The Count of Monte Cristo | Final Chapter

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[Music] and here we are chapter 23 that's not 23 chapter 63 of The Count of Monte Cristo the final chapter of The Count of Monte Cristo it was towards 6 o'clock on the evening a light yacht pure and graceful form sailed swiftly along despite the fact there scarcely seemed to be enough wind to ruffle the hair of a young girl standing in the ball a tall young man of dark complexion watched lark watched land approaching in the dark cone-shaped mass rising out of the sea like an immense Catalan hat is that the Isle of Monte Cristo he asked in a voice permeated with deep sadness yes excellency replied the captain we'll be on a few moments later they saw a flash of fire from the island and the sound of a shot reached their ears there's a signal excellency said the captain if you like to answer it yourself yes the captain handed a loaded carbine to the young man who raised it slowly and fired a shot into the air ten minutes later the yacht was anchored in a skiff had been put over the side with four rowers and a pilot in it the young man climbed into it stood at the stern with his arms crossed all eight oars plunged into the sea at once without splashing a single drop of water a skiff began to glide rapidly along the waves a short time later it struck against the bottom of fine sand excellent see said the pilot climb upon the shoulders of two our men and let them carry you ashore the young man replied to this invitation with a gesture of complete indifference put his legs over the side of the boat and slid into the water which froze up to his waist began to walk towards the shore following two of the sailors who chose the most solid footing for him when he reached the dry ground the young man looked around for someone to show him his way for it a quote grown quite dark then a hand was placed on his shoulder and a voice made him start hello Maximilian said the voice thank you for being punctual ah it's you count sat Maximilian shaking Montecristos hand yes some as punctual as you but you're wet to the skin my friend you'll have to change clothes come I've got lodgings well I have lodgings prepared for you in which you'll forget your fatigue in cold count said Maximilian in a voice that was at once firm and gentle I've come to you to die in the arms of a friend there are still people I love in this world I love my sister Julie and I love her husband Manuel but I need someone who will open strong arms to me and smile me during my last moments of life Julie would burst into tears and faint I'd see her suffering I've already suffered enough Manuel would snatch my weapon from my hand and fill the house for this cries but I have your word count you'll leave me gently and tenderly into the gates of death won't you my friend said Montecristo I still have one doubt could you have so little strength that you take pride in displaying your sorrow no said Maximilian my heart is beating neither more strongly nor more slowly than usual I've simply come to the end of the road I won't go any further no count I'll be so glad to rest in the arms of death seeing that Montecristo made no answer and he went on he named the 5th of October it's the end of the delay you asked for today is the 5th of October he took out his watch it's nine o'clock I have three more hours to live so be it Simona Cristo come Maximilian followed the count mechanically I was already inside the grotto before he noticed where he was you found a carpet under his feet a door opened an order of perfume enveloped in his eyes distracted by bright light he stopped hesitantly mistrusting the innervating de delights that surrounded him Monte Cristo put it pulled him gently and said why shouldn't we spend the last three hours like those ancient Romans do condemned by death condemned to death by Nero sat down a table crowned with flowers and breathed and death with a perfume of heliotrope sand roses Maximilian smiled as you like you said death is still death still the absence of life is therefore pain he sat down Montecristo sat down in front of him they were sumptuous dining room where marble statues in which marble statues held on their heads baskets filled with flowers and fruit Maximilian looked vaguely at everything around him now I understand he said why you asked me to meet here on this deserted island and this underground Palace the Sepulcher of that Pharaoh would envy is because you love me isn't that count it's because you give me a gentle death a death without agony a death that will allow me to fade away with Valentine name on my lips near hand in mine you've got the guessed rightly Maximilian to the count simply that's my intention thank you the thought of my suffering will be ended by tomorrow is sweet to me you have no regrets no not even know about leaving me asked the count with a deep emotion Maximilian was silent a tear welled up in his eyes what exclaim the count there's something on earth you regret leaving and you're still going to die don't say anymore count I beg you some maxima and feebly don't prolong my agony I can't believe Maximilian was weakening this belief brought back the horrible doubt would she had overcome twice before in chateau de if I'm seeking to bring happiness to this man he thought I regardless restitution as a weight thrown into the scales of balance the evil have I've done what if I were mistaken what if this man weren't unhappy enough to deserve happiness what would happen to me who could forget evil only by remembering God then he said aloud your grief is overwhelming Maximilian I can see that but you're still believe in God and you wouldn't want