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or Tyler and Todd 4 years ago we parked our RV on this 10 acre piece of bare land in the middle of the woods we had no idea what we were doing but we needed a road so we built one trucking our water in everyday got old quick so we solved that problem too we thought oh having electricity would be nice now that was a big project we went from two guys who had literally no idea what they were doing to learning how to operate heavy equipment to running all of our underground plumbing and electrical years and years of tiny little steps all compounded together leading us to build a home using four shipping containers have there been setbacks yeah you could say that what I will say it's been in those setbacks that we've experienced the most growth and have achieved things we never thought possible it's hard to believe that after all this time this week the inside of these four containers is actually going to start looking like a home but also what would a video from us be without a couple of other Secret side projects just doesn't seem to be lining up it wasn't supposed to happen tonight but then one thing led to another and we ended up all right we've got some work to [Music] do this may not look heavy but each one of these pieces when you add them together it's a lot of weight but it's going to feel really good getting the interior of the containers cleaned out it's good use of rainy day so getting all of the inside cleared out means that we're going to be able to start tackling stuff in there when the weather sucks and then when the weather is great we can do outside projects so I think it's a pretty good plan we can set it up on this side yeah it doesn't get a huge amount of use but to have it we probably save some post to rench I love this thing I was wanted one since I was a kid it's looking so much better in here already we just finished setting up this siding break which is going to make next week's project even easier if you're a patreon member Don't Spill the Beans in the comments it is going to be huge because we had to leave the doors open bringing all that stuff out and the material order that just came for today's project we had to do a little quick bird rescue okay little guy it's okay there you go buddy but we're back on track what do you guys think time to build a bedroom says doors 1 and 3/4 and up to 200 lb yeah it's a pretty heavy door and you just want it on like flush with the 2x4 yeah okay stick a couple Nails in the bottom and then the top you just you only need to put a screw on what like the top don't go by theirs go by the new on ones [Music] yeah I feel the blood through my veins I can see common world when you're next to [Music] me nervous of My Level skills f f perfect I'm going to be a red seal by the end of the summer starting to look like a bathroom yeah when you uh frame them up just look at these here and and if they have a usually there's a little bit of a crown they're never perfectly straight just put them all so that the crown is up how do you know the crown see when you look at that when you look at it you can see it's got a bit of a bow that way right see how it's hook like the end is hooking that way yeah so so just so just lay it on the floor so that the bow is so that it's up if that one's up and this one's done and then this one's up once it stood like the walls crook it oh right we wouldn't have known that we would have end up with like circular walls [Laughter] everywhere look at that hang a cinder block off that wall and I can get her backwards oh damn it we were just celebrating too it's pretty cool to see this bedroom taking shape for like a year all of this has been in just storage yeah but now that we have the walls up you can actually see it being a bedroom which is really awesome yeah so this is our little closet and then this is like where you come in and the door will slide from here this open there yeah pretty [Music] [Music] cool I think so what do you think I think it looks really good I think so too what do you guys think looks like a bedroom I like it it's just cool to see the like rooms like what actually is this space yeah it's also that it's not crooked like how they had it but that's that's Plum there right now so that makes it makes it a lot easier no do you need a level well I'm not sure what I need Mar machine yeah I haven't seen that sitting here yet working on it it's just is more expensive than I thought I wait for a sale now we have to do it I have to get a margarita machine now we also made plans to build a raft and take one of those portable Jackies we've got to have a margarita machine on it so it's funny cuz you're not joking I'm not so that's it for that room yeah onto the bathroom on to the [Music] bathroom it's really cool to start to see how the space is going to all come together but we are nearing the end of the day so we're going to get to work on bedroom number two and then we going to take those ones out of top so they don't have it attached to the floor at all no oh my not upside down let me look oh [Music] there's now all up love never Bo we just finished up for the day we did a really good sweep after all of that cutting but it looks pretty good in here oh yeah I'm very happy with how it turned out you can actually see where the rooms are instead of us just being like there's going to be a wall here so coming this way we have the small bedroom which we're saying is for our least favorite child in case we have more than one and then there's a closet here with a bfold door so this will all be drywall you won't be able to see through and then pocket door to close that way we maximize space laundry closet here and then bathroom oh is here and again that won't be there yeah this won't be here and then a pocket door here as well all the rooms have pocket doors this is the only hinge door in the house and the reason is the rooms are kind of small so rather than having that 36 in of Swing space we just slide it into the wall to leave more like living space we actually kind of thought of doing regular doors but the code requirement here is 36 for all interior doors in case we ever get wide hips yeah you never know know I do love cheesecake and then you come this way into another bedroom so duy had a really good idea in the floor plan there's actually supposed to be a closet that comes here with a by fold and then this was going to be another bold that goes into where the electrical panel and the hot