The Conception of the K-Gun

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Buffalo starts short of their 20th there on 17 yard line trailing by 11 24 13 they've got some making up to do Joe Robbie Stadium he becomes the hero this far Jim Kelly on first down down by 11 points incomplete intended for Ronnie Harmon let's go to New York and who those extra points his second down at 10:00 after the Kelly incompletion he steps up he fires he's got flip Johnson a great pass and catch by Johnson out over the 35 to the 36 yard line and Lewis Oliver playing with a twisted ankle comes in and rocks Johnson after he made the catch at Buffalo goes to the hurry-up off it's down by 11 points they've got to put two scoring drives together with just 340 left of the game so they go right back to work after a 19 yard pass play a knee clinics this time with Andre Reed and that's what's been missing from their attack all day long go back to the first half when Reed dropped what looked like a short touchdown strike from Kelly I seem to begin the problems for the Buffalo office running the ball extremely well they go play-action fake perfect throw by Jim Kelly dropped by Andre Reed and since then his Buffalo offense is not so well 331 left in regulation time the catch is made by Thomas is going to crank it out of bounds and pick up yardage and does both very well as Oliver was trying to chase him and he gets it inside to Miami 40-yard line now down to the 38 and a move closer plus they're really conserving that clock if you're sitting home at Buffalo and saying way to know why weren't they doing this all day that's not quite fair because Miami's defense is now playing well off the ball they're willing to give that underneath stuff to Jim Kelly and that's the reason for the quick pickup leaving in a hurry they need [Music] three pulls it down inside the 30 [Music] he's brought down by Rodney Thomas at the 27-yard line clock running they must hustle 12-yard picked up in a first down coming up to three minutes romantic Eliana the shotgun [Applause] takes a lot kids on foot Jetson touchdown Buffalo [Music] beautifully orchestrated drive by Kelly to get the right back in the game [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] remember they're out of time on it's running [Music] [Applause] big rush from the wide side he got it off to Thomas Bush down thirty-six Kelly calling the plays at the line of scrimmage he calls two in the huddle to begin to cry he's got audible at the line [Music] so a minute Barbara Danny [Applause] [Music] under a minute no time ups [Applause] completed Kelly he's got Johnson [Applause] the 11 yard line for a brief second number 80 was wide open was wide open and Kelly put it right between the two defenders the bills made a tactical error though they spent too much time at the line of scrimmage what Kelly did was he changed his drinking formation the back status which the receivers had a switch and so did the tide in the cost of five or six second 41 seconds [Music] Anderson of course [Applause] got the headset [Applause] [Music] 20 mark him into Miami 19 yard-line with a half minute left Kelly's going to throw the ball out of bounds it doesn't have a play called now he's got to throw it out the clock is ticking taking too much time of the line 23 seconds Kelly steps up he's got Andre they'll mark him back at the six yard line but time is running look at this 12 seconds [Applause] brah with two seconds left we'll be applying on the plane because one of the dolphins did not get back Kelly is under no obligation to wait for him to do so [Applause] smart play by Jim Kelly he's completely within the rules just to take it throw it right into the ground [Applause] well with 2 seconds left to go anything short of that miami's [Applause] two seconds left the ball and eight yard line of Miami all right one play doesn't marchibroda just tells Marv levy here's what we're going to run let's watch few seconds left they have to get into the end zone and Kelly now turns and says I came here he's gonna run it touchdown Buffalo they win on the horrible [Applause] about 270 yards of offense you want to contest that get on the telephone first down the pass is high and out of bounds intended for hit the crazy thing about that season launched within that year has such a tremendous night people think he scored a lot of touchdowns that season he holds the NFL record for most carries in a year without scoring a touchdown as buffalo goes get out of huddle on second and 10 and that's dropped but for the 27 yard line by andre it's a situation where Jim Kelly now without huddle calls his own place that time he took a break looked over to the sideline for some advice but in the final two drives against Miami he called every single play third and ten again without the huddle on it tip but there's a flag down a tip by Dennis Smith put a marker down at the 40-yard line and it goes again the Bronco defense five-yard automatic first down mark Haines making his first appearance he is an outlaw from frankamp miss last week's game against Kansas City with a bat back and here it is working against three d5 Burkett you're allowed that one shot inside that five yard zone at contact between Burkett and Haines happening well beyond the the five-yard mark as Alfonso character walks off the field hobbling a bit but what a what a penalty that was against Denver that was a third down incompletion gives Buffalo a first down Lauren powers rookie from Maryland replaces character breaking one in the Bronco territory front down at the 32 yard line from behind by aunt water but there's a flag down back at the line of scrimmage and this is holding number 67 feet makes a hit but all for naught first and 20 now up to the 29 yard line where Kenneth Davis makes the catch and pays the price Plan B free-agent played at Green Bay he was a high pick of the Packers four years ago out of CTU Kelly going without the huddle keeps Denver from changing up defensively allow the Cincinnati Bengals in Sam white second down and seven here and the low throw on the catch is made by Andre Reed up at the 40 yard line for a first down boy that's some recovery that's the type of a penalty or a long run by Thurman Thomas that could really break your back and yet Buffalo comes back in just two plays and gets the first down again the fact that couples doing this first across by moving bills for all night makes it first and five from the 45 yard line into a lot of traffic with Johnson surrounded by four white shirt second and five Kelly had to get rid of it this safety blitz was on with Denver bringing their rookie nev Atwater good blitzing safety rookie from Arkansas almost got to Kelly despite the fact the clock has stopped on the incompletion they still operate without the huddle mission complete up at the 50 yard line and as a marketer well Denver got caught with 12 men on the field they didn't get a substitution done in time they tried to substitute 12 men on the field defense this is not a two-minute drill this is a 20-minute drill we have 507 to go in the third period is not made by Forex and who drops it as a 45-yard line would have been a first down that's one of the few bat throws by Kelly Burkett could have caught it but it would have been a tough chance again we'll take a quick look at it because the bills once again going with the hurry-up offense over guests expecting that ball back to the inside second in 10 27 yard line that makes the catch what a shot if corrington comes in and it's just leveled Ronnie Harmon I have no idea how he held onto the ball at the 27 yard line the wide open field in front of him inside the cannon slide seven hurry up off this turn things around for the bill taking command of this Denver making the mistake now and we're going to get the crowd back you know that's not going to hurt the bill by far Buffalo's deepest penetration after a 21-yard pickup here's Thomas a one-yard line water and corrington in on the tackle interview and new you ever almost hurt himself on this flight you one minute you're blocking 290 pounds the next minute you're blocking air and Bruce Smith join why he is clearly the AFC's greatest defensive lineman and it is just an ongoing battle between he and Reggie White who's the king of the