The Creation of Man (Genesis 1:26-31) | Mike Mazzalongo |

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- Alright, Genesis, the foundation book of the Bible, lesson number ten. I'm gonna talk about the creation of man here, in a minute. Alright, just a little review, as we do every lesson. So far, Genesis has recorded two essential acts of creation. Number one, the creation of the inanimate world. And in the inanimate world, of course, matter, atmosphere, vegetation, so on and so forth. Inanimate world. No consciousness. And then the creation of the animate world. Fish, birds, animals ... conscious life. It's interesting, you know, when you break it down, you see there's a pattern to this. So in verse 26, we're still in chapter one of Genesis. Moses begins to record the third act of creation, and that is the creation of spiritual life. So inanimate, animate, spiritual life. And we read, in verse 26, it says, "Then God said, let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." Some scholars refer to this verse as "The Divine Council." The Divine Council. This was not the first such council. Many other things have happened before time was created, before the creation of the world, which had been decided by the Godhead. For example, the decision to sacrifice Jesus for the sins of the world; that decision was made before the world was made. If you look at 1 Peter 1:20, it says, "For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you." So before the world, the decision for salvation has been made. Another example, the names of those who would receive Christ, written in the Book of Life. Revelation 17:8. "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will come." In other words, the ones who are not Christians; they're gonna wonder about the beast. They're gonna not understand what's going on. Not so for those who know the truth, for those who are written in the book of life, the names that God has known from before the beginning of the world. I know we can get into predestination here, and so on and so forth, I don't want to get into that discussion. Suffice to say that this is an example of God's foreknowledge. Meaning that God knows what's going to happen before it happens because He's outside of the time continuum. Okay? He's outside of time. So He knows what's going to happen before it happens. That doesn't necessarily mean that He decides what's going to happen. Man still has free will. It's simply that God knows what man will choose. Because He's outside of time. Alright? So note that the dialogue does not address the angels. The Godhead, the Divine Council, never talks to the angels because the angels are not made in the image of God. Man is made in the image of God. So the exchange within the Godhead appears in other places. When I talk about the Divine Council, I'm talking about an exchange between the Godhead. Very interesting concept. For example, in Psalm 110, a familiar passage, "The LORD said to my Lord, sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." The LORD said to my Lord. He wasn't talking to himself. In Isaiah 48, it says, "Come near to Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in secret, from the time it took place, I was there. And now the Lord God has sent me, and His Spirit." See? Different characters, different persons. John 17:24, "Father," Jesus is saying, "Father," talking to the Father. "I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." Jesus is talking to God. Jesus is God, He's talking to the Father. You and me, that's two, Divine Council. Divine Council. So this is one of the earliest glimpses that we have of the nature of God. I mean, not John 17, but Genesis, is what I'm talking about here. From these verses, we learn several things about God. For example, we learn that God communicates. God is communicative in the sense that ideas are part of His nature, and the exchange of them is possible, and He has recorded in the Bible His exchange of ideas not only with man, but within the Godhead itself. Ya know, gods of other religions are, many times, simply a force. There's no idea that comes out, there's no idea that's communicated. It's just kind if a force. Non-personal type of force. We also find out that God has a multi-person nature. In other words, God is a multi-person nature because the verse refers to one God, and yet, there is an exchange within the Godhead. So this is where the idea of the Trinity comes in. I hear people say, sometimes, "The Trinity, well, try to find the word Trinity in the Bible." Well, you won't find it; it's not in the Bible. But the concept is there, the explanation of it is there. The reality of it is there. It's talking about God. Jesus is God, and He's talking to the Father, and then He's talking about the Spirit, who is also God. So ... we're limited as human beings, simply because the language limits us, and our ability to bring in a concept. So the best way that we have found to describe this, is we call God the Godhead, and three in one, that's how we try to explain it. Another thing we find out is that man's creation is a result of design. Because it says before the creation of the world, this happened and that happened, and so on and so forth. So the creation of man was designed, and not an outgrowth of existing creatures. God had a concept of what man would be. He's not simply the result of some evolutionary