The Craziest CIA Projects

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in popular media the American Central Intelligence Agency or CIA as it's widely known is often depicted as a Nexus of bizarre and inhumane experimentation an organization in which Unshackled mad scientists ply their trade with shockingly little oversight and apparently bottomless budgets think American Dad or stranger things and or you've got the idea are you ready for some epic battles and world domination because I've got something excited to share with you today it's today's sponsored conflict of Nations free online PVP strategy game conflict of Nations lets you choose a real country and Lead it in a modern global war you'll be fighting up against 128 other players in real-time battles that can last for weeks it's a game of strategy alliances and tactical Brilliance build your army with an array of powerful units like tanks Jets and even nuclear submarines declare Warrior neighbors or Forge alliances with other players the choice is yours and the world is your playground one thing I love about conflict of Nations is the long-term strategy that it requires you need to plan your moves carefully in age in epic battles and watch as your Empire grows it's like playing chess on a global scale but there's more you can play conflict of Nations on your PC and mobile devices which means you can dominate the world wherever you go and here's the best part conflict of Nations is offering you an exclusive gift just click the link in the description below you get 13 000 gold and one month of Premium per subscription for free but remember this offer is only available for 30 days so don't miss out what are you waiting for join me in conflict of Nations choose your country and fight for victory and now back to today's video you might have heard yourself chuckling at the Absurd stories presented in these shows because well they're just silly fiction right I mean surely reality Carvey is outlandishly bizarre as these fictional Tales well hold on to your tinfol hat folks because while those stories certainly crank up the absurdity to 11 for maximum entertainment Factor they are much closer to the truth than you might initially imagine and today we're going to be demonstrating this point by showing you five of the cia's most Machiavellian unethical and downright Czar real life operations [Music] foreign climate of the 1960s a tiny island nation just a stone's throw away from the coast of Florida had committed the ultimate offense in the eyes of the CIA Cuba and the charismatic sway Fidel Castro had dared to leave the United States as hegemen and Hoist the red banner of Communism naturally the CIA who bled red white and blue weren't exactly pleased by this development and so their strategic plan has got to work with a single aim in mind to subvert this seismic shift and reinstate what they believed to be the correct economic system on Cuba and in the process place it firmly back under ankle Sam's boot but well how to do such a thing many devious strategies were drafted and among the multitude of sinister schemes a particularly chilling idea eventually came to the fore and that was war however they had to tread very carefully they couldn't just attack out of the blue it had to appear Justified to the International Community lest Cuba's new friend the Soviet Union come to its defense this presented a bit of a problem despite already having faced numerous provocations such as repeated assassination attempts on its leadership and a failed u.s-backed coup by Cuban Exiles Cuba wasn't actually doing anything of note to the US certainly not enough to justify a little regime changing military Excursion so then the CIA decided that if Cuba wouldn't play ball and attack them they'd just Stage IT operation northwards officially launched in 1962 and was tasked with carrying out these false flag attacks the range of options were planned out from Downing and hijacking airliners to sinking both civilian and military ships and so what was the cherry on this most Macabre of cakes well mass shootings in key American cities all of which would be blamed squarely on Cuba that the most shocking part of operation northwards was its scale this wasn't some harebrained idea penned on the back pages of the tatted old nobo by some Junior intern or agent this idea went right from the bottom to the top of the CIA with hundreds of Agents of all ranks and seniorities seeing the plan thinking it was a thoroughly cracking idea and signing off on it it progressed so far that it found itself only a pen stroke away from being implemented unfortunately that pen was President John F Kennedy's a man who was no stranger to authorizing some shady stuff in regards to Cuba but fortunately he drew the line at the ritualistic slaughter of his own citizens on behalf of the U.S hegemon the plan several inches thick after just over a year of work found its way to his desk in 1963 just before his assassination unfortunately was utterly repulsed by a lot he read and firmly refused to authorize the plan or any others like it but this didn't stop the CIA from planning as They carried on working on the plan in secret eventually bringing it to them desk of Kennedy's successor Lyndon B Johnson in 1964. fortunately he proved just as opposed to slaughtering his own citizens as his predecessor and so the operation was formally canceled that same year the plans then to Gathering dust and CIA archive until they eventually came to light several decades later in 1997 having been found buried deep within 1521 pages of 1960s military records that were Declassified by the John F Kennedy assassination records review board the now uncovered story of operation northwards generated some limited anger as were a bit disseminated around America but with most of the key players in the story being long dead by that time nothing ultimately came of this anger foreign [Music] so you probably realized during that previous chapter that the CIA weren't exactly Fidel Castro fans and from that you're probably able to deduce that they were quite Keen to see him assassinated but what you probably didn't expect was for them to have a whopping wait for it 634 attempts at it naturally then having so many goals at it a few of them were bound to be well a little bit weird and here are some of the weirdest our first game takes us to the year 1960 Fidel Castro's just come to power and on account of all of that socialism that he was so famous for the CIA wasn't taking the news very well in response they hatched a plan to lace a box of his favorite cigars with a potent botulinum