Adopted By the HOT FAMILY In Minecraft!

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this sad little orphan is left out in the mud until she gets adopted by the hot family where they walk things set on fire and when they smile players explode as they are hot but this little player is having a hard time fitting in as her new sibling causes her trouble can she prove she's beautiful both inside and out there we go and then all right this place is all sparkly clean look at that oh man that was a that was a crazy day ah anyway what what what are you yelling about it hey i thought i told you to mop the floors they're all filthy listen listen i need you to try and try to get this cleaned up as fast as you can there are parents coming to visit wait parents let's see uh we got this over here [Music] well um you know don't get too excited i don't want you to get adopted yet please don't wait i'm gonna get adopted you can't stop me hey hey what are you doing getting up here get down right there clean this up [Music] hello there hello hey how's it going there's uh no no one here to adopt no one yeah uh you know we just have a little ugly mud gremlin sorry about that gremlin just let me get this off [Applause] kind of a mess oh we were looking for a human kid not a mud creature exactly come on so upsetting it's going to take me forever for me to get it out of my hair it's okay you're still hot though oh so are you darling you didn't get adopted this is your fault baby but whatever now finish cleaning up here take an extra room that wasn't nice i really shouldn't have gotten mud on them maybe if i follow them to apologize they left spackles behind okay all right maybe i could follow them and help them clean up what this is their house oh it's amazing um let's see uh maybe if i go through the back they won't see me coming not that i want to hide or anything it's just that i don't want to bother them um let's see i'm so happy because i'm hot guy ain't hey hey where were you oh um i'm here to help clean up i'm clean up but you're you're gross and filthy and wait did you go for the orphanage yeah i did there were two uh nice parents that came and i wanted to see if i could help them because i made them dirty oh oh no no no no no this is my family you can't touch it and you you can't come here get your gutting there you go stephen baby nice back for you huh [Music] hey son you having fun out there what the heck what is happening out here come here oh ugly kid is hanging out around here and i'm just trying to get rid of her oh sorry my water snakes are still hungry yeah what are you doing stop it stop it stop stop no come on no i don't know with this designer purse um good job honey anyway look she's ugly and roasted she needs to go okay get her out of here what do you mean ugly where are your parents little one oh um i don't have any well you're in luck we were looking to adopt another kid but the orphanage only had mud gremlins yep too bad yeah i can't use them welcome to the family kiddo ain't that right honey we're so happy to have you darling oh my gosh hi boys what is happening we're gonna be the most beautiful family on the server exactly why would you think that just because we're beautiful doesn't mean we're capable of love this is so so silly let's go you can see our fabulous house oh we were letting her in the house so what do i have to do i feel like i won't fit in i i don't i mean my clothes don't look you know well you're our girl and that's what makes you special but a new outfit would make you even more special come on i'll show you the dressing room what a new outfit really no no no she's not deserving outfit you don't have to give that to her come on come on if he have her new outfit then she won't be ugly anymore oh kid you got the hottest mom on the server she'll take care of you go ahead and pick whichever one you think suits you but guys don't like it that much what about this one no worries oh that one is so pretty but uh this purple one oh that is just darling you look wonderful my dear you what do i do now well we could practice on the catwalk how's our toner look how wonderful she looks well now that you look good we'll show you how to act good you'll be beautiful by the time we're done with you she's not allowed to look nice where's the kitty oh it's not that kind of catwalk oh well she'll learn in time yeah all right all right step aside hi gold catwalk first ah she won't be able to handle you you got to get ready to pose yeah you got shoved that a real hot person does it oh now it's mommy's turn all right to be amazed yeah let's go mom whoa you guys are awesome you'll never be as good as them i think i could do that all right let's see what you got oh and uh-huh yes that's what i do and then i don't know there you go she's getting the hang of it and don't forget give them a little smile you guys smile brightest smile my shiny teeth and me so honey how about we head to that party we got wait like a beautiful people party yeah now just keep practicing we'll be back come on gorgeous let's go be fashionably late for the beautiful party for beautiful people whoa but only us kids what's wrong you'll never be like us underneath that cute little outfit you got on you're ugly you'll always be ugly [Music] it's cute that she wants to learn and being cute is an important part of being beautiful no nerd all right well you guys have a beautiful day have a beautiful day kids have a beautiful day come on honey you know what i'm just gonna go into my first day of school and have a uh have a good day um oh hello uh fellow kids how are you huh hello oh uh stay away casey let's go this way good idea don't look good in the eyes casey just keep going maybe i'm messy again maybe i have mud on me i knew i would blow up the first impression oh okay let's see so this is school learning books look at all those books nice okay let's see oh this must be my class it's time to learn some science all right that's right boring all right can anybody tell me what a dog is made of um oh i know this one i know this one yeah but i do no you don't you don't know nothing i'm the teacher and that means i know everything oh okay that is true yeah you know what we're talking about you go to the principal's office you're wasting everyone's time okay see now that your boyfriend's gone hey what's she that for hey it's okay that was so nice of you thank you just try and show everyone how beautiful i am i just got him with the don't worry who cares what you're not dirty or anything job you know what beautiful people don't have to be nice but just proves how ugly that my w sister is because she's like huh oh goodness i am so sorry um oh it's okay let me clean this up and okay okay all right i guess we gotta wait for a teacher to come back to teach us about science oh two plus two i'm not sure what that is okay i gotta get back home but what is that is that a monster oh that is a monster i