development. Now, the terms 'image' or 'likeness.' "we'll make them in our image and in our likeness." There terms mean, among other things, 'resemblance, figure, model, shape.' The Hebrew word used there to translate. So man is made to resemble or modeled after God. Alright, some of the things that we note about man's creation. For example, the term 'man' is the same as 'adam,' and is related to the earth. In Hebrew, adamah means earth. So, this is given to the first human made, because he is essentially created from the same elements that the other creatures are created from. The elements that have already been created. Basically, the earth. He created man from the elements of the earth, that's why He calls him Adam, 'of the earth.' Also, the term Adam is used as a formal way, as the actual name of the first man. But it's only used there in Genesis 2:19, but the two terms are interchangeable. Okay? Another thing we learn, is that Adam has a triune nature that reflects the triune nature of the Godhead. He has, first of all, a body formed like the bodies of the inanimate creation. He's made of matter. Then, we find out he has consciousness, like the animate creatures. In other words, like the inanimate creation, the earth and so on, his physical body is made out of the same things. What is it, our body's 80% water or something like that? I need someone who knows more about that than I do, but something like that. How much? Is it 90%? But we're made of the same elements. That's why when someone is buried into the ground, eventually, given enough time, you can't tell any more that someone was there, it'll just disintegrate into the earth. But he also has consciousness like the animate creatures, such as birds and animals. So he is aware of himself. That's called the soul, some people refer to that self-awareness, that consciousness, that sentient life, as 'the soul.' And then, he also possesses the spiritual character of God, which encompasses qualities like his willpower, a sense of morality, right, wrong, the ability to communicate with every aspect of creation as well as other human beings, as well as God. So man can communicate with an inanimate object, in other words, a man can work the soil to grow things, and he can move the rocks around to build a road, and he can harness the energy of the earth to do things, so he can communicate, if you wish, with inanimate matter. He can also communicate with animate matter, in other words, he can train his dog to do tricks, and ride a horse, and tame animals, and ranch, and so on and so forth, he can raise animals, so he can communicate with animals. But then, in addition to that, he can also communicate with other human beings, and he can communicate with God. So there you have his triune nature. He is made in the image of God. He has a multiple personality, if you wish. Now, that animals communicate with each other in various ways, that they communicate with human beings in limited ways, that's true. That doesn't prove anything. I mean, my cat used to communicate with me. He was happy to see me, why? I represented food. Right? Your dog, "Oh, I'm happy! I'm happy, happy, happy you're here!" What does he want? He wants you to play with him, he wants you to feed him. But her never asks you what time is it. And he doesn't say, "How was your day?" "No, no no, I don't want to bark; you tell me about your day first." No. But only man is able to perceive God. And only man is able to communicate with God. This is the witness of his spiritual nature. Now, an important idea here is that the spirit of man is in the image of God. Among other things mentioned, it is eternal. Unlike, the life of an animal, which is temporal. When a man dies, his body goes to the dust, and his spirit goes to God for judgment. When an animal dies, his body goes to dust, and his consciousness ceases. And I bring up an interesting passage here, that people always bring up- Animal lovers, many times. Ecclesiastes 3:21, where Solomon says, "Who knows that the breath of man ascends upward and the breath of the beast descends downward to the earth?" What he's doing here, he's not stating something, he's asking a question. He's asking, 'how do we know what happens after life? How do we know for sure that human beings somehow go on, and animals go down to the ground?' You know, how do we know that? Well, remember, Ecclesiastes was written by someone who was skeptical. "Vanity of vanities," he says, "life is vanity." He was skeptical, he was doubting. 'How do I know what happens after life?' of course, we know, don't we? We have the revelation of Jesus Christ. We know what happens after life. Hebrews, ya know? It is given to man to die once, and then comes the judgment. So we know what happens after life; the judgment. So don't get bamboozled when somebody pulls out Ecclesiastes 3:21 to prove that Fido is in Dog Heaven somewhere. 