The CONFUSING History of Zero's Buster - Mega Editorial

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for a character who's mostly known for using a saber and other melee weapons zero actually has a pretty interesting yet confusing history with busters did you know that zero has two different busters in x5 or that the incorrect buster is shown in x3 stick around and you may learn something interesting [Music] let's start at the beginning with the most straightforward entry in xero's debut game mega man x zero is shown with an identical buster to that of x's first armor seriously it's the exact same sprite it's never explained why these two busters look the same though my friend twitch has his own theory on the subject however we can see an official art that the coloring is slightly different when compared to x's first armor buster with zero sporting silver instead though this was changed to white and maverick hunter x now this is where things get interesting after zero toe attackers himself to death against vile [Music] he's rebuilt an x2 by sergus and wow what a makeover on top of all the new accents and details his buster's completely different this buster's a lot simpler than the one he's most known for but we'll get to that one soon the x2 buster is mostly red and pretty plain with nothing that really stands out and if we look at the sprites for x2 they don't match the art exactly but they more closely resemble the buster in this piece of concept art with that thing on the top that really makes me wonder how far into production x2 was before the final design was chosen now in x3 for completely unexplained reasons zero is shown to have yet another buster upgrade this design has gems and overall more detail almost like a modified x2 buster and would be as buster going forward right anyway the opening cutscene gets it right you can see all the new details but the in-game sprite shows the x2 buster again this was probably because they used the x2 sprites as a base design so it's easier to excuse here but look in the ending adding to the 32-bit version he's clearly using the x2 buster again what's going on from here on out i'll be referring to the busters by these names x2 buster and x3 buster keep these in mind to avoid confusion because now we're on to the big one [Music] in mega man x5 zero regains his ability to use a buster after it was completely absent in x4 though it really isn't anything special it was slow and not very powerful but look at the design that's definitely the x2 buster in fact playing the opening stages x shows that zero's buster is damaged and removed from his body and if we look closely x2 buster again at the end of the game however the cutscenes clearly show zero with the x3 buster does zero just have two different busters in this game that would certainly explain why he can use the buster at the end even if he supposedly lost in the intro stage it would also explain why his shotting at sigma was so strong has zero been intentionally holding back or maybe the x3 buster takes a lot more energy to use before we leave x5 behind let's take a moment to really dive into the buster that zero's shown with the one used in game is the x2 buster but it looks as though the silver and gold stripes have been reversed to me this seems like a quick attempt to make it look more like the x3 buster without having to redraw it if we look at zero's damage buster it's the proper x2 buster colors and if we look at both the boss fight against zero and the oldest available beta for x5 the buster's also the correct color so was this just an attempt at course correction gone wrong fast forward three weeks years weeks to the nightmare phenomenon in mega man x6 where x encounters the zero nightmare since the zero nightmare is just using the x5 sprites with a hue adjustment he's also using the x2 buster sorry kodabakia looks like you got it wrong anyway one zero nightmare is defeated and after learning that the real zero has both hidden and repaired himself we see that his fights are completely new and for the first time these new sprites definitively show the x3 buster this buster's also much more powerful than the one used in x5 so maybe the x3 buster really is his trump card zero's history with busters really is all over the place huh x2 buster x3 buster x2 buster again it's like he can't make up his mind what a fashionista even in power fighters it's shown that the x3 buster was wiley's intended design too maybe there was some sort of miscommunication between the art department and the spiders or maybe there's something more at play zero may have been pulling his punches more than he let on but i'll let you come to your own conclusions about that that's all for this one do you have your own theories about this and which z buster is your favorite let me know and no this thing isn't a buster get that out of here thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed this new thing i've wanted to do this for a long time and having a cap off mega march just seemed perfect i want to give special thanks to sprinkling for the art and encouragement throughout silby for helping spark the idea in the first place zarda for the script help maria for the new character art and just her patience and lastly twitch for helping with this and that i also want to shout out our channel members thank you silby dunno van jackson sigma duckman dornor darupi spring queen masterman and the rest of our supporters i have a lot more ideas for videos in this style so stay tuned thanks again for watching you
Channel: ColeFam
Views: 61,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rockman X DiVE, mega man, megaman, mega march, reploid revo, protodude, rockman corner, protoman, ruby spears, cartoon, funny, capcom, video game, trailer, gutsman's ass, meme, cut man, guts man, dr., mega man x, rockman x, snes, playstation, nintendo, capsule, dr. light, twitch, reploid, armor, armor capsule, giga attack, nova strike, mega mission, top 10, top 5, Zero, Vile, bass, worst weapons, best weapons, shadowrockzx, ramblin' reploids
Id: _duUcR3FyGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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