hill that Buffalo a fancy team came out onto the field into the huddle up to the line of scrimmage support hindered defense Chiefs defenses even set they're ready to play first and 10 to the 34 yard [Applause] mm pass interference 24 first to the game will fit first and ten from the 40-yard line Kelly Junction for a first down at the Bronco 46 yard line Tyrone Braxton makes the tackle I'll tell you something the bills are going to get called for if they don't watch out it's how far their offensive line is off the ball that time Howard Ballard was a yard off the ball look where he's lined up you're supposed to be within a foot of the football right tackle number 75 the 36 yard line Andre Reed making the cash about 5 yards short of the first if our friend Sam Weiss is watching this game he has to be saying well taking you guys a long time to figure out what I've known for years boomer is sitting back smiling well I don't know I think they kind of enjoyed their little private jig the head going but look at Ballard hit this guy's a yard nap off the wall the nine yard game second and one tillie going for six in this incomplete intended for Reid and Henderson back there with him long past Denver we'll be able to make a change although they only bring in one man but an estranged walk Buffalo doing this with Ted marchibroda the offensive coordinator and of course Marv levy known as conservative coaches that well he should be being tutored under George Allen who he was a very conservative offensive coach and they were both with him at the rams later Washington he believed in don't turn it over yourself don't hurt yourself and great defense and that's what Buffalo is doing up and go tonight in a Berlin 35 yard line in a Bruin about 260 and Muller at about 230 behind Kelly that done well on pin Abreu's touchdown it was Bueller with the lead block this time it's kid Abreu attempting the lead block Mecklenburgh left his feet a little early that is a full house backfield first contain from the 30 Randy Robin - Ronnie harmony was playing out of the wide receiver spots and the paths of Kellis did not have grown well you know what he got hit right when he delivered the ball Warren powers number 91 came in what did he hit Killian I don't know if he caught him right in the act of throwing but I think it had a lot to do with the poor path again from behind by the CV that water and Kelly comes away limping the period comes to a climax and that will be the final play of the third quarter and that's afraid for Buffalo that this is the end of the quarter Kelly it is third down and three for the bills seeking the first down that sounds at the 19 yard line for tech makes the kaki go by practice and the magic all started when Buffalo went to a no huddle offense magic might have started at halftime when there was a lot of chewing going on in that locker room yeah but it's now my 11 against your 11 that was Rick at first catch of the night on first and 10 from the 20 you you now the bills beginning from the 30 out of a shotgun Kelly a little some pants over the middle shovel and the cash was never made incomplete intended for Thomas second down bills again will not huddle and again if will keep a defensive chain keeps the specialist off the field for the Broncos the bills no the personnel that's out there they know what will go against it Kelly stepping up again and this time wrapped up at the 28 yard line by Andre Townsend and warring powers good question here powers 91 on his back 91 on one sleeve 91 on the front two sleeve on the far side is number 19 on it and proving he's in short yardage at the end of the line third and 11 inside hands off out of the Sun to Samus at the 47 yard line by practices great call great call out of the shotgun formation just coming across little underneath handoff everybody on the Denver side of it playing pass and Thurman Thomas gets a chance to make up for dropping the ball on first down gutsy call by Marv levy and/or Jim Kelly who ever heard first down at the timber 41 any resemblance of the Buffalo Bills offense to the first half surely coincidental Aaron tactically they are totally different emotionally in every one they're controlling this game now went to the hurry up often halfway through the third quarter the polder within seven on the move again Kelly on first down and Kelly goes down at the 47 yard line starting to slip and the sack is finally reported well that's the time in flexures that's the key for Denver if they can force Jim Kelly to move Jim Kelly is not one of the great move quarterbacks in the game today he bears no resemblance to John Elway in that respect and it's a it's a victory for Denver if they can get Kelly to move second down and 16 by number 23 Tennessee there's a flag down holding 24 first down from the 42 yard line Kelly five five Hartmann or did Preston touch that boy Braxton was awful close he's acted like he did it was very close I mean a desperation dive by practicing but I think he came a little sore to the ball I got to drop by and reread okay let's let's Tommy Ronnie Harmon but we'll take a look at it after this play drive here and that pass is incomplete intended for David let's look at it again here's Braxton's gonna dive for it and he came short no Ronnie Harmon had that ball right in his hand blue and Braxton's already on the ground that's that's a touchdown Buffalo if he holds on to it whether last week against Miami is Andre Reed who travels for a touchdown pass from Delhi to four handed receivers now it's third and ten from the 42 yard line this is where Jim rallies up at his own 45 by warring powers yeah that's where Kelly doesn't make the same kind of decision decisions that John Elway can make Broncos in a safety blitz paid off again as he'd kept water from Arkansas there Ricky you Harmon plenty of walking with Harmon starts to slip and is taken down at the 32 yard line Borinquen making the tackle create a hands to go Bills have all of their timeouts remaining before somebody for Buffalo needs to make a big play they need to break a couple of tackles reman Rock second and thick they'll run out of bounds for a first down up at the 45 yard line with Jimmy add that much time and obviously Denver is laying off in a deep zone to prevent defense to they should take advantage you can put time remaining of the over the middle stuff well Frank Trojans will be hosting Ohio State in our part of the doubleheader as well where Dan's Wolverines and there's a man both taking on the Bruins of UCLA couple of big 10 PAC 10 matchup sir I think they've worked on this special team the big boys on the big boys oh you think though for the LSU and meanwhile Buffalo is moving right along first down on the catch by Andre Reed from the 36 yard line he says what they'll give you and you've got to do it and we make another cat get the 26 yard line that is close to a first down and in fact is at the 25 don't file this one away nope again three man rock for food Tilly so you picked off at the 7-yard line by women Henderson and that will wrap it up for the Broncos I think Kelly's going to have to handle it from here on out with this 17 to nothing thing he's gonna have to go in that huddle soon all of his timeouts in almost two full minutes to try to get something to fumbles by Kelly Beneke at this first half there's Andre Reed and Reed as to the 38 yard line Jantzen was putting pressure on Kelly as he threw so far the Colts have done a good job of stopping read who was bad [Applause] what a catch by Thurman Thomas he's at the Betty and he's still going I haven't heard a whistle yet and then down at the 38 yard line a flag also down defensive holding is declined down at this point the post should think no touchdown if it's a field goal okay don't give a touchdown up [Applause] come please a hurry Kelly Phoebe young receiver from Chadron State was drafted in the third round and he's fast as one that's a good name DV they say he can outrun everyone on this Buffalo team they say he's one of the fastest people in football today of course you still have to go with ketchup [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he favors you couple of major surprises of thus far this afternoon juice the the cults big over Buffalo Tampa Bay rolling up the points of leading