to risk the salvation of your soul Maximilian smiled sadly you know I'm not given to histrionics he said but I swear to you that my soul no longer belongs to me listen to me Maximilian said the count as you know I no longer have no longer I have no living relatives I've come to regard you as my son I sacrificed my own life to save my son so I'd certainly sacrificed my fortune what do you mean I mean that you want to leave life because you don't know all the enjoyments a great fortune can bring that possessed nearly a hundred million francs I can give it all to you with a fortune like that you can have anything you want if you're ambitious all careers are open to you stir up the world change its face abandon yourself to mad ideas be a criminal if you must but live you've given me your word count replied Maximilian coldly and now it's half past eleven Maximilian could you do that before my eyes in my house then let me leave you said Maximilian gloomily he stood up Montecristos face brighten up these words very well he said you want me to die and your will is inflexible yes you're profoundly unhappy and you say only a miracle could cure you sit down Maximilian and wait Maximilian obeyed when a cristo went over to a cabinet unlocked it and took out a small silver box which he placed on the table then he open it and took out a small bus took out a still smaller gold box whose lip whose lid snapped open by means of a hidden spring this box contained an oily semi solid substance whose color wasn't definite due to reflections on the polished gold of the box and the sapphires rubies and emeralds which he was embellished count took out a small quantity of the substance with a spoon and offered to maximilian gazing at him steadfastly at the moment the substance could have been agreed a few that's what you asked for us at the count and this is what I promised you I thank you from the bottom of my heart said the count I said the young man yeah taking the spoon from Montecristos hand the count took a second spoon and dip it into the box what are you doing asked Maximilian stopping his hand God forgive me said the count smiling but I think I'm as weary of life as you are and since the opportunity is presented itself stop cried the young man you love and are loved in return you have faith in hope don't do what I'm about to do that'll be a crime farewell noble and generous friend I'm gonna tell Valentine everything you've done for me slowly without the slightest hesitation Maximilian swallowed the mysterious substance little by little the lamp seemed to glow damn on the hands of marble statues and the odor of incense became less penetrating seated in front of him Monte Cristo looked at him from the shadows max mind could see nothing of him except his shining eyes an overwhelming feeling of heaviness took possession of the young man the objects around him began to lose their shape and color his troubled eyes seemed to see doors and curtains opening in the walls I'm dying my friend he said thank you he tried to hold out his hand to the count but it fell lifeless sleep beside him he rolled over in his armchair and a delirious delicious torpor insinuated itself in all his veins and he felt himself sinking into a vague dreamy delirium he tried once again to hold out his hand to the count but this time refused to move at all he tried to articulate a supreme farewell but his tongue rolled heavily and his throat like a stone blocking the entrance to a Sepulchre the count opened the door and Maximilian saw a woman of wondrous beauty appear in the threshold pale and gently smiling she seemed to be an angel of mercy her heaven's gates already opening for me without the dying man that angel looks like the one I lost she walked over to him Valentine Valentine cried max in mine from the depths of his soul but no sound from his lips and as though all strength had been gathered into the inner emotion he heaved a sigh and closed his eyes Valentine rushed up to him his lips wave made one more movement he's calling you in his sleep said the count death tried to separate you but happily I was there and i vanquished death Valentine you may never leave each other again on this earth for in order to find you again he was ready to plunge into the grave without me would have both died I now give you back to each other may God take into account those two lives I've saved Valentine took the counts hand in the surge of irresistible joy pressed it to her lips Oh thanked me said Montecristo tell me again and again that I've made you happy you can't know how much I need to be certain of that oh yes yes I thank you with all my heart from the beset Valentine if you doubt the sincerity of my fame Sasuke tea my precious sister who made me wait patiently for this day by speaking to me about you from time to time we left France together do you love Haiti a spawn of Cristo with an emotion which he tried in vain to conceal with all my heart didn't have a favorite ASCII Valentine of me Oh can I be fortunate enough for that you called hey to your sister just now you let her be your real sister Valentine repair everything you feel - OH - me protect her you and Maximilian because the count voice became almost inaudible because from now on she'll be alone in the world alone in the world repeated the voice behind him why the count turned around he was standing behind him looking at him with an expression of stupefied amazement because tomorrow you'll be free replied the count because you will take your proper place in the world because you don't want I don't my destiny to darken yours in the daughter of a prince I give you back your father's name and wealth lady turned pale and said