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foreign [Music] this is cool thank you Hypixel wow okay nice [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] badge but I think it's fine honestly for now foreign oh okay that's less ideal but yeah I could use a few more M's actually in case we do need a clutch in the end but we shall see okay all right well not ideals a little earlier than I wanted it to we still have two beds off the brick at some point then but it is what it is I'm gonna head out now because I still have to break two bags there's only 16 of us left now so I'll head out now oh that's a double wither though that ain't ideal that's for sure okay that's gonna be interesting actually um I'm gonna have to get these quick I think so let me go ahead see if I can get this first one really quick um should we finally get at least the first one for now um you have to see here I'm not sure if anyone's in it I don't think anyone's gonna be in this one it's a little too early for that but um I don't think I need to walk in yeah my name is though so I gotta be careful play it safe and we only have prop one so I actually can't take that many fights so I'm gonna pick up some diamonds as well if possible um let me head over to the space now should be the last Feb we have to worry about um but it's gonna be interesting time to play it safe so I reckon this will be some people defending it yeah they are so we'll have to see if I just can play it saves the candle jump boost it's actually pretty not ideal but um I think I finally got it right here all right so we got the bed that's the main party that we need to focus on now like I said I would like to actually be able to live if that is possible without using a compass that's sort of what my goal is right now um so I'm gonna drink this up really quick oh boy okay we're good we're good we got out of it [Music] uh that's a few quick kills a few more that's chickens I definitely thought that was people with the name tags out of my wow wow we have like no problem okay I have to cut this then oh my God I like cocky that hello all right um let's see here let me buy some stuff is that a Wither oh that's awful okay hang on I have to fight it with her now oh my Lord okay all right um I don't have enough I don't have a lot of stuff to be able to to actually I don't have any jump boots or anything hmm there's stuff in the bankers I'm gonna go ahead like that that's gonna be helpful that's a big big boost right there um there's only a plot one I don't understand how that's like possible but oh well okay all right the weather's coming over here so now I'm gonna have to fight him really quick I was only in the basement that's a mistake so there should be a free wither kill which is actually really good I don't know why he went into the base so that's good um let me go ahead and just fight him really quick pull up bro we need prod oh my life bruh that is wild that takes so much damage let's get back with a fireball got him in there foreign that's doable don't get me wrong all right I'm gonna head up now because we gotta go fight this wither really quick I should have bought some Waters I don't know why I didn't I was actually bad on my part so if I had to hit down I don't like ladders either the amount so I now have to just kind of stay up here ideally fight this wither all right you got to relax um okay hi all right I got one hit a few minutes there that's fine though okay we got him there's another guy right here though so I gotta be slightly careful let's make sure I don't like doing anything stupid um I've used my Pro by mistake that's really bad all right let me try to end this out here that's kind of all I'm trying to do right now we got away which is the main thing I buy him to do hockey to my Pearl which is not ideal that kind of is what it is oh my God hello uh let me just live that's all I'm kind of focusing on right now I might just go to the other platform really quick I'm gonna go ahead Emma's out here really quick now there are a few sweats left which is really not ideal for this but I'll just live with it for now um oh all right low you might have some Amazon which I should be really helpful if we did yeah I hit three that's solid of course there's a guy right over here actually there's two I'll take this I think I can take this safely I think all right oh I got myself stuck in that that's annoying all right um I'll go ahead and go to the base actually to buy some extra pass I might as well really quick um Critters is over here actually it's not great though because there's all right there so I won't use this one go ahead and run away over towards here there's a lot of people here I really have to be careful um I really have to buy something pretty much just leave immediately um how is there no energy oh there is oh God okay hi okay I got hit that's fine oh my God I didn't get to do my epic Bible because my wolf got in the way all right um let's go ahead and just leave again I don't really want to risk anything right now um because it's kind of too early for that see I just gotta like really try to get 1v1 so this is actually there are a few very decent people on their team which isn't ideal for me but oh well it is what it is and that should be a kill that should be a kill there we go cool um we got a little distance between the next person so I can pick out some M's really quick this guy right here there's something trick him it's just to be safe um grab some of these and I have my compass again which is really big that's really really big um stop good sir [Music] we got him good kill um yeah we're back in our base which is good because we can all use our platforms now um so that'll be good I might go ahead and see if I can get that person because let's look at the amount of diamonds on them actually only a prop two I'm like actually like a week and four but okay I also take this I was actually risky because again these are like no prop but we got the kill now that we've probably I'm a little more comfortable taking some fights now so I might see if I can start taking more 1v1s I think it's gonna be what I'm gonna aim to do now so this guy right in here I'll go ahead and take this I think this is a safe one for me to take um should be at least yeah we could wow they have a lot of fun too though which is a little unfortunate but expected girl this guy's wolf so if I can get him now to be really good that's a really good kill I