The Crown's Top 5 Shocking Moments Season 1 (Claire Foy)

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pull away the veil and what are you left with an ordinary young woman of modest ability and little imagination but to everyone's regret and frustration the only person I have ever loved is [Music] you when the death of the King was announced to us yesterday morning they struck a deep and somber note in our lives which resounded far and wide filled the clatter and traffic of 20th century life and made countless millions of human beings around the world pause and look around them the king was greatly loved by all his peoples the greatest shocks ever felt by this island fell Upon Us in his Reign never in our long history were we exposed to Greater Perils of invasion and distruction the late King who assumed the heavy burden of the crown when he succeeded his brother I lived through every minute of this struggle with a heart that never quavered and a spirit undaunted in the end death came as a [Music] friend and after a happy day of sunshine and Sport and after good night to those who loved him best he fell asleep as every man or woman who strives to fear God and nothing else in the world they hope to [Music] do now I must leave the Treasures of the past and turn to the Future famous have been the Reigns of our Queens some of the greatest periods in our history have unfolded under their septer Queen Elizabeth II like her name's sake Queen Elizabeth the first did not pass her childhood in any certain expectation of the crown this new Elizabethan age comes at a time when mankind stands uncertainly poised wait on the edge of catastrophe I whose youth was passed in the AUST unchallenged and tranquil glories of the Victorian era May they well feel the thrill in invoking once more the prayer and the Anem God Save the Queen [Music] the prime minister is facing criticism for failure to deal with the mounting crisis London Airport is closed again today with all flights grounded the unmoving fog which has spread to over 30 m wide is likely to cause complete darkness by 2:00 this afternoon let us start with the unrest in Egypt where anti-colonial passions continue to run high and where our soldiers continue to come under Fire from nationalist insurgents it is vital that we remain and successfully defend the Suz Canal a point that I will be making in person to the Commonwealth heads when I host them for the weekend at Checkers weather permitting indeed what is the latest information that you have about the weather it's fog ma'am it will lift eventually I was hoping for something more scientific then I will ensure that a barometric report is included in your box tomorrow complete with isobars and ISO Humes it has been an unusually cold winter and there are only so many things that I as prime minister am prepared to inflict on your subjects as a reward for winning a World War and prevailing over fascism evil and tyranny letting them freeze is not one of them you do not seem unduly concerned I'm not you do know that my late father wrote many years ago to your predecessors to express exess his deep concern about the inner city power stations that your party was building indeed and I was sympathetic with your father's concerns at the time I also have sympathy with the leader articles in the newspapers today Bing for blood wanting my head people have to be angry at someone but as leader one cannot simply react to everything we need the power stations we need the coal people need to burn cold warm their homes it is weather it will pass well I do hope so not least because my husband's mood is intolerable why not being caged in like this he can't fly fly where well nowhere he's learning to fly whatever for have we not enough qualified Pilots to take him where he needs to go no he wants to fly himself it's a Boyhood Dream It's what he's always wanted why was government not consulted because it's a private matter and I am in favor nothing you or his Royal Highness do is a private matter and the father of the Future King of England risking his life needlessly is quite unacceptable please do not Cil my husband's personal freedoms any further you've taken away his home you've taken away his name there comes a time where one must draw a line in the sand and the job of drawing that line Falls to Cabinet ma'am not to you something your dear late Papa would certainly have taught you had he been granted more time to complete your education and now our time is up until next week pull away the veil and what are you left with an ordinary young woman of modest ability and little imagination and wrap her up like this and anoint her with oil and hey Presto what do you have the [Music] [Applause] [Music] goddess [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Music] I [Music] I'm Phillip Duke of edra to become your Le man of life and limb and of Earthly worship and faith and truth I will bear unto you to live and die against all manner of folks so help me [Music] God [Music] our Royal Highness the princess Mar I've asked you here to say that I've given the matter thought a great deal of thought the issue of your marriage has for the past weeks and months gone to the very heart of a great number of things the country morality divorce but also something closer to home who I am what I am and your marriage to Peter has not a note please Margaret it doesn't come naturally for me to speak like this so please let me finish it's D going against members of our family against senior coures against cabinet you know how I hate confrontation or mess or D elction of Duty but I was prepared to go through it all and support you as a sister because I'd given you my word but but but what but I realized as Queen that I have no choice I cannot allow you to marry Peter and remain part of this family that is my decision in defiance of the Pledge you made to our father and the pledge you gave to me yes will you forgive me if you deny me the man I love if I put Duty before family you forgive anyone who denied You Phillip it doesn't compare well it Compares exactly in marrying philli I wasn't violating the scriptures or offending the church I'm so sorry you will love others no never Peter is the only one I understand that it feels like that now Margaret I know I appear strong but I'm not Peter is the only one who knows how to calm me to reassure me protect me don't tell me you understand that you don't know for a minute what it is to be unhinged be flailing about Peter is the me one who could help me together if you look anything I mean if I was stallion would I fancy her attraction isn't say much about looks smell oh I see well does she smell good well we'll see maybe brother like us darling when we were courting will you please be quiet yeah look here we go right hold us steady I [Music] say back off boy is that it 2,000 guies for that as long as he's done what he needs to do and it bears fruit I don't mind well done P yes indeed well done pory here has been given a direct line who pory so we can call straight in I know only because I tried to get one for Mike and was refused yes on account of him not being a family member pory is like family is he yes part of the furnit well as long as you don't sit on him anytime soon out well that all seemed to go well yes it did wasn't it you're [Music] right can you leave if is not please yes ma'am I have nothing to hide from you nothing pory is a friend and yes there are those who would have preferred me to marry him indeed marriage with him might have been easier might have even worked better than ours but to everyone's regret and frustration the only person I have ever loved is you and can you honestly look me in the eye and say the same can [Music] you
Channel: Moving Pictures
Views: 210,234
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Keywords: The Queen, the crown series, the crown, queen elizabeth, the crown fagan, the crown scenes, The Crown, the crown season 1, the crown tv show, the crown best scenes, the crown king edward scene, the crown series best scenes, the crown season 1 best scenes, the crown season 1 best moments, the crown season 1 shocking moments, the crown most shocking moments, best of queen elizabeth the crown, the crown season 1 scenes, the crown queen elizabeth coronation
Id: uVqgoxwugGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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