toxin one puff and he's a dead man they quickly deduced his favorite brands from the many publicly released photos of him smoking they secured a box laced it with the deadly Toxin and had an agent secreted in his office but for some reason this deadly ruse just didn't work he kept on appearing in public he kept on smoking the same brand of cigars all very very much alive eventually the plan was deemed to have failed there are also reports that the cigar was intended to explode but we haven't been able to confirm that one the next weird scheme to kill Castro involved exploiting his love for scuba diving the plan to conceal explosives in a large seashell that they painted sufficiently vibrantly to be absolutely irresistible to the ocean-loving Communist the plan was ultimately abandoned because would you believe it it was deemed to be just a tad bit ridiculous but that was not the end of the scuba related plots in 1963 the agency schemed to infect one of Castro's diving suits with a fungus designed to cause a severe skin disease the suit along with an infected breathing apparatus were to be delivered to Castro by American lawyer James Donovan this one sounds a bit more sensible right so how could this go wrong did the warm Waters of Cuba kill the fungus and thwart their dastardly planted Castro have a mole in the CIA that tipped him off no Donovan just accidentally gave him the wrong suit another scheme saw the CIA plan to kill Castro with a poison pen at Great expense to the U.S taxpayer the CIA constructed a special pen with a hypodermic needle rigged inside of it as soon as someone wrote with the pen the needle would jump out prick deadly poison into the user and kill them a genius plan if there ever was one certainly but well not in the ideas of the Cuban collaborator chosen to deliver it to Castro he thought the whole plan was ridiculous and he threw the pen in the bin the CIA also hatched several schemes intended not to assassinate the man but rather his Public Image a notable example involved late in Castro's broadcast studio with LSD the idea was to disorientate Castro during a particularly important speech making him look utterly ridiculous which would somehow spark a counter-revolution and return Cuba to the Embrace of Uncle Sam when this didn't work the CIA looked at placing his cigars with LSD to achieve the same effect and sprinkling thousand salts on his shoes to make his signature beard Fallout none of these ridiculous schemes worked Castro proved to be something of a Teflon president as not a single assassination plot hair brains or managed to stick and remember there were over 600 of them he went on to live till 2016 dying at the ripold age of 90 outliving many of the people who once strived to end his life [Music] it wasn't just Cuba which became a target of the cia's regime changing efforts during the Cold War all across Latin America any nation which threatens the U.S hegemon by drifting tivar to the left found itself in the agency's crosses one such example is Guatemala with the efforts to return it to the correct sphere of influence being dubbed operation PB success Guatemala's greater front of the CIA was electing jacobo of Benz in 1950. he was a leader who came to power on a platform of land reform labor rights infrastructure investment and education I mean God forbid as far as many in the CIA were concerned such a ludicrous platform was already tantamount to a soft October Revolution but what they really found egregious was that first price Land Reform you see in this period Guatemala was an American colony in all but name with the United Fruit Company now Chiquita all but controlling the country completely dominating the nation's most lucrative industry saying the local work as a pittance and while treating them like garbage Land Reform was intended to change this state of affairs but the notion that an American company might have to actually you know reduce its profits in order to treat its workers in the developing world like human beings was the last straw for the CIA our Benz had to go and so U.S president Dwight and Eisenhower formally authorized this operation in August 1953 the plan was simple a campaign of propaganda and psychological warfare would weaken the country's will than a conventional military Invasion would swoop in and remove our bends from Power the propaganda campaign painted the Guatemalan leader as a puppet of the Soviet Union one who threatened the delicate balance of power in the Western Hemisphere the psychological warfare consisted of radio broadcasts being infiltrated with messages aimed at sowing ill will undermining the government's Authority and instilling a sense of impending doom and just a further ensure success infiltrators were planted within the ranks of the Guatemalan government to feed information to the CIA while military equipment was amassed for the impending invasion the military components of the operation came in the form of Carlos Castilla armas a Guatemalan army colonel hand-picked by the CIA assembling an invasion force of 480 men Hamas and his boss stood ready to invade Guatemala with green light The Invasion being given in June 1954. The Invasion went remarkably well thanks to the aforementioned supporting campaign the Guatemalan Army flatly refused to fight fearing that hamas's attack was just the opening stage of a full-scale U.S Invasion this made the outcome inevitable an arbend was forced to abdicate on the 27th of June as far as the CIO was concerned the operation was a roaring success the United Fruit Company had kept control of its economic colony and the taxable dividends would keep flowing into Washington but for the people of Guatemala the operation was nothing short of disastrous the lucky ones remained under the boot of the United Fruit Company and The Unlucky ones found themselves among the 200 000 casualties of the 36-year-long civil war that broke out in the country in 1960 as a direct result of the cia's destabilization of it foreign [Music] icy grip is squeezing the globe amid this shimmering geopolitical tension the CIA launches project MK Ultra the objective to develop mind-controlling techniques that could turn individuals into compliant puppets and bend enemy mines to the American World it was a most comprehensive program with a broad range of disturbing experiments falling under its remit including hypnosis electric convulsive therapy isolation and sensory deprivation but it was a drug that played the starring role in the Sinister Saga this was lysergic acid diethylamide better known as LSD the CIA had his eyes set on LSD as a potential truth serum hoping