50 Insane Declassified CIA Secrets You Aren't Supposed to Know

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Secret mind control experiments in  brothels. Weaponized sex dolls. And   even CIA magicians. These are some of the weirdest   things you never knew about the United  States’ Central Intelligence Agency! Fact One! Did you know the CIA built an  untraceable heart attack gun? While it seems more like something from a  James Bond movie, this really was a weapon   used by the CIA - It was a pistol capable of  firing a frozen dart full of deadly shellfish   toxin. The dart would pierce the skin and then  melt in the body, distributing the poison and   inducing a heart attack shortly after - With no  way of tracing the murder back to the assassin. It was one of the many reasons  Senator Frank Church cited in   1975 as to why the CIA needed  greater government oversight. Fact Two! What’s the favored sidearm for a CIA Agent? Seeing as Senator Church slammed  the brakes on the heart attack gun,   it never became standard issue. The general  consensus is that the Glock-19 and SIG Sauer   P226 are the most popular pistols among  the CIA’s ranks. Simple, but effective! Fact Three! Some of the strangest CIA Agents  ever were literal housecats. We’re talking about one of the  CIA’s greatest embarrassments:   The Acoustic Kitty project. This $20 million  1960s failure was a plan intended to turn   cats into living listening devices to  infiltrate the Kremlin by implanting   tiny microphones into their ear canals and a  radio transmitter in the base of their skulls. The plan failed because, as any cat owners  know, they don’t take direction well. Fact Four! If cat recorders don’t work,  what about Pigeon Cameras? The CIA’s research and development division  created tiny cameras and lights to be placed   onto trained pigeons during the Cold War, owing  to pigeons’ uncanny ability to always find their   way home. No prizes for guessing that this  went a lot better than the plot with the cats. Fact Five! Argo actually happened! The Oscar-winning Ben Affleck movie was  actually pretty accurate in its telling   of the incredible plot to rescue six American  citizens from a politically unstable Tehran   in 1979. The CIA created its own fake movie  studio, “Studio Six Productions,” and a fake   science fiction movie as a pretense to sneak into  the country and liberate the trapped Americans. We hope you enjoyed the whimsy of that because  it’s all going to get darker from here. Fact Six! The CIA tortured an innocent  man because of a typo! Back in 2003, Khalid El-Masri was  arrested in Macedonia and then given   to the CIA on the suspicion that he  was involved in the 9/11 terrorist   attacks. He endured a living hell in two  different brutal CIA detention sites,   where he was beaten, tortured,over  the course of several months. Why? Because Khalid El-Masri had a  very similar name to Khalid al-Masri,   and was detained after one of history’s most  unfortunate cases of mistaken identity. The   subsequent court battle in the European  Court of Human Rights marks the first   time that the activities of the CIA  have been legally declared torture. Fact Seven! Did you know there’s a  Hyper-Secretive CIA Starbucks? Because even secret agents need caffeine,  the so-called “Stealthy Starbucks” in the   CIA headquarters of Langley, Virginia,  has special rules for serving its unique   clientele. They need to put the baristas  through intense background checks to make   sure none of them is an enemy agent  eavesdropping on state secrets. This is also the only Starbucks where they don’t  do reward cards or write names on the cups,   given some agents may not be at  liberty to share that information. Fact Eight! Did you know the CIA had an  arms dealer on their payroll? Edwin Wilson was arrested in 1983 for selling 20  tons of plastic explosives to Libya in what was,   at the time, the biggest illegal  weapons deal in recorded history.   Wilson had retired from the CIA officially  in 1971, and when the deal came to light,   the CIA washed its hands of him.  