"The Crash Will Be WORSE Than 1929..." - Robert Kiyosaki's Last WARNING

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the first 10 years of this Century we have had three major crashes in 2000 with the.com crash followed by the 2006 real estate subprime crash and then 2008 the banking crash the question is is this next this is the giant crash of 1929 and every time I listened to those guys on CNBC I call it bubble Vision they keep talking about the giant crash tell you what it doesn't even compare to this one coming so that's why I write and I speak and I'm very concerned about our futures our well-being and the state of the economy but not long ago I wrote that the best time to prepare for a crash is before a crash the biggest crash in world history is coming that got a lot of news but the big news the good news is the best time to get rich is during a crash the bad news is the crash will be a long one which is for me good news too there's something about being old that is good what I have as I've actually lived through history the S P 500 is really the s p seven and it's being held up by a treasury of secretary Yellen and Powell so there's no correlation between the economy and what Yellen and Powell are doing I said one more thing is that I'm a little strange in that I like crashes so this next crash is going to be a really really good but it'll bring down goals over Bitcoin stocks but the good news is a crash is a good time to get rich the big debate is is there inflation or deflation and if you look historically what's happened today is the nominal debt to GDP is a correlation of M2 the volume of money times the velocity of money and the reason yelling and Powell are scrabbling is because they've expanded M2 so everybody thinks it's going to be inflation but velocity of money which is what Jim records and I always talk about the velocity of money is plummeting people are not spending so they pump all this money in prices go up meanwhile the Asians are catching up now that the ports are finally open so it's a trend it is transitory inflation but the problem is we're stacked with this massive debt and all it's done is bump up the stock market and real estate market the money has not gone into the economy that's the sad part so the rich get richer but the poor all class are getting poorer it is tragic what's happening today I don't know what it'll exactly be but you can't keep printing fake money you know that's M2 and the velocity of money keeps dropping but the debt keeps going up so you and I don't have to go to Harvard to understand that's not good because it's going to be the biggest crash in world history we have never had this much debt pumped up debt is the biggest problem of all but that's called M2 money supply and the debt to GDP ratio is out of sight so when it comes down which it brings everything down with it and I want to give people the big picture the reason I don't care for Yellen or Powell because they're both marxists and when I say that I get nailed I will read you a quote from Lennon okay this is Vladimir this is the establishment of a central bank this is a direct quote it's 90 of a communizing of a Nation that's Yellen and Powell and the other other statement from London is and this is a Manifesto here the best way to destroy the capitalist system is to watch the currency that says desperate people doing desperate things as you and I know this the stock market like I said it's not it's not the S P 500 it's the s p seven and the separation between the stock market and the economy has never been worse I'm just disturbed because the money is staying only in the investor Market every time the FED does something the treasury does something only guys like me to get richer but the money is not going into the real economy they're not investing they haven't invested for years they plant and equipment so we have massive massive unemployment and underemployment and that's why I called lemon the establishment of a central bank is 90 of Communism and the best way to destroy a capital assistance to buy the currency that was in 1971 that actually took the dollar off the gold standards in this book here I kind of Woke Up in 1972 as a marine pilot flying in Vietnam and I went Behind Enemy Alliance in Vietnam looking for goals because he was illegal in 1972 for Americans to own gold when markets crash it's the best time to get rich so I I'm getting very excited about a crash coming because the better stocks will come available unfortunately Michelle there will be massive social unrest that's what that's what I'm more concerned about because we have not reinvest it we've been fed and the treasury have only invested in the investor class they haven't invested in the working class and the working classes without jobs without pay without this their 401ks are going to get toasted and that's why I'm more saying I don't like what's happening I've tuned in to YouTube and all the financial markets 24 7. and that that's about one of the best things about technology this uh covet thing really pushed up technology and I love YouTube I I get I listen to some of the most Smart Guys on planet Earth and I'll listen to Lacey hunt and he's talking about deflation then I listen to records and he talks about deflation and yelling and uh Powell who worked for the fed and for the treasury they both worked for the FED which again is a communist organization don't say so in here time to wake up is what I'm saying you know most parents say the kids go to school and save money and work hard but in 1970 when I graduated from school a million dollars at 15 interest earned me 150 000 a year now you could live in a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year back then another thing that's happening when people's incomes go down they become dependent now the US government tells us that poverty has been beaten in America well maybe poverty has been beaten but what has increased is the entitlement mentality the attitude that the government and other people should take care of me so anyway the reason inflation is going to wipe out people is because the average person is a consumer so they go to the everybody talks about I want to you know T-bone steak is this now in gasoline's this and toilet paper is that and all this but that's because Biden and Company and the Fed are protecting the bankers that's why I Feel For the Working Class People I think it's criminal our school system is part of Marxism there's no Financial education in schools and it's not a mistake so I've been saying this since I don't know you know my first book was beyond rich and happy don't go to school this was long before Richard but today we can see what's happened and people are still saying oh it's because the container ships aren't being discharged with Long Beach Harbor and all that and I went to school I can drive those ships I have a third mates license and drive ships and fly planes but anyway it's all BS so the people who are complaining about inflation just know it's because it's the Federal Reserve Bank the U.S treasury which is Janet Yellen who was also head of the Federal Reserve Bank they're as corrupt as they come they're Communists they're freaking Communists and we worship them this is what's sad the FED should have let those guys fail but they kept them afloat every time they made money it created more debt it just created more effect money and America got poorer the deficit kept going up because they had to have that touring in frontless dilemma plus schumpeter was just the capitalism is destructive the whole system is based upon if a dollar comes in that got the London out and the collateral is going bad now so that's why he says it's going to be deflation and not inflation but the FED has got to keep the illusion that there's inflation
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Keywords: freenvesting, free investing, investing, stocks, stock market, stock market investing, robert kiyosaki, robert kiyosaki interview, robert kiyosaki school system, robert kiyosaki financial education, market crash, stock market crash, market crash coming, market crash 2022, market crash robert kiyosaki, kiyosaki robert, kiyosaki crash, kiyosaki debt, rich dad channel, kiyosaki interview, robert kiyosaki cryptocurrency, will market crash again, is market crash coming, inflation
Id: eYBkYx3TXnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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