in a choked voice then you're leaving me Haidee hey you're young and you're beautiful forget me to be happy very well said Haidee your orders will be carried out I'll forget you and be happy she took a step to withdraw oh my god cried Valentine don't you see how pale she is don't you understand how she's suffering why should you expect him to understand that said Haidee with a heartbreaking expression he's my master and I'm his slave he has a right to not see anything the count trembled at the sound of her voice which touched the most secret fibres of his heart can what I suspect to be true he cried Annie would you be happy to stay with me I'm young replied he softly I love the life you've always made so sweet for me and I'd regret it if I had to die do you mean to say that if I left you I die yes then you love me Oh Valentine he asked if I love him tell him if you love Maximilian the count felt his heart swell and he opened his arms and hid he threw herself into them with a cry yes I love you she said I love you as much as I love my life as I love my God because for you you're the finest the kindness and the greatest man on this earth let it be as you say then my angel said Montecristo God who raised me up against my enemies and made me victorious didn't want me to have this penance at the end of my victory I wanted him to I wanted to punish myself but God wishes to forgive me perhaps your love will make me forget what I must forget one word for you we hid from you Haiti isn't lighted me more than twenty years and my slow wisdom you're all I have left in the world though you I attach myself through you I attach myself to life again through you I can suffer through you I can be happy it stood for a moment in thoughtful silence and said have I glimpsed the truth Oh God no matter whether it be reward or punish my not accept this destiny come here he come letting his arm through Hades waste around Hades waste he pressed his hand of Valentine's and walked out of the room in our past during which Valentine remained bristles remained breathlessly at maximally inside finally she felt his heart beat and that slight trembling which announces a return of life ran through young man's body at length his eyes open they stared life asleep first but then sight came back to him precise and real with sight came feeling and feeling came pain oh he cried in despair I'm still alive the count deceived me he picked up a knife from the table wake up my darling and look at me sit Valentine with her adorable smile Maximilian uttered a piercing cry doubting his senses dazzled bullets seemed to him a celestial vision he fell to his knees the next morning at dawn Maximilian Valentine or walking arm-in-arm along the shore they'd found the door of the grotto open and gone outside the left stars of the night were still gleaming in the blue morning sky suddenly Maximilian noticed a man standing in the shadow of a cluster of large rocks and waited first and to come forward he pointed out the man to Valentine and said mister capo the captain of my yacht she beckoned him to approach you have something to tell us asked Maximilian that's how count told me to give you this letter replied Jacobo Maximilian open the letter and read my dear Maximilian Felucia felucca Felucia folk Felucia is now laying in ankara waiting for you juh Koppel will take you to Leghorn where Monsieur Noirtier is waiting for his granddaughter whom he wishes to bless before you lead her down to the altar everything in this grotto my house on the Champs Elysee and my small chateau at trapar are a wedding present which Edmund Dante gifts to his son of his employer Monsieur Morel tell the angel who will watch over your life to pray now and then for a man who like Satan believed himself to be an instant for an instant to be equal to God but who realized in all humility that supreme power and wisdom are in the hands of God alone as for you Maximilian here is the secret of my conduct towards you there's neither happiness nor unhappy face in the world there's only the comparison of that one state with another only a man who's felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss there's necessary to have a wish for your death Maxima to know how good it is to live live then and be happy beloved children of my heart and never forget that until the day God designs to reveal the future to man the sum of all human wisdom will be contained within these words weak and hope your friend had been Dante The Count of Monte Cristo Maximilian looked random anxiously the counts generosity is really excessively said Valentine he could have been would have been content with my modest fortune whereas the count take me to him chicapu pointed towards the horizon what do you mean asked Valentine where's the count where's handy look said Jacopo to young people looked in the direction which he was pointing on the dark blue line separating the sky from Mediterranean they saw a white sail gone cried Maximilian farewell my friend my father gone murmured Valentine farewell my friend farewell my sister who knows if we'll ever see them again said Maximilian my darling said Valentine the count just told us all the human wisdom was contained in these two words wait and hope and that's the end of that chapter oh boy what a sweet ending I have complaints though um it was a super dick move for the kind of Montecristo to make Maximilian suffer and not just tell him that Valentine was fine it was completely unnecessary and super over-the-top and dramatic like The Count of Monte Cristo is so extra it's annoying ah so that's the end of our book here let's do a quick review of this chapter alone cuz I'm not gonna review though