However, Edwin worked tirelessly   to reveal that he’d still been working as a  contractor, obtaining information and running   front businesses for the intelligence  agency during the time he was arrested. While he was never directly  asked to make a deal with Libya,   it may have still fallen under the purview  of information-gathering activities - He   was released from prison in 2003 in light of  this and was quoted saying, “I was doing it   for them. If they hadn't walked away from  me, I wouldn't have ever been convicted.” Fact Nine! Did you know the CIA made  edits to Zero Dark Thirty? A declassified memo showed that the agency  had influence over the 2012 biopic about   the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. They wanted to  make sure they were presented in a positive   light by demanding changes such as making the  protagonist an observer rather than a participant   in a waterboarding scene, removing a scene where  vicious dogs are used to interrogate a prisoner,   and also excising a scene where  agents party with AK47s on a rooftop. Fact Ten! The CIA also cut references to  torture in Meet The Parents! In this forgettable, franchise-spawning  2000s comedy, Ben Stiller finds out   his future father-in-law, played by Robert  DeNiro, is a hard-ass ex-CIA special agent. In the original draft of the movie, this  is discovered when Stiller’s character   finds a torture manual in DeNiro’s  personal effects. The CIA made them   cut this from the movie and instead  replaced it with Stiller finding a   series of pictures showing DeNiro  with several famous politicians. Shame. The CIA could have earned some  positive PR by just cutting the entire movie. Fact Eleven! It isn’t just movies - The CIA  has been caught editing Wikipedia! In what may have been a violation of the  website’s Conflict of Interest rules,   CIA computers were found to have been making  alterations to articles about the Iraq War,   Guantanamo Bay, and the profiles of former agents,  among many other diverse topics. Some of the   most concerning edits have involved removing  certain pictures from the Guantanamo article   and muddying the waters of death statistics in  previous conflicts in which they were involved. Little shady there, guys! Fact Twelve! They teamed up with people from Hasbro to  make a demonic Bin Laden Action figure! No, this isn’t a rejected plotline from  American Dad. It was part of a 2005-2006   psyop campaign known as “Devil Eyes,” where they  worked with former Hasbro exec Donald Levine,   one of the major architects  of the G.I. Joe toy franchise,   to make and distribute action figures of  Osama Bin Lade among the South Asian youth,   particularly in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But like  all the best action figures, it came with a twist. Over time, the face of the action figure would  peel away and reveal a demonic stare underneath,   which the CIA hoped would make people  change their minds about supporting   Al-Qaeda. Opinions are split on whether more  than the three prototypes were ever made,   but we can probably all agree that a  demonic action figure likely wouldn’t   have brought a powerful terrorist  group to its knees. Sorry, Mr. Levine. Fact Thirteen! The CIA bribed some Afghan  tribal chiefs with Viagra! In Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, the  CIA needs to be careful with its choice   of confidential informants - and even  more careful about how they pay them. Monetary gifts often draw too much attention from  the Taliban, and gifts of weapons often end up   in the wrong hands. That’s why the CIA has gotten  more creative with the gifts they give to the many   warlords and tribal elders who give them a  steady supply of information about the region. These have included toys,  medicine, clothes, and yes,   viagra - which reignited the sex life of  one older trial patriarch. Good for him. Fact Fourteen! The CIA tormented prisoners  with Barney the Purple Dinosaur! In a process disturbingly described as  “Torture Lite,” Iraqi prisoners have   been interrogated by the CIA by being locked  in an enclosed room and being bombarded with   a variety of songs at earsplitting volumes,  referred to by one prisoner as “The Disco.” The playlist at this nightmare disco includes,  among many others, Metallica’s “Enter Sandman,”   Queen’s “We Are The Champions,” and “I  Love You” by Barney The Purple Dinosaur. James Hetfield, Metallica’s co-founder,  didn’t seem bothered by his music being   used in torture. He said, “We've been  punishing our parents, our wives,   our loved ones with this music forever.  Why should the Iraqis be any different?” We’re still waiting on an  official comment from Barney. Fact Fifteen! The CIA tried to use the power  of the mind to escape spacetime! This consciousness-altering series of  experiments was known as the Gateway Process,   and it theorized, in a highly simplified sense,  that certain kinds of audio stimulation could   alter the mind. What kind of effects  would these alterations offer the CIA? Nothing much, really. Aside from  gaining an intuitive knowledge of   the universe and an ability to commune with  extradimensional beings outside of spacetime. Given that the CIA doesn’t - as far as  we know - have agents like Glorbo the   Immaculate from Dimension X on the payroll,  this plan didn’t bear much fruit. These days,   it’s just another form