water tank will tuck around under the stairs we're going to get rid of this closet so that the room is really big and we'll just put a small like hook thing across here not blocking the panel completely safe completely decode and yeah leaves more room in the bedroom yeah I think it's way better why fill this up with a closet space when there's all that storage underneath the stairs exactly it's a no-brainer but we still have all the framing upstairs to do it just was a little bit more time consuming more so because we were correcting a lot of the former contractor mistakes it having to like move walls and do things over so probably would have been quicker if we had have just started from scratch probably would have been quicker if we didn't build with seans that's what you get all right let's go over and hang out at the Dome I was going to say that I miss my babies I want to go see them yeah all right let's go hi baby hi buddies Hi how are my boys good day oh did you have a good day you a good day yeah you want to take first shower and then we can relax not really I guess we probably should though yeah do that up in change water and stuff yeah if I kick my feet up I'm done for the day so probably a good idea this isn't working that was a bust you have no idea how bad I want to wash this rat Nest so shower no no shower what do you think the dust yeah honestly we kind of saw this coming yeah it's been buggy the last few days but it is probably our fault so 100% our fault we may or may not have left it connected to the garden hose outside all winter in the fall we said got to go yeah honestly though this probably would have broke us this time last year 100% I'm like there's it's kind of hard to EXP but there is no feeling like after the end of a busy day you know just getting clean being able to do like the very Basics and a nice hot shower yeah um I'm just so grateful that we have the lake because we can just pack everything up we can go there and it's not the end of the world um do some laundry yeah we've been here for a little over a week so this is great but it is glamping at the end of the day so what do you guys think you want to go home you want to go to the lake hey I'm going for a swim I'm going for a swim all right we're going to pack up and also I know I just said home this is home too home is where you make it home is where you make [Music] it we finally finished work for the day and Todd just opened a bottle of wine which was super exciting because I thought that that meant that we were done work just kidding I knew that we weren't no so we had a delivery come today and we've been waiting a long time for this it wasn't supposed to happen tonight but then one thing led to another and we ended up bringing up all the boxes and now that they're here and I have a box blade in my hand we might as well put it together but I mean like what what other option do you have at this point exactly but our like forever couch arrived so when we first moved in and put the futons together we always had kind of later plans for them it was just a temporary solution until we found what we love mhm and we finally found it so it's here I feel like we just need to get it together I think you guys are actually really going to like it it um it brings back um a little bit of what this place used to be I'll say yeah it's going to be like the accent color that's what I'm excited for yeah all right okay let's get apparently this is what we're doing this evening at least I have a glass of wine in hand right exactly makes things a little bit get you on board with any project yeah I just need some B BR okay where sir um I think we just open every box and every bag and throw it all together and then just see where we get just just roll the dice who knows we bought a couch but we might end up with a treehouse Tyler it's a novel Alexa what time is it 10:09 p.m. 10:09 p.m. all right you ready to go yeah okay um I'm doing Corner seat right so you do corner seat left okay look at this I know spring is coming up you can hear it in the [Music] fields are you almost done no are you I am done just waiting you have this all fastened all done how that makes no sense how did you do that magician never gives up their secret okay now we're just wasting time get back how come I I have a gap there too and the golden days will come I'll see you down the [Music] line oh my God it's really nice come come back here for a sec but then when you're sitting here it doesn't obstruct The View it's a very low back okay yeah it's so perfect for the space yeah is it better to just like fully commit and have the extra automate wow like and it's a total hangout couch yeah it's like the whole living room is couch yeah and if we ever want to host an orgy we're set we cover this in plastic and we're good what do you think oh that going to be my oh that took a lot of pressure off my hip I'll tell you that it's Orthopedic or something you are just so sweet do you like your new couch all right I'll ad it you right for bringing back to TV easel this is so nice being able to slide this TV around to anywhere we want in the room is going to make it such a great spot to watch movies and luckily we're not limited by whatever is available on Netflix here that's because we can change our IP address thanks to Surf shark the sponsor of this week's video surf shark has so many amazing features from protecting your identity your passwords your true location but it also has the really great side effect of making it appear as though you're in a different location this has completely changed our entertainment options when you log into Disney or Netflix Hulu whatever Subscription Service you're using you can make it appear as though you're on vacation in the UK maybe you're in Australia this week you would be absolutely Blown Away with how many different options are available in those content libraries as much as we love free entertainment we view it as an extra perk of surf shark the real benefit is protecting your identity your true location you should never be in a coffee shop or an airport and not be using surf shark it is just not worth the risk scan this QR code or click the link in the description box down below you'll get four extra months included you have nothing to lose I absolutely love this I've gotten all my friends and family on it trust me check it out all right it has been a long day it's time to kick our feet up and binge watch some TV we'll see you in the morning I have a little project