The Coolest Mario Romhacks Ever Made // Joker Shells

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King buo knows body slam hello everyone and welcome to a brand new YouTube series where I Showcase in my opinion the coolest Kaiser rom hack ever made this rom hack was made by no viso a person that I remember from Mario Maker 1 uh he made incredible Mario Maker 1 Kaiser levels that were spectacular flashy amazing some of my favorite levels [ __ ] and this rom hack was sort of made in that style so let's get into it I absolutely love the custom art and Graphics possible in Super Mario World rom hack look at this beautiful Overworld that nov viso made all right this is the first level Koop walkway this level is mostly all stuff from vanilla Super Mario World just put together in really awesome ways so as you'll see there's going to be lots and lots of shells in this used in really creative ways you can just pop them up in the air now you can't touch these two shells together or they will smash into each other and break it and a lot of Kaiser hacks sort of have a tradition of just being being simple in the beginning and a nice warmup and that's exactly what this level is uh after if you only saw this level you would have no idea of the horrors and wonders that are towait in this in this rom hack which we will get into shortly here all right next up we have the spiny convo you have to spin jump on it it's the only way to bounce off of it got to go back and forth here waiting for that one across the bottom you have to activate all the switches in order to build it a path to go across the bottom just in time for you to land on it more shell jumps now P switches have been modified in this to make them a lot more like the P switches in Mario Maker uh in Super Mario World it's really hard to jump off of them but it was made a little easier in this uh to make it it makes it way more fun to be honest but this trick is so sick so you drop the shell midair and then spin jump off of it to hit the to reach those on and off switches up there and one of the great things about the physics of Mario world is that you have a lot of control over Mario's jump height and so you can kind of modify it midair to for instance land on that shell right as it goes by you now we're starting to get cooking but just you wait it gets so so much crazier with the next level those first two levels were both very fun very awesome but now is where things really start to ramp up so this level introduces one of the coolest parts of Mario Ron hacks the ability to make completely custom things that never existed in the original game in this case nav viso has made a shell that is sparkling and upside down and allows Mario to ride on it like a skateboard so after a triple shell jump off the back wall here we're going to get the sparkling shell and you can drop it you can just jump straight off of it and right on top of it it's amazing and awesome it feels so much fun to play with and you can even put stuff on top of it so we're going to grab a throw block over here and lay it down on top of the sparkling shell and while we do other things and throw those throw block up into the on andof switches to allow you to get through the gates right there and finally we're setting up a classic Kao trick here a midair P switch jump to allow you to get enough height to get to the goal let's go such a sick trick and I just I just can't get enough of these Graphics they look so good all right going into the spring time Cavern this is one of my favorite levels of the hack it starts to get absolutely wild with springs Springs bouncing off of other Springs and you have to collide with them midair bounce stuff off of them just absolutely awesome check this trick out yes so good and there's also secret exits well as you'll see they're not really that secret um by the way the German text says I won't die in baby shells uh which is a meme in the streamer Joker stream okay uh who this rom hack was made for and the joke is that you say oh it's so easy I'll never die there and then you end up dying there anyway and it feels bad but that secret exit leads us to the first P switch Palace these PE switch palaces trigger blocks that are needed in order to beat the game so this LEL introduces gray shells and gray shells can't run into each other which is very nice so normally um when you're holding a shell you have to be careful not to hit hit it into any other shells or it'll smash into it and break but with these gray shells you don't have to worry about [Music] that and here we can just use this shell to clear the spiny JK trolled I actually got trolled while recording this because the shells don't go through it they because the shells don't hit anything they don't even hit spinies oh it is a Kaa rom hack tradition to include trolls somewhere in the hack and I am very very happy to see this one here nice job nois so nice job all right so now we go back to the spring level again you get to see the rest of it it is really really really cool love that bounce off the turn block going to throw that spring I love how the spiny bounces off of it then do a midair spring drop throw the shell land on it just right you bounce the little koing out of it spring Falls hits that other one you bounce off of it so cool absolutely love this level and normally the Springs don't bounce off of other Springs there aren't even sideways Springs in Super Mario World so all those are custom things that were added and Yoshi can slide along that platform at the bottom storing the spring for us then we spit the spring up there and here comes a midair that trick is very hard to do in Super Mario World but it's made a little bit easier when you're moving faster and so that's why that spring kind of gives you a boost so that you can kind of get far enough ahead to bounce on the shell while it's under Mario super super sick level so this next level has a very interesting mechanic it has rising and falling poison water and if the poison in water touches Mario it's game over so everything you do you have to keep in mind that if you touch that green liquid you are dead avoiding that poison water is extremely hard you have to do everything very precisely or whoops the poison was too high and you're dead so we're going to bounce on that shell go in and out of the pipe and get back to it next we're going to send that shell going grab the another one hit in the on and off block and get up into that pipe got to hit the on and off block there again juggle one of the shells while the other one's waiting get into that pipe send the shell along the bottom get there just time to grab it get through these really fast before the poison water comes up and then we're going to use that throw block as it bounces back to get into the top pipe here grab the shell bounce on it twice and get out of there before the poison Rises fast enough let's freaking go such a cool level like the dripping sewer Aesthetics just look really really cool the little eyes in the pipes love it love the attention to detail in this hack it really brings it all together even that little custom ghost house