'Cause that's not a good support scripture for that. So before the world was created, God knew what it would be like. He knew how it would function, and He also knew of the fall of man, and planned for it, as well as having decided the manner of sacrifice, and who would offer that sacrifice, and who would receive that sacrifice. He knew all of this before. Which brings up an interesting question that people normally bring up at this point. All of this, God knew in advance, but He went ahead and created man anyway, on the sixth day. Why did he do that? I mean, all the suffering, and the sin. Why did He do that? The answer is partly in Ephesians 1:9. It's longer than this, but I just quote this verse here. Here, Paul's talking about God. "He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him." In other words, God, through the Gospel, has allowed us to know what His will was. And what was His will? That eventually Jesus would come and save man from sin. That's what he's saying here. But notice when he says, "the mystery of His will." God has willpower. He decides. " I have an option, I choose this, or I choose that." Okay- with me so far? So now, before the foundation of the world, God knows in advance what's gonna happen. So He has a choice of three things. Number one, He doesn't create. He doesn't go ahead and do it. Nah, too much trouble, it's a headache. Sin, destruction- Ugh!- The flood ... The Jewish people, have to put up with them for a couple a thousand years, ya know, hard hearted, stubborn ... And then my Son's gonna have to die on the cross. Who wants this kind of grief? So maybe just shut it down. We don't create anything, we just stay the way we are. That's one choice. Choice number two, Well let's create mankind, but let's create him in a way that he can't disobey. When I look at him, and I say, "Do you love me?" He will always say, "I love you." And when I say, "will you obey me?" He will always obey me. And whenever there's a test, or anything like that, he will always obey. I'm just gonna program it into him, there's no way he can disobey. I think we call that a 'zombie.' Or, number three, I've tried, I've asked people to give me a fourth thing, but the third thing is, well, I create him with free will, and what happens, happens. So someone says, "Well how do we know he made the right decision?" And the answer to that is, "Can God make a wrong decision?" No. So the fact that we live now, in a time when we can look back and see the creation, the history of the Jewish nation, sin, the fall, all of that, Christ died, resurrect, the church, all the way into the 21st century ... We know that because this is what God has chosen, we know that that was the correct choice. That was the mystery of His will. His will was expressed perfectly in Jesus Christ. 'Cause the other two options would not have been perfect. To create man with free will; that was the perfect decision in that context. How do we know? That's the decision He made. Alright, so let's look at man's position, verse 26b. We go back to the original, Genesis, chapter 1, it says, "and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So we see here that man is not just another animal, evolved from lower animals. He has a distinct nature apart from animals, and his position in creation is not something that occurs as a result of survival of the fittest. It is a position naturally given to him, by God. God says, "Go forth and multiply, and have dominion over the birds, and over the animals, and over the fish," and so on and so forth. He has a position. The term dominion means "to reign," or "to rule over." Now, this rulership is less like a king who rules. More like the idea that the creation is in cooperation with man to support him and to see to his needs. In other words, man is God's partner in the management of the creation. Verse 27, the actual act of creation, it says, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." So verse 26 is the preamble that describes what God is about to do, and the nature of man, once he is created. This is the only part of creation that has this feature. So in the creation, there's another feature described, and that is the dual nature of mankind. I want you to note the same pattern is followed in creating man. The generic, or the essence of the new creation is formed. Right? So, previously, that would be inanimate or animate. Then, the variation is made. So in the inanimate and animate fields, you have the creation of the essential matter first, and then matter is then formed into vegetation, and fish, and birds, and so on and so forth. Now, in the creation of man, God forms the spiritual essence of man, and that is, he is made in the likeness of God. Then, He creates the variation of that essence, and that is male and female. So at the beginning, He creates the essence, just matter. And then He energizes it, and then He gives it form, you know, various things. Well, in creating man, He creates the essence of man, which is what? That he's in the likeness of God. And then, He creates varieties of that essence, male ... female. I want you to note: only two varieties. Not three, or four, or six. Two. Okay? Alright, so an important point here, is that both make and female share this similar essence. As spiritual beings. Higher than animals. Eternal, like God. There will be some differences, as to form and role, which will be given later, but the essence is the same. So you know when they talk about women's rights ... With men ... Why? Sure, of course. Why? Because in essence, they're exactly the same as man. They're made in the image of God. They're spiritual beings, eternal creatures. Now, their role, and their function, and their psychology is different than man. But the essence is the same. So this is the general description of the creation of man that we have at this point in Genesis, and the placement of where this act fits into