Chicago well the the coke the coast they figured to be an excellent football team this year and everyone knew this would be a toss-up football game surprisingly Buffalo's down 20 to nothing but that's been the trend of the bills this year they get behind early and they've made some big comebacks early in the week earlier I in the season I should say first NFL interception Kelly guns and has his man DD the second catch of the season for the rookie here's the no huddle baby's first was a 63-yard touchdown he gets 13 on that one now Kelly's calling his own plays of course with this no huddle offense no signals from the sideline is he's on his own 3-nothing trying to take advantage of all the time remaining in Thurman town reception and Thomas goes out of bounds down at the 45 of Indianapolis while there's two big plays and very little time consumed Thurman Thomas is turning to an excellent receiver they never fought by any chance here is a receiver coming from the college running back but he's turning into a great news powerful quick in the no-huddle crowd quiet for a moment quick hit - Andre Reed down at the 40-yard line a gain of about six where's Mike Chris good on the left corner you can just guess that that front for now of the Colts are exploding into that line of scrimmage and pass rush and not concerned about anything but pass rush now this will tire the defense but the truth of the matter is the offense and they [Applause] Kelly runs out of there for daylight and safety pushed out of bounds by Taylor at the 35 might be a first down it is I think Vic it really surprised Kelly blitzing that time just surprising and Kelly did the instinctive thing have run right up back up underneath him in a desperate no situation early grilling 23 nothing underneath taught by the Colts and BB pudding one thing that happens with this offense of machine gun offense no huddle the receivers tire unless you can substitute for them Andre Reed mentioning to us before the game dick Saturday that that that is fine but he can't are out in south quickies quick snap goes right to Ronnie Harmon and a good play Harmon down to the 21 yard line in a first down a direct snap to Harmon and Vic had made that tackle as well [Music] well they were pass rushing as we just mentioned and he's Ronnie split him on a draw Ronnie Harmon Kelly Reed Andre Reed with about eight nine yards for he stacked up in on that tackle well they're forcing the Colts in just a basic defense with four linemen rushing they're getting a little tired the offensive linemen have a little advantage now on an entire somewhat at Christmas of their patterns because they're running Kelly throws it away closest man was Ronnie Harmon well-covered that will give them all arrest brings up third down and two ten and a half minutes remaining in the third quarter in the bills trailing 23 nothing this is really a mirror of what we saw [Applause] to Thomas Thomas on his way to a touchdown ten yards number 17 we have two downs to get this dinner key downs for 11 yards good protection for Kelly and almost intercepted [Applause] both meanwhile here the defense and to the field comes the Pro Bowl ticker the AFC Norwood last season he missed only five of 37 field goal attempts he's five for six this year [Applause] [Music] you when your star player D player has an off game and he has the results are obvious 23-0 he's gotten just a little bit reckless in his cost the team is trying to make plays our guess is they'll stay with that no huddle [Applause] by Bruce Plummer [Applause] nice that ball through about five Dondre read the coastal film here the cult coordinator on defenses got him is making some excellent defensive calls they backed into his own Kelley tried to force it down the field plumber right across the front of the ball [Applause] Andrew Johnson the spring chicken thirty-four-year-old Johnson has his six sack of the year really a popular guy is in 34 years old started Greenbay and of course talked to us about the notoriety gain from eating the hotdogs during a preseason game might have cost Bart Starr's job Boyd his age he's still lightning quick and strong 252 pounds is among the leaders in the league in sacks now was six long yardage to go on a cat5e B and he has a first down at the 46 of Indianapolis they're holding an arm they roll Kelly out just at the right time because the posts are really zeroing in with her pass rush brought him to the outside on a roll out got him clear and he used his arm to get that deep out completed back goes Kelly into that shotgun Rony Harmon [Music] [Applause] and the Colts will take their time on piling if for no other reason to kill some seconds and get a breather [Music] Kelly's calling the play he's got to go to both sides of the off noise music get it done out of the back deal to Thomas and Thurman Thomas brought down by good and dicken another Buffalo first and the clock running under five minutes to go in the third twenty three nothing Colts and have to throw every day as fresher receiving core in the game as they queue we think back to that penalty that costs the dolls a touchdown on the run by how big that might become here comes Thomas again threading his way up the middle for six or seven a reminder to our viewers we'll be selecting the Budweiser Most Valuable Player in today's game that will be announced at the conclusion of this contest this is a battle of attrition both sides offense and defense are really feeling there's no hot waffles [Applause] bought nicely by Bibi again what a clean shot by Kelly there's where that great arm showed up [Applause] beautiful on that outcome they do Western Illinois Chadron State [Applause] into the end zone to read touchdown and Kelly delivering that ball with two Colts drilling him and is he okay has prided himself and staying in there told us yesterday I shall stay in that extra second you it's nice it's snowing a buffalo they can handle this weather without any problem at the 44 yard line to stop the clock 136 a lot of time remaining 17 yards first down Buffalo looking to the right good head fake and sets up the middle screen as you can see the lineman staying there Thomas behind them but it was the head fake in the look to the right side but the better quarterback than Senators 20 pounds and it is going to be incomplete receiver but he took it on the bounce Jim Kelly touchdown passes last season at 16 games he had 15 look what he's done this season in seven games is really having a fine [Applause] of the money to BBB me out about stops o'clock at the New England 42 yard line Charlie I think the thing that Kelly has improved most we have a flag down on the far side of the field and then under field on a deep end that's a writer I couldn't organize on that what's second down [Applause] and it was second and 10 at the 42 maybe the antenna receiver who tell you how desperate Charlie this New England defense and Errol Tucker number 21 with two days practices on the field and Buffalo in a hurry up to minute office first down gain of 13 excellent concentration at bebe is fitting in so well they love his speed and also love his hands when he handles the ball like that the sense is that sideline so well and as you notice be sure to be with us a nap time NFL live Bob Costas and OJ will be updating all the scores [Applause] good catch again at the 8 yard line 21 yards first and go charlie so often when we see that ball thrown on the sideline and we say the receiver couldn't stay in bounds a lot of time the ball is thrown so a receiver can't kelly gives his receiver room with that throw and harman dropped the past early makes that catch for the nice first down inside the 10 and even though they went out of bounds to stop the clock they're in a hurry [Music] he goes down yeah he's got a holding call back there Charlie and that is gonna hurt that is going to hurt him no no slack [Applause] - cut off outside good defensive play by Johnny rembered three wide [Applause] Djali not happy with the formation luchador face mask no they might winter cold for Thomas that is his 16th carry third down four yards to go [Applause] shortly seven-six with the pressure of the panel there are they saying fumble or did they hit cause it here is pointing it down charlie it looked to me like that