The Count of Monte Cristo | Chapter 71

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[Music] oh and welcome back to Micah reads we're in chapter 61 account amount of Krista we are almost there guys I think there's only 63 chapters it's coming chapter is 61 the first thing Bengal art did on awakening the next morning was to breathe in order to assure himself that he had not been wounded this is a means he had fan and Don Quixote Don Quixote the only book he had read of which he remembered anything no he said to himself they've neither killed me nor wounded me but have they robbed me he quickly put his hands into his pockets the 2000 francs he had set aside for his journey from Rouen to Venice to still in his trousers pocket and then wallet containing his letter of credit for five million fifty thousand francs is still in his coat pocket what strange bandits he thought well I was right they're going to hold me for ransom she demanded an explanation from the bandits or should he wait patiently for them to make the first move a second alternative seemed to be more prudent he waited meanwhile a century had been posted before his door at 8 o'clock his Century was relieved by another danga Lara was curious to see him whom he was being guarded he noticed the rays of light not daylight but lamplight filtered through the cracks on the door he peeked through one of those cracks just as a bandit was taking a drink of brandy which thanks to the leather bottle in which was contained gave forth an odour which was extremely unpleasant to dangle our foo he exclaimed we're treating to the other side of his cell at noon the man with a brandy was replaced by another century his curiosity aroused once more dangler put his eye to the crack again this new guard was a muscular bandit a Goliath with large eyes and thick lips the flattened nose and red hair which hung down to his shoulders and twisted strands that look like so many Vipers oh Sid dangle are to himself this one looks more like an ogre than a human being I'm too old and tough to make good eating he still had an enormous self-assurance to allow him to jest at the same moment as though in awe or offer proof that he was not an ogre the guard sat down in front of the door and drew up his pouch a loaf of black bread several onions and some cheese with a double-take maybe the devil take me if I understand how anyone could eat such filth thought big lar as he glanced at the bandits dinner and through the crack he went back and sat down on the goat skins which remind him of the odor of the first centuries brand but there is a great deal of eloquence in the invitations which even the courses substances addresses to an empty stomach Bengal are suddenly felt his own stomach was bottomless the man was seemingly less I believe show him the bread less black and when she's less stale he went over to the door and knocked on it che cosa asked the bandit I think it's about time someone thought about giving me something to eat said dangler drumming on the door with his fingers but whether he did not understand her because he had been given no orders concerning Bengal arse food the giant turned back to his lunch dangler I felt his pride humiliated and not wishing to comply comprised himself any further compromised himself any further with such a brute he laid down again on his goat skins and said nothing more four hours went by the giant was replaced by another bandit in glory whose stomach was by now churning in a frightful manner sit up quietly placed his eye before a crack in the door and recognize the intelligent face of his guide Peppino let's see if this one's a little easier to deal with than the other ones had been sending lardo himself knocking politely at the door coming said the Bandit who had come to speak fluent French from frequenting signor pastrini hotel as he opened a door dangler recognized him as a man who had shouted so furiously dentro Lata's testa but this was no time for recriminations on the contrary he put on his most agreeable expression and said with a gracious smile excuse me but I can't I have something to eat what exclaimed Peppino are you by chance hungry excellency by any chance is a charming expression which I haven't eaten anything for 24 hours thought big lar then he said aloud yes I'm hungry in fact I'm very hungry and when would you like to eat excellency s50 know immediately if possible nothing could be simpler said Peppino you can have anything you like here by paying for it of course as is customary among all honest Christians of course and Engler although to tell the truth it seems to me that my people who sees you in a prison you ought to at least feed their prisoners that's not the custom excellency that's not very good reason but I'm willing to accept it said Danglars who's willing to win over his guard by his immobility what would you like to eat excellency you have only to give me the order you have a kitchen here why of course and cooks excellent cooks well then bring me a chicken some fish meat anything as long as I eat as you like excellency shall we say a chicken yes a chicken the Pino stood up and called out to the top of his lungs a chicken for his Excellency a few moments later a slender young man appeared carrying a chicken on a silver platter there you are excellency said Peppino taking the chicken from his hands of young bandit and setting it down on that dilapidated tell table which home which along with a stool in the bed formed only furnishings in the cell Dingell Aras for a knife and fork certainly excellency said Peppino offering him a wooden fork and a small knife with a blunted point dangle are tucked the fork in one handed a knife in the other and said about cutting up the chicken excuse me excellency said Peppino placing a hand on the bankers shoulder but here it's customary to pay before eating AHA