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Never Gonna Die game mode where The Underdogs really can come out and change the course of a series maybe build some momentum you know Slayer it can really swing either either way so we've seen that time and time again throughout Halo's timeline not even just Halo infinite for Halo 5 Halo 4 Halo Reach it's been like that when it comes to those Slayers but I think in this match up I think really important because there's a very good chance that we go to a game five and Slayer will let's go we're in this between gbx and Rebellion ladies and gentlemen this is it this is what we've been waiting for this is what a lot of people predicted these two teams facing off the astral drift coating and the mriah Armory charm the drops still in the ility side of the opposition maybe another round of slays needed CU down to one Shotsy goes Mentor somehow stays alive gets himself a kill But Here Comes tus Here Comes gbx yeah gbx really good off a spawn right they end up going a couple down Stagg but offive stag word whole OBS just disconnected for a second can they live here on the 50 I'm going to going to get the first one Soul snip and it's been a lot of kills here for the side of rebellion hopefully we should be good now down for gbx down and an overshield in the hands ofso shellion without any timing lost whatsoever a flag is pulled and mentel has it all the way halfway across the base Rebellion have total momentum but that flag was stopped I'm not sure exactly what happened on the other side of things cyos pushed up putting down pressure but that flag it hasn't made it way home it's bound that's still putting down damage and being the nuisance but Cy Cycles his way back to his spawn now this flag should go in that's too wellt yeah you got to pay attention to B Renegade when reell weed yesterday as well keeping track of these players making to take them out when they're in those positions like B was on the back of their base Shopify are doing a great job of playing the process right making sure to get these SL get these isolated players and get these kills when necessary that first Pi going to open things up a bit and not miss a shot this is what we love to see Renegade with the strafe mental with the shot again got to love the level of competition that we are seeing here in the winners bracket vinyls some of the best players in the world emptying the tank leaving on the line three down go Rebellion this is gbx is opportunity yeah for I mean gbx have to push up and they're going to do so here bound's going to pull the flag towards the Utility side they'll Force spawns on the the back of flag and on the Frid side they'll get this flag pretty far through not a lot of SL come up though a double Push by Rebellion through Utility side Renegade trying to find the best way to position himself the best way to attack this as the flag has not made it home stop just short aine stand but not going to stop GX get flag and a triple K coming out of the demon that's another four down that's what I was talking about if Renegade can pop off along with bound and Legend we're going to have a game on our hand here ladies and gentlemen yes Rebellion are that high chemistry roster but gbx they have that fire power two1 lead still in favor of shabi rebellion in it's Legend playing that forward position allows Renegade to grab a hold of overshield a great distraction a great bait and switch coming out of them in a 2v2 scenario Renegade and gbx have all the advantage in the world and now it's Rebellion approaching the spawners or Renegade approaching the spawners of rebellion reneges here nature down damage is out Renegade finds himself the kill still has a bit of overshield to work with suppressed he's gbx this is gbx first overshield I'm going to be honest with you they got the value out of that 1os that Rebellion got out of two overshield so Renegade able to do massive amounts of damage they have one cap on the board trying to convert on this second one but some more kills have to come through plenty of time on the board for anything to happen still just a one game at the moment here gbx is Tusk has already pushed the top car side great positioning out of him but it looks like it's Mento that's willing to trade out his life to make sure he gets out of that power position he waves out suppress is here both teams fighting for that c side control but suppressed just doesn't have the shields to work with it's Rebellion with that little bit of sandbox control here you see suppressed with that heat wve we talked about it being on the bottom center of the map it's going to open up the Play here three go down for gbx they're spawning on that fridge side there's the process the fundamentals that you see constantly played but you got to look at the both teams you got to see what SLS come out first and right now it's a trade Legend and soul s go down and mind is already pulling getting that's a reversal out of him and a third flag for shif Rebellion I me this is they're able to literally isolate players one by one they take those beautiful angles to make sure there's only One play player in sight and they take out that player and it's just that process again that allows them to pull this flag continuously now they go bottom center with yeah this is what we talking we talk about that speed and aggression and pressure that they able to create Rebellion literally just captured a flly there's no way shape or form they should have the resources that have that type of space to allow them to pull another flag but they do yeah they don't they not only have SP to pull the flag get another overi that's theth flag going in and they've got a little bit of os maybe to work with in the hands ofy a Balan attack come out of shop of as well 14 a piece out of mental and soul psycho puts his 16th on the board but everybody doing their job as far as the slays department Psycho still being a nuisance right now I say it all