the sequence of the six days of creation. Now, later, Moses will kinda telescope in to the details of this creation and what actually happens to man once he's created. No more explanations about the birds. No more explanation about the stars. After this description of the six days of creation, the narrative will shift to tell the story of man, his fall, and then how God saves him. And that's exactly- That's the entire story of the Bible. Somebody says to you, "What's the Bible about?" Well, it's about the creation of man, the beginning of Genesis. Then his fall, the next couple of chapters of Genesis. And then, how God worked to save him. From Genesis nine, or ten, or something, all the way to the end of Revelation. It's just how God worked through history to save man. Very simple, three steps. So now, we'll look at verse 28 to 31. We'll read that in a minute, and this is now God's charge to man. He's created the essence, He's formed the variations, male and female, now He's gonna charge them. Now, we need to realize that there are two worlds here, that are very different for us to imagine and understand, because they're not like the world we live in. One is the world to come, the New Heaven, and the New Earth. They describe it, somewhat, in the book of Revelation, symbolically. It's just hard to get our mind around what that world will be like. Like, no natural light; God will be the light. You know? Nobody sick, nobody tired, nobody dying, no hunger, none of that, no physical needs, no need for marriage, so different than the existence that we have here. 'Cause those are all things we so depend on, I mean, let there be a blackout, we lose electricity, oh, my! For a day, or two days, it's terrible! Well, there's not going to be any of that. So that's, the New Heavens and Earth, it's hard to imagine what that place will be like. But there's also another world that's hard for us to imagine, and that's the pre-sin world of Adam and Eve. That, also, was very different than the world that we live in today. So keep that in mind when we talk about, especially in these chapters of Genesis, we're talking about the pre-sin world. Very different physical environment that we live in today. This is why some of the explanations seem strange to us, because they explain another world, of which ours only bears a resemblance. So let's read verses 28 to 31, it says, "God blessed then, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.' Then God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you, and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so." Alright, so ... After the general description of the creation, and the creation of man and woman, God gives them instructions about what they're to do. It's a charge; He charges them. Some interesting notes about that charge, and that world are the following. I'm sorry, I forgot to read 31. And it says, "God saw all hat He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day." Now, God's charge to man. First charge, only one man and one woman are created. Now, it seems that there are many pairs of animals created, since it says that swarms were made, and they abundantly filled the earth. So lots of animals. Only one of each, man and woman. And there was to be only one of each, man and woman. That's where we go to to find our base model, our template for marriage. Number two, and I make a kind of parenthetical statement here, the laws of the land can legalize a union and give legal rights to a union between two men or two women, or three women and one man, or any combination. The law can give them certain rights, if you wish, legal rights, and they can call it marriage, and we seem to be going in that direction in our society, but, I mean, fighting it from a legal perspective, sometimes seems futile. The thing we need to remember is the template for marriage is not found in the Constitution, it's found in the Bible. Sometimes they say, "Well, how can you not call it marriage, if the Supreme Court calls it marriage?" My answer to that, without disrespecting the Supreme Court, is simply to say, my template for marriage is what the Bible teaches what marriage is. Regardless of what society does or does not do. It's great for us that society confirms the template that we've always looked to. That's terrific, we were in the good times. But if we go through a bad time in society, where society moves away from a Christian perspective, legally, we're, sometimes, powerless to stop that. So what do we do in the meantime? Well, we stay with the template. Maybe the Supreme Court can, kinda, honor your relationship, but the Bible doesn't. So, as Christians, that's where we need to stick to. Anyway, I don't want to get off on that tangent. Secondly, He says, "Fill the earth." So the first command is to fill the earth with mankind. God made this command with the full knowledge of the earth's ability to sustain mankind. Overpopulation, believe it or not, is not due to God's lack of planning, but, rather, poor management and distribution of resources and wars, and greed. Bad land management was the reason for the Dust Bowl in Oklahoma back in the 30s. Not because God didn't send enough rain, or whatever, if you study that, you find that the people who were managing the land here, did things which, you should not have done with the land. Remove the trees, or so on and so forth. And you find that a lot of