that it would crack open the human mind and make it pliable for manipulation I'm concerned with hello trifling matters like consent and ethics the agency drugged countless unsuspecting people from soldiers and government agents to sex workers and mental patients no one was safe from the invisible tentacles of MK Ultra to exemplify the true of the program let's focus on subproject 68 which was run out of the Allen Memorial psychiatric Institute in Canada under the direction of psychiatrist Dr Ewan Cameron here patients who sought treatment for minor mental health issues found themselves trapped in a real-life horror show they were subjected to psychic driving repeated audio messages played for hours combined with drug-induced sleep for days or even weeks this brutal method aimed to erase their existing memories and implant new ones a nefarious form of brainwashing and of course if any of the poor patients ever tried to tell the outside world of their torture well they were just crazy weren't they I mean no need to listen to a word they say then there was the midnight climax operations another dark chapter in the MK Ultra story for these operations the CIA set up brothels in San Francisco and used them to lure unsuspecting men for non-consensual drug experiments the men were then drugged by the sex workers and observed by agents who were watching the whole thing behind one-way mirrors despite the unfathomable scale and severity of these experiments the grizzliest aspect of MK Ultra was just perhaps its lack of oversight the Project's directors brazenly disregarded basic human rights and used the pretext of National Security to escape any and all reprimon for their truly inhumane experiments not that the cia's directors would have cared even if they didn't have this flimsy black they were just as invested in the program's success as their agents and if a few innocent people had to get hurt along the way well then so be it this chilling tale remained hidden for many years buried deep under layers and layers of bureaucratic red tape but it did eventually come to the Public's attention in 1975 when the church committee and the Rockefeller commission peeled back the layers of secrecy and shined light on this dark tale well partially anyway as most of the Project's documents were ordered destroyed in 1973 by then CIA director Richard Helms this calculated move veiled many details of the project in an impenetrable fog of mystery and consequently it is likely we'll never know the full story of the horrific atrocities carried out in the name of MK Ultra yeah now let's finish today's episode with something a bit more furbally of the weird side of the weird to evil scale the story starts in the early 1970s when the CIA caught wind of rumors suggesting that the Soviets were pouring an astonishing 60 million Rubles every single year into research on extra sensory perception and mind reading these rumors were received with great alarm prompting the CIA to create their own equivalent program project Stargate their focus was ambitious and frankly unprecedented they aimed to explore and potentially harness psychic phenomena such as telepathy precognition and remote viewing which is an ability to perceive distant or unseen targets using the Mind alone testing began in Earnest in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute in California the operation was led by physicist Russell togg and Harold perthoff who initiated the first trials with individuals believed to possess psychic gifts among them was Yuri gella yes that Yuri Geller who stood out for his purported abilities his performance in a series of tests appeared to verify as paranormal skills some how sparking a significant interest from the U.S Department of Defense however this initial success was not without its pitfalls Geller's skills came under scrutiny when an independent evaluation by Ray Hyman a psychology Professor deemed him to be a fraud despite the setback the CIA remained committed to the notion that psychic abilities could be hardest for Espionage as the 1970s progressed the project renamed operation Grill flame was relocated to the US Army's Port Meade Maryland the project began to show promise when a remote viewer named Rosemary Smith accurately located a crashed Soviet plane in the Congo using just a map this accomplishment bolstered the Project's credibility further enhancing its reputation was the work of army veteran Joseph mcmonagle or remote viewer number one as he was known during testing he conducted numerous missions including a particularly unusual one in 1984 where he claimed to have psychically traveled to Mars and described seeing giant beings and pyramids oh and he was also a time traveler apparently too having supposedly traveled back to the year 1 Million BC and we really should stress the words supposedly that but here's the real twist what if we told you that this project wasn't quite as absurd as it might first sound and that actually it was all completely legit and as claimed and that the CIA actually uncovered genuine real proof for The Eclectic array of mental Powers it was investigating that sounds like well no I mean of course that didn't happen the program was eventually comprehensively reviewed and it was found that not one single shred of evidence had been uncovered for the existence of those Powers a world-shattering conclusion truly the real shocking thing however was that this review didn't happen until 1995 23 years after the project started so how did it take the CIA 23 years to conclude that human beings don't have magic powers but you know what after today's video we're not even mad we'll take wasting time investigating magic powers over a botched coup any day of the week thanks for watching just before you go please do remember to check out today's fantastic sponsor conflict of Nations if you're a fan of thrilling PVP strategy game set in the modern world of warfare then this is a must play for you click the link in the description to get that 13 000 gold as a bonus as well as the one month premium subscription for free but hurry the offer is only available for 30 days and I'll see you next time thank you
Channel: Sideprojects
Views: 507,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megaprojects, construction, engineering, projects, sideprojects, cia craziest operations, government secrets, secrets, covert operations, cia covert operations, central intelligence agency, satellite, surveillance, cia surveillance, cold war, cia
Id: uCCliWJeHSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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