I can review the whole book will do that chapter first what happened in this chapter [Applause] Mad Max arrives at the Isle of Montecristo he shows up the isle Montecristo meets him at the shore he's like max you jumped off the boat and got all wet rather than letting and then standing on people's shoulders and having them take you to shore you shouldn't do that let's take you inside and we'll figure out your death there and so max is like okay fine so he goes downstairs into what I assume was initially the place for Montecristo found all the treasure which has now been really dolled up and there's like flowers everywhere and it's well lit and beautiful and maximin is like I see you want me to die amongst Beauty with my friend you and me you're gonna hear you're gonna hold my hand just let me peacefully slip into oblivion and Dante's like yep that's the plan and so he says you don't have to kill yourself in some violent way here's some poison and Max is like okay thanks and so he takes poison and and if I'm skipping things but that's what a review is and so he takes the poison in Max's like oh I'm dying thank you so much for letting me dies like ah and then valentine walks he's like I'm dying I was an angel in front of me and so he dies same way Valentine died and so Montecristos like he would he loved you so much that he was willing to die to see you again because he thought you were dead and so you two would have seen each other in death but you're both alive and so he's only fake dead see how much he cares for you and round time so I guess I see how much he cares for you and Montecristos like great and so now I must say goodbye forever and if you see Haiti again let her know goodbye forever too and you can have all of my fortune and Hades like Oh basically said Haiti can have all of my fortune and Hades Hey I'm right behind you he's like whoops hey if she's like what do you mean I can have all your fortune you're leaving me and so Valentine's like don't you see that she loves you and he's like don't you see it I love you and he's like oh you actually love me you're not just with me because you're my slave and she's like no I actually love you and Dante's like oh that means so much to me and so he disappeared with Haiti and Valentine's there when Max wakes up and Max is like Monte Cristo tricked me I'm not actually dead and he grabs a knife and Valentines like hey don't kill yourself I'm here I'm actually not dead and Max is like oh my god you're not dead and so human Valentine yeah they're wandering around the beaches and they're all happy and stuff and Jacopo appears and they're like hey jerk oppo where's Carol Montecristo and your cop was like woo over that way and they're like he's over there why is he over there why is he sailing away from us and Jacopo hands him a letter and they read the letter and the letter basically culminates into wait and hope you have to feel the extremes of emotion you have to feel ultimate despair in order to feel what happiness actually means to actually value things you need that you need the bad in order to know what's good and so that was what he sent his letter and he said anything in the world that you need anything that can happen all you need to get that thing is just to wait and to hope and that is the the end of the book and so we're done we're done I'm gonna do a super brief summary of what this book was about in my mind and that'll be a but if you don't need to hear the full review we can just end it there I thank you for joining me for this I hope you go click on that rocket video that I posted and then you give me a bunch of money although we don't really need it but we do have a donation page because I'm building a rocket with a club go ahead and click that link at least watch the video so I can get that like two cents off your ad revenue and hopefully you guys will be back to look at more books in the future yeah cool so time for that quick review and if you're not gonna be here for the review it was nice nice to hang out with you over this a little bit so quickie a review of the entire book Edmund Dante successful ship guy um he was on a ship of firown' and that ship had gone really well they had gotten a bunch of money back from traveling across the world they were a trade ship and I came back and Dante got off the ship and he saw Monsieur Morel and Monsieur Morell's the ship owner and Monsieur Morel is like he saw the ship owner he's like I need to talk to my dad and I'll talk to you later I love you you're a great ship owner guy but I need to talk to my dad and I need to talk to you the woman I plan on engaging and so he runs off to his dad and he's like dad I'm happy I just got back and so I'm glad that I'm back and so then he runs off to see his girlfriend and he's like hey we should get married would you get married because things are going really well for me and she's like oh good we should get married and then he runs to Monsieur Morel he's like mr. Morel I'm getting married I'm really happy and Monsieur Morel is like and you're getting a promotion I'm so you're you're really coming up in this business things are going really well for you and Dante's like oh sweet and so everything's good for him he has a wedding plan he goes to the wedding but he has to deliver a letter and so he has a letter on him and the after he gets married he plans on going to Italy I think it's Italy or France probably France to deliver a letter because his a ship captain said you have a litter delivery yes and ship captain actually died during the trip and he said he went to the Isle of Elba which is where Napoleon was being kept and he got a letter and he said his dying wish was hey