The CREEPIEST Cases of People Disappearing

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on July 6th 1940 a man was fishing on a lake Infamous in the mountains of Washington state as he drifted along he saw some sort of figure in the water when he got closer it looked as though it was something wrapped in a blanket then when he reached into to grab whatever it was he immediately recoiled in horror what he just felt was unmistakably a human limb these are the creepy disappearances and legends around Lake Crescent as always viewer discretion is advised [Music] today's video is sponsored by Babel one of the top language learning apps in the world if you've been following the channel for some time you probably know I'm Canadian and because of this I took French in school for many many years around a year ago when Babel first reached out to me and after years of being out of school I could barely put together a single sentence anymore because of how out of practice I was this was honestly a bit of a bummer because of how much time and effort it took to learn French in the first 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guarantee so there's no risk and giving it a try with the link in the description below that means and now today's video there's something about lakes in the mountains it at least from the perspective of someone used to lakes on the East Coast on the East Coast the experience is very different the Lakes get far warmer in the summer and are often shallower they're typically not at elevation and the flow of water into them isn't from glaciers and meltwater high above maybe the most visually striking thing however is that the water is so Crystal Clear in many of these Mountain Lakes in fact to really put this into perspective water Clarity is measured by taking a black and white disc and lowering it into the water and then measuring how far down it's still visible C Lake in Oregon was measured to have a visibility of 139 ft or 42 M this makes it the clearest anywhere on Earth so at the shore of many of these Mountain Lakes you can look down and see the bottom as extends away from the shore for far longer you can also see many of the massive submerged Boulders and Fallen trees as outlines in the darkness below for the same reason that many people have theophobia in the ocean the experience is similar many of these Lakes were also gouged up by glaciers during the last ice age making them far deeper than you expect from their surface area so similar to how the mountains rise around the Lakes they continue below the surface for hundreds sometimes thousands of feet that brings us to Lake Crescent inside Olympic National Park in Washington state you'll find Lake Crescent a lake that was once a deep dry Glacier for Valley around 8,000 years ago a massive Landslide from the Olympic mountains damned Indian Creek and as more and more water accumulated behind the wall of rock and Forest debris it began to spill into the valley the lake has measure depth of 648 ft or 198 M making it the second deepest in Washington its waters are also uncommonly clear too peering into the lake from a dock or boat you can see deeper at Lake Crescent than just about any other body of freshwat in the United States the Native Americans who lived in the area much earlier had a different story to explain how Lake Crescent came to be The Story Goes that two rival tribes have been battling for 3 days when the fighting Disturbed the seat coat living high above in the valley in Native American lower from the region the seat coat is essentially what is more commonly known as Bigfoot a large bipedal humanlike crypted the tribes viewed as one of their many gods on top of a mountain called Storm King the seel became angry at the war going on below so it broke off part of the mountain Summit and tossed it into the valley the massive Boulder crushed the Warriors ending the battle and also damning the river which then produced Lake Crescent as a result of so many of their Dead Forever buried under hundreds of feet of water tribes stayed away from Lake Crescent this was the origin of a reputation the lake received that persists today which which is that Lake Crescent never gives up its dead the legend says that the spirits of the Native Americans killed by the seat coat drag to the bottom and hold captive anyone who dies in the lake on July 6th 1940 Fred imro was enjoying a peaceful summer day in the lake in his boat with a line in the water he patiently waited for a bite before snagging a fish and battling with it until he hauled it on board Fred was in a Hidden Cove in the lake that's surrounded by a tall sheer cliff and as he got set to cast again something just below the surface caught his tension he couldn't tell what it was so he moved his boat closer to get a better look it looked like a blank was wrapped around something but he still couldn't identify it so he reached into the water he then immediately recoiled when he grabbed what felt like a human limb beneath the blanket he then gathered himself and summoning all his strength pulled the water log form onto his boat and unwrap part of it inside was the body of a woman that was almost perfectly preserved the face had become nothing but skull but the rest of the body was in good condition at the same time it was easy to tell that she'd been underwater for some time and it was abundantly apparent that she was a victim of Foul Play wrapped tightly around her throat waist and ankles was a length of rope the end of which appeared to be Fray Fred's discovery made history he had just pulled the first body ever recovered from Lake Crescent onto his boat he then brought the woman to the dock and called the