gotta clean up this mess let's see uh uh he's gotta be here somewhere i clean there you are huh hey i have been looking all over for you oh it's you what happened don't tell you what happened you didn't do your chores i need you to go back and finish your chores it's a real mess there you know in case you didn't notice everything going on with me i got adopted and i'm going to school now and i'm doing better schools for fools i always did school because it was boring yeah no wonder you can't include up your mess that's why you never learned uh yeah and now i don't need to clean up my mess because i have you do it for me so come on no i'm not going anywhere with you you're smelly and you're dumb no get over school is dumb i don't want to be here oh no just come home already come on i've got to clean it up i've got a queen how come you don't do that at our house hey there kiddo whoa you made this place sparkle oh you really cleaned this place up honey um why uh you guys um just uh just uh here not being weird not being messy hey get away from my kid my grin yes you are honey your smiles exploded him wow that's the power of your mom's gorgeous smile um how do i do that ah just a little practice isn't that right honey exactly okay let me see all right you two now chores before bed i know i'm already working on my toys oh chores no no no no no i don't want to do choice i've had it with this family first for some new stinky sister shows up and now they're shores precious oh no first uh i believe in this family i'm gonna go live somewhere else where i don't have to do chores or share anything in their case i want to share a room with you how about you i said breathe bro [Music] why oh boy he hates me does he no he doesn't we'll figure this out why don't you head off to bed darling chores can be done later okay come on honey let's go look for pierce right we'll be back soon don't you get some rest beauty sleep beauty sleep of course do anything whenever my brother's out there i mean wait maybe if i go find him oh it's dark the boogie man might get him oh that's not good we got a pizza oven what okay all right i just gotta go find my brother let's see all right uh maybe he went to the forest that's what i run away when i was sad hello brother oh i think he's got something in his throat oh that sounds really bad he might be congested [Music] get away get away get away get my broom how do i just smile things that my parents do oh no get out of here okay okay okay i gotta get back out of here i can't defeat the ball i should probably figure out another plan i guess i gotta find my brother but mom what dad ready for num nom swish lunch are you ready cheers yeah well i i i got hungry and i decided come back cause there's a lot of food out there hey do you remember that what uh they want to go look for you but wait wait wait hold on they're not here no that means that uh uh i can do anything i want what i don't think you do any chores i don't have to do anything stupid like listening to you i could just do whatever i want i have to go to the front chat our parents are gone uh no but also hey they're my parents but hey i don't do what are they gonna wanna do anymore so that's great so it's my house i can do whatever they want that's mean wait why is there a body or pizza that seems like a bad idea mom and dad i gotta find them i need cleaning supplies so ah pizza is gonna be all muddy all right well i'll have fun whatever i don't care see ya bye wait a minute those beacons that's my parents dazzling smile oh i gotta make my way over there help us no it's mud lots and lots of mud get out we can't we're stuck wouldn't be screaming for help otherwise oh it's no use kc we're gonna be stuck in here forever no one's gonna help us of course i'll help you what you you can't you're worth the beautiful people there's no way you'd waste time saving us i can't believe this i'm coming in there hey wait she's actually getting dirty over us that's right i got my dress all dirty no just gonna get you out of here get out of here there you go oh and you get over here i can see why you get stuck it's muddy there we go wow thanks i can't believe you saved us yeah we're free yeah exactly you need to be here you go some water [Music] no no no no you're not doing it good enough what happened you're hot it's working it's still messy here we are well you're not trying hard enough i want to see you work it no post more poses oh hey how's it going you actually have to clean there's no way around that door chores are dumb and i don't want to do them and if you're not going to clean up then we're going to use the hotness to clean it up because that's that's how it works right no it's not and that's why you're so ugly but i tell him honey you heard me that's it more poses nothing happened i don't want an insurance or what is that water gun i don't like water come on half mountain you show them you can do it darling yeah i got him he's gone no i'm not i'm just less less money so i i guess that kind of worked nice come on hit me again got another one hey i'm getting ready you know i thought after you're done doing that do you want to come back to the orphanage and clean up like that i really appreciate it and look i think i learned how to do my smile show up [Music] there he goes i learned how to beautifully smile we are so proud of you honey was dazzling thanks come on let's all smile together as a friend [Music] finally home to our nice clean house oh oh where did all this mud come from it happened here's brought it in but now i can keep up a little bit hey right stop it why are you running away when i messed up we need to talk about all this dirtiness i i i like being dirty and i like being messy and i'm going to put them on everywhere in my house and myself our house young man no it's my house i the clarity of the swagger fashion changes and that's what he gets dirt here son son son hey pierce fight if you're not gonna love everybody's gonna go bye no [Music] but i think i've learned a very important lesson here today it's not about what's on the outside that counts it's about what's on the inside and doing your chores keeping things clean that's what makes you beautiful we still love you beautiful or not you're our daughter exactly i changed my mind cause i found a pet yes come on out uh mud gravel hey guys that's the mud gremlin that's the inside oh my goodness you're so excited i will be one day as funny as my new pets [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] guess we gotta get cleaned up to be fashionably late for the beautiful party for beautiful people i mean mm-hmm oh yeah there's one every night yes no i just won't be in my mind that's one way to get cleaned up
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,902,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: weLCbyPcTEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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