thought dangler I'm sure they're going overcharged me royally but might as well do things on the grand manner I've always heard how cheap things are in Italy a chicken must be worth about twelve thousand Rome he tossed a 20 franc coin - Peppino Peppino picked up the corn in Banglore I moved his knife towards the chicken just a moment excellency said Peppino but you still owe me something I'll certainly write about being overcharged that Bengal are then making up his mind to accept the extortion he said and how much more do I owe you for this emancipated chicken only ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty francs excellency thing Lars eyes open wide with gigantic pleasantry very funny he said as he turned rector's chicken but Peppino stopped him and held out his hand what's a dangler you're not joking we never joke excellency replied Peppino seriously 100,000 francs for this chicken have you have no idea how hard is to raise poultry in these cursive caves excellency comes come sit Bengal are it's all very amusing but I'm hungry so let me eat here's another 20 francs for you my friend that leaves only ninety nine thousand nine hundred and sixty francs you owe me said Peppino with little patience we'll finally get there never said dangle our anger by Peppino's persistence and maintaining the jest you can go to the devil you don't know with whom you're dealing if you know made a sign and the young man picked up the chicken and carried it away dangler threw himself on his bed is Peppino closed the door unlocked it if stomach felt so empty that seeing that he would never be able to fill it but he waited for another half-hour then he went back to the door and said don't keep me in suspense any longer tell me what you want for me but it's up to you to tell us what you want from us excellency replied Peppino give us your orders and we'll carry them out first up on the dangle our first open the door said dangle are a Pino did so I want to eat cried egg lar are you hungry excellency you know very well I'm hungry what would you like to eat a piece of bread since your chickens are so precious bread shut up Peppino young man brought a small loaf of bread how much is it asked angler ninety nine thousand nine hundred and sixty francs you've already paid 40 francs in advance a hundred thousand francs for a loaf of bread that's right excellency we want to charge me the same amount for a chicken we don't serve it all a card here excellency no matter what you eat it's always the same price you still insist for their stupid joke why don't you admit you want to start want me to starve to death and get over with not at all excellency it's you who we want to commit suicide you can eat if you pay for it what can I pay with you idiot cried dangle are beside himself do you think I carry around a hundred thousand francs in my pocket you have five million fifty thousand francs in your pocket excellency said Peppino that's enough for fifty chickens at a hundred thousand francs each and half a chicken a fifty thousand Danglars shuddered his eyes had just been opened it was still a joke but he had finally understood it we might add that it no longer seems too silly to him as never before all right he said I'll give you a hundred thousand francs will you let me eat all I like of course but how can I give it to us take well are beginning to breathe more freely it's quite simple you have an account with a firm of Thomson & French in Rome give us a draft on them and you'll bank we'll take the money for us dangle our took a pen and paper which Peppino handed to him rode up the draft and signed it here's your draft he said and here's your chicken dangled our side as he cut up the chicken it seemed quite lean to him for such a large sum if you know examine the draft carefully and put it into his pocket the mess seemed of that chapter so basically yes danglers been taken by vampa and he gets really hungry in his prison Sally she's a couple of guards going through and he finally goes to Peppino he's like hey Peppino who was the person guarding his door right now he says can I have some food who knows like absolutely excellency you want him chicken here's a chicken so he brings him out of chicken and as danglers about to eat the chicken he knows like but you have to pay for your chicken sir and then gloves like of course I have to pay for my chicken here's 20 francs and he's like not quite enough money so he flicks him out of the 20 franc she's like is that enough money and he's like it's actually gonna cost you a hundred thousand francs and danglers like what and then he realizes oh they know I have five million francs on me he's like fine and so he drafts up a thing that says one hundred thousand francs for this stupid ass chicken sorry don't mean cuss and so he hands him a thing he's like here you go here's your chicken and I see him in that chapter I assume little by little danglers money's gonna dwindle away as he tries not to starve to death and so he's basically paying for something so the money isn't being stolen from him yeah pretty unusual and so assume danglers gonna end up coming out of this completely poor and the bandits are gonna end up coming out of this super rich and so that will be his punishment he actually just spends himself out of out of all the money he has but maybe we'll see something else happened we'll find out all right and that's all I can say for this chapter so thank you guys so much for joining me I'll catch you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Micah Reads
Views: 5,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: count, monte, cristo, count of monte cristo, abridged, school, reading, audiobook, aloud, HD, quality, micah reads, reds, audible, free
Id: Fh2_s_geY00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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