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hello and welcome to animal watch and today we have another world exclusive meet Koy dogs coyotes are famous for running a mock in the USA especially since the top predator the wolf was called so heavily that coyotes numbers have quadrupled or even more cute and fuzzy like a small wolf mix with her Fox adorable wild fur and a naughty cheeky assertive character that you will either love or hate so what happens if you breed a coyote with a dog will you get a crazy world coyote or might you get something cute that you can keep as a pet with a nice temperament today animal watch brings you a YouTube exclusive as we fly out to California to meet the only breeder of authentic looking koi dogs in the world will they be feisty and tricky or nice and cuddly today I'm going to tell you everything about owning a koi dog as a pet so don't go away now animal watch loves all types of canids especially the Wild and persecuted ones we love canines that represent a natural healthy Anatomy long muzzle good erect ears healthy teeth natural fur everything that nature equipped these creatures with before human intervention came about H the coyote embodies everything we admire from his beautiful healthy physique to his cheeky naughty demeanor he's an opportunist like foxes are and has done well in urban areas where wolves would have not as he moves alone mostly under the cover of dark rifling through bins and adapting to human expansion so what if I was to tell you that you could have a pet coyote well not entirely a full one but one that was made up of dog DNA and coyote DNA what would you think would you think that that's a mad idea I mean we have wolf dogs right low content right up to almost full blood wolves and they can exist as pets so what's the difference I mean he's smaller cuter he must be easier to care for right well after drooling over Mark cler's coy dog photos for a few years now and definitely thinking about adding a Koy dog to my family I took the Bold step of booking a flight to Palm Springs in order to meet these Little Cuties in person no known as miniature North a dogs these koi dogs look Sensational authentic looking adorable cuddly foxy I was so excited to meet them and boy I was not disappointed hi hell to meet how you doing hey Welcome to California I'm Mark cler and this is Lewan my little girl look oh my goodness she she's out the microphone oh no it's a little fuzzy Mouse yes she [Music] is so we got like the miniature North American Indian dogs and of course you've got the sister project haven't you the for the big guys with the wolf in them the big guys have been going for decades and this this is a newer project a sister project the wild content is strictly coyote so as you can see she looks like a little one I love her so much and you're going to take me around today and we're going to learn everything about this brand new breed is an exclusive on animal watch never before has some the internet ever seen Koy dogs quite like this we have people that have Koy dogs Here There and Everywhere and they say they're coy dogs but they don't really look like coyotes at all whereas these ones actually genuinely look like coyotes so I'm really excited to be the channel to feature these little babies let's go let's find out everything about these little koi dogs after the unbelievably cute reception I was sold I mean that dog was totally up my street cute foxy lovable small size natural looking but realistically all of these traits get dogs bought on a whim by awful own ERS who do not think through the complications of caring for a primitive breed and there are negatives as well as positives so the only person who could tell me everything about having one of these sausages was Mark himself so we sat down in the beautiful Palm Spring Sunset to have a chat so I'm here today with Mark clemer the creator of these amazing little minis that we've got here and what are their official your names and what exactly are they this little creature is an adult miniature North American Indian dog she's a female named kka and what this is is a sister project to the my main work which is the big North American Indian dogs the wolf-like ones that are huge but it's a completely different project with similar goals so we want wild looks and a very sweet temperament and it's been accomplished by combining uh coyote blood much smaller animal than a wolf and small spits type dogs with bouncy happy temperaments and so far so good we've got kind of a wild look let's go through the history of the creation of this dog some people don't realize because not all coyotes are the same but in the western us there are these tiny little coyotes running around they are usually like 18 to 25 maybe top 30 lbs slender long legs and they specialize in eating very small game like rodents lizards even insects and there's not really been any maybe a tiny bit of dog has been mixed in you know through natural breeding but we don't have any wolf mixed in you go farther east you get Eastern coyotes that have a significant amount of dog and wolf in them and they're bigger they're up to like 55 lbs almost as big as a wolf yeah and this is not what we wanted we wanted something tiny and so what we've got here is a combination of high content uh Western coyote genetics and American Eskimo which is a spits white spits and these are mid content these are mid content yes yes let's just talk about what they look like Okay so we've got a wild coat here it's the same as in a coyote ATI coat so she's got the coloration that goes to the roots she's got the stiff guard hairs relatively long legs slender athletic body but not quite as long as the coyote not as extreme the muzzle isn't quite as sharp or as long the Western desert coyote has huge ears so almost like a jack rabbit not literally but like radiators to cool her whole body so how heavy is she this little thing she weighs about 18 lb I'm totally intolerant of non wild color mutations in the North American Indian dog project the big ones but with these we're seeing all across the us all kinds of crazy color mutations that are showing up from