of viral  hippie pseudoscience on TikTok. Fact Sixteen! The CIA had the Dalai Lama on its payroll! This one was just a conspiracy theory for  the longest time until access to certain   US Intelligence bank accounts revealed  that the CIA had been giving the Tibetan   spiritual leader a generous $180,000 yearly  stipend in the 1960s to help fan the flames   of the Tibetan Exodus and weaken China’s  potential for expansion during the Cold War. Maybe next, we’ll find out they  really do have Glorbo the Immaculate… Fact Seventeen! During the Cold War, the CIA and MI6  built a giant spy tunnel under Berlin! In one of the most ambitious  espionage operations of all time,   Operation Gold was an impressive sequel to  Operation Silver in Vienna. The goal was to   tap into Russian landline communications  in Soviet-occupied Berlin by building a   huge spy tunnel under the city, which took  eight months from its start date in 1954. But there’s a twist: The Soviets  knew about this the whole time,   thanks to George Blake, a double  agent in MI6. They kept their   knowledge under wraps until 1956  to avoid exposing a valuable mole. Fact Eighteen! The CIA figured out how to  turn sex dolls into spy tools! During the 1970s, CIA spies in Moscow needed a  quick distraction when they were being pursued   by Soviet counter-spies. One proposed idea  was known as the Jack In The Box, or JIB,   inspired by inflatable sex dolls. It would be a  small device that, upon the press of a button,   would essentially inflate a fake agent  to momentarily confuse the pursuer. Get Smart, eat your heart out! Fact Nineteen! Time for a CIA Vs Castro Lightning Round! There were over 600 unsuccessful  attempts on the Cuban leader’s life,   and many of them were performed by the CIA!  But don’t worry, they had helpful advice from   seasoned murder professionals - like mobsters Sam  Giancana, Santos Trafficant, and Carlos Marcello. They recommended that the CIA  take out Castro with poisoned   pills slipped into the ice cream of his  favorite milkshake - because Sam, Santos,   and Carlos seemed to be almost  comically evil movie mobsters. Diabolical as it seemed, though, this attempt did  not succeed in putting Castro out of commission   - but none of the three mobsters would survive  into the 2000s, so Castro had the last laugh. Fact Twenty! When poisoned ice cream failed,  the CIA tried poisoned cigars! Some of Castro’s favorite  Cubans - That’s the cigars,   not the citizens - were spiked with botulinum  toxin and delivered to an anonymous assassin in   1961. But it’s unclear what happened  after that - So it’s very possible   that a random innocent person or people  ended up getting smoked by their smokes. Fact Twenty-One! The CIA also tried to kill Castro  with an exploding seashell! Castro loved scuba diving, so in 1963, the  CIA floated the idea of finding and painting   a particularly magnificent shell and planting it  where Castro would often dive. The plan was to   implant an explosive into the shell and detonate  it when El Commandante was in close proximity. Obviously, this didn’t work, and it wasn’t even  the only scuba-related assassination attempt   against Castro - The CIA also tried to bump  Castro off, or at least horribly disfigure him,   by giving him a diving suit and breathing  apparatus infected with a deadly fungus. Fact Twenty-Two! The CIA also tried to get one of Castro’s  lovers to kill him on their behalf! Marita Lorenz, who was involved with Castro  in 1959, claims that the CIA tried to make   her a professional femme fatale - giving her  some poisoned pills to sneak into Castro’s   drink. But the plan was another disaster -  She stored the pills in a cold cream jar,   rendering them unusable. Castro also figured  out the plan and held Lorenz at gunpoint,   saying, “You can’t kill me. Nobody can kill me.” They then apparently made love cause  that’s just the kind of guy Castro was. Fact Twenty-Three! When the CIA couldn’t kill him, they settled for  trying to make Castro look completely insane! When Castro was scheduled to give a  speech to the Cuban people over the radio,   the CIA hoped to dose him with LSD, which  would cause severe hallucinations and make   him give a bizarre and incoherent  speech. This plan never came to   fruition because the LSD compound they  hoped to use proved to be too unstable. And believe us when we tell you, as  you’ll find out later in the video,   this doesn’t even break the top twenty most  insane things the CIA has done with LSD. Fact Twenty-Four! The CIA also tried to assassinate Castro’s beard! In perhaps the greatest sign that the CIA was  clutching at straws with some of these attempts,   someone in the CIA Castro Assassination  Brain Trust suggested dusting