think I have to hit by Wolves though yeah that was a good kill this should be a free bumpy one there's two guys over there but I think I'm fine still fine to take it oh hold on I don't have enough gear for that that's wild I don't know how though just like I guess I don't prop four and they do and I guess that's why but all right oh well um yeah I honestly need to get right forward because I'm taking so many heads they have they must have proper already which is not the most like this guy's name is right here I'm actually surprised I didn't get a hit okay oh well if everything's starting to kill sooner rather than later so don't start grouping up because they group up that's kind of like the end of me so um yeah let me also go ahead and knock it by Forge a little bit in the meantime no this guy right here so I'll take this I think now that I brought four I'm a little more confident okay that's a little unfortunate actually that's a little interesting um I'm not in Fireball them really quick I'm trying to just back for him there we go let's go backward that's another good one right there and I'm gonna prevent it from going really anywhere by doing that that's good good kill good kill this guy's here I'm gonna take this I think um I might get him yeah okay I was gonna kill him um all right let me head out now no point in saying that for too too much longer this guy right here is good he's gonna fight on my face I think that's fine what what that's okay BC just a quick reminder okay I think it's just laggy that was wild goodbye bro literally just like took zero KB as if he had no effect to it that was wild okay um okay so there's no one within 100 there's no one with anywhere near us which actually might be a really bad sign that might mean the last are grouping up which means I'll probably lose um so I really need to see if I can just find people who aren't grouped up right now that's my absolute goal right now just because if I kill them early enough they won't be able to join any other groups that already made um so let me just go out and see if I can just find some players ASAP I'll definitely a few names over here I think they're actually a few sweats so this is actually gonna be really tough to take I think but I need to start taking fights so I'm gonna head over and see if I can take it anyway yeah these are all decent players so gonna be interesting gonna be interesting here I might just head over to what I can just see if I can force out there's definitely enough Golems so if I can force out some Golems right now oh wow what it was a crazy good hit all right let me see if I can just beat him up here that's my only goal right now actually I think they're smarter they're not gonna this guy's coming up though so that's a bet this guy does not know how to use dumpers oh okay interesting interesting from me I have a lot of Pros I'm gonna go ahead and use some just to aggro a little bit here like yeah but I can't do anything too risky though I do like Compass though so that's chill I don't have to here [Music] oh that's fun uh the Golem is gonna hit me now that's fine honestly I don't have to worry about it I know they're pushing me but that's fine go ahead and head up here I was about Fireball I'll use the platform that's chill um it's either gonna aggro not see that's gonna be really hard to kill them because they're just gonna stick together too that is gonna be the bad that's gonna be the toughest part of this Crush I think it's gonna be able to try and go for them because they know what they're doing back and forth yeah I don't know how I'm supposed to kill I'm gonna have to eventually just see if I can try to bait them out of the base and try to keep stick them locks otherwise I don't know how I'm supposed to do it I'm just gonna hit one who's gonna play school lunch I think if I do yeah we got one out at least that's something we're trying to weigh as many as many as we can but see I just don't really know what I'm supposed to do about that they know what they're doing so I don't think I'm winning these clutch to be Henderson honest but you know what honestly no point in wasting my time I'm gonna go kill the other ones instead quick they'll also might get bored you never know probably not but I'm honestly just gonna go kill the others who I don't think are as good and this guy's right here as soon as they kill I was gonna end this which I'm fine with honestly low-key that's fine by me you can Fireball me if he wants I'm all I want him to come to me right now I want him to get over here so I'll chill on invis that's fine by me oh I should start this year now I gotta be careful this one's right there yeah this guy right here hit one [Music] okay hit me that's fine and there are two here but I'm gonna take it anyway yeah yeah I'm fine thank you everyone's I was supposed to be back where Fireball it wasn't hot he's gonna pull out I think probably I don't need Fireballs that's wild he might have him here yeah I don't think yeah he's not gonna be able to save himself now good good kill good kill how many pearls does man have okay doesn't matter there's no way he's Landing that all right another good kill there's another guy right there I'm trying to take that but I want more pasta she feels I'm running out a little bit right now oh it's right here hello nice envious bro they love English I'm telling you I can't even see bro well obviously there is any vitamins I can't see him I don't know I want him to hit me let's go thank you all right you're dead all right let me go out of the Golem so it's quick let's go let's run it okay origin news about all right that also is you do yoga you do you that's chill by me I know a Fireballs I should buy fireballs and TNT deal with the girl ones actually I'm trying to keep him out of here I'd use that poorly that was a bad cave Easter damn they used in all their Golems okay interesting yeah I need to go by TNT I need TNT so I'm gonna head back over and take the fight over here now that I do have some TNT which will be a big help um that's good um [Music] a little more Fireballs actually but [Music] all right God damn why do so many bro that's wild all right I'm gonna Purl I'm see if I can bait them if I put them there will they chase me they might I'm not entirely sure are they gonna kill them if they don't know how to Purl that guy's good I gotta start doing that that's the Strat hello oh just Pearl make them think you're gonna die and then yo hold him