The CRAZIEST Multiplayer Level I've Ever Played!! | ONLINE VS BATTLE [#6]

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good Luigi P being the ultimate bro right now could Luigi be being the ultimate bro [Music] so we're gonna be doing some online multiplayer versus grinding for s + rank we're gonna try to get up to s plus it's gonna be it's a tall task but we got to get there thanks to a friend of the stream that wishes to remain anonymous we now have a heart rate monitor so when we're playing online multiplayer you guys can see how bad it is for my health I'm very thankful for that thank you so much oh no not a great start gang someone died Oh someone died I need the star no that's not the star wait the stars back here son of a guy I want we're just gonna pretend that one didn't hell that one didn't happen alright I was hoping there was like some form of boss fight that was gonna hold them up and then I was just gonna come in at the last second and get the victory but it didn't work out like I thought alright alright let's go [Music] [Music] all right who's the wise guy who's the wise guy this is such a dumb idea for a level dude oh my gosh such a dumb idea for a level this is such a bad idea for a multi-player level dude oh my gosh so I can't tell who's winning right now by the way come on No oh my gosh oh my gosh all the heart rate I don't know if the heart rates reading accurately or not but I am really feeling it dude this is a really bad multiplayer level but at the same time I kind of like it the butt is clenched please be the end please please be the end please be the end please be the end please no okay it's the end I'm sorry call me toxic call me what you want but I um I had to get the end I had it I had to grab the hi I had to I'm sorry oh all right yeah so my heart rate monitor one offline I gotta get that reconfigured yeah it's at 122 it should be reading 120 right oh yes let's go let's go let's go No [Music] yes that's what we wanted no big wins big wins baby big win daddy big win clutch daddy let's go I made a mistake I've made a huge tiny mistake big wins big wins yeah so the heart rate seems to be a little bit staggered so if you see the heart rate like spike upwards it probably happened when I was in the heat of battle always go right gang always go right always go right okay we're live we're live we're live we're live always go right gang let's go always go right gang checkpoint city oh there's all there's a ton of red coins we gotta get so I'm thinking I should find the exit and stay there yeah all right we're gonna stick here we're gonna stick right here I'm gonna blend in right here they're never gonna see me they're never gonna see me they're gonna see this lip jump right over and then I'll take them by surprise bounce right on them is that dirty is that dirty I'm sorry I think my I gotta figure out why this keeps disconnecting my heart rate monitor there's no such thing as a bad one here's Mario no no I deserved it I deserved it deserved oh man we had a shot we had a shot oh we had a shot at the title oh no our only hope our only hope is that okay okay we're alive we're still lab but we're barely breathing yes took back what was rightfully mine yes let's go let's go checkpoint city baby we got the high ground we got the high ground folks let's go let's go we take that we take those wins that seriously means a lot when people watch the YouTube videos then come to the streams cuz I plug in every single video right that's honestly I plug it because truthfully I want a chance to hang out with you guys I love live-streaming cuz it's a chance for me to get to know you guys a little bit better [Music] while that mushroom paid off mushroom paid off baby mushroom paid up let's go got that beautiful beautiful flag city every single one of us so far has died to that intro I'm not sure where I'm going here [Music] okay someone take the win did just get the win get it over with get it over with let's get the win we're not coming back from this me and Mario just keep dying over and over Yolo [Laughter] where is tonot there okay think just get it done with oh gosh oh gosh this is not gonna go well we can't die gang we can't die oh this is gonna oh this is gonna be bad no no no no no yes No [Music] yes hahaha we got it we in their gang we absolutely in there let's go let's go let's go we take those double use we take them who listen listen my heart rates okay this is at 1:30 is a healthy reef I've seen this level before I've seen this level before I've seen that level before I've seen that everyone waits at the bottom thinking you have to go to the top to release the Kraken and the endings at the top [Laughter] you gotta love that level you got to love that level man oh my gosh okay we got we're solid solid here how did I get end up last here okay come on baby always go right always go left always go right no how did that person know ha always go middle always go middle no way are you kidding me are you kidding me Oh that is harder than I thought all right you can have it I had a shot at the title and messed it up always go right gang Oh until you run into the thorax of an ant yes they must have broken the crate they must have broken the crate oh gosh this is bad [Laughter] throw it okay boost me boost me Mario Oh on Luigi