that I've been working on in the background creative free time as Tyler and I call it so the previous owners did a lot of natural Landscaping I really want to keep that vibe going even though Tai had planned on spending the next few days editing I may have enlisted his help to try and lift the bigger rocks which I couldn't get by myself ready to do this yep let's get to it we ended up spending the whole afternoon doing it together and it turned out to be so much fun I should mention when we were working on the beach a few weeks ago a lot of you mentioned about the soil erosion If the previous owner was able to build all the retaining walls along the driveway in front of the house and all the other places surely a few more isn't going to hurt anything I collected them all up and laid them in a path to build the edge of the garden bed lined all the way down to the lake and I am so in love with how this turned out so much so that I decided to take a little break to tend to these Gardens and plant a few new shrubs and ground covers I did one load of mulch and of course my trusty wheelbarrow broke with the pathway to the lake fully lined I spent the rest of the day multing and planting this area I collected some more rocks from the beach to act not only as a border but for drainage on this hill to avoid the garden washing away with the walkway down to the lake finished but only a little bit of mulch left I decided to do the rest of the areas where the grass meets the forest and use the rest of the rocks to build a path through the forest connecting the lawn to the bunky area and I'm trying to create the feeling of being at the land I just loved how nestled in the trees we were with the Gazebo up by the RV and then we recreated that with the Gazebo down by the Dome and that's what I'm hoping to create here so I have done some work with building a walkway over to the lawn as well as behind me coming along the bunky today we're going to do the fun part which is the Landscaping wow look at this isn't that a nice stick oh okay it's broken Eddie can have one and Charlie has one right cuz sharing is caring good boys okay you chew on your sticks and I'm going to get to work I had to dig this all the way down and the reason is the property slopes this way and it would have washed out my trail so I put a little covert in and it just kind of runs along with some beach rock and we're going to keep going this way okay so we'll go like that yeah that'll work and then I've already got some rock collected to kind of work the trail down function and Beauty can coexist put that on a motivational calendar right and then we'll do this end to hold this end in place kind of out like that right oh that's nice that is nice see what I mean I get a little over particular but that's okay need a couple biggies Bigg BG [Music] okay so now that I've got kind of the way the path is going to go I'm going to start bringing in some fill so what I'm using for this I'm trying to reuse stuff from around the yard so as I've been cleaning out the gardens or when we moved in the driveway was over grown with grass hi buddy I scraped all that off with the tractor so I just kind of have it in a pile over there so I'm just going to use that to build my base and then I'll use the nice decorative rock on the top does that sound like a good plan does does that sound like a good plan okay you go get a shovel I'll get the wheelbarrow I know you can't get it cuz you got no thumb I know I don't need to always rub it in I'm sorry so I lost count of the loads but it took quite a bit way more than I was thinking oh I'm out of breath I don't know if it's from the shoveling or from the compacting but tell you what I don't get the same pep I did when we started over at the land 4 years ago wow I still remember one of my favorite photos is Tyler snapped one of me Edie was sitting right next to me and I had a glass of wine I think my goal for today was a little ambitious I will be the first to admit that it has also grown quite a bit since I first started so that leads me to the point that I don't think it's going to be done and ready to work on this today but I'm going to get as much done as I can oh my my plans just changed again now that's going to add more work but I love it sometimes I wish I had have gone into like design or like landscape you know something like that but now at my age with my bunions so are the cards folks over there I picture ax throwing cuz what could go wrong and so you could get there by going through a trail but I'm just trying to figure out where should the trail go I'm trying to find the most natural way to to like make it all kind of flow building this all up is absolutely ridiculous Todd wow brought too many logs oh no where should I put it so these are the wood chips I was talking about so I'm just going to get to work on scooping them into the wheelbarrow and then taking them over I'm not even going to try and guess how many trips I'm going to have to make but it's exercise like we said we're going to work off the chips from the winter and then a little bit more so that we can enjoy chips all through the summer where chip Queens where oh thought I lost the Pitchfork but I didn't it's here so let's get going by this point I was really starting to fade this was way more work than I thought it was going to be I got the rest of the loads of saus for the hammock area and then put down some landscape fabric and completed the Culvert Trail before calling it a day good morning so I was up bright and early and cleared off all the stuff that was in my way on the back deck so we can continue on with the bonky makeover so what I'm going to work on first is moving this wall behind me the reason I'm moving it is because it's holding up the roof but it's not really supported by anything taking the weight all the way down to the ground it's sitting on deckboards so I'm just going to move it back a couple inches so it's sitting on top of the support that's running underneath the deck hopefully it buys us some more time so we don't have to like rip this off off cuz I think it's a really cute little area plus long term I'm trying to convince Tyler to let me make over the inside of the bunkey so I'm hoping that I can win him over with this part and he'll get to see the whole Vision anyway I'm going to get to work on building a beam to go across and then some supports so let's get at it so to build this beam we're just going to take some 6X no 2x6 and make a triple beam