Dante take this letter to this place and that says like okay it's your dying wish I'll do that and so as he's getting married and all that stuff somebody discovers that he is that letter and so he was about to get married and all of a sudden gun arms arrest him during his wedding or right before his wedding he's like oh no I'm being taken away from my life but it'll be fine I don't know why I'm being taken we have no idea what's going on I'm sure it'll all be settled and so the prosecutor looks at Dante he's like okay so what's going on here why why are you being arrested and Dante's like I actually have no idea and so he's like okay I'm sure I think it's gonna be fine we're gonna put you in jail for a night and I'll figure this all out and so Dante gets put in jail the person that puts him in jail is Villa for tier two Villa Ford his dad is nor TA nor ta is a Bonaparte Geist which means he supports Napoleon now Villa for it doesn't support Napoleon because Napoleon's taking out of power right now Napoleon is exiled to the Isle of Elba and so Villa 4 doesn't want to be associated with his dad who supports Napoleon so he said he's like okay my dad is not good and unfortunately as Dante's put in jail for the night Villa for reads the letter and the litter is directed to his dad and so he can't let this letter get out and this letter basically states hey I'm Napoleon get ready I'm coming back and villa for it's like oh crap so crumples up the letter burns it says the only other person that would know that the name nor TA was on this letter is Dante Dante doesn't know it's my dad but if Dante mentions that it's Norte to anyone else everyone's gonna know that my dad it's a Bonapartist and my dad's gonna be partially responsible for Napoleon coming back so crap and he's like okay Dante needs to go to prison so he sentences Dante to prison he says I can't let him say anything to anyone I need him out of the picture and so he sends him to prison little distante know that Villa fort isn't the reason he got arrested the reason he got arrested is because dangle our candor ruse and merciful are being a person who was jealous of him on the ship Kanda ruse I don't remember how Candice is involved and herself who really really his name isn't merciful this time he actually really likes Mercedes he was gonna be married to Dante he really likes Mercedes like Dante doesn't deserve this girl Kendra's still not sure why he's upset and Dan glower who's upset because he doesn't believe that Dante should be that successful they're all get together and they say okay we know he has a letter letters from Napoleon probably we should just have him arrested and see how this pans out because this could ruin Dante's life and we don't want to see him happy we don't like him we want to get our own successful things I'm me dangler I want to be successful in the future me Merce F I want to become successful in Mary Mercedes and me Candace I have no idea what caters once and so this all pans out really well Oh Candace that's right cannabis is the guy who is at least the tenant of Dante's father and he doesn't like Dante's father I think um and Don he doesn't like how stuck-up Dante is renting money from him or something like that can race is not that important but that's why his story isn't as important in the rest of the book so Dante gets thrown in jail because these guys got together and told the gun d'Armes the soldiers that Dante had a letter and so that happens and Villa for finds out that this letter is the is a good reason to throw Dante in jail because he doesn't want to find out about his dad and so Dante gets thrown in jail Villa fort runs to the capital city and says hey Napoleon's coming back and through this he becomes successful in life he becomes the public prosecutor in France and everybody has has their own little successes as they go along ken ruse being the exclusion can ruse who's doing pretty well financially in the beginning ends up like financially failing and he just ends up running an inn on the side of a road far away from anything and so that's where candor sends up Bengal our he becomes a banker yeah he becomes a banker and he gets really successful in he moves to France and he just gets super super rich and we're safe now he goes off into the military but trays accompany betrays a country the leader of a country kills the leader of that country and sentences that man's wife and daughter into slavery I think that what the wife dies and the daughter is Haiti who we find out about later in the book and Haiti will find him like I said will find out more about Haiti and so he uses the this military like betrayal of France the the betrayal of his own name in order to become successful and so more stuff becomes successful in his own way he marries Mercedes may move to France as well and so he becomes militarily successful Danglars financially successful Villa fort is job-wise successful in kandar's fails in the end and so dante while in prison is like i'm in prison and i hate it and he stays in prison for a lot of years before his event he tries to kill himself he's so depressed he meets a priest named Faria when Faria who's digging tries to get out realizes oh I didn't dig the right way I just met Dante instead this isn't the way I meant to dig and so he talks to Dante and Dante's like I'll help you dig I just need some sort of meaning in my life and fairies like okay itself a it kind of raises him up in prison oh and he raised him up in prison and teaches him other languages and teaches him like academics and then he tells him at the very end because Farias health is failing him he teaches him at the very end he says Dante I have a