I'm Luigi I'm Luigi I'm Luigi what is wrong with me what is wrong with me Oh smooth move toad smooth move smooth move ex-lax ah that's the thing with online multi-player sometimes you make really smart plays that don't pay off and someone makes a stupid stupid play in it it works and they they get the win it's just how it goes of course bad bad start [Music] look at this silky smooth it's like French silk pie baby oh my gosh we went from first to last like the intermittent lagging is the worst like it's okay if you lag a little bit consistently through the match but when you have it lagging like when it stops you mid jump and you can't tell where you're gonna land that's that's when stuff gets bad I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead please please just beat the level it's all I'm asking he L stands for lag is real your smart boy gave up so it wasn't smart boy causing the lag it's probably me it's probably me this is oh this is frustrating make it make it stop please please make it stop please I know I can't believe no one has won yet I'm not asking for much here unless the ouija is just waiting at the end being a bro could Luigi be beating the ultimate bro right now could Luigi be being the ultimate bro Luigi the bro oh my gosh [Laughter] there's no way there's no way there's no way what was he doing what was he doing now you there there is example a of why you don't wait yes yes yes yes this is good oh okay well we have we're in the driver's seat we're most definitely in the driver's seat here [Music] [Applause] oh goodness goodness we have the high ground we had the high ground there's no such thing as a bad wind I don't know what's going on there's a lot of Red Coins all I know we're not we're not sticking around to find out if we need them I don't even care about the loss oh my goodness oh my goodness call the mechanic cuz we need a new clutch daddy goodness my goodness we went full-on gamer there we had a gamer moment now we didn't win you were close but it was worth it they should give me consolation points if someone from Nintendo is watching it is our heart rate down to 54 that doesn't seem right my heart rate saying I'm dead okay what hey we there's no such thing as a bad wind there's no such thing as a bad wind [Laughter] oh my gosh oh my gosh dude every single we've been playing so many terrible 3d world levels the last hour what do you know I'm in last I get in the pipe last I hate that oh my goodness I could have just long jumps there couldn't I if we choose that I'm legitimately curious if we could have cheese that should we test it should we go for it you can't you can't cheese it but we tried I hate to say it but there are very few really good 3d world levels I'm glad it's new and I'm glad they added it because it definitely spices things up but the goodness there's a lot of really bad 3d world levels oh my gosh please [Music] I beg to differ target [Music] dude this stinks so much ah we are we are bone dry bone dry on good levels okay this could be cool looks like we got an actual multiplayer level my plan [Music] my plan backfired Who am I where am I oh my gosh I should have been big being big was a mistake I should have gotten big so many mistakes were made oh my gosh that is so funny that is so funny I deserved it listen I reserved it I totally deserved that I was trying to be funny trying to be the wise guy I couldn't have timed that any worse man we were well over 600 at one point like again I'm always last through these parts how am I always last how am I always so bad with my starting point listen Luigi was being a jerk to me at the start I was just returning the favor there's got to be something we're missing well I won't know ditto that make the jump no tow that did not make the jump so there's got to be a hidden power up somewhere at the start [Music] yeah you have like invincibility frames [Music] well then I don't see any other way forward dude does anyone understand what I'm supposed to do that's what I'm telling you man 3d world just so much is garbage [Music] [Music] hahaha oh my goodness dude goodness gracious I mean I think I think that's the level we have to go out on this this may be being turned into a YouTube video I there was a lot of really good matches we had a streak they were really bad but we had a lot of really good matches and a lot of really interesting matches as well so if you want to say hi YouTube this would be the time just in case I do make it into a video we'll see we'll see if I end up doing that but yeah what's uh who I was crazy that was crazy man thanks for hanging out everybody have a great rest of your night I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 233,633
Rating: 4.8866067 out of 5
Keywords: dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, mario maker 2 gameplay, mario maker 2 online, multiplayer, mario maker 2 multiplayer, mario maker 2 dgr, ryu, ryukahr, mario maker 2, super mario maker 2, ryu mario maker 2, ryukahr mario maker 2, mario maker 2 ryu, super expert mario maker, super expert no skip, super expert endless, trolled, dgr trolled, trolled dgr, mario maker 2 troll, s rank, mario maker s rank, s rank mario maker
Id: xs8CwM121qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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