police who hurried over to begin the investigation into who the woman was and why she was in the lake at autopsy the medical examiner determined that the woman died of strangulation but not by the Rope there were clear bruises on her neck that could have only been caused by human fingers she looked to be around 35 years old but that was as much as he could glean from the examination of the body since the woman's face was gone from the lengthy time the body spent underwater facial recognition wasn't possible initially it was believed that the woman was Marin Francis Stevens a woman from Chicago who disappeared in Olympic National Park in 1939 based on what Marin was said to have been wearing the body seemed like a match except for one large issue Marin was known to have fractured her neck in the past but the body pulled from Lake Crescent showed no signs of any past neck injury so next the medical examiner collected dental records of missing women from the air and set about to find a match afterward it didn't take long to determine that the body belonged to a 35-year-old named hi ellingworth hi was a waitress and barid at Lake Crescent Lodge and was well-liked by her customers outside of work she was known as a bit of a party girl but then just before Christmas in 1937 she suddenly vanished but there was no effort to try to find her this was because her husband Monty had told anyone who asked that Haley had run off to Alaska with a sailor she had met when police went to Monty's home after her Discovery to their surprise he wasn't living at his last known address in fact when they tracked him down he was hundreds of miles away in Long Beach California immediately casting even more suspicion on him Monty and hi met while she worked at the L Crescent Lodge and as a beer truck driver Monty made frequent stops there but as a patron he was known as a regular in 1936 hie was coming off two failed marriages when she decided to marry Monty at 35 years old she was young young to be divorced twice already especially during a time period when divorce was socially frowned upon and far less common there was something she saw in Monty though that allowed her to believe that the third time around would be the charm Monty was the tall dark and handsome type and hie was a beautiful available woman with Raven colored hair and dark guys outwardly they were a great match but the reality was much different Monty and hie were known to have vicious arguments that often devolved into physical fights hiy would take to hitting Monty and heed her back and had no concern for whether or not he was leaving visible bruises it was actually common for hie to show up to work with a black eye or bruises around her neck and the whole town knew why Monty was also known as a ladies man and he was apparently not faithful to hi not to be outdone though hi allegedly did the same but at some point Monty had taken a more than casual liking to a blonde woman named Elanor who just so happened to be the roommate of Hal's sister Lois the last time hie was seen by anyone was December 21st 1937 by Monty who said the paay went their separate ways after an argument he said he expected that she'd go to the bar and cool off before coming home but he never saw her again hiy threatened to leave him plenty of times but it had always been in the Heat of the Moment and she always came home this time it seemed like she had made good on her threat at least according to him on Christmas morning just 3 days after the last sting of hiy Monty knocked on the door of Elanor and Lo's apartment when he came in he sat down a wrapped gift he said was from hie that wasn't the reason for Monty's visit though he was apparently there to see Eleanor which Lois found suspicious considering his wife had left him just just days before then not long after Christmas Elanor moved out of the apartment she shared with Lois and into one with Monty and they wouldn't stay there long before packing up and heading to Long Beach when H's body was found and her cause of death determined Washington State Police went after him he was picked up by California officers and brought back to Port Angeles where he was officially under arrest for Hal's murder Monty however maintained his innocence and told authorities that he'd been more than happy to face charges because he didn't murder hie at trial the prosecutor planned to present the jury a very simple and plausible theory that Monty strangled hie in a fit of passion when the argument boiled over then he disposed her by tying weights to her body before dumping her into Lake Crescent Monty and the defense would relent obviously and their case would rest on proving hie left Monty and end up in the lake by someone else's hand the first witness called by prosecution was Earl Enos who managed the distributing company that employed Monty Earl's testimony was perfect for setting the prosecution's narrative since he was with Monty on the night of the 21st the company was putting on a party for the soldiers at nearby Fort Warden the prosecution claimed that this was the cause of the argument that led to Halle's murder which likely took place between 3: and 6:00 a.m. on December 22nd Earl also said that months after hie disappeared Monty told him that she' been located in Alaska and he served her divorce papers essentially putting the situation to bed in his mind part of Earl's testimony however included one important fact that could tie Monty to the murder of his wife sometime before hie vanished Monty asked her if he could borrow a portion of rope which she agreed to but Monty never gave it back a pathologist then testified for the prosecution and showed magnified images of three different