times, when people are starving in a certain nation, it's not because there's not enough food in the world, it's because some government is using that as a tactic for political reasons. There's plenty of food. I mean, there was a time we were burning food and throwing it away in order to keep the prices up. And even that, man's greed ... Okay? Overpopulation not due to lack of planning. The earth can sustain its present population with its technology and resources. It's the sin in the world that creates the problems of misery, not God. Don't blame God for that. Number three, manage the creation. To subdue and have dominion doesn't mean to exploit, ruthlessly, the environment. It means to understand and manage the creation for the good of all its inhabitants. We have to find ways to get oil out of the ground, the way we need it, without destroying the ground. 'Cause we also live here. And surely there's a way to do that. A lot of times we don't do it, why? Money. Ya know? Money. Greedy companies will find the fastest, cheapest way to exploit for the greatest profit. But sometimes, what's profitable to a company, is not profitable for the inhabitants of the actual land. And the right, just, thing to do, the Biblical thing to do, is to find that balance. Exploiting the resources without destroying the creation. Science to understand, technology to develop, and use the resources for the benefits of everyone. In that perfect world, the order was evident and open to understanding. The creation was also compliant for development and exploration. There were not issues of survival. They were an exercise of joy and discovery. Exploiting the creation for food, and so on and so forth was a joyful thing ... Before sin. The creation cooperated with man. Number four, He gives them a diet. Man was originally given the vegetation to eat. The suggestion is that, before sin, they ate no meat. Now, it's not clear if the same was true for animals, although, it seems that the two were given the vegetation to eat. I mean, it specifically stated, all the greenery, all the vegetation was yours to eat, for the animals, and for the people. Now, men may have begun to eat meat after the sin of Adam, in disobedience to God. In other words, it says Jabal introduced cattle raising, in Genesis 4:20. God gave man permission to eat meat, we know for sure, after the flood, Genesis 9. He actually specifies that, "I've given you, now, the animals to eat." A lot of reasons for that. Animals may have been kept under population control in the pre-sin world by God, in order to avoid any predatory cycle. After the sin of Adam, or after the flood, animals began to be meat eaters, themselves. One thing that I read said, "Well, they needed the protein, because now the climate was changed. It was cold, it was hot, it was cold, and so on and so forth, no control. So if God can create the world, He may have kept it in balance without the need for killing or meat eating. These activities may have come after the curse, certainly came after the flood. Just give me another minute, I'm almost done here. And then, He sees that all is good. He sees that every single thing He had made was very good. So if He sees that every single thing that He has made is very good, then that suggests certain things. Number one, there's no death, because death is the result of sin and everything, He says, is good, so there's no dying. It also suggests there are no fossils because these are the result of death. We can explain the fossil records through the flood, through the consequences of the flood. And we'll talk about that later. Another interesting thing, no devil. No devil. The Bible says that He looked at everything that He had made. That includes the angels, because the angels were made by God, and they were present when God created the world. So if God saw that everything He made was very good at this point, it may mean that everything is good and without sin, and that includes Lucifer. He also rejoiced, at this point. His rebellion, then, must have come later along in his fall, along with his fall. Like I said, he may have been jealous of man's creation in God's likeness, and his role, along with other angels, in serving man. Bible says that they're our messengers and they're also our servants. Let's separate speculation here, so I'm speculating, I'm just saying maybe, what happened was Satan left his position. His position was that he was to serve man on behalf of God. Maybe he didn't want to do that, he wanted to rise above that, and because of that, he was cast down. And so we see his everlasting enmity between himself and man. Just speculation, things to think about. So the final act is the creation of man, and the charge to inhabit the earth, to learn about, and manage the creation for the good of all. This is his responsibility towards the creation. That's man's responsibility. Next time we come back, we'll look at his responsibility toward God, and the details of the Sabbath, and man and woman's foundation- In other words, more details, as far as that's concerned. That's it for this time. Thank you for your attention.
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Keywords: BibleTalk, Creation Records (Organization), Day 6 f Creation, Creationism, Book Of Genesis (Book)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 14 2014
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