the man’s   shoes with Thallium, a poison that would  cause his iconic beard to fall out. Once again, this plan failed, and Castro took  his mighty beard to the grave with him in 2016. Fact Twenty-Five! The CIA may have gotten people killed with pizza! Specifically, we’re talking about one of the most  terrible code words of all time. Back in 2011,   a group of CIA informants was rumbled by  Hezbollah in Beirut after they used the   code word “Pizza” to describe a secret  intelligence meeting… At a Pizza Hut. While an anonymous US Official denies that  the meeting happened in an actual Pizza Hut,   retired CIA Official Robert Baer was  quoted saying, “If they were genuine   spies, spying against Hezbollah, I don't  think we'll ever see them again.” Yikes. Fact Twenty-Six! The CIA tried to weaponize a sex tape! We know that sex dolls were not out of  the question for Cold War espionage,   but both the CIA and the KGB wanted  to use sex tapes as kompromat against   extremely popular Indonesian President  Sukarno. Some reports even allege that   the CIA did this by using a performer in an  incredibly realistic rubber Sukarno mask. This plot was a failure, however, and  possibly for an extremely funny reason.   Some reports indicate that Sukarno was  strangely flattered by the sex tapes and   asked the CIA and KGB to send him copies. You  can’t blackmail a man who’s immune to shame. Fact Twenty-Seven! The CIA was a patron of abstract art! During the early 1950s, the CIA pursued any  angles of resistance against the Soviets that   they could find, and one of these was promoting  American ideals through art. To this end,   the CIA helped fund galleries showing abstract art   from figures like Jackson Pollock and  Willem De Kooning across the world. Their logic was that such art could never be  produced under a Communist state where free   thought was suppressed, so by promoting this  art, they were promoting the American ideal.   We don’t know if this actually achieved its  intended purpose, but it’s nice to know that   at least some CIA money went to funding the arts  rather than haphazard attempts to take on Cuba. Speaking of which… Fact Twenty-Eight! The CIA had a plan to blame Cuba  if America’s space missions failed! In a subdivision of Operation Northwoods,  literally called Operation Dirty Trick - because   the CIA seemingly isn’t big on irony -  the John Glenn MERCURY space mission in   1962 had a plan to blame it all on Cuba  if the astronaut ended up dying in space. The plan stated their intention to, “Provide  irrevocable proof that, should the MERCURY   manned orbit flight fail, the fault lies with the  Communists et al Cuba… by manufacturing various   pieces of evidence which would prove electronic  interference on the part of the Cubans.” Thankfully, John Glenn returned to Earth safely,   so this shockingly petty plan didn’t see  the light of day until decades later. Fact Twenty-Nine! The CIA faked a vampire attack in the Philippines! As part of their plan to crush the Huk  Rebellion in the Philippines in the   early 1950s, they brought in psywar expert  and mythology enthusiast Edward Lansdale,   who had a unique plan for clearing  a particularly difficult Huk fort.   He used his knowledge of local myth  to fake the attack of an Aswang - a   frightening Filipino vampire - by puncturing  the neck of a Huk rebel and bleeding him dry. It was a truly horrific method, but it  was effective. The Huk fort was rattled   and soon cleared when word spread  of the potential Aswang attacks,   proving that the CIA can often come in clutch  with the scariest idea you’ve ever heard. Fact Thirty! The CIA tried to create a  weaponized weather machine! During the Vietnam War, Operation Sober Popeye  was the CIA’s plan to seed clouds and extend   Vietnam’s natural monsoon season to wage a  weatherized war of attrition against their   jungle commando enemies. But this plan was  scuppered in 1978 when international courts   declared the use of weather-manipulating  devices in warfare as a war crime. Though in fairness, things being a war crime  has never stopped the CIA before. They’ve   been known to do some truly horrifying  things to their own people, such as… Fact Thirty-One! The CIA’s horrifying mind  control experiments - MKUltra! That’s right - time for an  MKUltra lightning round! This brainchild of chemist and spymaster  Sidney Gottlieb is still one of the most   infamous things the CIA has ever done.  