icon so cool this next level is absolutely wild all sorts of different kinds of Bo rings that you have to weave in and out of look at that chain of ghosts and what is this ghosts that follow the shell around ghost to follow that shell around shells with ghosts you have to bounce over to the right wait for that shell then go back over to the left so that the shell will then come finally back over to the right letting you to get through and we got to wait for just a second here back and forth dodging the ghosts every time in the door let's go we have our first mini boss of the hack watch out because King Buu knows body slam you got to dodge him he comes slamming down and then in order to damage him you have to use those shells Dodge the slams and wait for more shells to fall down so here comes another one we're going to grab that shell and what's this mid boss fight we just keep on going the level continues we're going to do a double shell jump and now boo is in the level itself we are new in a new Boss Arena now we have to use these throw blocks in order to damage the boo boss and finally the last shell hit and there we have it what an awesome ghost house awesome boss absolutely Epic Level really love that one all right we are out of the caves and into the the snow it's time for snowflake freeze this level introduces a really cool snowflake that freezes you and freezes things that get stuck in it so the shells will pause for a little bit when they're in the snowflakes and so will Mario we also have another secret exit we get to a switch Palace all right so the cool thing that this level adds is the fireflow let you shoot Fireballs that break the snow uh so as that shell is going across the top it stops on the ice flicks and then we can get through by shooting Fireballs there to drop Yoshi and then you got to clear the path out from the Shell with Fireballs there throw two right at the end there and beat the level really cool mechanic I like it I love the snow backgrounds and levels look at that it's so nice those snowy [Music] trees all right it's time for the green switch Palace now this one's called motor Palace because it uses a mechanic called motor skills the way motor skills works is you can switch back and forth between a spin jump and a regular jump at will so that shell that's going across the bottom notice how it will sometimes get spikes if you aren't in the spinning animation when that when you touch the spikes then Mario will die um similarly if you are spinning on the shell um if you are spinning when you hit the shell and it doesn't have spikes it'll actually break the shell so you have to go back and forth between those two as needed and that could be quite tricky to do because in order to hold the Run button and also push regular jump or spin jump you either need to claw the controller or bring your thumb all the way across the controller uh in order to reach the right part of it which is very tricky so again those little snowflakes are going to freeze the shells and that's we can even like put a shell on it and bounce off of it like that or that Shell's going to go across the bottom and we're going to stall just enough we got to break through the icicles to get to the on andof switch entirely such fun level and then for this final section we actually have to dodge the icicles because if you get in them you'll get stuck and you'll miss your ride so I got to do a series of higher lower medium bounces whatever it takes to not hit the icicles and we're [Music] through now for my favorite level of the entire hack storm booster this one is epic the mechanic of this one is that there are these blocks that give you a boost and that allows you to do all sorts of fun tricks especially flinging the shells at high speeds or flinging these turn blocks at high speed y sick let's go oh just absolute swag completely needless midair oh we got to see that one again that one's so cool I love the little snowman with the top hat yes yes with a level that's cool you got to include the swag love that one so much all right it's time for the bridge the bridge is the bridge just has all of the switch blocks from those switch p palaces and so if you got here and you hadn't found the secret levels then you wouldn't be able to proceed you'd be stuck not butterbridge reference to the original smw all right rope time got to grab the ropes but they fall really fast got to be careful oh got to juggle the [Music] shells wait for the ROP real tricky shell jump down there really low PE Swit jump bounce bounce trolled unbelievable putting trolls in a Mario fan game kind of person are you and with that we have sadly reached the final level of this rom hack but it is also the coolest level let's go Castle Koopa Lara so this level is also a motor skills level so you have to switch back and forth between Spin jump and regular jump note how the shell again will get spikes or not we got all the things we even got our friendly ridable skateboard shell boing so cool and the final boss of the hack who is it oh I love it so much oh King's Revenge let's go so you kind of have to lure it around uh so that it doesn't stomp on you cuz it kind of like telegraphs where you're going to go and Stomps there so you have to use that you have to use that to kind of lure it around to the right place and then we enter phase two cuz in phase two we have to ride on top of these swamps when you can in order to get high enough to bounce on the boss before the shell would always follow you but here you have to follow the shell and then the shell starts spinning oh so sick see if to switch between Spin and regular jum at the right time and that is it that is the end of what I think is one of the coolest ROM hacks ever made you think there's a cooler one let me know in the comments which one should I do next did you guys like this series let me know if you want to make more of these videos I absolutely love Super Mario World ROM hacks I'm also going to put a list of some of my own Super Mario ROM hacks and playlist of people who have played them reaction compilations that kind of stuff if you haven't seen them it's a wonderful Community um make sure you check out the rom hack race runs at awesome games done Qui charity marathon where people race through ROM hacks as fast as possible also if you want to see the best player in the world at this particular rom hack the world record for this rom hack is held by a wonderful stream named shovda here is her popping off when she got world record W [ __ ] huge shout outs to noo for making this super excited to see what he makes in the future and if Mario Maker 3 ever comes out definitely a creator that I will be looking forward to playing levels from thanks for watching bye-bye I believe I believe every's a good day you pain I believe I believe bring a lot of good thoughts to your [Music] heart
Channel: CarlSagan42
Views: 41,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SMW, Troll, Level, Nintendo, Switch, Romhack, Glitch, Puzzle, Tech, Kaizo, Super Mario world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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