I'm doing that let me do a quick count check really quick to make sure I like quick attendance check to make sure they're all here because there might be one that's not with them might as well kill them first all right one two three I think there might be one knot with them so I'm honestly gonna go leave and I'm gonna see if I can find one if I go far enough I might come as my change directions towards a one more teammate if it doesn't I'll head back yeah there's a guy right here okay all right I have to kill this guy right now I'm actually gonna aggro him too all righty goodbye good sir good fight good fight okay so now it's four 1v4 that guy's right there hold up he left his group I thought he might he didn't seem to have patience so I'm gonna go ahead and just go for him right now um yeah this guy I'm gonna aggro him really quick he's gonna hit me that's fine I'm gonna hit him as well um see where he's gonna go he's gonna go he's gonna scroll back oh he's gonna do a second bro it's gonna freaking okay hold up why do I have no Fireballs what that's actually weird oh hi [Music] where are you going [Music] you're just gonna all right well I mean it was a lot of those pearls it's something go ahead buy some more stuff really quick while I'm over here this is just kind of a pretty annoying spot to be in right now so I'd love to see so I just don't really know how I'm supposed to play it because there's all four of them that all know what they're doing they're all sweats so those are Sim skins it's fun oh we can't do that that's odd pretty good um yeah I don't know if they're gonna they might they'll probably telling each other not to leave the base anymore which probably means I'm gonna have to take this at some point oh this got my drink bug you're just gonna jump he's gonna beat if someone drinks a jump and come up here and chill with that that's what I'm looking for this guy's coming up good good good good this is what we wanted oh that's a good hitting him but that's fine because other ones might come up if they feel like he needs help um we run firebots Chill by me I should use some oranges I have a lot of jumping out many invisible what the hell that's a good bow shot all right [Music] this is a really bad spot to be in okay so he's gonna prolong to me that's chill see if he gets him down here yeah all right oh that was a bad Pearl so I'm actually right now Ah that's annoying all right let's lock that up I mean they can actually I have a I have a lot of way to get out if I need to so I'm chilling but oh dude I was close too that's unfortunate uh all right um one guy's over here I'll go take him instead might as well really quick this is the guy who seems to not want to sit with them as much which is Chill by me oh this is just not gonna work I I don't really know what to say I mean dragons will help when they get here but it's in four minutes but until then I don't really know what I'm supposed to do to be 100 honest like oh hi [Music] your speed which actually isn't ideal but [Music] that's a mistake [Music] a few here though that's a chill to take I'm banging them out though all right I'll Purl um all right uh so I'm gonna see if I can get him up there that's actually a good spot to find him out so I'm gonna go up here ah this is so boring but I don't know I literally I don't know what I'm supposed to try at this point it's gonna run by them see what if I just walk in with this guy that's what it is come on finally come on come on up here come up here come on oh come on bro oh hi oh what are you doing bro what is this guy doing but oh I need I know I look he needs speed I'm losing these fights off speed now that's lucky a thing okay all right I'll Compass whatever sure but I need speed pots that is what I now know because I'm like getting rocked when they got speed right foreign oh hi now I have speed buddy like we're gonna Pro uh he's gonna know the Pearl that way too that sucks well that was close I know he was actually really wait I got one bro it's free all right so where are the where are these guys right here hello hi another in the spot that's why good Fireball that was really cool we got a lot of space to fight though it's pretty cool um [Music] okay that's cool uh all right I'll just restock up really quick [Music] no point I'm taking images unless I really do have something that's really going to plan but now that up here I have a lot of movement pods I'm actually going to take this [Music] bye did I try a good story this is what I'm saying you guys actually want to touch and fight huh foreign [Music] yeah probably oh I know pearls oh my God I'm done I should have a bumpy one then here right technically speaking I should I'm gonna go buy some pearls though I'll just chill on the space for a sec well you're alone in there my man where what's your game plan here another one you guys just don't want to fight that's just not your thing [Music] all right he's gonna Purl away wait what is it oh yeah I'm done well the best teammates here right so I have one one here again that's fine by me he's in this but I don't really care got a hit I'm gonna block all his pearls [Music] bye bro you guys are not playing this well bro what are you guys doing oh my life all right hello you're gonna fight me now all right let's run this oh no three he activated oh he wants to race all right I see you I see what you're doing I see you all right we got some TNT's only four isn't too much fun that's fine here's wolves I see what he's doing really bye uh guys come on now uh unlucky they play tomorrow I'll give them they played it smart they played the way you're supposed to they played they did play how you're supposed to clutch I'll give him that DG's ggs we win those we win those
Channel: oZook x Parccer
Views: 23,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luvonox castle clutch, luvonox clutch, bedwars castle clutch, bedwars clutch, castle clutch, minecraft bedwars, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, castle bedwars, craziest bedwars castle clutch, best bedwars castle clutch, greatest bedwars castle clutch, insane bedwars castle clutch, 40v1 bedwars castle clutch, castle 40v40, 40v40 bedwars, 40v40 minecraft bedwars, best castle clutch, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, ozook, castle clutch vs party, 1v38 clutch, ozook clutch, jamezs
Id: M0TQgKJcji8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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