The experiments ran from 1953 to 1973   and primarily involved explorations into the  interrogation and mind-control applications of   LSD - as well as MDMA, heroin, mescaline,  barbiturates, meth, and magic mushrooms. And you’d be amazed at the level  of mind-boggling insanity Sidney   Gottlieb and his associates managed  to fit into those 20 years of testing. Fact Thirty-Two! The CIA hired Nazi war criminals from the  Dachau concentration camp for help with MKUltra! Vivisectionists and war criminals who  worked for both the Nazis and Japan’s   infamous Unit 731 were brought to Fort  Detrick in Maryland to lecture CIA agents   on their findings. The Dachau staff were of  particular interest due to their experiments   on concentration camp prisoners using  mescaline, and some of the experiments   conducted under the MKUltra banner were  even modeled after Nazi methodology. Fact Thirty-Three! There were allegedly CIA sites across the globe  where these experiments were being conducted! There is evidence of MKUltra experiments  being undertaken throughout Europe and Asia,   where unwitting enemies of the state were  subjected to extreme experimentation without   the same “legal entanglements” the CIA  would face experimenting on American   soil. The purpose of these experiments was the  destruction of the human ego - through drugging,   electroshock therapy, isolation, temperature  control, and psychological torture. The purpose was to essentially render  the mind a blank slate where Gottlieb   and his coconspirators could  build whatever they pleased. Fact Thirty-Four! Some nightmarish experiments  unfolded in Canada under MKUltra! The Allan Memorial Institute, under the  direction of Scottish psychiatrist Donald   Ewen Cameron, played host to the Montreal  Experiments, which were funded by the CIA   front organization, The Society for  the Investigation of Human Ecology. Some of these experiments involved shocking  drugged patients with significantly more   power than in typical electroshock therapy,  while others involved inducing months-long   comas while the subjects were forced  to listen to looping audio tapes. Some people subjected to Cameron’s  experiments effectively lost their   minds, entering an infantile state where they  experienced symptoms like urinary incontinence,   severe amnesia, and even the belief  that the researchers were their parents. Fact Thirty-Five! Gottlieb and the CIA director tried  to destroy the evidence of MKUltra! In 1973, in one of the few good  decisions of President Richard Nixon,   he removed Richard Helms as Director of the  CIA. Helms was one of the greatest supporters   of Sidney Gottlieb’s continued research, so with  him out, MKUltra’s days were thankfully numbered. Knowing they’d committed a lot of horrific  violations of both the law and general ethics,   Helms and Gottlieb conspired to eliminate as  much evidence of MKUltra as they possibly could.   Gottlieb even loaded boxes of files from the  CIA archive into his car and instructed them   to be destroyed, but Helms and Gottlieb  missed files that were stored elsewhere. As a result, the existence of MKUltra was  revealed to the world two years later,   in 1975, by Senator Frank Church, in the very  same committee hearings where he debuted the   Heart Attack Pistol. This would only result in  more horrifying discoveries about the project. Fact Thirty-Six! MKUltra killed a Tennis Player! Many people lost their lives and minds to  MKUltra, but one of the strangest ones is   the tragic case of Harold Blauer. This unfortunate  professional tennis player checked into New York   State Psychiatric Institute in 1952 due to  suffering from a bout of depression following   his divorce. There, he became a lab rat for the  Army Chemical Corps under the MKUltra umbrella. He was injected with various chemical  analogs for mescaline throughout his stay,   experiencing severe hallucinations.  Eventually, he was given an overdose of   the chemical 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine,  also known as MDA, which caused him to slip   into a coma and die later that day. The  CIA and the state of New York covered   this up for 22 years until the revelations  eventually came out during committee hearings. But it wasn’t just innocent tennis  players who became unwitting guinea pigs! Fact Thirty-Seven! The CIA performed MKUltra experiments  on infamous gangster Whitey Bulger! While imprisoned for his extensive life  of crime, Bulger was coerced into MKUltra   experiments that he was told were research  for the benefit of mental health. He and   other inmates were given drug cocktails  and were subjected to batteries of the   typical strange and unethical tests.  But this is particularly interesting   because Bulger was able to describe his  own experience in the program first-hand. “Eight convicts in a panic and paranoid state.  