ropes the first was the Rope Raptor on hiy the second was what remained of the Rope Monty borrowed from and the third was a rope for sale at the store Earl bought it from the microscopic images were identical then further complicating the defense's case was the estimated time of death and the state of hi's remains unlike most bodies that spend a lot of time in water hie wasn't bloated but her skin slid off when she was grabbed by the Fisher as a result of what little decomposition there was her skin however seemed to have a shiny glow to it almost as if it had been covered in soap this was because her body had undergone a process called saponification saponification can be summed up as the transformation of fat cells into a soapy substance the depths of Lake Crescent are extremely cold and this served to keep H's body from decomposing the loss of her face fingers and toes was a product of underwater scavengers but if not for that hie would have been completely recognizable saponification also caused hi's body to become buoyant and if not for the weights she would have floated the surface sooner once the Rope rotted and her body Broke Free her body left the bottom it had spent 31 months and because it had been so well preser they were able to determine her time of death to be roughly around the night Monty said she disappeared and not sometime later afterward the jury didn't need long to convict Monty for second degree murder he was sentenced to life in prison but only served 9 years before being paroled as for hi the discovery of her body marked her entry into Lake Crescent lore she's known as the Lady of the Lake and the local beli she haunts the Lake Crescent Lodge and parts of the lake itself sightings of her have been reported all over the hotel and those who have seen her say she looks as if she's moping around guests of the lodge have also reported loud clattering up and down the stairs at all times of the night and in the lounge the music suddenly blares with no explanation at all others have reported seeing her walking along the shore and even on the water describing her as a glowing entity that appears to be covered in soap notably hie is not the only one to disappear near Lake Crescent under mysterious circumstances on the afternoon of July 3rd 1929 37-year-old Russell Warren was in a good mood as he entered the last stretch of a long drive from Forks to Port Angeles in Washington state his wife blanch had come down with an unknown illness a month earlier and that day she was finally coming home this was perfect timing because she promised her sons Frank and Charles that she'd be back before the 4th of July so that she could celebrate it with them for Russell it was just going to be nice having blanch back and another set of hands and eyes to care for the boys he was already known for not being particularly willing to take time out of his day for sleep and for the month she was gone Russell had the added responsibility of blanch his role as Homemaker it's not that he didn't enjoy spending time with the boys he just took providing for his family very seriously the Warren also lived off the land and that type of Lifestyle was timeconsuming in itself so he compensated by sacrificing sleep instead of work by trade he was a logger and Woodsman and the logging Community the family lived in was one of the more remote places in the area he was also a hardened rugged Man for the most part with the except ception of when he was around blanch soon enough he arrived at the hospital and pulled his 1927 Chevy sedan to the curb then With a Little Help blanch climbed out of a wheelchair and into the car smiling as she did Russell clearly wasn't the only one who was happy about the day blanch was excited to see him and the boys and they were just as eager to see her she was a loving attentive mother and just loved spending time with them when blanch was all settled Russell got back in the driver's seat to begin to drive but instead of going straight home he had a surprise he drove to an appliance store in Port Angelie and bought blanch a brand new wash machine something they had needed for some time then because a month had passed since the last time anyone had shopped for groceries they headed to the market next to pick up the food they couldn't produce themselves then with everything carefully loaded the couple got back into the car left the parking lot and headed for home this was the last time either of them was seen again the boys were being watched by family and when their pickup time had come and gone concern grew Russell was known to be prompt and often rigid in scheduling his day so after some time the police were notified but there wasn't much that do right from the beginning they did manage to retrace the couple's movements from the hospital but the trail went cold the moment they left the parking lot at the market it would be another 2 weeks before the local newspaper picked up the story of The Disappearance but once word got out it set off a firestorm of rumors people in the town theorized that the waren abandoned their children and started a new life somewhere else but there was absolutely nothing in their actions or words leading up to their disappearance to support this other people thought they were killed by drunks and some even entertained the idea that they were Bootleggers transporting moonshine over state lines when they ran across a gang of Rivals who murdered them a neighbor of the family also reported what appeared to be a large patch of freshly Disturbed dirt near their property but when police dug it up all they found was a dead cow a little over a month after The Disappearance the most credible lead in the