BBC documentary, Egyptian pharaoh, Channel 4 documentary
Id: UveGlCnbKDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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