Total loss of appetite. Hallucinating. The   room would change shape. Hours of paranoia and  feeling violent. We experienced horrible periods   of living nightmares and even blood coming  out of the walls. Guys turning to skeletons   in front of me. I saw a camera change into the  head of a dog. I felt like I was going insane.” It definitely doesn’t sound like a good  trip. But we can think of a worse one… Fact Thirty-Eight! The CIA performed experiments  on unwitting brothel patrons! No, you didn’t hear that wrong. It was part  of an MKUltra subdivision known as OPERATION   MIDNIGHT CLIMAX. Primarily operated by  ex-narcotics investigator George White,   the CIA rigged certain rooms and safe  houses with surveillance equipment and   recruited sex workers to bring their clients  here and dose them with LSD for observation. The women were paid in both small cash tokens  and immunity from prosecution for their sex work,   and George White would later say that he enjoyed  this work mainly because he liked getting to spy   on people having sex while drugged. In his  own words, “I toiled wholeheartedly in the   vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where  else could a red-blooded American boy lie,   kill, cheat, steal… and pillage with the  sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?” It seemed that pretty much everyone involved  in this project was a massive weirdo. Fact Thirty-Nine! The MKUltra experiments inspired Stranger Things! In the hit Netflix show, Eleven has psychic  powers because of her mother being an   experimental subject of the MKUltra experiments  - and the show’s creators, the Duffer Brothers,   have said multiple times that the experiments  were one of the major inspirations behind   the government conspiracy side of the show -  along with the conspiratorial Project Montauk. The CIA never encountered a real  psychic little girl or a Demogorgon   during their experiences, though, mainly  just huge amounts of horrific malpractice. Fact Forty! The CIA tried to control the news! Operation Mockingbird was the pet project  of Frank Wisner, head of the CIA’s Office   of Special Projects, to get a stranglehold  over American print media and broadcasting   during the early years of the Cold War. He gained  influence over key figures in The New York Times,   CBS, and members of the Washington  Press Corps, allegedly having 3000   CIA employees embedded throughout major news  organizations at the height of the project. These employees suppressed certain  stories and planted others,   making sure the media narrative could  be massaged in the interests of the   CIA. So when you watch the news, you never  really know what message you’re receiving! Fact Forty-One! They tried using poisoned toothpaste  to kill a Congolese prime minister! Patrice Lumumba oversaw the Democratic Republic  of the Congo split from Belgian rule in 1960,   leading the CIA to worry that he’d drag  the country towards Communism - Mainly   due to Lumumba’s anti-colonial policies and his  desire to preserve his country’s independence. Of course, the Congo also contained mineral  deposits sought after by both the US and Belgium,   so the CIA drew up plans to assassinate  Lumumba and install someone more sympathetic   to American interests in his place.  There were many plots to kill Lumumba,   with the strangest being an  attempt to poison his toothpaste,   which was quickly discarded by the recruit  they’d put in charge of carrying it out. The CIA still got what they wanted in the  end, as Lumumba was eventually captured   and executed by Katangan Separatists. To this  day, he’s seen as a martyr by the people of the   pan-African movement for his fearless adherence  to his principles, even in the face of death. Fact Forty-Two! They used a fake vaccine  plot to help catch Bin Laden! As part of their ongoing quest to find  Osama Bin Laden, the architect of the   9/11 terrorist attacks, the CIA set up  a fake hepatitis vaccination scheme in   the neighborhood of Bin Laden’s compound  as a front to investigate the area and   possibly collect a DNA sample confirming  the presence of one of his many children. This method was strongly  condemned by Unni Karunakara,   the international president of the  non-profit Doctors without Borders,   who claimed it would encourage distrust between  citizens and medical professionals, saying, “The   risk is that vulnerable communities — anywhere —  needing access to essential health services will   understandably question the true motivation  of medical workers and humanitarian aid.” Fact Forty-Three! The CIA reads five million tweets per day! Just in case you need to feel better about  your own potential Twitter addiction,   the CIA has reported that it studies 5 million  different tweets in a variety of languages   to assess the mood of different areas in the  aftermath of major foreign policy decisions. For