The craziest elevator on Roblox!

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I saw things what did you see lunar get off the floor normal elevator it's an elevator that is normal anyways special about it the game updated which we're really excited for because this game is such a beautiful idle elevator game it's so wonderful should we just get into it oh wait what what is that no we should buy it some spinach you gotta eat before you enter you know what I like this game I'm just gonna buy everything let's buy this I ran out of coins oh man hold up I need a way some robots the spinach made me strong Drock oh I think you need to calm down and eat a burger or something oh wait these are one time Musa Oh jawbreaker well now I feel like what happens if you eat this the roblox bar please be normal Oh guys I don't think you should be eating these yellow you need to stop oh my god oh hi did you just how about robots great well I died oh no because items suits forever cool are we ready cool anymore rainbow I don't have to ask you to to eat something in it y'all are looking crazy let's go in elevator I like how the elevators bigger now too because before it was so tiny and we were breathing on each other but now it's so spacious and beautiful the bigwig run floor oh oh there's no sorry start yeah it started when a cookie man how was your displease my date was good so far you know waiting an elevator all that good stuff not very entertaining oh my gosh hey it's the meme oh my gosh we could be part of the music video okay it's so cool do the bus screenshot of all times say cheese this is our aesthetic that was nice who are you mister bigwig you have nice hair could I have your hair he's very tall would you like some spinach sir why don't you talk you can talk to us what floor is this why you resetting Jacko I thought you said you loved a lot of things are too happy you're blaming your legs okay you're pro come on my throwing skills aren't that great Oh someone's nailing it come on I've got love how will you do it this is how you play basketball you don't miss out okay no one saw anyone see that did you see at dracco I got it no no no no no just wait eats or no pre mm-hmm what's at the next floor no no to remain comte away from the basketball Oh stay away from the back dog feed back running shoes wait let's push mr. big to the back wall stay away from the back wall and stage up near the front door what's happening what is this I'm gonna stick mr. big well I mean he told you to stay away from the back wall man and back oh I think you need some spinach I saw things what did you see I saw world where there was no hamburgers on the next course coming up I cam stuck someone else to pick me up okay someone give him the burger krabby patty no no no no you're not down the floor bunny cake use tornadoes in Iraq then you can beat this track of we have something to tell you dracco ash always was yeah that's true I also on because my on the extra cute and buff look at me guys remember to smash that like button with your powerful arms to see how strong you are you could be this strong or you'll break your screen but you can be strong like this are you sure I have no thoughts run free oh man my taller oh wait snoops uh give me give me the Dorito help your character is so let's track huh hey mr. big wig what do you do I'm so curious muscles guys leave a comment down below if you know what mister bigwig does so dracco can stop flexing his muscles okay I'll write my big on this one Oh Tandy oh my gosh I remember his eyes oh it's the spongebob episode it's a glove world glove world yeah no it's the it's the under under this is called glove yeah rest rooms mom we buy some candy I don't think there is candy spongebob what are you doing what are you looking at hey lunar don't steal from spongebob Oh feeling okay I'll pick it up yeah what happens when you eat too much draw bakers this is what you become powerful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh let's not talk about that yeah no one look at my arms I swear they're clean hey you all suck all rainbow you can have the chocolate now I do not you sure about that now we get a knobby aspeed ah be careful lava it's not that easy it's like a speed poop all right we got speed run this there's just so much time no it's all right then lunar come on we got this just survival even though step on those cracks okay go run side jump yeah okay I got this I got this the power of playing too many up all they made this hard nope nope I think the only way to beat this is to eat spinach did anyone beat ahead nope I don't think there's only nine seconds last funny you got a hurry up dude you stress me out I lost nope I'm going back in the elevator it's over it was too high he's dancing pyramid croco are you gonna carry him out maybe we should push them out of that wrong I put your mouth just go I can't come on get out of here oh wait what is this okay respond we killed him is the sunshine so happy sunshine and another [Music] what are you on yet gold I don't see anything oh look at how many floors there are oh wait other elevators dropping are we gonna draw are we in wait what happened to our back wall so we get on something Oh pushing yourself safe were safe were safe it's because we tried getting rid of the bigwig we're sorry we will never do that again we promise what happened to his face yeah you can't stay in here forever you know hi welcome one and all I am your dazzling host Joe Joe today we will force three contestants to battle in dad's NoHo I wanna dance yeah I'm a dancer oh it's dancing time okay patterns Jo Jo pitzl patterns George we'll just stop stuffing the paddle color that pops up more colors will pop up just keep stepping set dance easy match the music I will not lose that beast up on the wrong color you lose points oh it's easy it's like blue I mean they glow so you can't really do that at that dose match who's gonna weigh in no lunar one Wow good moves beautiful dancing but your winner is funny cake bunny cake has won the dance-off Bravo thank you okay here you guys go offer you free cookies for all here guys oh I some chocolate you can also have some more stop littering in the elevator there should be a rule okay push business or bigwig out start by no no no the dinosaur sir I don't think you should be close there gold see any dinosaurs this is how they died Jurassic but no spoiler yeah dinosaur gold hello it's getting misty God dad to anyone we have any witnesses no no nope no I didn't do that I didn't see what happened we did not do that earlier if you saw that unsee the video your unsee it okay mr. Biggs will be missed he was a good who's a hero he deserves all the spinach in the world all right the next hour he's fine probably oh oh I'd rather get free pizza yeah see wait where he pizza what this is a tick-tock mean wait did you just say so tick-tock meme Drac oh yeah oh my god no it's not it's a girl it's a new well we're part of it took it off leave now I don't know if the chick dog's name is I feel out of date whatever I'll dance anyway hey guys hey so when people say there's free pizza it's just tricking you tricking you so they can make it sick time I love your new hair thanks we should all die her hair blue I think you everyone looks extra cute blue not because my hair is blue and that's biased but everyone's cute especially on the unity looks like lemonade he has his cheeks what you mean America's hearts on their cheek hello do you want spinach gold what's up it's done in Cologne wait did you just say to get off the floor lunar get off the floor I mean what did you think was gonna happen yeah that was a fun ride dracco hashtag ze girl guys leave a comment down below who's the cutest out of all of us who can pull up these hairs or all of us leave a comment wait why is there flashlight right there Jason Voorhees please stay there I said Oh going to the door cold cut no Jason well guys that is all if you would love to see more normal elevator find the button and press the like button don't forget to subscribe if you're new for more delicious content like this thanks for watching bye alright time to become my true form the camera is off time to get super buff okay [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 23,189,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, itsfunneh, funneh, itsfunneh roblox, funneh roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox video, no cursing, no swearing, no swears, roblox game, roblox tycoon, roblox mini games, roblox trolling, roblox mmorpg, roblox video game, role-playing game, MMORPG, roblox adventures, roblox adventure, funny, moments, funny moments, family, funny moments in roblox, hilarious, krew, roblox elevator, elevator, roblox normal elevator, roblox elevator game, update, new
Id: L2sAoZ4WQqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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