ball started forward on Kelly's hand but they're saying that it was a fumble lady is saying wait a minute he's throwing the football 31 yards on the attempt yes good again check for flags it's okay you I'm 239 [Applause] jelly's pass is complete and go suburban Thomas [Music] 9b second down and one will see the hurry-up offense here Charlie Buffalo will not waste any time to 21 on the clock they have all their timeouts back over the middle to Thomas again with the buildings and then out of bounds inside the 35 of the 33 yard line [Music] 27 yards a smart call they know that the New England Patriots have got to respect the deep speed here they just dump it inside to their best ball carrier gets a good block there and uses his speed to break outside beggins there to knock him out of bounds big pick up inside handoff to top beggins again jeopardy eight yards rushing 87 yards [Applause] the world it was - Thomas tremendous pressure by Vincent Brown blitzing from the left side forced Kelly to throw that football before the play develop gonna be a little screen off to the right watch number 59 coming in right there and you see Kelly just had to unload that ball a little too quick and he couldn't quite get it to the dependable hands of Thurman Thomas third down and eight 155 left in the ballgame big third down but this is for down territory Charlie [Applause] two downs together [Applause] 253 yards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the opening tees we talked about it let's show it to you Jim Kelly and the Buffalo Bills have become the new Minutemen of the NFL week one with no time on the clock Kelly scores the winning touchdown week 3 with a regulation proc expired Kelly and overtime hits Andre Reed with the winning touchdown [Applause] like at quarterback that's the idea [Applause] it's all over [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] he's had a half dozen catches Chet Brooks makes the tackle after a six yard game you know Jim Kelly we had that remarkable stat when he throws an interception this year the bills are one and six and he's thrown two today the bills are really going to have to work at and assuming they lose this game to get it back together as a team because they still can do it as you pointed out dick they're going to have problems with just that the attitude on the team because it's not too hard to start turning on each other when things go poorly we saw last week it can happen this week Kelly up said it to play calling the Thomas upset at Kelly's remarks it can run rampant through a team players refused to talk to the press 48 hours before I [Music] to the 50-yard look 11 years defense wind on the field is declined down of course we've been busy ourselves great graduate from surfing it's really tough to watch something putting together that's a nice catch by the rookie baby who played at Chadron state of Nebraska and Western Illinois you know dick I can really have empathy for people that retire from the in their careers and perfections how it feels to leave it you care too much for it so went to your life and it's very natural to do that all of us by Thurman Thomas and in this case in a way you can't walk totally away from it and just kind of closed the blinds because you're involved with us in NBC Sports part of your duty is to watch all teams and that includes San Francisco sure and it's a great change regrets [Applause] [Music] from richer using the sideline stops the clock out of bounds at the 22 10 minutes and 17 seconds left but a big mountain for the bills to climb they trail 21 to 3 two other late games today the Rams apparently are going to clinch well they are not going to clinch a wild-card apparently because Washington's coming back at Atlanta trailing by only three Thomas Brooks at the 17-yard line so Kelly now and this is what we saw well going back all the way early in the season against Denver Kelly just running the no-huddle shotgun offense and he's he's calling the entire show now this isn't anything he's in charge as he tried to sprint uphill by Pierce Holt's Colts saved a big gainer there was no one downfield and he reached out and knocked him down Pierre sold his wife Deanna watches him today there she is in the crowd where you talk about a team of marital team [Applause] threw that up for grabs now that's the kind of pass that just scares everyone who routes for Jim Kelly he plays brilliantly and there throws a ball to one white shirt with four red ones around them well the bills do okay with the four receiver offense in their shotgun they do okay their problem is converting from the running game to this form of passing there isn't an awful lot in between we saw the interception but just a short time ago they haven't developed their play pass system [Music] fourth down [Applause] [Music] there's the first down to read the ever dependable wide receiver first and goal to the nine yard line Brooks and Johnny Jackson make the tackle is eight catches now for Andre Reed in 97 yards to lead everyone in that department that gives him 80 catches for the year over the meadow Hamas's to the one-yard line Michael Walter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wasting a second [Music] scoring will cost him the game he almost have to throw [Music] and a touchdown run in by Kelly himself you [Applause] to work and he hits BB first down and he stops the clock across the 30-yard line that is one fine pass he doesn't leaned it - that was right on the money [Music] at some point in his career Kelly can become a great player he really can't last chopped last year he was one of the very best but it this one is to read the ball 49ers recover Michael Walter has it and with it goes a lot of you [Music] now you get to see your breathing defects three pass rushers touch the screen Ronnie Harmon getting out of bounds at the 32 that was why choice she might have made another five or six yards more going up field but the timeout is much more precious at this point that time hull came out as a blocker he just ran right past a defender on the screen just looked right past him [Music] guns of all the BB was he in bounds yes at the 46 yard line 14 yard play burst now he's developing into a tough little receiver baby and you've got to respect his feed he's the fastest on the team Niners didn't have any number of players today caterer in particular [Music] they still have a lot of talent outside of the ministry when Thomas can't get to the satellite tackled at the 48 yard line San Francisco territory after a gain of five or six Walter and Brooks made the stop Michael Walter there is one of the unheralded players on a great team he just gets it done leads him in tackles and is always in the right spot well he's technically a purple quality player Kelly throws it over the head a Thomas says he was scrambling you have to account for people like Michael Walder on a football team he gives you a lot of mobility whose runs about a four seven forty he's bacon active a very bright guy but more important he has stamina resourcefulness and he can play in the entire season we rarely missing a play he knew everything he asked rush the passer February pass dumped off the Thomas water in and he's got him at the forty it is a first town for buffalo Walter's also proud to be an Oregon Duck Oregon had not been at a bowl game in 26 years won the Independence Bowl as that against Tulsa that will make a mod Rashad happy as well runs it out-of-bounds of the 40 no gain Giovanni Hartman should have made a block right there dick he had a chance to cut off the pursuit people he dodged that the defender who was past Russian not very nice Ronny - 15 left boy you got to pay the price Ronny that's all there is to it he had a big line man I admit but he had to make that block he just forced Kelly to run out of bounds that's something that we have learned in the last week out of the forty niners block downfield especially those wide receivers Milind said Jerry Rice's blocks on Taylor's touchdowns last Monday night highlight of his career [Music] underneath the read gain up about eight Romanowski the tackler and that'll take it down to the two-minute to timeout unless they really get a playoff in a big hurry no they're not going to be able to about it they've got everything