investigation surfaced a man came forward to report the discovery of tire marks broken glass and a few torn branches on the western side of Lake Crescent these tracks were just off Highway 101 more commonly called Olympic Highway this stretch was Notorious ver hairpin turns switchbacks steep edges and a complete lack of guard rails back then the case File noted that the tracks were right near a sharp curve next to Lake Crescent police then sent a dive team into late Crescent on the off chance the Warren somehow ended up there but after descending to 80 ft or 24 m without finding the bottom the dive was abandoned then with no other leads to run down the sheriff put the case found storage just 2 months later almost 30 years later in 1955 a long shoreman named Bob casso began to pursue a bucket list item as a longtime diver Bob dreamed discovering a sunken Spanish gallion one day and finding an old cannon for himself he spent lots of time researching the last known locations of gallions that had sunk but none had ever made it to the North Pacific Ocean then one day in his search he came across a blurp about Russell and blanches disappearance the story of how Frank and Charles were orphan broke Bob's heart and that day it became a complete Obsession for him he then spent the better part of the next 46 years personally investigating the Warren's disappearance trying to locate that one clue or tip that was overlooked he also became an expert on late Crescent through this process and spent almost every day at the library filling a binder with notes and newspaper clippings in 1956 Bob and a friend even spent the entire summer diving as much of the lake as they could but eventually had to admit defeat by then Bob had nowhere to go with the case and he too had to shelv it and move on with his life in 2001 Bob was 78 years old and he realized his time was growing short as he started getting his Affairs in order he came across that old binder it brought back memories of the waren boys losing both their parents and how they never received any answers Bob didn't want the case to die with him one day so he organized the binder and walked it a few blocks from his apartment to the Olympic National Park office at the main desk was Dan a park ranger who had never heard of the warrant's case before Bob then explained to Dan the reason for his visit and handed it over the binder Dan sat down after Bob left and opened the binder he skimmed the first few pages and decided to pour over it later when he finally did though he didn't put away until he read every last page one thing that jumped out in Bob's notes was that the sheriff at the time strongly believed the car tracks belonged to the warrants but that the couple were unreachable at the bottom of the lake that was as good a starting point as any and on the 72-year anniversary of the Warren's disappearance Dan led the first dive search for them since 1956 every weekend from that point Dan in the Olympic National Park dive team searched for the couple but came up with nothing then on the morning of December 7th 2001 they descended to about 70 ft or 21 M and came across a crevice in the Rocky slope inside it they found a black flower vase it wasn't just any any flower face though it was a very specific flower face for a very specific location which was the dashboard of a 1927 Chevy sedan then nearby a second item was found hanging off the underwater rock face and that was the metal lid of a washing machine the items were gathered and brought to the surface for study but with winter fully setting in the year would close with no further discoveries searches for the Warren resumed the next spring and the biggest breakthrough came on April 13th 2002 Dan sent two divers into Lake and told them if they discovered anything to send a buoy up to the surface it wasn't even 15 minutes when a buoy came shooting out of the water in the dive support boat the team then spent an agonizing hour for the divers to decompress on Ascent before learning about what they found when they were finally at the surface they told Dan they found the Warren's 1927 Chevy sedan the car was partially buried on a slope around 171 ft or 52 M deep and in great condition All Things Considered after hearing the news there was complete disbelief among them Bob was even standing next to Dan on the boat when the news Came From Below and his eyes immediately welled up the moment he had worked so hard to make happen had finally come to fruition after 46 years when the car was first discovered there were no obvious signs of human remains and before anything was Disturbed Dan wanted to make sure the family knew about the fight and asked for their blessing to look through the wreckage Dan received this shortly afterward and was part of the group of divers who went down to see what they could find inside the car however they found a woman's blouse but little else meaning it was possible the couple wasn't actually in the car when it went off the cliff even worse every search after the car was found came up empty as more and more weekends went by with nothing Dan and the volunteers had to face the very real possibility that the Warren might have been behind their own disappearance after all or something else had happened to them still the search went on for months and then for years 2 years later on May 29th a diver named John was among the divers meticulously searching Lake Crescent for any son in the warrant the original purpose of the dive was actually to return the personal effects that have been removed from the car back to their proper place in the wreck while he was down there Jon searched around for anything that may have been missed and when he was