dog genetics that got mixed in yeah but you can't see any other sign of the dog except born White born black like a miniature little black wolf somebody domesticates a wild coyote will they be like this or is she significant ly differ there are significant differences I've talked to many many people who do coyote rescue people on coyote pups mother's been killed by a car whatever you take one let's say even at 4 days of age bottle feed it it's going to be bouncing around playing with you when they reach puberty they start snarling and arching their back and gaping they will attack people except for one person they pick if they're bonded to people or one canine people think they live in packs like wolves but they don't they live in peirs and a pair controls a huge territory and then they look like a pack when they have their juvenile Offspring running around for about a year they send them off and if any other coyote comes into that territory it better run for its life or there's going to be a fight a lot of that yodeling that you hear echoing through the hills around here it's the pair telling everyone else to stay away now these little characters she's intact she's 5 years old she's actually had puppies and she just loves human touch any person that's around who Smiles at her looks at her um calls her she's ready to cuddle now it seems to me that there were varying characters of koi dogs just like dogs itka was very calm and Easy in public but more stoic and confident in character whereas loen was an absolute goofball and loved meeting everybody on a walk around I mean just look at her meeting passes by and Downtown Palm Springs then there was Luke less socialized he was a great example of why socialization is so important in keeping one of these he was learning to get over his fears but as he is a stay-at-home pet he doesn't really need to go out too much you were talking about socializing from a very very young age you must bottle feed them yes 3 weeks completely away from the mom completely away you have to take over completely then all the cuddling tick tickling the tummy talking to them treating them like little baby people and they just a slurry of a formula through a bottle for a few days then they start eating out of a bowl during that critical period they have to be taken everywhere handled by lots of people and then they they learn the world is full of potential friends if you want to pet one in a public area you must get them out young to get over the fear that the wolf dogs also equally possess all of this is common sense when socializing any dog breed you just have to remember that dogs that carry recent wild animal DNA fear humans naturally so like wolf dogs you must address this far more intensively than any domestic dog breed same-sex aggression is a huge issue if it's an intact animal that was not altered before puberty okay there is no keeping two adult females together this girl and her sweet sister lean that you know well yes they were born in the same litter raised in the same place they cannot be near each other they will try to hurt each other and we we filmed a little bit of that just so yeah so you guys can see what we're talking about no no no no what Mark's trying to say is um if you're interested in one like this and you'd like it to blend into your household I'm not quite sure what dogs you would have or whether you have cats or whatever you must have it spayed or Ned they are very early maturing so we're talking 5 months we need to help them mon they got to be sped on by six months they can reach pu now Mark made it clear that coyotes stay in pairs in the wild to breed unlike pack living wolves and don't like other same sex coyotes due to sexual competition so it cannot be stressed enough that this is what makes a good or bad pet Koy dog you must turn off that desire to breed otherwise you can't mix these dogs with other dogs a great example is this nuted boy bred by Mark clemer he was nuted before sexual maturity and now lives happily alongside another male dog he also plays with strange dogs when they go out so it is possible it all comes down to a few rules that you must do if you want it to work for you the other thing is these can't go off lead right what do you think here's the thing I don't do it but um I know of two people I won't mention their names because that's their business because they sometimes face some uh push back they both have first generation coyot crosses 50% and they both do tons of off lead work but they put a lot of work into it they do this in very safe places so it's definitely possible Southern California is filled with people and dogs and I just don't feel comfortable with off leet stuff but we need to talk about the voice oh yeah so you were saying these annoying little things walls have got this sound and kittis are like yeah shrieking we took a sound bite earlier cuz Mark was saying you've never heard anything like it the volume has to be twice yeah dog don't you think we're just going to play a sound bite and I want you to just listen to what this girl sounds like and I want you to imagine you've gone to the shops yeah and this is what your neighbors are hearing so don't have one of these if your neighbors don't like noise because this this this is what they're going to do when you're out just listen to this [Music] listen and do they guard the way we socialize them the people won't trigger it but other dogs or coyotes will so strange dogs coming around that could start the shrieking yes okay they're trying to shriek and sound five times larger than they really are another serious subject is how it's so important to keep these guys safe if one of these little characters was out and ran up to strangers that would be perceived as something like a rabid coyote who has suddenly no fear of people and she could be instantly killed so there has to be a secure outdoor containment area if you don't have that you shouldn't have one the Koy dogs had fun in Western Recreation Pioneer town and fitted in totally to that coyote [Music] vibe [Music] this is a little girl this is a little boy little boy and they're both different colors aren't