lot of money I know this is the reason everybody thinks I'm crazy but I have so much money this money was left to me by rich family they didn't know where the money was hidden the money was hidden a while ago and they had a library full of things for a lot right full of books books are things made a library full of books and in this library was a hidden location of their treasure which I figured out unfortunately I'm thrown in prison for my beliefs against wanting to reform the Italian government but here I am and I need to get out of prison in order to get to this money and so unfortunately he dies in prison he says Dante you can have all my money here's where it's located just use what I've taught you for good and so Dante's like I will and so Dante after Faria dies he replaces Faria in his they get sad like tied up in like a body bag he replaces him in the body bag it's throne of the ocean saves himself gets super rich because he finds the money and then goes off to become Meccano Montecristo buys himself a title as The Count of Monte Cristo so he integrates himself in a pair of society later but immediately what he does is he goes to Kandra she finds Candice has repented he says Kendra's your life is unsuccessful you clearly aren't happy with what happened to me so I'm gonna give you a big old diamond here's a big old diamond get yourself back on track I'm glad you repented things are good and so he leaves unfortunately can erase and his wife have other plans when the jeweler comes to appraise their diamond they say he's come with money if we kill him and get a different appraiser we can steal his money and double up our money on this diamond and so his wife and him attack in the middle of the night and they kill the appraiser and tanaris gets arrested now canneries gets arrested and sent to jail prison whatever now parallel to that story somebody that later becomes Dante's assistant is yeah later he becomes thought to his assistant that person is hanging out and is upset with Phil afford and you sees Villa fort and madame de lara they have a kid and that's a secret kid because madame danglars obviously married and phillip or it's also married and so having a child and that child either dies or is killed and Villefort goes to bury that child although he's in a box and so this person that it Ali I think it's Olly tax Villa fort knocks him unconscious thinks he's dead he's not dead and the picks up the box and realize oh this box has a baby in it so he brings the baby back and that baby grows up with Ali or some I don't think it's actually Olly one of the assistants tada Dante's sisters and so he ends up growing up a criminal he grows up a criminal and ends up in the same prison as Kanda ruse and so that's Benedetto or Andrea Benedetto and so Andrea and candor's are doing the same prison together and counter Montecristo realizes who they both are and releases them both he like cuts them free and they're often to the world and so Dante goes in the Paris societies like well first he rescues he gets Albert arrest captured he gets Albert captured by a bunch of criminals vampa Luigi vampa who's a criminal in Rome Albert's there in the celebration of some sort of festival in Rome and he gets taken away by these criminals and kena - Christo rescues him from Luigi vampa because he knows when we do ma'am pom so he gets Albert to introduce him in a pair of society he uses Albert to get revenge on every person individually she tells Madame de Madame Villa fort oh this is a poison that will in small doses bring you like to consciousness really quickly it'll like help with your fainting and she's like okay he's like but if you use too much it'll be used to kill people and so he laid the seeds in her head to start killing people with poison which he starts to do she kills her parents and she kills the assistant to noir ta who is a bar war I'm still my heart still beats for by water poor guy he didn't deserve to die I mean nobody really deserves to die but anyways so borrower dies and she tries to kill Valentine but Valentine doesn't die because Montecristo saves her with fake death by giving her a pill that makes her seem dead as if she died by the same poison so we'll do Villa for story first Villa fort realizes oh my wife is a is the one poisoning everyone in my family and he confronts her he says hey stop I know you poison people the only way to clear yourself from this the only way to recover from this is to kill yourself you need the only absolution you can get the only way that God will be right with you because you've killed so many people you need to kill yourself because my name is betaine it if it came out that you are killing everybody your son would be in such a terrible place if everybody found out that his mother wasn't murderer just kill yourself and end this and then this whole thing will be over and just like and so he leaves to go do some court stuff which we'll figure out later now Dante has brought Benedetto Andrea Benedetto who into pair society and he says this guy is the son of this guy Calvin Canty and Calvin can see is a general but he's not a famous general but Dante lies about a bring him affair a famous general he gives him a small fortune he says this is a successful people that were just for United this is his son and this is the general and they're both successful and they get integrated pairs deciding the idea is to get Eugenie Bengal are to marry Andrea Cavalcanti and so once it comes out that entry is actually a criminal Eugenie no longer can marry anyone so she runs away she was initially supposed to marry somebody else Albert probably I think it was Albert she was initially supposed to marry Albert