it takes trying to come up with a big play no timeouts remaining we're in the final two minutes Thurman Thomas gets it to the 16 yard line fullest score here would help the bill just psychologically because they can be so depressed so frustrated take a win next week Kelly over the middle Harmon little reversal bouncing down he goes at the 8 yard line Kelly needs a quick score and then an onside kick yes they get into that don't waste a second almost a panic orphans it's almost a panic offense but Kelly's handled it very well this is a part of their game that's been very effective talking to Marv levy he's been concerned about their ability to score late in the game [Applause] for 150 there's a man open Thomas but he's out of the endzone no touchdown dick you asked about the time out a few seconds ago by the 49ers they were in a prevent defense being back down toward their own goal line and they had to get their regular defense in now this was no way could have been caught in bounds but it was a well-thrown ball Thomas just wasn't alert enough to the in line so third down and two Kelly under pressure throws it up for grabs and it's caught by San Francisco Jeff Brooks you complete determine Thomas who has taken control of the offense for the bills in the second half what a game he is happy now hurry up often late in the season Kelly had looked almost exclusively John very read when it got in trouble today his guys have gone back to Thurman Thomas especially here in the second half [Applause] a little short [Applause] vbz is it a receiver let's go back to Thurman Thomas coming out of the backfield Thomas able to run the ball so effectively but extremely quick and getting out of the backfield and then making good adjustments wide open on that play Mike Johnson coming up to try and make the tackle on him but he's avoids him very easily the screen to harm [Applause] one tackle still is good he's got the first down he got five six maybe seven yards on his own 45 yard line first down Carman a big play receiver and a big play runner used almost exclusively on liang long yardage situations and kelly quickly back [Applause] fancier booing they don't like the choice that but Carson has made here at Carson in essence is saying we're going to give you your niche for time on the clock they're still playing deep there's no opening room inside for Thomas will he go there yes right back all day and trying to strip that quick ball away in Matthews the first fan they're trying to jerk the arms away from that football but Thomas said hey you're not going to cover me let's get the football over here I can make some yards at the 34-yard line second down mashups hits on us Kelly to Thurman Thomas again slips a tackle to the sidelines you'll stop the clock goes to the 25-yard line he's got to be exhausted buck stop with 440 left to go that's a lot of time the margin is 10 point you see the gasping for air there Thurman Thomas has had a very hard second half a little screen play here right over the middle Thomas sees pressure inside gets away from one tackle by well quickly back to action Ronnie Hana same play as the first down and more inside the foul the hurry of Olga starting back 23 saves the touchdown three yard line 22 yards first down and goal but Carson is very unhappy with his defense right at this moment player down able to maintain their offensive edge first he'll go after three Thurman Thomas back in Kelly throws Kermit ours has it into the zone for the touchdown [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] almost 10 yards on the opening in haunted by the fact that they cannot get pressure on Kelly Roni Harmon on the receiving and again the hurry-up offense 45 SEC's on a year [Applause] first down it's a mess heartbroken and this kind of a drive before deep and good good tight coverage that he ran into and he couldn't get away from it same - and Kyle Cramer were there for the brown it figured they had hit them so short and so many times upfront they had to try deep Kelly tried it but there was no one there second in 10 [Applause] championship game steps away [Applause] whoa Ramar the rookie from Bowling Green could not grow the intersection have stirred down into back at the 42-yard line 146 level kramer getting playing time because of the injury to tony Blaylock an opportunity [Applause] bill successful under Oh steps away [Applause] down two down baby [Applause] 125 in County Lyons with the tackle no timeouts remaining gotta keep it alive that means that they're going to have to go to the side what's going on and the official stopped it here cause the Browns have taken a timeout you [Applause] he's in trouble - hi [Laughter] timid receiver and he was open and it was about a foot was again chasing him second and 10 at the 41 back quickly Kelly's showing you some good movement in that pocket buying extra time [Applause] bounced off the clock one minute purple was chasing them [Applause] Thomas you see him right there and breaking to the sideline again lots of room Matthews trailing from behind Harper number 23 bumps him out [Applause] [Music] even did not have a man clear that's the reason perhaps that Buffalo is really or did they have they call timeout right before they knew that's what they were doing they were hurrying up trying to cut down on their defensive changes with the hurry up off it's a no-huddle going to the audibles [Applause] Gogu good one [Applause] over the metalic there [Applause] clock is running the city is what a spike good boy that's what the rules put in for the whole chance to regroup cost you down and in reworking their defense the Browns have the Browns have put Minnifield back into the regular mix all right Modell well yes if your team was down to where it is right now and the score was what it is right there what [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it'll be third down [Music] no timeouts remaining downs for sure you go to the end zone now here those shorts Berlin Thomas Thomas has got the first the first down at the 11 they can spike again of course they say for Charlie keeps coming again stop the clock 14 seconds left no time Thomas has been unbelievable [Applause] you almost want to say where was Thurmond in the first step he has owned the second half did he miss the bus certainly got a late start but the second half of this ballgame has spectacular where the lave got to do get their hands on that football or shut down the bills in this last 14 seconds and this one is all over burnout is second down at dim because it was first down the spike to stop the clock and 14 seconds left [Applause] all three time there's one as a man [Applause] rhymin will make a difficult catch and then he'll drop an easy one it's been his history he just dropped a game-winning but it wasn't all that easy account not an easy catch but in this situation the great player makes the big play Harmon did not make it in that situation there down when Thomas is off on the right it is intercepted at the wine [Applause] with Don Smith green lined up on the same side in wine cheese picked our the titanium makes the catch it's a no-huddle offense right away as Jim Kelly wants him to get up to the line of scrimmage right away there's the front seven the rookie Matt van Derby it's the started linebacker he came to the team as a defensive line Thurman Thomas [Applause] of course it was oh man Tim richer as it was a lot of traffic and most of it was Buffalo Bills and Keith Taylor makes the stop on the play and let's check the rest of the coach defensive lineup as Thomas head back to the huddle in there nickel and dime situations Biff it becomes a down lineman gewd comes up there with Michael Ball and the secondary you see it there as the bills are going no-huddle right away and Brian Thomas makes the catch on first down and once again Kelly's going up there Chris the reason they're doing this this allows Kelly to cortisone game really this really doesn't even look like the Buffalo Bills offense that I recognize I thought they'd come out and try and establish the run they're running and shooting right now now it's Thomas with the wrong who an open field tackle by the safety mic prior when they started during this Chris was in the Cleveland playoff game last year remember they