out of it does that sound good to you huh you're the engineer it's your silver ring on the line not mine buddy forgot my glasses you were supposed to tell me you're the one on the o ands committee not me this is the part where most of my projects take an interesting turn I have like the beginning first two steps figured out and then I know how I want it to look at the end but everything in between is a game day decision including like how am I going to get the support columns up and who's going to help me hold the beam but we'll figure it out I like a challenge also like how cute are these boots they're from Marshalls they were like $25 on clearings they're really cute but the downside is they're not waterproof so don't run through puddles if you're wearing them I found that way let try and do some math okay so we're going to go with 75 no no [Music] th sash have done the theme song to the show Survivor R probably wanted like2 billion for it though and that's 6' one4 so then we're going to come all the way down here 141 across so 141 / 2 would be 70.5 all right let's screw I'm using these which I'm going to screw right through the deck boards and into the support beam underneath and then I can put 4x4s in this which will then hold up the beam that we just built put that one in no problem what I'm concerned about is it just doesn't seem to be lining up it turns out this wall is crooked and that's why they're getting closer to the 2x4 on the ground so then how would this work so okay oh this is this is tricky and nerve-wracking cuz I'm either going to make something really nice back here or like rip this right off the side okay so I figured out what to do I measured them up to the bottom at the 70 the height that we had figured out the bottom of this needed to be and then I used the stud that I took off of the other end to trace the template on for the angle tested it and it worked out so then then I did all three I've got the beam cut now to length so it's time to actually lift it which is kind of exciting if I can do it by myself that's going to be the hard part I think but I am determined okay so if we come up like this and you can do it put your back into it I can do it my ass and it's going to be good think it's going to be great either way it's what we're doing and we're moving on he taste the biscuit taste good must the biscuit taste the biscuit taste the biscuit so we're going to toenail these in look at me with all the lingo wow okay we did it oh my God we did it and look at how much more the view it is and like space wow I was just listening to some music and just got going with a flow of work and then I cut off the deck so that it's all like at the same length it was overhanging a little bit too far I just cut it back so that the boards don't get weak and someone step on it and you know get injured now what I'm going to do is paint this wall behind me so all three other sides of the bunky are painted except for this one and I was able to find the house paint which is the same color as this in the basement so I'm going to use it and then I took a little piece of the lighter color that's used on like the rafters and underneath and I had it color matched you might be wondering how come I have a drop cloth here but not when I'm painting inside that's because inside it's really easy to clean it up if you drop some and I just find drop cloths kind of annoying to set up but as you can see I've already made a mess because I know outside I'm using like exterior paint which is thicker but also this wood is extremely dry so I'm going to go really thick so I only have to do one coat cuz I don't want to do two because that's not what this project is about it's a quick win to give me a place to just sit you know just living my Cottage fairy fantasy oh this is going to take a long time to do it's very slow going with the rough lumber holy okay this has been a very very long day but I am happy with what I got done so I finished painting the wall behind me I ended up staining the beam to match the 4x4s a little bit better which then led me to painting the fascia and then once that was done all the work on the deck was done so then I just got to work on doing the walkway around it and I'm really happy that I did because now no matter which side you come in or go from it's the same height so it's a little bit safer plus it grades the water away from here cuz all of it was kind of pooling underneath also the bugs came out I don't know if you can see them buzzing around but they're here I'm going to go in have a nice hot shower and we'll see you in the morning I just put the finishing touches on it but Tyler hasn't seen anything since I started so let's go get him and do the big reveal okay keep walking walking I feel like you're leading me to the lake that would be funny all right okay we're going to turn okay okay you can open are you serious do you like it oh my God how did you do all of this that quickly oh my God is that from the bathroom yeah yeah so this is from the bathroom I got this on clearance at Princess Auto those were in front of the Dome last year with our herds this was in the ouse and this is an antique ladder I bought in Edmonton but I didn't know what to do I just loved it oh my God I'm actually like I'm speechless it looks so good yeah I want to get um solar lights from over at the land too like the Edison bulb style to go around that would be really pretty it just all takes time not for you apparently we should probably do the inside of the bunke this was kind of like proof of concept cuz imagine instead of this being a mirror it's a door how many times are we going to have this conversation well I think if everyone says that like cuz I've asked them if we should redo the bunky if they say we should redo the bunky we're going to redo the bunky okay here's a deal if enough of them comment that we should redo the bunky you can redo the bunkey perfect deal so start commenting all right on to the next project I think I'm going to sit for but yeah yeah this was hard work
Channel: Tyler and Todd
Views: 166,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler and todd, container home, shipping container home, tiny house, tiny home, alternative building, building a shipping container home, container home construction, how to build a shipping container home, shipping container house, shipping container
Id: vxe6WrfckBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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