but Dante distracted that and then she runs off so now dangler has no daughter now dangler has problems with his wife because she cheats on him and she steals his money and so dangle are borrows money from Monte Cristo or Montecristo borrows money from him and then the hospital also wants to borrow money from him little did Dante know our little at the hospital know that Danglars wife had actually stolen most of Danglars money and so he basically had nothing left so when Monte Cristo asked to cash in on all their money dangle are allowed him to cash in on it and then the hospital was about to come and ask for their money but dangle I had no money left so he flees he runs away now that's where Danglars story ends almost he ends up going to Rome to try and go to Thompson and French which is a bank that Dante started for the purpose of screwing with Dane lar and so he goes to Thompson French that says hey can I have five million francs - like yeah absolutely and so they give him five million francs and he immediately gets taken by Luigi vampa and the criminal and so leaves you ramp up makes him pay for like food while he's in prison that's like a million francs for everything or a hundred thousand francs for everything until a bunch of time passes and Danglars left with absolutely nothing so he has absolutely no money because he's paid for the meals that he's had to have in prison so Dante it finally comes to when he says I'm Dante do you repent and he's like yeah I repent I'm so sorry and so he's left free he's like becomes like a frail old man from just all the stress he's been under at least couple months that Dante's come to ruin his life he hasn't a wife because he left his wife he has no daughter cuz his daughter left him and he has no money and he's just nothing on the street now that's basically it just absolutely nothing left and so that's what happened to dangle are now herself the person you married at Mercedes his past is revealed hey becomes into a courtroom and says hey my dad got killed and I got sold the slaver because of what Marcel did and so his like name gets completely ruined and Albert is really upset and he's like I'm so upset I mean he talks to his mom his mom's like we're both really upset we're just gonna leave him he's he's such a disgrace to us worrying that we don't want that name attached to us at all we're detaching that name from us and so they leave and Marcel family leaving him and they're like we don't even we don't believe we don't belong to that family his name is so disgraced and so they leave and he kills himself so that's my self GaN Candace comes back and he tries to extort and dray a while andreas there and Andrea keeps giving him money but Anderson ever thinks is enough money so he goes to rob them Count of Monte Cristo because Andrea is under the wing of The Count of Monte Cristo and so he goes to Robin but Monte Cristo is right there and he says hey I know who you are your candor is I'm Dante I'm gonna let you go one more time and Kendra's like okay let me go one more time and so he leaves and he gets killed immediately by Andrea because Andrea is afraid that Ken ruse is gonna reveal who he is he's gonna reveal that Andrea is not who he thinks who everyone thinks he is he's not a member of Paris society but he's actually a criminal and so he kills ken ruse as Kinder's tries to escape and Dante is like hey I'm Dante although I sent that earlier but it's not actually true he doesn't release Dante until later she's like hey I'm Dante and Kendra's is like no and then he dies and so I think that covers everyone yeah so Villa forts ruined he goes mad oh we haven't covered Villa fort have we yeah so his wife kills herself and she so kills her son Edouard so Belfort is nothing he goes crazy starts digging in the garden so he's gone mad everyone else is pretty much yet Merce F dives Candace dives Villa for it goes mad and then lastly dangler is left completely poor so he has nothing at all so Valentine who was assumed dead by Maximilian Maximilian Morell who is the son of the shipbuilder he assumed she was dead he was super sad Dante said don't kill yourself you're gonna be happy in a month just wait out a month and maximum is like ok I'll wait out a month and so a month later he showed skipping story Maximilian shows up with Maximilian yet they can't at them I love Monte Cristo and he's like Valentine's alive basically a valentine's alive and that's the end of that part of that story a little bit earlier when they go to marsai him and maximilian Dante talks at length with Mercedes about just how her life shouldn't end yet she just wants happiness for his son and she's really sad that it didn't turn out the way it could of their lives could have been on a completely different path but from the beginning it just kind of broke off like right when they were supposed to get married and so she's really sad but it ends on a good note basically saying all good things will come to you all you have to do is have hope and you just have to wait and that's that's the end of the book that's it alright so thank you guys so much for joining me I was a really long explanation but I hope you appreciated it and I'll see you in the next book the next video whatever you want to follow me on or that could be it so thank you guys again and hopefully see you again [Music]
Channel: Micah Reads
Views: 6,552
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: count, monte, cristo, count of monte cristo, abridged, school, reading, audiobook, aloud, HD, quality, micah reads, reds, audible, free
Id: BdscMy5Jhs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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