were so far behind at the fourth quarter and then they had to go with no huddle and it really worked and everybody thinks that Jim Kelly will check off from a run to a pass but quite often it's the other way they've been very happy with the way he's been calling his home Thomas gets it first down they haven't gone to a huddle yet Thomas will check out of the lineup right now this has been a busy guy he's winded more than anything else remember he hasn't played at all during the preseason and you know you get a little extra winded in the opening day to the nerves get to you a little bit so you get a little tired or a little more tired faster chilling squeezes into the count [Applause] he's out to the 45 yard line keep McKellar the great thing that Jim Kelly is able to do right now is he's keeping the the Indianapolis Colts in a set defense he looked left threw a left to the right there's no problem nice little hole in the zone hardly had time to breathe on second [Applause] yards and another first time the Keller is having a career already I here this afternoon and he's a little tired he's going to come over and get a little Gatorade the Bills having gone to a huddle yet they keep coming right back to the line of scrimmage and Kelly is red-hot as he finds Thurman Thomas do you think these fans like this type of offense around here this is something they've never seen out of the Buffalo Bills and right now they're making it look awfully easy out there and once again Jim Kelly's calling his own game right now there hasn't been a play come in from the line of scrimmage Thomas short game to the Wayne Fitbit makes the tackle block six-five 301 pounds absolutely destroying the defender and making that Blair possible once again now Kelly has him right up to the line of scrimmage Smith makes the catch up here another buffalo bill first down inside the 15 down to the 13 yard line yeah AFC beware Willie if the Buffalo Bills are going to be this impressive on offense the entire football season AFC beware and Indianapolis has to call on time on it's almost like a scene in the NBA Kelly is seven for seven Thomas [Applause] defense in a very basic defense and not make substitutions and it is working very well right now so that was a rare sight seeing the bills break out of the huddle first down and goal inside the ten very Killebrew in motion and was able to get there and recovers don't fumble but they'll lose some yardage back over the 15 back to the 18 yard line now you have to wonder why they're going back to the huddle things were going so smoothly for him in the no huddle they go back to the huddle and immediately begin to have problems ain't on that play Thomas in motion calendar stop is he worth his money you bet right off the top that's perfect eight for eight but its third and goal they're at the ten shotgun with Don Smith in the backfield with Kelly the Colts stopped them on the play the tackle has finally made by Eugene Daniel and so they'll have to settle for a field goal after they went down and looked like they're unstoppable this is it a girl fell for the boys offense I really have to question the decision there to go back to the huddle get out of the hurry-up offense it had been so effective all the way down the field it really gave the Colts defense a chance to relax a little bit out there and as soon as that happened they finally stopped the bills Scott Norwood set to attempt his first field goal 29 yard attempt last year 78% Frank Frank backup quarterback for Kelly holes this is for the early lead [Applause] on Sunday number one in the NFL Jim Kelly's putting some pretty good numbers up too and so is Thurman Thomas I mean smart plan running out of bounds like that kills the clock with 25 seconds left but Tim now you're seeing the result of the play calling by the Indianapolis Colts they get the football back at midfield they're already nearly in field goal position right here really have to question the play calling down their low snap on the shotgun [Applause] Kelly's going to set him right up again now we're going to go to the huddle with 19 seconds left they haven't been stopped yet in this no huddle offense Vancouver Joey until they started going to the huddle on that first drive on first and goal at the 10 if they got stuck killing [Applause] drop the rookie Alan Brandt as Kelly was tried to find Don Beebe who was tucked away in the corner of the endzone nice play by Alan Grant we talked to him yesterday and as you said earlier he seemed to be fairly relaxed though just gets his fingertips out there nice play it's always good to see a rookie come up with a play like that in his first game you know he's feeling good about that well the crowd is booing because we're 12 seconds left to go and on only second down the bills are going to kick the field goal 37 yard field goal attempt Norwood is 2 for 3 in the day you righteous and only one pass covering 51 yard with Albans leave by 23 Thurman Thomas first and Jim we talked about there's John Sandusky talking to Don Shula he is just a delightful man to be around I've known him for quite some time he had a picture in the paper with his young lineman the other day and he was just as proud as he could be golly working with a no-huddle for Andre Reed and it's incomplete skipped in [Applause] four minutes nine seconds left of the third quarter andre reed one of the players that Kelly's going to have to get the ball to to try to get this offense on track now Kelly from the 22 often good coverage in the secondary as well JP Brown was right there with help from Rodney Thomas leaving as frustrated as Jim Kelly that's why they call that a misdirection play gathered out his shotgun down by 30 as Thurman Thomas Sandy's under bounds at the 44 yard line [Music] and Maria knowing that that touchdown play was a good one he gives a touchdown and little let's go now let's watch number 78 Bruce Smith who's thinking the play is coming at him but he should know now they're not gonna run it in Galla with plenty of time gets you stopped with the original line of scrimmage James Williams Miami is giving the Buffalo Bills that played out they write the run to Andre Reed where he comes underneath they have stopped it : the entire game [Applause] long fellas second and nine now for the bills at their own 45 Kelly's got James Lockton and Watkins got a buffalo firs down at the 38 yard line team can be smarting from the loss last year I guess you could say it's the Miami Dolphins 31 to 17 at Buffalo because the pills just blew him off the ball 280 yards on the ground for the bills is Kelly over he shoots his back down again and in talking to the defense reported or Ahmad we were talking to Tommy Oliver Gotti at the Miami Dolphins he said without a doubt that was their worst game of the entire season well on the other side he talked the Buffalo and they say that was their best game so I mean and it showed in the score growing on second in ten Thurman Thomas hazard here the first down marker yard line and the dolphins now just trying not to give up that big play and in doing so finding that lose defense there's the Dolphins defensive coordinator [Applause] Smith showing the concentration to hang on to it little daddy's defenses if they're just playing loose trying to let them catch the ball underneath and then punish him with the tackle but they just want to give up the play give up one big play right away and let him score too quickly [Applause] he's in the grass sack of the day for the Miami Dolphins this one belong Mobley if you're home late coming with the Blitz you see Jim Kelly here looking downfield before he can get rid of this ball watch snippet ho bleep just come in put the pressure on he makes that sack Thurman Thomas Watson is the receiver that's responsible and good news for those fans Andre Reed is back in the game with four wide receivers on second and long Kelly's got read with a flag down the play it's complete the one-yard line [Music] it's number 22 his goal for the bill the dolphin one-yard line Killebrew [Music] dish sounds here they're gonna burrow in the backfield it's chin Abreu and the bills are on the board [Applause] crayon every now 32 another first down for a Thurman Thomas who continues to have a sensational night he's after the 