sure nothing of Interest was around he started to ascend during a decompression stop at around 150 ft he spotted a massive cedar tree lying on the bottom roots and all it actually took his breath away it was that stunning jnan couldn't get over how all the roots twisted and curled off the bottom of the tree and just marveled at its size he was so fascinated by that he thought it was worth a close look and as he swam its length running his hand along the decayed bark his eye was drawn to something just a few feet away it was unmistakably a human femur bone he then swam toward it to get a closer look and was just stunned leaving it where he was he recorded his coordinates and then just before he was about to begin his Ascent again he saw the cap of a human skull sticking out of the sand for all the intentional thorough searches that had been performed over the years JN just by chance noticed this because he was distracted by a submerged tree when he finally broke the surface of the water he yelled to the sportboat and was quickly scooped up as he excitedly shared the news for the first first time the boat then sped back to the shore where Dan was with members of the dive team and descendants of Russell and blanch as the boat came closer Dan could see that John was screaming something but he couldn't make out what it was Dan's immediate fear was that one of the divers was in trouble but when the boat slowed for its approach to the dock he finally heard John loud and clear Jon then told him that he had found Russell at first it was pure disbelief and silence among everyone on Shore then the entire group broke out in tears they had invested so much of their time and energy into solving the Myster of what happened to the warrants and had been met with so much disappointment still Dan was cautiously optimistic using the coordinates John noted police divers took over things from there and retrieved brones from the lake when the DNA from them was tested beyond a shadow of a doubt they belonged to Russell unfortunately none of blanches remains have ever been found but either way the case was considered to be solved and investigators piece together what they believed to the last moments of the couple after picking up the groceries in Port Angeles the couple settled in for the drive home blanch was likely still worn down from her Hospital stay and may have fallen asleep during the ride behind the wheel Russell drove along Olympic Highway probably looking forward to getting back to the old routine he enjoyed before blanch got sick the month she was gone had taken a lot out of him as he sacrificed what little sleep he usually got for the sake of work and taking care of the boys then with the consistent Rumble of the road beneath them as blanch slept Russell dozed off just before reaching Meldrum point then just before the curve he opened his eyes and slammed on the brakes but it was too late a moment later the car was was airborne and falling 400 ft to the lake Below in fact in their initial investigation in 1929 police had interviewed a family member who reported that Russell had dozed off and narrowly avoided a similar scenario outside of the deaths of Russell and blanch the greatest tragedy of the case was that Frank and Charles both died believing their parents abandoned them all because of the local Rumor Mill their lives were completely upended on July 3rd 1929 but beyond that they had to endure the town gossip and merciless teasing from their classmates mocking them for the parents not wanting them anymore for a time right after their disappearance Frank and Charles stayed with a Local Tavern owner but eventually they moved to Montana to stay with blanche's Mother since she didn't have much room to spare in the house the boys were left to spend every night outside in an old chicken Co they would eventually be removed from the house and split up between family members but tragedy seemed to follow them throughout life as well Charles was extremely forthcoming about the tragedy talking about it with anyone in everyone who would listen just to get their theories on what happened after you laid out all the facts it came off as a bit of a compulsion he couldn't control until one day he just stopped talking about it anytime he was asked about his parents afterward Charles would shut down and refuse to say anything else as an adult he worked as a fisherman and at the age of 47 he was lost at sea and was presumed dead his body has never been found Frank's life after his parents disappeared was one of extreme anger the older he got the more it seemed to grow in adulthood he was known to be arrogant and pompous and there was little more he loved than picking fights he would eventually die of acute alcoholism at age 5 7 Russell and blanches eight grandchildren took a keen interest in what Dan was attempted to do and one of Charles's Sons would show up at Lake Crescent for every dive remaining on the shore and hoping to learn of some big find when the grandchildren learned that some of Russell's remains were found the Warren Family finally got to experience peace for the first time in almost 75 years if you made it this far thanks so much for tuning in if you have a story suggestion feel free to submit it to the form found in the description and once again a huge thank you to Babel for sponsoring this video make sure to check them out using the link in the description for 60% off his subscription
Channel: Scary Interesting
Views: 527,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: haQ5TYz0aIY
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Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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