they they're siblings from the same parents this little character the boy looks just identical to a little pure koi at this age except there a little curve to the tail but his coloring everything sharp little muzzle the this is what they'd look like in the wild if you saw little coyote babies that sort of quite a light thny color almost very classic and the coat length and everything just basically like a western coyote this is the little girl and we've got a couple different mutations that work here so again same parents but we've got the recessive long-haired coat that came from the dog side of the family so American Eskimos have a standof coat and she's got that she is going to mature into a fuzzier creature that looks a lot like Matilda yeah which we met the other day that F your look and I love that look because it's sort of like a Montana Northern coote winter coat all year round yeah because um coyotes can look very different depending on what which part of the America they in and the time of year too now this coloring is very similar to a lot of wolf dog pups High contents she's going to lighten up a lot she's going to be a really cool wild type gray but it's a little bit charcoal at this age and it'll get lighter and it'll be kind of a a gray with less Rufus tones than he's going to have so you've had them away from the parents for what two weeks now one week yeah about a week and a half they're 4 and 1/2 weeks old I took them at 3 weeks which is late for a wolf dog but dead on for these guys they've been by a lot of people you call them and they just run to you they eat out of a bowl now right around little tummies so I didn't even have to bottle feed more than about 5 days and now they're on a mush and they just eat three times a day and they things are going well in conclusion these dogs were absolutely gorgeous and affectionate and cute and gorgeous and affectionate yes I fell in love with them can't you tell they look like a fox and a also a bit like my deceased tamasan Kyoshi they can be pets but with strict strict criteria to anyone wanting one that is if you are to keep these pets safe everywhere we walked people stopped us shocked asking if they were coyotes which brings me to the most serious Point coyotes are shot in the thousands in USA you cannot let these dogs Escape as there is hardly any visible difference between them and a wild kite coyote as Mark explained they will also be tame so could be mistaken as a rabid coyote and they will be short so you must have a very well fenced yard with zero chance of Escape they can and will climb fencing so I'm going to suggest the same level as fencing as a wolf dog if youve seen foxes and coyotes climbing over tall walls then you'll know why this is so important you must get them fixed before sexual maturity and Mark is not going to let you have a koi dog without this in place so don't even bother snaking out of it these guys turn into the Tasmanian devil when confronted with a competitor so let's keep them all friendly and lovable with our other dogs it's probably unlikely that they will be great with small pets so I wouldn't even try it maybe if raay with a large cat the large cat being there first it could possibly work but I wouldn't leave them together alone I think rabbits are off the cards here and definitely on the menu you must socialize these cuties from day one carry them out whilst they are babies get other people to hold and pet them get them down busy High streets in your car and anywhere that there's a positive experience that can manifest itself be aware that they can become attached to one person or dog so make sure they meet lots of people and nice good charactered strange dogs so they don't attach onto you and only you on the positive they are small and light they can be carried easily and not too tricky if they pull on the leash they are cuddly and affectionate so your heart will explode with love for these creatures but it's our job to keep them safe so any neglect to Our advice will affect their welfare and this would be the saddest thing ever animal watches is here to educate not promote we tell you the truth give you the ammunition and knowledge and then leave it up to you to do the right thing remember I'm the wolf girl and I still don't have a high content wolf dog as I know where I live it's not suitable for one at this current time in my life I hope You' do the same thing as me and always put the dog's needs before your Temptation anyway if you are the right person and do follow these rules then good luck to to you as the koi dogss are so so cute and I'm totally in love myself if anyone would like to find out more about your programs what is the best way to get hold of you the best way to find me there's no website that's just a diversion that I can't handle so I'm AC on Facebook you just go come look for comes and finds I'm very active on Facebook so search for just my name Mark with a k clemer k l m p e r e r don't forget that last year yeah and we'll put a link here and we'll put a link in the description it's certainly something new on animal watch what more could you ask a coyote on a stone in California and if you enjoyed this wonderful episode be sure to give us a big like And subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the bottom hand corner whoops and be sure to tune in every week where we'd be bringing you more amazing episodes on dogs wolves animal rescue and conservation so it's by from me and by from a very cute and cuddly gorgeous coyote like kka oh bye-bye byebye byebye byee
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 74,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coyote, pet coyote, tame coyote, coyote dog, new dog breed, dog breed, Coydog, Coy Dog, The Coy Dog, coyote hybrid, coyote mix dog, coyote dog hybrid, coyote bark, coyote howl, sound a coyote makes, coyotes fighting, Palm Springs, California, Mark Klemperer, NorthAID, North American Indian Dog, Miniature North American Indian Dog, Miniature NorthAID dog, American Eskimo dog
Id: OTadv_coyjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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