47 it's already the second best game of his career on the ground and we are not even at halftime 145 yards for Thomas Kelly to Don Smith he's short of the first down by 2 at the jet 45 Thurman Thomas would like to become the second only to Roger Craig to go over thousand yards rushing and a thousand yards receiving let me do it tonight on second and two here's Thomas who breaks the tackle behind the line of scrimmage and turns a 2-yard loss into about a yard game it's going to be third and one at the 44 big play coming up here and they got to conserve their timeouts but now with the third and one knowing they had to picked up the first down they figured it's time to spend one meal I'm ready the third and one from the 44 and Thomas on a second effort may have picked up that one going to be a big as if they going to go for it they may just be trying to get the Jets to see you offside but no it's going to be Kelly on a sneak he's got it easily and he picks up the first down of the 41 and here is a very late flag personal foul against the Jets on earth puts Buffalo at the 27 remember they're down to one timeout of 26 seconds a little dump off the Thomas and he's tackled at the 28 that's a loss of one James hasty makes the stop and Buffalo will spend its last timeout and they may been a face mask all that was missed here now led words as well and the rock and goes to the right [Applause] [Music] give it to Thomas what this is a risky play to the 23 yard line and the clock continues to run now we get a stoppage of the clock because the officials will not let the clock run out as long as the jet players are on top well the bills are saying forget the field goal we're going down Kelly's gonna throw it they just do stop it I tell you ho ho ho boy and what will be the final play of the half [Applause] [Music] and this one is good you hey little offensively today to help their defense Kelly from the shotgun floods the defense with receivers stamped in and he's going to be in trouble as he's knocked out at the 20 again great coverage by Jim Doyle they're really ready defensive coordinator Wade Phillips has everybody tuned to what the bills are going to do right back to the line of scrimmage they go let's hear coming hard Kelly stands in Bhalla tip almost intercepted it down the field incomplete it will be third down Randy Robbins was right there with Thurman Thomas number 48 but this 4:7 defense that Denver is showing is giving Buffalo no opportunity to complete passes they're doubling every receiver Don it looks like the Broncos have 15 guys out there yeah Dublin everybody they're playing with 11 is Kelly on third down he needs 17 open man James Lofton first down bills out to the 41 yard line first down Kelly stands in rows it up the middle of the field he gets his men down sniff and then the Broncos compounding and really tattling today but the Broncos are in the prevent mode here they're going to make sure every reception is in front of a defender good points it'll be a big stick here is it wide open for the interception was Elliot Smith again had a man right where he had to be did staff the clock he's throwing on the run get him in a bad place from right in the hand ball is intended for Andre Reed and he was not open here's an up back then taken by down sniffles the pills take it down to the 40-yard line they go to their bag of tricks two seconds to play plenty of time no reason to rush or hurry it's not a bad idea though at the clock running in 45 seconds to play is an outlet panting Thurman Thomas takes his eye off the ball almost a good play to drop it believe it or not for this reason if it was defenders right there to nail him he's only gained about two yards and the incomplete stops the clock second down Kelly looks dumps it off to be able to get if he plays it right he did not stayed inbounds so the nfn on attendance virtually every year they're either at or near the top out pattern ball is caught look at that right put on by an angry Elliott Smith Elle Edwards drop the ball 16 seconds left belly down football stop they called Elliot Smith one-a-day in the spring in the summer drill he was catching so many interceptions he missed that one and now the bills get an incomplete cast with the 11 seconds to act Frank Reich it's not inconceivable he could get up and throw it third down 11 seconds left they go to the kick and Norwood this time drills it up and go you stay in the hunter whistles he stopped at the try [Applause] at the beginning of the show we said this was a key early game of the season 58 of the season for showing her he's going to be some of the better teams of the AFC East and it's still that way here in the fourth quarter [Applause] stop first my pardon the staff they'll go without a huddle again 945 left what you want to be doing and that's wasting any time in the huddle winter down this is a natural thing for that [Applause] Ellison was there as well great Alexander's had a big year for the Raiders as a pass rusher really has been kind of quiet left tackle for the bill [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first time [Applause] north and south that's that's where I gained my yards that's where the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh boy [Applause] yep they reading quickly [Applause] 116 to play in the first half deli an experienced veteran working calmly thumbs it off up the middle it's taken by Kenneth Davis inside the 25 yard [Applause] way because the tannin here is dead they come together under the system this is going to be a lot better day attack it dumps it off again Kenneth Davis and Marano he's inside the 50-yard line he's down to the crowd 53 seconds to play I'll Clifton makes the tackle again Kelly about that take the receivers you send them deep and you dump it over those running [Music] well the hands of James rockin second down comes up now for the bill they trail the Jets 2114 into the end zone and the bottom it was wide open [Music] the press off the hands of the killer needed to be he has become more aging before knowledgeable knows how to work a defense now field goal attempt you [Music] the number one defense in American Catherine's here's Kelly Lupo he has a man open but he can't get the connections to keep Mykelti lead the bills 27:24 could be the final drive for the bills if the ball is thrown down field Andre Reed sickening 10 Plagueis begin to shoot of the first down now power said I'm third and inches [Music] John Smith and now it's coming down in the last two minutes of this game two minutes to go Jets 27 bills 24 Kelly stands in makes the connection to Mets lives not for very much to job to the 47 yard line and it uses up time the one positive for these New York Jets is they have laid their way to a position where they got a chance to win this it's a doubleheader day on NBC Sports the Steelers in the 49ers are coming up on most of these stations is Kelly standing in at second down throwing to catch the next round and jets do well in cutting down the camp staff the crowd down to the portage job line a 13-yard gain on the play with a three-point lead Kelly on first down first down Buffalo and the clock continues to run do [Applause] by his crowd who keep the noise down since again on the shaft on the Jets Oh [Music] the Belgian wanted for the Jets and Joe month been able to pick it off [Music] he's trying to pull it down one hand and knocks it up in the air and killed Mott almost with the grass catch that goodie wouldn't be playing defense new big resection producers today for the Builder [Music] second down and ten long ball in the endzone James welcome to my channel and the clock has stopped with 57 seconds to play and third-down comes up for the bills this is a long field goal try into a swirling wind if the bill don't convert on his third down attempt and there's Norwood we missed one cannon close at this in not long ago at this point they've got to try to get a reception or get a play to get them down closer and try to go for the field goal just to tie this game up I don't think you see them throwing for the endzone at this we want to try to get in position to give your kicker a chance to [Applause] 26 yards with a bottle spotted now [Music] against the stands in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the