the time second's youngest player in the Pro scene but plays like a Savvy veteran the py yeah I love I love his uh use of the overshield there able to do so much damage a lot of the damage gets cleaned up they pull another flag here couple go down for the side of rebellion so gbx has slowed down foral honly but rebell looking back and again they play Slow they're getting caught this time gets a kill three caps between the two little less than 5 minutes on the clock still doable here for gbx but it is going to be tough especially when you end up losing half the members of your crew and the have right now trying to find a way to attack still putting pressure right now is bound behind lines could be a huge he knows it's coming yeah just it's about tracking those players okay we don't see B on the map where is bound he's probably in the back of our base again bound does enough damage though to get three down for Rebellion so maybe this is gbx chance to push up on the map and get a bit of pressure but look at mental sneaking through again yeah now now with on your death cams you can move 360 you can really not only know where the enemy is going enemy has been but know where they're going Act he was ready for that flank because of that great communication sh rebellion and now M get the kill on one and now on the other starts the flag run gets his shield back bit of patience now coming in from mental and rebellion and now it's time for him to bring the heat finds himself behind bound but bound refuses to go down I love that right there right they slay through the pull right there's only one player that's going to spawn on that fridge side because you don't really have the timing on that one player so you end up pulling towards the fridge side anyway get the sleigh pull through that but the flag is returned once again but it feels like the first overshield that Renegade and gbx are able to grab he gets himself a kill get himself a bit of damage but suppressed with the double leads to a full Squad wipe for gbx yeah Rebellion are just having a really rough time right now in terms of pulling this FL they're going to end up pulling this one though suppress is going to be on the back of the base here this is beautiful right there's one player that's forward that's Tusk they're trying to take care of Tusk look how quickly he switched over to do more damage to more gbx players Legend being a distraction once again this time to allow Renegade to try to get the return on the flag return will go in Legend is here the rest of G over yet but only minutes on the game Rebellion Rebellion defense multiple down I don't think Rebellion ches this back control yeah they do such a great job of getting four dead quickly you can see these spawns there's going to be two staggered here but but they'll wait I think this is looking pretty CH G they got them trapped they find the first kill on the B that opens things up you see it's aggression out of soulight already pushing to the base another gbx should be a flag no Shields no on the map to stop you bound does get a spawn over toward the P1 side so he does have first step towards this flag towards stopping it from going through but you got two members of Shopify Rebellion that are looking to relay it through B with Max damage so much damage oh my God and they stop it [ __ ] dude gbx to get their second there's only 2 minutes left but another kill comes through and that flag has already started they to Rel this [ __ ] crazy and FL gbx have to be fast off this OS right there's a just say that that they die on flag got to be careful not to get relay hang on Bex I don't see anybody forif reell oh my God and there's 90 seconds left here looks like it is Renegade puts it in and now immediately look at him's to to heat up as 25 and this they are frying them all of a sudden that's three dead for Shopify able to get this is another pole oh my God this is a cap they're not even spawned up yet they're going to tie the game but they're going toe the game theayer type of things ladies gent what the [ __ ] is going on oh my God as soon as I said they weren't going to choke they choked it and they're still going crazy seconds on the we could see oh my God for dead this could be a pull that might even be game they got to watch the OE what the hell is going on Legend is there that's game that's game going through there's two members of sh of fire Rebellion they're just going to throw some nades try to get the crossb shots B already has it another pillar oh my God that's a win game one a statement being made here you see the main stage you see the energy on Ax and again what's interesting about this land is there's no white noise Tony they can hear it all usually there's earbuds usually you get that white noise you don't have to hear the crd [ __ ] dude that's one of the most insane things I've ever seen dude I cannot believe they just choked that [ __ ] oh my God so are we ladies and gentlemen this was A4 game at one point with three minutes left less than three minutes should have ended it and the way it kept four Flags in like in less than 2 and a half minutes dude it was 2 and half minutes or something like that happens that is that's crazy that's probably one of the biggest comebacks we've seen on C SE some big ones here but we're talking about a a roster gbx a potential essentially a pickup roster right Shopify have to be moving on from that though there's there's you have right okay it happened it is what it is we move on the And1 and Slayers atony they Inc if [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Reclaimer
Views: 1,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reclaimer, Reclaimer Halo, Reclximer, Halo, Halo 5, Halo 5: Guardians, HCS, Cx, H5, Infinite, Halo Infinite, Ranked, Solo Queue, Solo Duo, Controller, Tournament, Reaction, MLG, Halo Championship Series
Id: xpRoVD3xhQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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