example, in the aftermath  of Bin Laden’s assassination,   the Open Source Center was wired into the  collective reaction of Middle East Twitter’s   feelings on the matter. We would hate to be  one of the many employees tasked with wading   through the Twitterscape every day, whether for  general impressions or actionable intelligence. Fact Forty-Four! They had a manual on deception  written by a master magician! John E. McLaughlin, former deputy  director of the CIA, once said,   “Magic and Intelligence are really kindred  arts.” This must be why they hired magician   John Mulholland to write a handbook on  deception and trickery for $3000 in 1953. It was just another one of the  many insane documents created   under the MKUltra Banner and was  thought to have been destroyed   in 1973 - Until two agents realized  they happened to still have copies. It was full of handy little tips, like the fact  that agents who look dopey or disheveled are   less likely to be noticed, how secret pockets  are perfect for hiding weapons or documents,   and how you can smuggle yourself out of a  building inside a crate. Useful stuff, really. Fact Forty-Five! The CIA is less than a century old! Despite having an insanely storied history,   the CIA as it is today wasn’t created until 1947  - though it had a few precursor organizations,   including The Office of the Coordinator of  Information, The Office of Strategic Services,   The Strategic Services Unit, and The  Central Intelligence Group, in that order. Fact Forty-Six! They kept a bizarre list of Soviet  jokes for the Deputy Director! We don’t have much of an explanation  for this one - It could have been for   the Deputy Director’s personal use  or some kind of social function,   but we will share one of the jokes from  the official CIA Soviet joke list here: “What’s the difference between  Gorbachev and Dubcek? Nothing,   but Gorbachev doesn’t know it yet.” Uhhh… We guess you had to be there. Fact Forty-Seven! The CIA armed Islamic Extremists  in the Iran Contra affair! In probably the most famous CIA scandal of  all time, the CIA facilitated the illegal   sale of arms to Iran, which was subject to an  arms embargo at the time. Why? Because they   were hoping to use the proceeds to fund the  Contras, a gang of Anti-Sandinista rebels in   Nicaragua. It’s considered one of the biggest  embarrassments of the Reagan Administration. Fact Forty-Eight! They’re alleged to have helped  depose an Australian Prime Minister! Gough Whitlam, an Australian Prime Minister  from 1972 to 1975, made enemies of both MI6   and the CIA when he strove to make Australia  a more independent nation from the British and   the United States - even threatening  to shut down a CIA base in Pine Gap. While opinions are divided on the issue, it  is believed by many that the CIA influenced   Governor-General Sir John Kerr to dismiss Whitlam  from the position of Prime Minister and place a   politician from the opposition who was far more  sympathetic to the CIA’s interests in his place. This resulted in the 1975  Australian Constitutional Crisis,   one of Australia's most controversial  political incidents. To this day,   both the CIA and Kerr deny  any collusion took place. Fact Forty-Nine! The CIA has a kill list! Maintained by the Counterterrorism Center, or  CTC, this list of individuals is the top priority   for assassination under the CIA’s mandate.  After the CTC puts the information together,   the CIA’s lawyers, the general counsel,  and the head of the National Clandestine   Service make the determination on  whether the hit will be carried out. If this raises certain questions about  extrajudicial executions and the lack   of a fair trial, well, you definitely  wouldn’t be alone on those criticisms. Fact Fifty! The CIA had a torture training manual! Titled “Human Resource Exploitation Training  Manual”, this book of torture techniques was   distributed to the Honduran military by  the CIA. In what feels like an almost   comical attempt at plausible deniability,  the book opens with a note that says: “We will discuss some of those coercive  techniques that have been used by many   and the reasons why we are against  the use of these techniques. We do   not use these techniques, nor  do we condone the use of them.” It was very generous of the CIA  to give the Honduran militants   a list of exact instructions on how to  torture people, just to make sure none   of them did it by accident. The CIA  is just very humanitarian like that. Now check out “Was President JFK Really Killed  by the CIA.” Or watch this video instead!
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Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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