game clock ticks down to 38 35 the bills alive second down and 10 they trail the Jets 27 to 24 five seconds to play in the game it's time he's in trouble he closed down [Applause] [Music] pick it up Kelly over the middle to Thurman Thomas and the zone defense of Cleveland ham CNN makes the knock down at the 38 yard line bills will align without a huddle now's the game clock is down inside a minute to play in the first half 56 seconds to play Eliane second and four is what they do take for the defense Gibson and Thurman Thomas gets us first down to the 45 and the bills let us keep running they've got two timeouts left [Applause] 35 seconds and running deleon over the middle pro and he's got his man [Applause] Bill's calling timeout the defense is kind of coming apart here and just rushed by Buffalo averaging just under each almost 80,000 here today [Applause] five seconds to play in the half basketball and Andre Reed makes the play at the 24 yard line grounds that time had seven defensive backs in the ballgame bills will try to get another playoff here just throw the ball down and stop the clock it's legal from a park 43-yard field goal the wife is the holding against Buffalo from the 35-yard line first down for the bills Kelly throws incomplete intended for Don Smith the other thing we should point out tonight if the Bills win this game they will clinch a playoff spot they will not of course clinch the division they won't Lynch at least a wild-card berth and in the NFC the Giants have already clinched at least a wild-card berth not the division they'll take on San Francisco next week here's the pass over the middle out to midfield it's caught by Thurman Thomas for a first down and the bills going with a no huddle often well here they go reminiscent of Cincinnati calling everything right up by the line of scrimmage 2:39 to go in the half as kelly retreats and interfering with Yeshe whoa absolutely ain't way late Dishman was all over him little dog same pattern that summer Thomas caught a moment ago coming across the middle this time dish and grapple defense [Music] no attempts to play the football Cris Dishman just going in and tackling Thurman Thomas you're going to be that close you better be making some sort of a some sort of an effort at the football that's going to bring the flag every time first and ten from the 44 it's time a nice move takes it down to the 41 yard line ran around difference there was such a nice move he couldn't keep his feet yeah this is really I think an excellent move by Buffalo going to the no huddle here at this stage of the half as the half wind on each team with its full complement of timeouts remaining it's caught in 235 by Lawson and he gets wrestled out about Richard Johnson making sure that James was not going to stray any further that takes us to the two-minute warning forward progress took walked into a 35 yard line they're a little short of a first down so a key third and one will be coming up when play resumes well I know some girls that would never listen on third and one it is Kenneth Davis who takes the ball to the 31 yard line he is stopped by Al Smith and Richard Johnson and it's a first down for Buffalo and they don't want to waste a timeout here they have all three clock continues to run 141 140 in Counting you haven't watched him Kelly much he's very good at managing the clock with the two-minute game and he agreed over the middle and Andre Reed takes you to the 18 yard line and a buffalo first down stop by Brown Andre Reed is the perfect receiver for a crossing pattern because of that exceptional upper body strength he has he's really I think suitably equipped to take that big shot you know you're going to get first insan' to the 18 yard line wide open his I'm Dre Reed how did Andre Reed ever get that open I don't think that Andre Reed thought he was that open he turned around and I think he thought he was in to get top he went almost to his knees and then was able to move it inside the 10 but he was wide open usually in this situation you can throw the ball in the middle when you can't throw it outside first and goal from the seven and it's incomplete let's toss the clock with 47 seconds I mean Andre Reed is a guy who gets doubled angel and he was opened by ten yards Thurman Thomas was saying what am i doing being covered by a defensive end that was william fuller out there running with it even here with a clock stop Buffalo will not go into a huddle find that a little strange dance a because that's the day you have the opportunity battle if you want to get there you got to like a referee though that miss please right good a good example to the youth of America please and thank you [Applause] [Music] from the 38-yard line three coming in side Kelly going to the back of the end zone and it's a touchdown and again it's Pete McKellar for games in the fourth quarter late severe they've had some miracle finishes first down Kelly throws and they begin this little hope for miracle with a pass to Smith and Don Smith goes all the way to the Houston 36 yard line boy is this guy really been a factor in this game Don Smith who really lives in the shadow of Thurman Thomas emerging here tonight we've you know this guy's got skills especially receiving skills out of the backfield but he's making an impact tonight for Buffalo 39 yard gain and no huddle first down at the 36 yard line Kelly going be Phoebe's out in front but he leaves him a yard too much oh that was six he'd gotten by Patrick Allen and he represents the speed for the Bard receivers the Buffalo Bills in that time Kelly just off the fingertips and he had him he was by Patrick Allen and Kelley led him to the outside perhaps if you'd let inside he might have had a better chance to get it second and ten Kelly throws it out to Ryu who gets taken out of bounds by Johnson and brown that's it's a great pass Reed was covered as well as you could never going to cover a wide receiver in that situation and Kelly just made him catch it that puts the ball at the [Applause] 29 yard line 607 remaining fourth-quarter 32 Kelly throws it's caught by Reed that's a first down he takes it to the 23 yard line look at Andre Reed I mean I here is the guy that's got a bad ankle been out of the game once or twice to go to the sidelines and he catches a pass like that and he caught it for first down yardage and yet rather than go down tries to stay alive and make something happen that guy could play on my team any day first down for the 23 yard line Kelly under a lot of pressure and Kelly gets taken down with the 22 yard line as the secondary did its job Johnny needs gets credit for the tackle Kelly not exactly reminding me of another number 12 at quarterback Brian Randall hardly a scintillating scramble thicker meanwhile there are the bills as Kelly has spread it around seven different receivers of clock balls tonight and doesn't for read second and eight over the middle juggle incomplete off the fingertips of Thurman Thomas bubble McDowell's P hit there is what kept Thurman from bringing that one in where Evan was just trying to pull the bobble ball in and he was really hammered by them down here it is right here the hit the ball and Thurman third and eight and it's caught by Smith at the tan in the first down as he takes it to the sixth stopped by Cunard for 45 remaining and looking ahead the Bills have all of their timeouts left it down by 10 they have a first and goal at the 6 even though they're not using the huddle what buffalo did there was take enough time away from the line of scrimmage to allow the Oilers to go ahead and substitute they're kind of defeating their purpose Kelly dumps it for Jamie Mueller and Mueller right there there is meant big tight end set forget put role in these situations and it is incomplete intended for metzelaars that's the license already scored a touchdown tonight doing his best to convince the officials with and they give it to Thomas who swings to the outside and gets in Thurman Thomas
Channel: Andy Provin
Views: 44,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buffalo Bills
Id: xyCxC1G_aZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 7sec (6187 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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